Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport Minutes of Evidence

Supplementary memorandum submitted by Professor Victor T C Middleton

  In our witness statement to the Select Committee we made the point that:

    "Whatever the acceptance of data deficiencies at the present time, we recognize that there is no likelihood in current circumstances that millions of pounds will be allocated annually to new data collection that sheds light on the visitor economy."

  When we appeared before the Committee on 29 January 2008 I sought to provide a practical indication of the level of resources that might be judged appropriate to statistical needs drawing on the work of the London Development Agency (LDA).

  Over the last three years LDA has invested quite heavily in tourism research. LDA did so because, although it has full access to all the available statistics of tourism, it concluded it could not rely on that data for its decision-making. Clearly LDA faces its own budget constraints yet it was willing to spend on management information. As a very rough guide, if the expenditure per capita in the LDA area were to be grossed up to the England population one would have an approximate annual expenditure figure based on current political and administrative reality rather than one such as the £7-8 million a year proposed by Allnutt but rejected politically as unrealistic.

  Of course the London region has its particular visitor economy realities and the particular need to focus on the Olympics in 2012 but all the other regions are grappling with the same basic management information issues in relation to their visitor economies. The issue is not about what surveys the LDA money was used for but the overall level of resources judged necessary to spend to underpin more cost-effective decision-making.

February 2008

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