Select Committee on Regulatory Reform Minutes of Evidence

Annex 1


  BRE Environment and Communities Team will have three broad modes of operation on Defra policy issues:

    (1)  Active.  This will mean engaging with a range of stakeholders on a given topic, researching it, meeting Defra officials, putting forward options and policy suggestions. Current examples are Climate Change and Marine Bill.

    (2)  Watching brief.  On issues of significance to business, perhaps where BRE has had previous active engagement. This will mean receiving papers, monitoring progress, perhaps attending occasional meetings to keep up to speed, and giving advice when asked. Current examples are Reach, Waste, Air Quality.

    (3)  Follow-up.  This will involve passing issues raised with BRE by stakeholders or other parts of Govt to the Defra BRU and/or policy teams for action or advice. Recent examples are "Implementation of s 15 of Commons Act 2006: new village greens"; "Draft Waste Management Plans for England and Wales"; sulphur in fuel oil.

  The number of issues in each category will change as priorities change—and having more issues in "active" will mean less resource for "watching brief. Where possible, BRE and Defra will seek to agree which topics are in the active or watching brief categories. The total number in category 1 will vary but will be small.

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