Select Committee on Defence Written Evidence

Memorandum from Export Group for Aerospace & Defence (EGAD)

  The Export Group for Aerospace & Defence (EGAD) welcomes the Treaty, and its associated aim of improving interoperability between the Armed Forces of our two countries. This aim is entirely consistent with meeting operational needs in current and future conflicts, and in reducing the risks which are created or exacerbated by the lack of true interoperability. We also welcome recognition of the role which Industry has, necessarily, to play in enabling that interoperability.

  We look forward to seeing the detailed implementing arrangements, and providing input to those areas which may be of concern to Industry, such as limitations on the scope of the Treaty and the regulatory interface between US and UK/EU legal requirements. This is a very significant step forward for the Armed Forces. Industry, on both sides of the Atlantic, must do everything possible to ensure that we are in a position to provide the essential support to both nations' Armed Forces in a manner which is much more streamlined than is currently the case, without materially diminishing the effectiveness of the counter-proliferation controls on which we all depend.

15 November 2007

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