Select Committee on Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills Written Evidence

Memorandum 9

Submission from SEMTA[13]

  Semta will be making a full response to the consultation on the Bill, and our understanding is that the Select Committee will receive a copy of this response as part of its inquiry.

  To assist the Committee, we therefore summarise the content of our response below, and would welcome the opportunity to take part in the inquiry as it progresses.


  1.  The ongoing role of Sector Skills Councils in developing and "owning" apprenticeship frameworks is not appropriately recognised in the Bill.

  2.  SSCs must retain the role of "certifying authority" if apprenticeships are to retain their value, employer-focus, coherence, and sector-relevance.

  3.  The ongoing role of Sector Skills Councils in advising on the specification of apprenticeship standards is not appropriately recognised in the Bill.

  4.  It is not clear how LSCs will be able to "secure availability of apprenticeship places" without compromising quality.

  5.  The wording of the clause on careers information, advice and guidance should be stronger, with schools and careers providers having to justify reasons for NOT advising on apprenticeship.

September 2008

13   Sector Skills Council for Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies Back

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