Memorandum 56
Submission from the Churches Main Committee
1. The Churches Main Committee is an ecumenical
body that brings together all the major churches in the United
Kingdom (and, because Churches Together in England is a member,
many of the smaller churches in England as well), together with
the United Synagogue: a note of our membership in England is annexed.
2. HEFCE's proposals to cease funding for
those undertaking training for a qualification equivalent to or
lower than one that they already hold presents particular problems
for theological educationas the Chairman of the Committee
himself implied during the recent debate on the proposals: see
HC Deb (2007-08) 8 January 2008 c 252.
3. The problem is that, increasingly, people
feel a call to ministry in mid-life after professional careers
in very diverse fields, with the result that a high proportion
of them will already have at least a first degree before beginning
training. The consequence is that, according to the best information
that we have, approximately 75% of those currently training in
Church of England colleges hold degrees equivalent to or higher
than those for which they are studying in order to qualify them
for ordination. For the Methodist Church the figure is approximately
40%; and it is likely that that experience is replicated across
the major churches. Moreover, those proportions are likely to
rise in future as the effects of earlier expansions of higher
education work through the system: there are now more graduates
in their 30s than there were 20 years ago simply because there
were more undergraduate university places in the 1990s than in
the 1970s.
4. HEFCE's proposals envisage exemption
for studies preparing people for socially-desirable occupations
and especially for studies that help to build social cohesion.
The Churches Main Committee would contend very strongly that training
for ministry, whether lay or ordained, should qualify for such
an exemption for various reasons.
5. First, good mutual understanding between
faiths is a crucial element in building social cohesion. This
has been recognised in a number of recent Government initiatives,
including the recent proposal for a national framework for teaching
religious education in schools, the announcement of the establishment
under the auspices of the Department of Communities and Local
Government of the Faith Communities Consultative Council, and
the establishment of the new Faith and Social Cohesion Unit by
the Charity Commission. We would argue that understanding between
faiths can only be built up by contacts and discussions between
people who have been properly educated in the faiths that they
profess. A dialogue of the ignorant will help no-oneand
that implies even greater efforts than at present towards high-quality
theological education both for clergy and laity.
6. Secondly, the vast majority of training
for the ministries of the Christian churches in England is carried
out in colleges that are associated with universities. This, in
our view, has two mutual benefits. Academic departments of religious
studies are able to draw on the particular expertise of staff
in their associated theological colleges to teach some of their
degree modules, particularly in specialist areas such as pastoral
studies and liturgy. In addition, the fact of studying within
the wider context of a secular university helps the rounded formation
of the candidates themselves, exposing them to the views of othersof
all faiths and noneand preventing them from concentrating
too narrowly on the purely "professional" side of their
training. It also means that they benefit from a wider range of
teachers with a wider range of expertiseand a wider range
of views. We would agree entirely with the House of Bishops of
the Church of England that to isolate candidates for ministerial
training into narrowly-focused seminaries would do no service
at all to social cohesion.
7. Thirdly, ministers of religion who are
doing their jobs conscientiously are themselves agents of social
cohesion. Unlike most professional people they almost invariably
live where they are called to serve. The result of this is that
in deprived inner-city areas the local clergy (of whatever denomination)
may be the only educated professionals living in the locality;
and that, in itself, gives them an important social role quite
separate from their religious one.
8. If as a result of HEFCE's proposals universities
seek to charge higher university fees for ministerial students,
the impact of the change on ministerial training is going to be
quite considerable and felt right across the denominations. For
the reasons set out above we would ask that ministerial training
should be exempted from the proposed changes.
January 2008
Apostolic Church
Assemblies of God in Great Britain and Ireland
Association of Grace Baptist Churches (SE)
Baptist Union of Great Britain
Church of Christ Scientist
Church of England
Churches Together in England
Congregational Federation
Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance
Evangelical Alliance
Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
Free Churches Group
General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great
Independent Methodist Churches
London City Mission
Lutheran Council of Great Britain
Methodist Church
Moravian Church
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales
Salvation Army
Seventh-Day Adventist Church
United Reformed Church
United Synagogue