Memorandum 35
Submission from Professor A D Aylward,
Head, Atmospheric Physics Laboratory, University College London
I have been hearing some strange statements
to the Committee that effectively try to pretend there was very
little effect this grant round.
Coming from a group that had 50% cuts between
original grant committee allocation and post CSR cuts and
knowing at least two other universities where that was also the
case, I find these statements difficult to reconcile with experience.
The grants committeethe AGP in STFChad
a list prior to the cuts of the grants that were going to be awarded
in December 2007 (we know because when we were sent our grant
announcement they sent both the pre-CSR award and the post-CSR
award figureswe were cut 75% and we know others who were
cut worse).
It would be interesting reading to find out
overall what the REAL result of the CSR cuts was on grant announcements.
Mike Cruise from Birmingham was the Chair of
the AGP during this process. Could he be asked to release both
It might be interesting to see STFC explain
the lists in light of the comments they have previously made to
your Select Committeand indeed statements that have been
made on the floor of the House.
February 2008