The funding landscape
125. A common criticism made to us of the RDD&D
funding landscape was that it was both overcrowded and lacking
clarity.[133] This
concern was summed up by the Renewable Energy Association:
It is very difficult for all but the most informed
observers to understand the remit of each [funding body], where
they differ and where they overlap.[134]
126. There are benefits to be gained from having
a range of funding agencies. For example, as Professor Peter Bruce
commented, "with a single body, you can have a uniformity
of view, whereas if you have a number of bodies, they tend to
occupy different parts of the landscape".[135]
However, critical for any funding landscape is that applicants
can easily identify the organisation best placed to meet their
needs. The evidence we received suggests this is not currently
the case.
127. In reviewing the funding available for energy-related
research, the Energy Research Partnership (ERP) recommended that
the Government establish a "linear supply chain" of
research funders.[136]
Essentially a national programme for energy-related research,
the chain would comprise 'the Research Councils at the front end,
the Energy Technologies Institute in applied research and the
Environmental Transformation Fund at the tail end in terms of
128. Although we agree that the funding landscape
requires clarification, we do not believe the concept of a "linear
supply chain' is appropriate. As pointed out by the Minister,
"there is never a final chapter to a technology"[138],
and technologies may require support from funders in different
'spaces' in the landscape at the same point in time. To take PV
systems as an example, first generation products are commercially
available at the same time that basic research is being conducted
into third generation nanotechnologies.
129. We find the funding landscape for energy-related
RDD&D to be complex. We recommend that the Government review
the role of each funding organisation, and that these roles be
clarified and defined. Further, we recommend that the Government
develop a strategy for communicating the remit of each funding
body to the UK RDD&D community.