Annex: Abbreviations
ACDP Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens
ATAS Academic Technology Approval Scheme
ATCSA Anti-terrorism Crime and Security Act
BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
Research Council
BSA Biological Safety Adviser
BSO Biological Safety Officer
FMDV Foot and Mouth Disease Virus
CL Containment level
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Regulations 2002
CTSA Counter-Terrorism Security Adviser
Defra Department for the Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs
DSTL Defence Scientific and Technical Laboratories
DIUS Department for Innovation, Universities
and Skills
FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office
GMO(CU) Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained
Use) Regulations 2000
HEI Higher Education Institution
HPA Health Protection Agency
HSE Health and Safety Executive
IAH Institute for Animal Health
ISTR Institute of Safety in Technology
and Research
MOD Ministry of Defence
MRC Medical Research Council
NaCTSO National Counter-Terrorism Security Office
NIMR National Institute for Medical Research
RCUK Research Councils UK
SGM Society for General Microbiology
SAPO Specified Animal Pathogens Order 1998
UKCMRI UK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation
USGAO US Government Accountability Office
VLA Veterinary Laboratories Agency