be published as HC 640-iii
House of COMMONS
Monday 3 November 2008
Evidence heard in Public Questions 223 - 269
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Oral Evidence
before the Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills Committee
on Monday 3 November 2008
Members present
Mr Phil Willis, in the Chair
Mr Tim Boswell
Mr Ian Cawsey
Dr Ian Gibson
Dr Brian Iddon
Mr Gordon Marsden
Witnesses: Mr Mike O'Brien, MP, Minister
of State, Mr Michael Sugden, Project Manager Waste and Decommissioning,
and Dr Nicola Baggley, Director Nuclear Strategy, Department of Energy
and Climate Change, gave evidence.
Q223 Chairman:
I welcome our witnesses to this, the final session, in one of our case studies
which have been looking at nuclear engineering as part of a broader inquiry
looking at the future of engineering in the UK. We welcome in particular Mr
Mike O'Brien, the Minister of State, and we welcome you to your new post.
Mr O'Brien: Thank you.
Q224 Chairman:
It is
good to see you, supported by Mr Michael Sugden, the project manager for waste
and decommissioning. Welcome to you and
Dr Nicola Baggley, the director of nuclear strategy at the Department for
Energy and Climate Change. Could we also
extend a very warm welcome to the Royal Society Fellows who are part of the
pairing scheme this week. We are
delighted to have you within our Committee this afternoon and we fully expect
to see you here on Wednesday morning as well, otherwise we will regard it as a
dereliction of your duty. Minister,
nuclear engineering is clearly now very firmly on the Government's agenda with
a challenge of building up to eight nuclear power stations by 2023, some as
early as 2017/2018. What we would like
to know from you first of all is where does nuclear engineering fit into the Government's
thinking? Is it just your
department? How is it approached across Government?
Mr O'Brien: The whole way in which we
develop nuclear power is going to be crucial to the country. It deals with some of the issues around
climate change, the security of energy supply and the issue of
affordability. What we are conscious of
is that in terms of building up the capacity to develop nuclear power what we
need to have are the skills and the workforce to do it.
Q225 Chairman:
we do not have them.
Mr O'Brien: We have 50,000 of them, so we
do have some. At the moment one of the difficulties of course is that the modal
age of some of them is now getting on.
We also have a significant agenda in terms of decommissioning, clean up,
new build, defence and it is a broad agenda.
Not only that; we are operating in a global employment economy where we
have other countries who will be competing for much of this skilled labour
here. The UAE and Jordan recently made
some announcements.
Q226 Chairman:
will come on to the issue of where we are going to get the skills from but what
I am interested in as a starting point is who discusses this whole issue of
nuclear engineering across Government, or is it just purely your
Mr O'Brien: It would be ourselves and
BERR, Lord Mandelson's department, who would discuss it with us and it is all
part of the skills agenda that they are running. We would be involved in that and, of course,
the DWP in the sense of work; but also of course the universities and schools
are absolutely crucial in this. In terms
of where it sits with Government, we would be the lead department to ensure
that we get delivery of the nuclear agenda.
In terms of who would also be involved, a whole series of other Government
departments, particularly education and universities would have a crucial part
to play and BERR in terms of developing the broader skills agenda.
Q227 Chairman:
there a structure within Government that you lead where all the different
departments have representatives, where you have a common structure, a common
goal, or is nothing formalised?
Mr O'Brien: There is a clear Government
strategy in relation to both skills and nuclear. Developing that is part of the Government's
objective. Ministers constantly meet to
talk through some of these issues both on an ad hoc basis and more
generally when we are discussing issues around the skills agenda. Within Government there is the capacity for
ministers to regularly discuss this.
Q228 Chairman:
would agree with you there is clearly the capacity. The question is does it happen?
Mr O'Brien: It does happen. Indeed, it has happened very recently when
ministers have had discussions on this and particularly on the nuclear
agenda. Because we have quite a
significant policy development that has taken place now over the last few years,
certainly with BERR, it has been one of the key priorities that they have had
in the last couple of years. There has
been a widespread discussion, as you know, across Government on the whole
issue. In terms of where would
engineering fit and where would the issues around the skills in engineering fit
into the wider setup of Government, Cogent and the skills council there has
been tasked with drawing up a skills assessment, a sort of stock and flow
assessment, of what there is now, not only in terms of the capacity for new
build, the current need, decommissioning and also MoD needs, but also where we
are now and how we go forward. That will
then become the responsibility of ourselves and other Government departments to
Q229 Chairman:
appreciate that you are very new in this post and perhaps your colleagues will
help you out. It is a huge agenda to
produce at least one nuclear power station on the ground by 2017. To produce eight of them by 2023 requires more
than these loose connections between different departments. It is the engineers who are going to deliver
this. It is not going to be
politicians. Where is the
structure? If it does not exist, then
just say it does not exist.
Mr O'Brien: There are a number of
structures. One is in terms of policy
development. Another is in terms of
delivery, so the Office for Nuclear Development has been set up in terms of
delivering the whole nuclear agenda.
That operates across Government departments. I am not sure I quite understand whether you
are asking me if there is a Government policy capability. There clearly is.
Q230 Chairman:
know you have a policy; it is how you deliver it.
Mr O'Brien: In terms of delivery, it sits
within the Office for Nuclear Development as a delivery mechanism which is
responsible to DECC and answers to
me through the department and then to other ministers.
Q231 Mr
Boswell: That is very helpful. You will forgive us because we are not
familiar with the details of this either.
Essentially, from the centre - that can be from Number 10 down,
including all ministers - if there is concern about the timing of this or any
worry about slippage, it will be the OND who reports on it and does any
progress chasing of any of the delinquent departments or other policy areas
that may be required.
Mr O'Brien: The straight answer to that
is yes.
Q232 Mr
Boswell: Somebody is going to crash this through if
that is what you need to do.
Mr O'Brien: Yes. The OND has a cross-departmental
responsibility for ensuring delivery of the agenda, but in a sense it is not
the policy forum. It is the delivery
Q233 Chairman:
Nicola, you were nodding your head so
vehemently there that I think we will give you the option to say something
Dr Baggley: The OND was launched formally
in the middle of September. It very much
sits within DECC. We report up to Mike and it is very much
envisaged as the one stop shop for nuclear.
One of our key aims is to facilitate new build. We very much see it as a step change from the
old nuclear unit which sat within BERR's energy directorate on a number of
fronts. One of those which I think is
most pertinent to this Committee is a renewed focus on the supply chain and
skills agenda. Back when the White Paper
first looked at the barriers to bringing on new build in the UK, the skills and supply chains
were identified as an issue but were very much felt to be something the market
would address. In the last few months I
think we have had a step change.
Ministers have asked us to focus on what more we should do to make sure
it is not an issue. We were only
formally launched in September. It is
very much a new focus for us alongside the other facilitative actions that were
set out in the White Paper. At the same
time that the Office was launched the Nuclear Development Forum was also
launched and that is a Secretary of State chaired forum of people from
industry, but also cross-departmental, so representatives attend from the MoD. There is a number of departments which are
interested in the nuclear agenda. The
Forum is very much for us to hear directly from senior members of industry what
the challenges are to delivering our programme but also for them to hold us to
account to ministers for delivery. It is
not a formal Forum; it is non-advisory, but it is just useful. We have only had one meeting so far but the
skills agenda was very much raised as an issue.
We plan to discuss that at the next meeting which we are hoping to
schedule in the New Year.
Q234 Mr
Boswell: Can you say a bit more about the project
management skills of this? It had a
background in my own constituency and I am conscious that we took radar from an
invention in 1935 to a completely fully fledged home defence system in four
years, which required a really prodigious effort to get it done. In this case you are not the contractor, you
are not building in-house and you need to see contractors. Can you just say a bit more about what we
might almost call business skills that will identify bottlenecks and so forth
that we need to address?
Dr Baggley: Certainly. Do you mean within the wider new build
programme or the skills?
Q235 Mr
Boswell: I meant within the wider programme.
Dr Baggley: The OND is partially modelled
on the shareholder executive to the extent that we have brought in secondees
from the private sector to complement the existing Civil Service skills. My unit, the strategy unit, is a new unit
that did not exist within the old nuclear unit.
One of my main areas, aside from sitting over the supply chain and
skills arena, is what we call programme integration. Although we have existing project plans and a
timetable, we feel now is the time to revisit that and make sure that we know
where we are trying to get to, what we are trying to achieve, what we need to
do to get there and revisit all our facilitative actions but also look more widely. Is there something else we should be focusing
on - for example, the National Grid? We
also need to know more clearly what decisions industry needs to take, by when
and what we need to have delivered for, for example, the next stage of
Q236 Mr
Boswell: It is the critical path?
Dr Baggley: It is the critical path. In doing that, one of the secondees we have
brought from the private sector is supporting us in that work. He has had 40 years' experience building,
operating and decommissioning power stations in the US.
We have also the support of our professional, in-house project centre
which is an internal project management centre of expertise.
Q237 Dr
Gibson: Why eight nuclear power stations? Where does that figure of eight come from? Is it hard and fast?
Mr O'Brien: No. What we are looking at is how we can get a
number of nuclear power stations going.
Whether we get to the target we are aiming for will depend on a number
of factors. You have already seen the
significant announcement of EDF and British Energy which suggests we will get
some development fairly quickly. By "fairly
quickly" we are talking about 2017/2018.
Q238 Dr
Gibson: It is not in tablets of stone?
Mr O'Brien: It is an objective that the Government
Q239 Dr
Gibson: Do you think the UK nuclear industry will be
able to build these nuclear power stations given that it has its military
presence and job and it has a bit of decommissioning to do on the side which is
more than five or ten minutes? How are
these wonderful people going to do all that?
Mr O'Brien: We have to make sure we have
the skills capacity in order to deliver that.
That is why we have set up Cogent.
We have the National
Skills Academy
for Nuclear and that is helping to develop not only the capacity in universities
with degrees - Masters degrees in particular - developing some funding for that
and bringing in the private sector as well to ensure that is there. I know you have already heard from some
academics about it. I have read the
evidence. You will know too they took
the view that there was the ability to get the levels of skills required but it
will not be easy. There is a lot of
effort going to be required. That is not
just going to be done by Government. It
has to be done by the private sector and by universities and schools as well.
Q240 Dr
Gibson: The generic design assessment process
complicates it further. Will you be on
time with that as well?
Mr O'Brien: We believe we can be. There are some issues around skills capacity
there. In order to carry out the
assessment we need some highly skilled people.
We have a number of the people from the Nuclear Inspectorate who have
been seconded to that, eight, and we probably need about 20 in all. We have to develop that skills group.
Q241 Dr
Gibson: Are you going to hire them in like when you
were in immigration? Are we going to
have to bring people in from France and Germany? Will you be allowed to?
Mr O'Brien: There are some areas where
obviously it would be inadvisable, particularly in terms of defence, to bring
in people from abroad, but there are other areas where, if we are looking at
new build in particular, we have EDF involved which obviously is not a UK
base. We would have to look at who was
coming in and what they were able to provide that we needed. We would look carefully at who was involved
in what area but the straight answer to the question is yes, there would be
circumstances in which we would be prepared to bring in skills.
Q242 Dr
Gibson: You will have to scout for them. You will have to find the Chelsea stars.
Mr O'Brien: We would rather build up our
domestic capacity. In terms of the
skills situation, we currently have 50,000 people who have some skills in the
industry as a whole. Because we have the
substantial expansion of nuclear, not just civil but also military, we need to
ensure that we have the capacity to deal with both of those areas in the
future. That does require quite a
significant future development and that is why we are putting some Government
funding in. We are also looking to the
private sector, Cogent and the National
Skills Academy
for Nuclear to develop that.
Q243 Mr
Cawsey: We know there is going to have to be home
grown talent and we will need more to meet these targets that are being
set. Do you have any feel for what the
balance is going to be between what we have in the home grown UK sector at the
moment and what we will need to bring in to achieve the Government's
Mr O'Brien: There is no reason to believe
that we need to bring in any significant levels from abroad. I hesitate very slightly on that because my
concern is not so much that we could not produce the levels of skill in this
country that we will need going on for the next couple of decades. I think we are quite capable of doing that
but there will be other demands from other countries who will be paying quite
substantial sums to get exactly those skills.
I have already mentioned to the Chairman about the Middle East and other
areas of the world and indeed the United States now who are developing
their own nuclear programmes. We are
likely to see some competition there for skills. My only hesitation there is we may develop
the skills here but we will need to make sure that we have the interest and the
funding, the salaries and the good conditions, that will keep them here.
Q244 Mr
Cawsey: Do you think we have perhaps shot ourselves in
the foot slightly in that regard? There
has been some criticism of the way that BNFL has been broken up over the years. I think it was the Institute of Physics who
said that BNFL provided a strategic view on UK skills and expertise and that
the UK has now lost its strategic thought and leadership as well as the source
of funding for industrial research. Are
you concerned that we have the capability now of ensuring we develop the skills
in this sector?
Mr O'Brien: We were aware of the need to
ensure we kept some of those skills, which is why we are setting up the
National Nuclear Laboratory and bringing together some of those old skills from
BNFL, but also adding to them with new skills that we hope will help not just
that particular group of people but the wider nuclear industry.
Committee suspended from 4.33pm
to 4.43pm for a division
in the House
Q245 Mr
Cawsey: We were talking about the need to ensure that
we have the right skills to meet the Government's aspirations. There is an acceptance that obviously the UK
is not the only country going through this process. There is a limited number of people in the
international market place. Other
countries will be trying to get some of the same people that we would like to
get to come to the UK. What are you
going to do to ensure we can successfully compete to get those people into the
UK so that we can meet our targets?
Mr O'Brien: The first thing is the matter
of keeping people who are highly skilled here.
In the end, it is going to be to a significant extent up to the private
sector to pay the sorts of salaries that will keep those highly skilled people
in the country. We can train them. We can create the university courses and the
skills training in colleges and so on that will bring these people out in a
condition where we have the skills we need, but then we have to keep them in
this country. We have to pay them. Therefore there is going to be a demand. There are going to be other countries
competing for these skills and they are, to a significant extent,
transferable. I think the private sector
recognises the need to fund that. We
have a particular issue within Government that in a sense illustrates your point,
which is that there is a transfer to some extent from the MoD to the private
sector at the moment because of salaries.
The MoD are looking at that and looking to address it. We are aware that in probably five years to a
decade there is going to be quite a push to get this skills cohort. We need to make sure that we are able to fund
keeping those people who we train in this country.
Chairman: With respect, you have not
said a single thing about what you are actually going to do, other than that
you are going to do it.
Mr Cawsey: The market will do it.
Q246 Chairman:
that it?
Mr O'Brien: The question from Ian was are
we going to be able to keep those people essentially in this country. The answer to that is yes, we are, providing
we pay them the amount that keeps them in this country.
Q247 Chairman:
is it? We are going to have to pay them
Mr O'Brien: Yes. We are going to have to pay those who are of
sufficient quality to stay in this country.
There is no other way of keeping them.
They have transferable skills and there is a free market out there. If you are asking me how do we make sure we
have them in this country in the first place, I can set out very clearly for
you how we are going to do that, but once they are qualified to some extent,
unless they have some sort of honorarium from a particular company that
requires them to stay in the UK, they will be able to transfer elsewhere.
Chairman: This is a key issue.
Q248 Mr
Marsden: To bring us back to where we are now, we know
from the evidence that we have received from Cogent and the Nuclear Skills
Academy that we have substantial deficits and skills shortages at NVQ levels
two and three now. We also know that
over the next 10 to 15 years the demographic changes in this country are going
to give you a smaller and smaller cohort of younger people potentially to fill
some of those areas. Given that is the
case, what are you going to do to address the skills shortages at levels two
and three?
Mr O'Brien: The key thing that we need to
do is to make sure that we are encouraging people to have interest in science,
technology, mathematics and some of the key areas that we need to train them
in. That is why the skills sector has
already mounted a quite significant project to extend these stem skills in
schools. Secondly, we have to make sure
that we have the capacity in the colleges and in employment to teach. Thirdly, we have to make sure we have the
apprenticeship schemes. As you know, we
have set out the community apprenticeship schemes and also the expansion of
apprenticeships across the nuclear industry which is being very much
co-ordinated by the National
Skills Academy
for Nuclear. They are trying to develop
that whole strategy. They have a clear
programme of developing that. In the
end, it is going to be about making sure that we have the universities as well
that will in due course be able to provide the higher level skills that people
will aspire to achieve.
Q249 Mr
Marsden: That seems to me to be all very well and good
and encouraging as far as it goes, but you have not said a single thing in
there about how you might reskill or upskill some of the people in the industry
at the moment. I repeat the point that I
made earlier: given that you are going to have a much smaller cohort of younger
people, should you not be thinking about doing more in that area now?
Mr O'Brien: We are thinking about that
through Cogent. Cogent is already
examining how we upskill some of those who are already in the industry to make
sure that within employers some of the training that they provide and the
access they give for further training outside the workplace is given a higher
level of priority by the nuclear industry itself. I accept your point that there will be a
narrower cohort of young people coming through.
All we are doing is giving higher priority to that cohort and ensuring
that the stem issues are given a much greater priority in terms of the
delivery, not only in schools but in colleges, and that in due course employers
are creating the ability to encourage their employees to go and do the
upskilling that we need for the future.
Q250 Mr
Marsden: There is also an issue, is there not,
Minister, about the diversity within the workforce? I am very encouraged that you have Nicola
with you as a concrete demonstration of that diversity within your own
department but the fact of the matter remains that out there not only is the
workforce, as you said, very old; it is very male dominated and it is not very
ethnically diverse.
Mr O'Brien: You are quite right that
because of the nature of that employment going back 20 years it recruited
people who were predominantly male and are now in their forties and fifties
very often. What we are trying to do is
encourage employers to recruit more broadly. We need to make sure that not only in terms of
recruiting more women but also ethnic minorities it is more diverse. Employers have certainly got the message -
that is what they tell us - that developing a wider skill base is important to
them because, if they do not, they end up focusing on the group of people that
they have recruited up to now and they will not be in a position to get the
breadth of skills that they need.
Q251 Mr
Marsden: Mr Sugden, could I ask you a quick couple of
questions about your particular area which covers decommissioning? That is of particular interest to me because
I have just down the road from my constituency the Springfield decommissioning
plant. Interestingly, we had a slight
conflict of view from two of our witnesses previously. The University of Central Lancashire said
they thought there would be competition for talent within the sector between
decommissioning and new build. The Royal
Academy of Engineering however tended to downplay the problems or issues
regarding getting people in to do decommissioning and said, "... there is no
urgency requiring the diversion of nuclear engineering expertise to the task of
decommissioning." Which of them is
Mr Sugden: Both of them in a way.
Mr O'Brien: You are virtually asking a
political question. I think it is better
directed towards me rather than to an official.
In terms of decommissioning, we will be seeing the NDA publishing
tomorrow how it is going to develop its skills base, what it says it needs, and
we are hoping that that will set out in some detail the answer to your
Q252 Mr
Marsden: Whatever balance is struck, will that again
take on board the issue of reskilling within the industry as well as recruiting
from outside it in terms of decommissioning?
Mr O'Brien: It will. The whole industry is conscious that it has a
major task in that upskilling of its current workforce as well as reskilling,
so developing a whole new skill capacity amongst some of the current workforce
and bringing in new people will be essential if we are to deal with the gap
that we can all see coming. To be fair,
of all the areas of energy that I deal with at the moment, the nuclear area is
the one area where I think there is a clear understanding of the nature of the
problem and an agenda that has been set out to deal with it. If we were talking about some of the other
areas, I would have some more concerns but this is an area where the nuclear
industry and the academic side of nuclear interest are very conscious of this
problem and are ensuring that we put together a clear strategy for dealing with
it. We have not really gone into some of
the things that are happening, the way Cogent is developing its analysis of
what is needed across the whole piece, the way the National Skills Academy for
Nuclear is working with employers and Government and others to set out a clear
strategy for dealing with this and for delivering it. Broadly, I am content that, yes, there is a
problem - no one is complacent about it - but there is a grip on this problem
from both the Government and indeed from the wider industry.
Q253 Mr
Boswell: My question is about the co-ordination of the
different players in pursuing this skills initiative which we are now focusing
on. You have the National Nuclear
Laboratory whose job as I understand it is to preserve the critical skills
needed looking forward, new programmes; yet, its funding is only going to come
from the existing customers. Does that
create a contradiction?
Mr O'Brien: It is about making sure that
we do not lose some of the BNFL skills.
That was the initial thing. We
have some skills here; and let us not lose them, and then there was the
thought: now we have that, can we do more with it? Can we create a National Nuclear Laboratory
that everyone can utilise with these skills?
We have brought in Government funding and funding from other sources in
order to try to create a laboratory with capacity for research and information
that can have more general application.
It would be wrong to see this as the only source of that sort of
knowledge. It is not, and there are
other private sector organisations and organisations in the public sector that
also have a lot of that knowledge and employ people, including in
universities. Am I concerned that those
are the only sources of funding? We
would like to broaden the funding but at the moment what we also have is a
certain number of people that we can bring into this organisation and I think
in the future we would be looking for more funding from outside but not at the
Q254 Mr
Boswell: To put it more crudely than if I had time to
make it diplomatic, is there any question of an entry fee for outside interests
that might want to come in to build power stations?
Mr O'Brien: There are always going to be
entry fees but not particularly in terms of this.
Q255 Mr
Boswell: Just to pursue the various players in this
orchestra: the National Skills Academy for Nuclear, the National Nuclear
Laboratory, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Cogent, the Royal Academy of
Engineering as the professional guardian of standards and of focus, the
universities you mentioned and then the new Nuclear Institute which is going to
be formed out of the Institution of Nuclear Engineers and the British Nuclear
Energy Society. You have added in two
new bodies as well which I have not put down this purpose: the Office for
Nuclear Development and the Nuclear Development Forum. How on earth is the Government going to
conduct this particular orchestra, make sure it is all playing in tune and gets
to the end of the piece at the right time?
Mr O'Brien: Because we have set up the
OND, the Office for Nuclear Development, it is their job in a sense to ensure
that the conducting of the orchestra is done in a way that produces the tune
that we want.
Q256 Mr
Boswell: They are in the driving seat?
Mr O'Brien: They are essentially there to
make sure everything works effectively.
I demur slightly from being in the driving seat, they do not directly
control companies or anything like that.
It is their job to say, "This is where we are. That is where we want to be. This is how we get there." If somebody is going off at the wrong angle,
then we tell ministers and ministers will have the job of pulling them back.
Q257 Mr
Boswell: A light touch, I hope.
Mr O'Brien: Yes.
Q258 Mr
Boswell: You will know the Committee has just been in
China and Japan very interestingly and of course those countries have very
different histories and social structures, but they do seem to have the common
theme of being relatively more straightforward and simple in all this. Is there anything we can learn from
that? Do we have the ideal structure
given our personal history or is there a degree of rationalisation which
somebody - the OND or ministers - might actually seek to promote to make it
Mr O'Brien: We have looked at this
relatively recently and hence we have set up the Nuclear Development Forum to
bring together everyone into one body which can hold to account the development
of the nuclear agenda and then reporting it to ministers who then report to the
Forum is the Office for Nuclear Development.
In a sense, we have looked at this but if you are asking, "Is there
never a capacity for greater rationalisation?"
I am sure there is. I think the
way to do this would be through discussion with people on the Forum rather than
trying to suggest that we need to stop some of the initiatives that are going
on at the moment because there is some quite good work going on in terms of
developing the skills agenda at the moment in particular and developing academic
work in universities. I think we could
do more in universities at the moment.
Q259 Mr
Boswell: Part of this of course is about the public
credibility of these programmes as to whether they are going to happen or
not. Are you also giving thought to
using the Forum as the vehicle for producing a situation report for lay people
and indeed commentators outside Government to have some sense that there is an
onward progress, even if perhaps there is not too much to see for it on the
ground on day one?
Mr O'Brien: I am not sure the Forum is
the right place or organisation to do that report. I think probably the OND is because they have
the responsibility of doing that and keeping Parliament updated. The Forum is really an opportunity for the
various Government departments and the main outside stakeholders involved to
come together and hold to account ministers and the OND for what has happened
or what has not happened. It is not
really a reporting organisation in that sense.
I think probably, in terms of reporting, it would be (a) the OND and (b)
Q260 Dr
Iddon: The Government's hope is for Britain to become
again the leading nation in nuclear engineering. Bearing in mind that we are going to be
importing French and American designed reactors with the possibility that they
will bring in their own engineers who know that plant better than ours, do you
think that Government hope will be realised?
Mr O'Brien: Yes, I do. Although it is
certainly true that the French will bring in knowledge that they have and no
doubt the Americans will in due course and others, we know that they will want
to have the ability to use the people and the knowledge that we have as
well. We also hope that there will be
other players in the market who will be producing nuclear power and therefore I
think there will be plenty of demand.
There will not be a shortage of demand for the skills in nuclear. Will we be importing some of the knowledge
from France and America? Yes, we will import their knowledge and we
will use that knowledge to generate power in this country for people here. That is all to the good. I do think that companies like EDF and others
will want to have people who are able to run their power stations who have been
trained here as well. They are not just
going to want to import all the knowledge from abroad.
Q261 Dr
Iddon: The Government last week nailed itself to the
80 per cent reduction in CO2 mast under extreme lobbying of course
from Friends of the Earth and others.
Mr O'Brien: The new department took a
decision and convinced them to support us.
Q262 Dr
Iddon: That is the Government answer.
Mr O'Brien: I congratulate those who also
lobbied for it.
Q263 Dr
Iddon: That is by 2050 of course. Bearing in mind that we are going to be
closing a substantial number of our existing reactors down during the next two
decades, do you think that nuclear power is going to play a significant role in
getting that 80 per cent target met?
Mr O'Brien: Yes. It must.
We have 15 per cent electricity generated from nuclear, a drop from 90 per
cent four years ago. We are going to see
a number of nuclear power stations coming off production over the next few
years. We have to replace those. We have a big renewables programme. That is not capable of itself of replacing
the capacity from nuclear. We need to
ensure, for environmental reasons, for security of supply reasons as well as
affordability reasons, that we have a range of provision of power. That means we have to have it from
renewables. We have to have it from oil,
gas and other sources. We also have to
ensure that we have nuclear generation of electricity too. That is going to be a key component of
ensuring that we get to the very tough targets that we have set ourselves for
80 per cent reduction of emissions by 2050.
We were conscious when we agreed that that we were challenging the
country. We were also aware that we were
giving a clear message to those who say "No nuclear" that they would have to
explain how on earth we were going to be able to hit these challenging environmental
targets without nuclear. We will
not. It is as simple as that. We have to develop nuclear as a serious
technology if we are going to hit these targets.
Q264 Dr
Iddon: Is eight new reactors an initial target?
Mr O'Brien: That is initially where we
are. We do not have a statistical "we
want this percentage generation" but we have dropped over the last few years
from about 90 per cent to about 15 per cent.
We certainly would want to replace that sort of area with nuclear
generation of electricity.
Q265 Dr
Iddon: Let me turn now to another pressure which
Japan is meeting. Japan is going for
overcapacity in nuclear energy, not only to provide electricity for its
citizens but also to generate the hydrogen economy. As you know, there are various processes - electrolysis
of water being just one, reforming
of methane as steam being another, and there are other processes - whereby we
can generate hydrogen using nuclear power as well. Has the Government considered that option of
overcapacity to enjoin the hydrogen economy?
Mr O'Brien: It is not our view at this
time that we want to go to overcapacity.
We are interested in the development of the hydrogen economy. Indeed, when I was previously in this post, I
had some involvement in trying to promote the development of the hydrogen
economy in the UK. We need to see how this technology will
develop in the future. I hesitate to say
it is experimental but it is also quite well-developed and we know a lot about
it. At this stage, we will be looking to
see how that develops and it is not our aim to create overcapacity by reason of
nuclear generation.
Q266 Mr
Marsden: Minister, you have talked already about what
we are going to have to import in terms of skills and expertise as only part of
the process that we are now going down, but there is also surely a requirement
on us to have an input into new developments.
I am referring specifically to the Generation IV International Forum and
to the nuclear systems from which we have, I understand, as a country directly
withdrawn ourselves as from 2006.
Professor Billowes from the Dalton Institute said to us that our
engagement with Europe and America is weak in basic R&D. How are you going to reverse the actuality of
that weakness in R&D? Are you going
to be prepared to provide the £5 million which would enable us to re-engage
with the Generation IV programme or, if not, what else have you got on the
Mr O'Brien: We have a large agenda in
terms of investment into development of knowledge but in terms of the
Generation IV it was the case that we had to look at what our priorities would
be. There are always going to be
competing priorities. We took a view
that there were other areas that we wanted to prioritise. As you know, this technology and experimental
work is unlikely to produce significant, commercial development until after
about 2030. The aim is to ensure that we
focus on other areas of research. We are
involved in Taurus and we are encouraging university research. Ten years ago there was very little development
of nuclear research or courses in British universities. Now we are seeing an increasing involvement
in research and building up courses. I
think you heard from the academics who were before you that a few years ago
they would have had very few PhD students but now they have a significant
number, so there are at Imperial, at Warwick, at York, at Lancaster now
universities that are doing quite a lot of research. In terms of high level, long-term research we
did not feel that our involvement in that particular project was where we
wanted to focus our resources. There are
always going to be priority choices.
Q267 Mr
Marsden: You talked earlier, quite rightly, about how
you have to engage more people at graduate level. You are not worried that this sends out a
signal to them that there will not be any meaningful international
collaboration in this particular area and that will then restrict their own
research interests subsequently?
Mr O'Brien: The Nuclear Education
Consortium has just put together a project involving £2.6 million from EPSRC
and others to generate more academic research and MAs, PhDs. I think most people know now that there is a
very clear agenda, shared broadly by the two main parties, with deference to
the Chairman on this.
Q268 Chairman:
I am
totally neutral on these matters.
Mr O'Brien: They have made a very clear,
long-term commitment to nuclear. It is
very clear to anyone considering whether or not they want to develop a career
in research in this area that there is going to be a long-term need for those
skills and for that knowledge. I do not
believe that our decision in relation to GIF in particular or the Gen IV
project is something which is going to cause any serious academics to have any
doubt that we are fully committed to nuclear research. It is very clear from what else we have done.
John Denham last week pledged £98 million for skills including nuclear. There is plenty of funding behind the
development of these skills and this area of education and, for this particular
project, whatever signal it might have sent, the signals have been overwhelmed
by the other signals that we have sent about development.
Q269 Chairman:
Minister, we are very grateful to you for your
presence this afternoon. Although the
Committee has different views in terms of the nuclear issue, that is not our
issue as far as this inquiry is concerned.
It is really how we produce the engineering capacity to be able to
deliver what the Government has as its programme. It is our job to scrutinise that. It would be very useful if we could have a
note from you about specifically those issues to deal with skills because
Cogent have clearly set massive targets for the expansion of skills over the
next ten years. We do not have a clear
picture from you as to what the Government's involvement in that is going to be
and that is at every level from the nuclear scientist right through to the
level two and three skills that Gordon Marsden was talking about. In order to present that in our report, it
would be useful to have the Government's plans to help deliver those skills so
it is not simply a matter of saying, "Pay people more within the private
Mr O'Brien: I think I was making it clear
that there was a bit more than that in terms of the Government's commitment, both
financially and otherwise, to the development of this agenda. I would hope to publish very shortly the
Cogent sector skills council report into the need for skills in the energy
sector as a whole. When I say "shortly",
I mean within a week or so. That will
give you not only a view about what the Government is doing and what the wider
industry is doing in terms of nuclear but across the whole of the energy
sector. If I may say so, this report
that you will be doing will be timely and will be able, I hope, to take account
of the response from Cogent to the Government's Energy White Paper, but I would
not want you to go away thinking that my only view about keeping people in this
country was that we pay them enough. I
think that is a crucial factor but there is also the fact that we provide the
interest and the long-term career prospects which they see as being crucial to
their future. That is what is going to
keep them here too.
Chairman: I think we would agree on
that. Minister, Mr Sugden and Dr Baggley,
thank you very much indeed.