Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Letter to Richard Cooke, Head, PRT, Foreign and Commonwealth Office from the Clerk of the Committee

  As you know, members of the FAC visited Madrid and Gibraltar last week to review progress following the Cordoba Agreement between the United Kingdom, Spain and Gibraltar.

  While the groups were in the region, a vessel—the Ocean Alert—was intercepted by the Spanish authorities as it left Gibraltar's territorial waters. This incident was discussed by both groups, who not surprisingly received different explanations from the authorities in Madrid and in Gibraltar.

  The group in Madrid were left in no doubt about the strong concern of the Spanish government about the activities of the Ocean Alert in waters which Spain lays claim to, and in relation to the alleged raising of artefacts from the wrecks of Spanish ships. Members received strong protests about the berthing of the Ocean Alert in Gibraltar, apparently in a Royal Navy area of the dockyards, and about the removal by air of marine artefacts. The Spanish claim to the waters between the 3-mile and 12-mile limits off Gibraltar was made clear.

  The group in Gibraltar were shown charts which demonstrated that the waters in which the Ocean Alert was intercepted are regarded by the Government of Gibraltar and by HMG as international waters. They were told that neither GoG nor HMG had any responsibility for Ocean Alert or its sister vessel.

  The Committee wishes to receive a memorandum on the Ocean Alert incident, including a full explanation of the application of international law to the waters off Gibraltar; responsibility of the British and/or Gibraltar authorities for the activities of Ocean Alert while it was operating from Gibraltar and for the removal of artefacts recovered from the seabed apparently to the United States by air from Gibraltar; and confirmation of whether the Odyssey vessels had the use of a RN berth or other RN facilities in Gibraltar. The Committee hopes to receive this memorandum not later than Monday 10 September.

20 July 2007

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