Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Letter from the Chairman of the Committee to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs


  I am writing further to your statement in the House last Thursday on terrorist suspects (renditions). During our subsequent exchange I referred to the Government Response to the Foreign Affairs Committee's Human Rights Annual Report 2006, published on 29 June 2007, in which the Government stated:

    "We are clear that the US would not render anyone through UK airspace (including the Overseas Territories) without our permission".[280]

  Since your statement is of course relevant to our present inquiry into Overseas Territories, the Committee has asked me to write to you with a number of questions arising. I would be most grateful to have your response to the questions listed below as soon as possible. It would be particularly useful to the Committee if it was to receive a response by Wednesday 19 March.


    —  The Committee would like to be given the identities of the two men admitted to have been rendered through Diego Garcia and the dates when these flights occurred. The Committee would also like details of where these men were held prior to their transfer from Diego Garcia, including whether either of them were held on the island itself or on ships off Diego Garcia prior to their transfer; where these men were taken having been transferred from Diego Garcia; and how they were subsequently treated. The Committee would also like to be given full flight logs, data strings and passenger manifests of the planes on which these men were transported.

    —  The Committee would like to know whether permissions were sought by the US from the British Government in respect to these renditions of individuals and what follow-up the British Government has made in respect of the conditions in which these men have been held by the US or any other state.

    —  The Committee would also like to know whether the UK has previously sought reassurances from the US about allegations relating to ships serviced from Diego Garcia and possibly stationed within UK territorial waters; and whether the Government plans to include these allegations among the allegations about which it will now be seeking specific reassurances from the US.

    —  Further to its previous letter to Richard Cooke, head of the FCO's Parliamentary Relations Team on 25 January 2008, about the terms of the agreement between the UK and US on Diego Garcia, the Committee would like to be sent full copies of the initial agreement of 1966 and the subsequent agreement of 1976. The Committee would also like details of the extent of UK supervision of activities on Diego Garcia, including the numbers and ranks of UK military personnel on the island, the notice which the US has to give the UK regarding flights going in and out of the island, to whom such notice has to be given, and whether it includes details of the prior and ongoing destinations of these flights and their passengers.


    —  The Committee would like to know whether the UK has previously sought reassurances from the US about allegations of stopovers on the Turks and Caicos Islands of rendition planes; and whether the Government plans to include these allegations among the allegations about which it will now be seeking specific reassurances from the US.


    —  The Committee would like to know when the list of all flights where the Government has been alerted about concerns regarding rendition will be sent to the United States.

    —  The Committee would like to know whether this list will include allegations about flights through UK airspace of planes alleged to have been on their way to or from carrying out a rendition, as well as allegations about flights carrying detainees at the time of transit through UK airspace.

    —  The Committee would also like to know whether this list will include reports about the following prisoners: Muhammed Saad Iqbal Madni, Sheikh Al-Libi, Ramzi Bin Al-Shibh, Hambali aka Riduan Isamuddin, Abu Zubaydah, and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.

    —  The Committee would be most grateful if it could be sent the list as soon as it is passed to the US and to receive a copy of the reply.

  I thank you for drawing the new information on rendition flights to the House's attention as soon as it had come to light and look forward to receiving your response.

28 February 2008

280   Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs to the Third Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee Session 2006-07: Annual Report on Human Rights 2006, Cm 7127, para 44. Back

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