Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Letter to the Second Clerk from Richard Cooke, Head, Parliamentary Relations Team


  Thank you for letter of 25 January in which you requested information on British Government appointments to the Overseas Territories and on the UK's agreement with the US on Diego Garcia.


  I attach a list of official appointments in each Overseas Territory which have involvement of UK Ministers. Constitutionally, in relation to the appointments set out in the list, Her Majesty and the Secretary of State are acting in right of the Territory concerned, and not on behalf of the United Kingdom Government. But we understand that the Committee is interested in posts where British Ministers are involved in the appointment. The list includes Governors and other public or judicial appointments that you said the Committee were interested in. You should note that from now on, when looking to fill Governor positions, the posts will be advertised to all FCO staff and through Whitehall inter-departmental trawl in line with policy on all FCO appointments in the Senior Management Structure grade.


  The committee have asked for confirmation that: (i) the use of Diego Garcia by the US will automatically continue beyond 2016 unless either the UK or US gives notice that they no longer want this arrangement to continue and (ii) that it would be sufficient for the agreement to expire if only the UK were to give notice that it wished to terminate it. The Committee has also asked for information on the form in which this notice would have to be given.

  The 1966 Exchange of Notes by which the British Indian Ocean Territory was set aside for the defence purposes of the UK and the US will continue in force for a further period of 20 years beyond 2016, unless it is duly terminated. However, the UK and US would of course continue to consult closely on their mutual defence needs and expectations well in advance of that time. The 1966 Exchange of Notes may be terminated by either Government giving notice of termination, in accordance with its terms. The form of such notice would most appropriately be a formal diplomatic note or letter from one Government to the other.




(a)  name and title of the appointment

Andrew George, Governor in and over Our Territory of Anguilla

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

HM The Queen, in practice acting on the advice of the Secretary of State

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

Standard FCO Diplomatic Service Terms and Conditions

(d)  length of the appointment

3 years (with the option of a 4th)

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

Standard FCO procedures

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

Advertised to all FCO staff

Deputy Governor

(a)  name and title of the appointment

Stanley Reid, Deputy Governor of Anguilla

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

The Governor makes the appointment, "in pursuance of instructions given by Her Majesty through a Secretary of State" (Section 19A(1) of the Anguilla Constitution Order 1982)

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

The Deputy Governor is paid a salary by the Government of Anguilla, which started at EC$160,000 per annum, with provision for increments, and benefiting from pay increases awarded to the Anguilla Public Service. The Deputy Governor assists the Governor in the exercise of his functions relating to matters for which he is responsible under the Constitution.

(d)  length of the appointment

Constitutionally, the Deputy Governor holds office "during Her Majesty's pleasure". The incumbent (the first Anguillian to hold the office) has been appointed on contract for a term of five years.

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

The Governor acting in his discretion and for cause may at any time terminate the engagement of the Deputy Governor by giving him three months notice or paying him three months salary in lieu of notice. The Governor may terminate the engagement forthwith if the Deputy Governor willfully neglects or refuses or for any cause (other than ill-health not caused by his own misconduct) becomes unable to perform any of his duties or fails to comply with any order or instruction given by the Governor, or discloses any information reflecting the affairs of the Government to any unauthorised person or in any way misconducts himself.

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

The appointment was made following an open competition. The position was widely advertised within Anguilla, and to Anguillian communities overseas. Interviews were conducted by a panel including independent persons from the local community.



(a)  name and title of the appointment

Sir Richard Gozney, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Bermuda

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

HM The Queen, in practice acting on the advice of the Prime Minister

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

Standard FCO Diplomatic Service Terms and Conditions

(d)  length of the appointment

3 years (with the option of a 4th)

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

Standard FCO procedures

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

Advertised to all FCO staff

Deputy Governor

(a)  name and title of the appointment

Mark Capes, Deputy Governor

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

Appointed by the Governor on instructions of Her Majesty through the Secretary of State (Section 18(1) of the Bermuda Constitution Order 1968)

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

Standard FCO Diplomatic Service Terms and Conditions

(d)  length of the appointment

3-4 years

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

By the Governor under FCO Terms and Conditions

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

Open Competition within the FCO and Civil Service



(a)  name and title of the appointment

David Pearey, Governor in and over Our Territory of the British Virgin Islands

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

HM The Queen, in practice acting on the advice of the Secretary of State

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

Standard FCO Diplomatic Service Terms and Conditions

(d)  length of the appointment

3 years (with the option of a 4th)

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

Standard FCO procedures

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

Advertised to all FCO staff

Deputy Governor

(a)  name and title of the appointment

Elton Georges CMG, OBE, Deputy Governor

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

Appointed by the Governor designated by Her Majesty "by instructions given through a Secretary of State" (Para 36(1) of the Constitution)

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

The office is held "during Her Majesty's pleasure". The practice in the BVI is that the Deputy Governor is established as a public service post. Appointments to this post have, in the past, been both on permanent and pensionable terms and on fixed term renewable contracts. Elton George's current appointment is on the latter terms. Salary and allowances paid are allowed for in the BVI Government budget. The job is currently grade 21 (the highest) in the BVI public service.

(d)  length of the appointment

The length of appointment varies and, if on permanent and pensionable terms, can be for as long as the incumbent renders satisfactory service. The contractual appointments are for the specified term, subject to good performance. The last one was for three years and the present incumbent, Elton Georges, holds an interim "bridging" appointment for one year.

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

An appointment held during Her Majesty's pleasure can be terminated at any time, given reasonable notice. In BVI practice, the first two Deputy Governors were tenured public officers and retired from office on reaching the normal retirement age of 60. The appointment of those on contract are terminated in accordance with the provisions of the contract, which always includes a clause that it can be terminated giving three months notice on either side or a suitable payment in lieu.

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

The current constitution requires that the postholder be a Virgin Islander as specified in para 65(2). The post is normally advertised in local publications and on the relevant Government website. Then the Governor, consulting as he/she sees fit, selects a preferred candidate to recommend to the Secretary of State. If advertising does not identify candidates with the right qualities, direct approaches are made to suitable candidates.



(a)  name and title of the appointment

Stuart Jack, Governor in and over Our Territory of the Cayman Islands

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

HM The Queen, in practice acting on the advice of the Secretary of State

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

Standard FCO Diplomatic Service Terms and Conditions

(d)  length of the appointment

3 years (with the option of a 4th)

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

Standard FCO procedures

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

Advertised to all FCO staff

Judges of Court of Appeal

(a)  name and title of the appointment

Judges of the Court of Appeal

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

The Governor, acting in his discretion, by instrument under the public seal and in accordance with such instructions as he may receive from Her Majesty through a Secretary of State.—Section 49B of the Constitution.

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

In accordance with the Constitution and instrument of appointment.

(d)  length of the appointment

The Judges of the Court of Appeal are appointed for such a period as may be specified in their respective instruments of appointment and they can only be removed from office for inability to discharge the functions of office or for gross misconduct.

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

A Judge of the Court of Appeal can be removed from office by the Governor, acting in right of the Cayman Islands, by instrument under the Public Seal if the question of the removal of that judge has, at the request of the Governor, been referred by Her Majesty to the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's Privy Council under section 4 of the Judicial Committee Act 1833 (or any other enactment enabling Her Majesty in that behalf), and the Judicial Committee has advised Her Majesty that the judge ought to removed from office for inability or misconduct.

Where the Governor considers that the question of removing a judge of the Court of Appeal from office ought to be investigated, he is required to follow the procedure set out in section 49C(4) of the Constitution, that is:

    —  he shall appoint a tribunal consisting of a Chairman and not less than two other members selected by the Governor from among persons who hold or have held high judicial office;

    —  the tribunal shall inquire into the matter and report on the facts to the Governor, and advise him whether he should request that the question of the removal of that judge should be referred by Her Majesty to the Judicial Committee; and

    —  if the tribunal so advises, the Governor shall request that the question should be referred accordingly.

Where the question of removing a judge has been referred to a tribunal, the Governor may suspend the judge from performing the functions of his office. Any such suspension however, may be revoked by the Governor and in any case, shall cease to have effect if the tribunal advises the Governor that he should not request that the question of removal be referred to by Her Majesty to the Judicial Committee or the Committee advises Her Majesty that the judge ought not to be removed from office.

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

For the position of Justice of Appeal, the Governor may receive recommendations from members of the judiciary and the legal fraternity on possible candidates based on their qualifications and judicial experience. The positions may also be advertised. Candidates are interviewed.



(a)  name and title of the appointment

Alan Huckle, Governor in and over Our Territory of the Falkland Islands and Commissioner for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

HM The Queen, in practice on the advice of the Secretary of State

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

Standard FCO Diplomatic Service Terms and Conditions

(d)  length of the appointment

3 years (with the option of a 4th)

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

Standard FCO procedures

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

Advertised to all FCO staff

Chief Justice

(a)  name and title of the appointment

Christopher Gardner QC, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Falkland Islands

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

The Governor makes the appointment "in pursuance of instructions given by Her Majesty through the Secretary of State" (Section 79(1) of the Falkland Islands Constitution Order 1985)

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

The Chief Justice is paid a salary based on that of a Court Circuit Judge in England and Wales by the Falkland Islands Government (FIG) whilst in the Falkland Islands. FIG provides also provides travel and expenses to and from the Falkland Islands, as well as accommodation, medical and transport while here. In addition, the Chief Justice receives payment at the current hourly rate of a Circuit Judge of England and Wales for all time spent outside the Falkland Islands on matters related to Falkland Islands cases.

(d)  length of the appointment

The length of the appointment is specified in the instrument of the Chief Justice's appointment to that office. In the case of the present incumbent this is April 2015.

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

Section 81(6) of the Falkland Islands Constitution Order 1985 provides that the Governor may suspend the Chief Justice if the question of removing the Chief Justice from office has been referred to a tribunal in accordance with section 81(4) (Section 81(4) permits the Governor to appoint a tribunal to inquire into the matter of removing the Chief Justice for reasons of inability (whether of body or mind) or misbehaviour, if the Governor considers that the question of removal ought to be investigated. If the tribunal advises that the question should be referred by Her Majesty to the Judicial Committee, the Governor shall request that the question be referred accordingly).

Section 81(3) provides that the Chief Justice shall be removed from office by the Governor if the question of removal of that judge from office has, at the request of the Governor made under subsection (4), been referred by Her Majesty to the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's Privy Council under section 4 of the Judicial Committee Act 1933 (or any other enabling enactment), and the Judicial Committee has advised Her Majesty that the judge ought to be removed from office for inability or misbehaviour.

It should be noted that subsection 81(7) provides that the powers exercised by the Governor under section 81 are exercised in the Governor's discretion (ie the Governor is not obliged to consult Executive Council in relation to that exercise of powers; reference section 61). The Governor is acting in right of the Falkland Islands in carrying out these functions.

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

Open Competition. Job advertised in the Times and Law Gazette.



(a)  name and title of the appointment

Sir Robert Fulton, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Gibraltar

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

HM The Queen, in practice acting on the advice of the Secretary of State

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

Standard FCO Diplomatic Service Terms and Conditions

(d)  length of the appointment

3 years (with the option of a 4th)

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

Standard FCO procedures

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

Advertised to all FCO candidates and opened to MoD & /Cabinet Office for other nominations.



(a)  name and title of the appointment

Peter Waterworth, Governor of the Island of Montserrat

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

HM The Queen, in practice acting on the advice of the Secretary of State

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

Standard FCO Diplomatic Service Terms and Conditions

(d)  length of the appointment

3 years (with the option of a 4th)

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

Standard FCO procedures

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

Advertised to all FCO staff



(a)  name and title of the appointment

George Fergusson, Governor of the Islands of Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

HM The Queen, in practice acting on the advice of the Secretary of State

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

Standard FCO Diplomatic Service Terms and Conditions

(d)  length of the appointment

4 years.

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

Standard FCO procedures

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

Advertised to all FCO Staff



(a)  name and title of the appointment

Andrew Gurr, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Our Territory of St Helena and its Dependencies

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

HM The Queen, in practice acting on the advice of the Secretary of State

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

Standard FCO Diplomatic Service Terms and Conditions for fixed term appointment

(d)  length of the appointment

3 years

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

For the FCO terminating: 5 weeks' notice

For the incumbent terminating: not less than three months' notice

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

Open Competition as defined by the Office of the Civil Service Commissioner.

Chief Justice

(a)  name and title of the appointment

HH Charles Wareing Ekins, Chief Justice of St Helena and its Dependencies

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

The Governor in accordance with instructions given by Her Majesty through a Secretary of State—s 45(1) of the Constitution refer.

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

The instrument of appointment refers to the office being held on such terms and conditions as the Governor shall prescribe in accordance with instructions given by Her Majesty through a Secretary of State.

(d)  length of the appointment

Three years with the possibility of an extension to a maximum of six years in total, or until age 75 (whichever occurs first) or unless it is previously terminated in pursuance of instructions received from Her Majesty or the Chief Justice resigns from office in accordance with section 54 of the Constitution.

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

In addition to (d) above, section 53(2) of the Constitution gives the Governor power, acting in right of the Territory, to remove those in public office.

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

The appointment was subject to open competition and advertised in the media and on the St Helena Government website.

President and Justices of the Court of Appeal

(a)  name and title of the appointment

HH Judge Brian Appleby, QC, President of the Court of Appeal

Justices of the Court of Appeal

 HH Judge Sir (Francis) Humphrey Potts

HH William Charles Woodward, QC

HH Judge Victor Edwin Hall

HH Judge John Rubery

HH Judge Richard Frederick David Pollard

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

The Governor in accordance with instructions given by Her Majesty through a Secretary of State—s 47(3) of the Constitution refers.

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

The instrument of appointment refers to the office being held on such terms and conditions as the Governor shall prescribe in accordance with instructions given by Her Majesty through a Secretary of State.

(d)  length of the appointment

Not stipulated

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

Section 53(2) of the Constitution gives the Governor power, acting in right of the Territory, to remove those in public office.

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

On the recommendation of the Chief Justice.



(a)  name and title of the appointment

Richard Tauwhare, Governor in and over Our Territory of the Turks and Caicos Islands

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

HM The Queen, in practice acting on the advice of the Secretary of State

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

Standard FCO Diplomatic Service Terms and Conditions

(d)  length of the appointment

3 years (with optional 4th)

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointmentStandard FCO procedures

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

Advertised to all FCO staff

Deputy Governor

(a)  name and title of the appointment

Mahala Wynns, Deputy Governor

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

The Governor makes the appointment, "in pursuance of instructions given by Her Majesty through a Secretary of State" (Section 22(1) of the TCI Constitution)

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

The Deputy Governor is paid a salary by the Government of TCI of US$125,000. There is no specific provision for increments; these have to be proposed by the Government and agreed by Cabinet. Other terms and conditions are not laid down by the Constitution but the standard TCI Public Service terms have been adopted.

(d)  length of the appointment

The Constitution does not define the length of appointment. The incumbent's contract is for a term of two years (expiring August 2008).

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

The Constitution, Section 22(1), states that the Deputy Governor shall hold office during Her Majesty's pleasure. It does not specify any grounds for the termination of the appointment.

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

The Constitution does not specify any process for making the appointment but only requires that the Deputy Governor must be a Belonger. The incumbent was selected by the Governor after consultation with the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition.



(a)  name and title of the appointment

Leigh Turner, Commissioner for the British Indian Ocean Territory

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

Her Majesty by instructions given through a Secretary of State

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

Standard FCO Diplomatic Service Terms and Conditions

(d)  length of the appointment

3 years

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

Resignation by the appointee or termination by Her Majesty by instructions given through a Secretary of State.

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

The BIOT Commissioner is the current Director of Overseas Territories Directorate—the job was advertised to all FCO staff.



(a)  name and title of the appointment

Leigh Turner, Commissioner for the British Antarctic Territory

(b)  person and/or bodies responsible for making the appointment

Her Majesty by instructions given through a Secretary of State

(c)  terms and conditions for the appointment

Standard FCO Diplomatic Service Terms and Conditions

(d)  length of the appointment

3 years

(e)  procedure for terminating the appointment

Resignation by the appointee or termination by Her Majesty by instructions given through a Secretary of State.

(f)  how the appointment was made/advertised

The BAT Commissioner is the current Director of Overseas Territories Directorate—the job was advertised to all FCO staff.

29 February 2008

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