E-mail submission from Mr Brian Swan,
I am glad that someone is finally looking into
the Bermuda Regiment Lottery. This practice of randomly selecting
male Bermudians is a kin to punishing a person because they where
born in the wrong country and are the wrong sex. It is a horrible
feeling to know that your freedoms may be taken from you when
you reach a particular age and you will be forced to learn how
to kill. Military service should be voluntary. This will enable
the military to have a soldier that is dedicated to their job.
Forcing people into the military simply leads to a poor quality
of solider, one not willing to do what they are asked without
question. A person should not be discriminated against because
of their birth place or their sex. The law should cover every
one and not just half or a random selection of the population.
I know people that have left the island not to return because
of this disgusting draft, so they could live life freely. If national
service is required it should be something that everyone does,
not just a select few, and teaching people to kill should not
be the only option.
10 September 2007