Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Submission from Mr W L Chamberland, Gibraltar

  Sorry once again for being such a pest, but when you are going to be visited by none other than the Chief Minister of Gibraltar further material will not be amiss.

  I am enclosing diverse papers and documents,[299] not all mine but very pertinent in destroying Spain's arguments as to territorial waters, our right to enjoy living, without having to look over one's shoulder and a little piece taken from Mr Caruana's party manifesto of 2003 which talks about his famous phrase, ie reasonable and safe dialogue, please observe no mention of signing anything.

  We in Gibraltar have per force all become "Foreign Secretaries", and therefore scrutinise every minute detail, but when you have a neighbour who even in the 21st century is out to take your homeland, tell me what to expect. Please bear in mind that throughout history appeasement has never achieved anything, except make matters worse.

  For Spain the world stopped in 1713 (Utrecht), so anything after that is either invalid or illegal, please analyse papers.

18 March 2008

299   Documents not published as are publicly available. Back

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