Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Letter to the Chairman from Rt Hon David Miliband MP, Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

  Thank you for your letter of 28 February concerning the new information that we have received from the US on rendition through Diego Garcia. I agree that this new information and the Government's response to it are relevant to your broader inquiry into the Overseas Territories.

  Your questions cover a range of issues that officials in my Department are currently working on. The US Government recognises the absolute imperative for the British Government to provide accurate information to Parliament and we are working closely with our US allies on the details and implications of this new information. This process will take some further time and therefore, at this stage, I will not be able to provide all the details you seek.

  However, I am pleased to be able to provide you with a response to the specific points on which we do have clarity. I will write to you again when officials have concluded their work on this issue.


    —  The Government has no record of any request having been made by the US regarding the rendition of the two individuals through Diego Garcia.

    —  The Government previously received assurances from the US in 2005, 2006 and 2007 that no detainees had been transferred through the territorial waters of Diego Garcia. These assurances were given at the annual Diego Garcia political-military talks.

    —  I enclose copies of the initial agreement of 1966 and the subsequent agreement of 1976,[300] a note explaining UK supervision of activities on Diego Garcia and details of UK military personnel stationed on the island.


    —  The Government had received assurances from the US in respect of rendition through all UK territories or airspace (ie including the Turks and Caicos Islands) in November 2005.

    —  We will be referring all flights where concerns have been raised to the US. This includes flights through the UK and its Overseas Territories (ie including the Turks and Caicos Islands).


    —  The list of flights where the Government has been alerted to concerns about rendition is nearing completion. I will forward a copy to you as soon as possible. The list is based on information provided by my Department, the Department for Transport, the Ministry of Defence, the Home Office, Members of Parliament, members of the public and non-governmental organisations. Once complete, it will be sent to the US as a matter of urgency.

    —  The list contains all specific flights where concern has been raised about rendition, but not more general allegations that lack sufficient data to be verified. The flights on the list include instances where concerns have been raised that planes may have been on their way to or from a rendition operation. However, our purpose here is to identify whether rendition(ie of an individual) through UK territory or airspace in fact occurred. We do not consider that an empty flight transiting through our territory falls into this category.

    —  Although the list contains the names of individuals who are alleged to have been rendited on specific flights, we are seeking clarification on the flights and not the individuals at this stage.

  I hope that I have addressed most of your concerns. I would be glad to receive any follow-up questions you may have. However, I must state again that officials are still analysing the implications of the new information received from the US and I may have to defer any further questions until we have established more of the detail surrounding this issue.


  UK personnel on Diego Garcia provide Customs and Immigration cover, Policing and a range of other civil functions including Magistrate, Coroner, Development Control and Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages, in order to ensure that UK Law, supplemented by specific BIOT ordinances, is upheld.

  A wide range of activities are conducted by US personnel on Diego Garcia which are routine in nature and are covered by entries in the Exchange of Notes. These activities are not normally supervised by UK personnel, nor at 42 personnel is there capacity to do so. Any extraordinary use of the US base or facilities, such as combat operations or any other politically sensitive activity, requires prior approval from Her Majesty's Government and would attract a greater level of involvement by UK personnel both on Diego Garcia and in the UK.

Rank/RateJob Title and Relevant Additional Roles
Commander, Royal NavyCommissioner's Representative and Commander British Forces
Magistrate & Principal Immigration Officer
Major, Royal MarinesExecutive Officer and Chief of Staff
Officer Commanding Royal Marines & Security Officer
Lieutenant, Royal NavyLogistics Officer
Sergeant, Royal Logistics CorpsMovements and Mail Officer
Sergeant, Royal SignalsCommunications Technician
Leading Seaman (CIS)Communicator
Leading Logistician (Personnel)CBF's Secretary
Warrant Officer (2), Royal MarinesDetachment Sergeant Major
Sergeant, Royal MarinesTraining Sergeant
Corporal, Royal MarinesStoreman
Corporal, Royal MarinesVehicle Maintainer
Corporal, Royal MarinesDriver
Lance Corporal, Royal MarinesArmourer
Corporal, Royal MarinesSenior Coxswain
Lance Corporal, Royal Marines
Leading Marine Engineering MechanicOutboard Engine Maintainer
Chief Marine Engineering MechanicSenior Customs and Immigration Officer
Corporal, Royal MarinesAssistant Senior Customs and Immigration Officer
Leading Medical Assistant
Leading Medical Assistant
Leading Logistician Catering Services
Leading Logistician Catering Services
Leading Engineering Technician (Mechanical)
MarineCustoms and Immigration Officers
Master At ArmsChief of Police & Superintendant of Prisons
Assistant Unit Security Officer
Regulating Petty Officer
Regulating Petty Officer
Regulating Petty Officer
Corporal, Royal Military Police
Corporal, Royal Air Force PoliceRoyal Overseas Peace Officers
Lance, Corporal, Royal Marines
Lance, Corporal, Royal Marines
Leading Regulator
Leading Regulator
All Rates are Royal Navy unless otherwise stated.
All Royal Marines are part of the Island Security Force.

18 March 2008

300   Not printed, as publicly available. Back

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