Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Letter to Richard Cook, Head, Parliamentary Relations Team, Foreign and Commonwealth Office from the Second Clerk of the Committee

  Thank you for your letter of 25 April.

  There were a number of questions which the Committee did not have time to ask Ministers during their recent evidence session on Overseas Territories. I have listed these questions below. The Committee would be most grateful if the FCO could provide a response to these questions by Friday 23 May.


  1.  What did the pensions deal in the Cordoba Agreement cost the UK? Was it a good settlement?

  2.  What is the UK's position on the immigration arrangements that will apply at Gibraltar's new terminal?


  3.  Does the Government have any plans to increase the funding available for environmental management in the Overseas Territories?

  4.  Has Manfred Nowak, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, provided you with any evidence regarding allegations that detainees may have been held on Diego Garcia between 2002 and 2003?

2 May 2008

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