Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Letter to the Chairman of the Committee from Meg Munn MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State

  As the Committee is aware, we have been negotiating a new constitution with the Falkland Islands over the last few months. This follows on from our commitment in the 1999 White Paper on the Overseas Territories to review constitutional frameworks across the Territories. A select committee on the constitution was subsequently set up in the Falkland Islands and it published its final report in May 2007.

  I am pleased to be able to tell you that negotiations have taken place in a constructive and open way and that rapid progress has been made. As a result, I have just been able to agree a final draft Constitution Order with the Falkland Islands councillors which I believe is a good outcome for all involved. It enhances local democracy whilst retaining sufficient powers for the UK Government to protect UK interests and ensure the overall good governance of the territory.

  Falkland Island Councillors will now begin a period of public consultation on the Islands, which will culminate in a debate in their Legislative Council. Assuming a resolution in favour, I will then be in a position to recommend the new Constitution Order to Her Majesty in the Privy Council in October.

  In line with the commitment made by Jack Straw to Donald Anderson in 2002, I am therefore forwarding a copy of the draft Falkland Islands Constitution Order 2008 to you. Given the upcoming recess, I thought it was better to forward it to you at this point rather than to wait for final confirmation from the Falkland Islands Legislative Council that they have passed a resolution approving the order.

17 June 2008

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