Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

E-mail submission from Anthony L Hall, Esq, Turks and Caicos Islands

  My name is Anthony Hall. I am a "Belonger" from the UK Overseas Territory of the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI).

  I am writing to you in your capacity as the newly-appointed Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, with responsibilities for Overseas Territories—particularly the Caribbean.

  I understand that the Foreign Affairs Committee is currently taking evidence pursuant to a new enquiry to assess the FCO's achievements against its Strategic Priority No 10, the security and good governance of the Overseas Territories.

  In this regard, I suspect that very troubling evidence will be submitted to the Committee with respect to the TCI. More to the point, however, I fear that even a cursory audit of the TCI financial sector will reveal gross shortcomings in the required standards of transparency and accountability. Moreover, I suspect that the Committee will be compelled to deem these shortcomings so egregious that they indict the leadership and integrity not only of our local goverment, but also of the Governor appointed by the UK Government.

  Perhaps I should offer a little here to establish my bona fides: I am a practicing lawyer—headquartered in Washington DC. But, for the purposes of this appeal, it is probably best to refer you to my weblog, which contains my biography and might indicate why I was moved to contact you:

  Specifically, I would like to draw your attention to an article I published only today, which highlights my concerns about the TCI Premier's disregard for the rule of law and the chilling effect his abuse of power is having on law enforcement and our Judiciary: "No public interest" in prosecuting TCI Premier Misick for assault, theft and obstruction of justice?!

  Clearly, I cannot fully convey in this forum the growing apprehension and unease Premier Misick's rule is causing amongst TCI professionals, especially those in our expatriate community. But the FCO should be mindful that Premier Misick has made it patently-clear that he intends to play the Mugabe card to undermine the Committee's findings of rampant corruption throughout his government, which he and most TC Islanders fully expect will be the case.

  I am convinced, however, that there's a way to not only report your findings, but also to act upon them in manner that furthers justice with minimal civil unrest.

  But I shall end here to give you a chance to review this e-mail and my standing in this regard. After you have done so, however, I hope that you will deem it worthwhile to invite me to discuss these matters further.

10 October 2007

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