Submission by the Royal Society for the
Protection of Birds
The RSPB is the UK partner of BirdLife International,
a network of over 100 grass-roots conservation organisations around
the world. As part of our commitment to the conservation of biodiversity
worldwide, we have for over 10 years provided financial, technical
and advisory support to emerging NGO partners and local governments
in the UK Overseas Territories. Much of the RSPB's work in the
Overseas Territories contributes to the priorities identified
in the White Paper, Partnerships for Progress and Prosperity
(March 1999), and assists them in meeting their commitments under
the international conventions, including the Convention on Biological
Diversity, and under the Environment Charters agreed between each
territory and the UK Government.
RSPB works on the Overseas Territories because
of their outstanding importance for biological diversity, including
32 globally threatened breeding bird species. This richness, compared
with no globally threatened breeding bird species in the UK, places
a very high level of responsibility on the UK, including the Foreign
Office, to protect the biodiversity of these territories. We have
calculated this requires a minimum of £16 million/year.
We have only responded to the aspects of the
inquiry that relate to the FCO's responsibilities for biodiversity
conservation and environmental governance on the Overseas Territories.
Our submission has common strands with evidence recently given
to the Environmental Audit Committee's inquiry on Trade, Development
and Environment: The Role of the FCO.[10]
We strongly support the conclusions from this inquiry and that
of the enquiry into the UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.[11]
1. The Overseas Territories are mainly small
islands rich in biodiversity but with small human populations.
For example, Pitcairn, supports more globally threatened species
than the total human population of the island. The Territories
are particularly reliant on the natural environment for their
livelihoods and quality of life. For example, the economies of
many of the islands depend heavily on the revenue raised from
fisheries and tourism, and mangroves, forests and coral reefs
provide protection from severe weather events, which under current
climate change projections are likely to increase in the future.
2. As in many regions of the world, the
natural environment on the Territories is increasingly under threat,
which is in part caused by a failure to implement systems of effective
local governance. For example on many of the Caribbean Territories
the rate of tourism development is increasing rapidly[12]
and is in danger of destroying the natural assets which attract
visitors to the islands. The loss of mangroves along the coastline
to mainly tourism-associated development is increasing the vulnerability
of the islands to hurricanes.[13]
Areas that have been previously proposed for protection are still
not approved by governments.[14]
Protected Areas that have been approved are in the process of
being degazetted.[15]
Unlike the UK or Europe, the legislation on most Territories does
not require that development plans and proposals undergo a Strategic
Environment Assessment. Where there is provision for Environmental
Impact Assessment, there is often inadequate expertise or capacity
to accurately assess the Environment Impact Assessments produced
by the developers. This information in turn is then often not
considered by decision makers on a strategic basis.[16]
Environment Impact Assessment reports are frequently difficult
to access and rarely shared with the public. Planning procedures
are rarely transparent and do not always engage with civil society.
3. The Territories' capacity to implement
effective environmental governance and respond to environmental
crises is strongly constrained by limited human and financial
resources. Environment departments and local conservation organizations,
if they exist, only have small numbers of staff that are stretched
very thinly. The scale of the conservation department is often
matched to the size of human and financial resources available
on the Territory, not to the scale of the biodiversity, which
is of great global significance. In some Territories, for example
Tristan or Pitcairn, the population is so small that no significant
capacity or finance is available to deal with pressing biodiversity
On yet other Territories, for example South Georgia or BIOT, there
is no local population. Many local conservation organisations
rely to a significant extent on funding from Territory governments
so are not able to respond objectively when consulted on development
proposals because they may be threatened with budget cuts if they
raise objections. Staff may not have the skills and/or sufficient
time to engage effectively in planning processes.
4. In some Territories, tourist and/or environmental
taxes are charged but all of the revenue raised returns to Central
Government. Only a small proportion of the central budget goes
back into an environmental fund and/or projects. There could be
better reporting by governments on the expenditure of environment
funds. As the natural environment continues to deteriorate and
governments appear to be taking little action to remedy this,
it could lead to unwillingness to pay in the future.
5. Overall, the current lack of capacity
and finance in many Territories coupled by the lack of interest
or support from the UK Government in these issues means that the
deterioration of ecosystem services and species extinction continues
largely unabated. It is essential that if this is to be avoided,
sufficient resources need to be provided to Territories so that
they can implement similar environmental standards as we have
in the UK and Europe. We fully support the development of visitor/environmental
tax systems on Territories where meaningful revenues can be derived
from such a system. We also would like to see a greater proportion
of the revenue raised going into locally established environmental
funds and systems, so that expenditure is transparently linked
to the purpose for which the funds were originally raised.
6. The RSPB appreciates the support given
by Governor's offices on Territories to biodiversity conservation
projects and efforts made by the FCO to brief Governors and other
office-holders before they take up office on Territories. However,
considering the fundamental importance of the natural environment
to the economies of the Territories, we are concerned that some
Governors and other office holders do not give it sufficient priority.
As Governors are involved in the highest levels of decision making
in the Territories, they could play a much greater role in ensuring:
(i) better provision of information to Territory
governments on the importance of the natural environment to the
economy and quality of life;
(ii) the UK Government's responsibilities
for international conventions such as the CBD are implemented;
(iii) the establishment and implementation
of effective environmental governance systems on the territories
(eg land planning, strategic environment assessment, environmental
impact assessment etc);
(iv) the promotion of UK conservation expertise
in the Territories and support to UK funded environmental projects;
(v) the provision of support to assist capacity-building
in civil society within the environment sector;
(vi) the encouragement of all Territories
to ratify and strengthen existing multilateral environmental agreements
by helping to implement them through the provision of financial
and technical support; and
(vii) all development programmes, particularly
those funded by the UK Government, undergo appropriate environmental
assessment before they are considered for approval.
7. Although the Overseas Territories are
locally self-governed, the UK Government, through the FCO, retains
responsibility for external affairs, including the implementation
of international conventions such as the Convention on Biological
Diversity, the Ramsar Convention, the Cartagena Convention, the
World Heritage Convention, CITES, the Convention on Migratory
Species and the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and
Petrels. The UK Government has signed up to the 2010 target to
halt the loss of biodiversity, which makes the Territories a high
priority for conservation action as most of the UK's threatened
and endemic biodiversity resides there, rather than in the "metropolitan
UK". However, the current lack of resources available for
conservation action in the Overseas Territories mean that the
2010 target will certainly not be met by the UK.
8. Furthermore, the UK Government has signed
an Environment Charter with most of the Territories, which is
a formal agreement that lists the commitments of the respective
parties to support environmental management. The FCO is currently
undertaking a review of Charter implementation but based on work
undertaken by the UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum[18]
it is unlikely that all commitments are being met!
9. Although the UK Government, through the
FCO, has signed up to many of the above-mentioned agreements on
behalf of the Territories, it is increasingly abdicating responsibility
for biodiversity conservation to DEFRA at the international level.
Unlike the FCO, DEFRA does not have direct contact with the Territories
so it is often not in a position to represent or support their
biodiversity interests. At the same time within Territories, the
FCO is delegating responsibility for biodiversity conservation
and environmental management to local governments. The FCO must
know that many of the local Territory governments do not have
the resources to implement these commitments so this can only
be viewed as hypocritical. Since the well-being and quality of
life of people living on the Territories is very dependent on
their natural resources, how can the UK Government insist that
Territory governments comply to UK/international law over issues
like child protection and the death penalty but take very little
interest in the application of international environmental standards?
10. There are two natural World Heritage
Sites on the Overseas Territories, Henderson Island and Gough
and Inaccessible Islands, which are arguably the most important
seabird breeding islands in the world. Currently the department
responsible (DCMS) is spending very little or no resources on
these islands because it believes they are the responsibility
of the FCO. It is only through the work of RSPB and other conservation
organisations that we know the biodiversity on these islands is
under the serious threat of extinction[19]
and there are no resources to reverse these threats. The UK is
therefore clearly failing in its duties under the World Heritage
11. The Territories struggle to meet the
commitments of international conventions and the Environment Charter,
because they are small, remote islands with small populations
and little income. It is not possible for the Territories to access
international sources of funding such as the Global Environment
Facility because they are considered to be the responsibility
of the UK Government. They also cannot access many EU (eg LIFE+)
or UK funds (eg Lottery). They therefore cannot achieve conservation
work in the manner of EU countries, nor can they achieve it in
the manner of developing countries and Small Island Developing
12. The RSPB has calculated that a minimum
of £16 million/year is required for Territories to meet their
biodiversity priorities.[20]
It is hard to see how the FCO can meet its international responsibilities
under the conventions when currently it contributes only approximately
£0.5 million per year to the Overseas Territories Environment
Programme, a fund run jointly with the Department for International
Development to support biodiversity conservation in the UK Overseas
Territories. This fund has been successful but it only funds small
projects (£<50,000/year) so can only meet a fraction of
the demands required of it[21]
and crucially has not been able to provide the long term institutional
capacity which small agencies on the Overseas Territories need
to make the best use of this and other funds. There is also no
long-term guarantee for the fund which means it cannot be used
13. In view of the responsibility the UK
retains for the Overseas Territories and their people and the
importance of these Territories for their natural resources, we
consider it an extraordinary dereliction of the Governments' responsibilities
that in the recent PSA announcements the Overseas Territories
were not seemingly taken into account.
14. If increased funding is not identified,
endemic species[22]
for which the UK is responsible will certainly become extinct
and ecosystem services will continue to deteriorate in these territories.
The lack of attention will undoubtedly mean that UK citizens and
the UK environment will suffer and the UK Government will fail
to meet a number of the international obligations to which it
is signed up. It is increasingly at risk of being seen as hypocritical
in urging others such as nations with rainforests etc. to take
conservation action while not taking it within its own jurisdiction.
15. We believe that the FCO should demonstrate
that it takes its international obligations seriously on the Territories.
First, by guaranteeing the long-term continuation of a strengthened
Overseas Territories Environment Programme, and, secondly by ensuring
that adequate financial and human resources are available through
this programme that can support ongoing capacity in the Territories
and projects, some of which will be large, to protect the natural
heritage in the UK's care. This must be achieved either by obtaining
increased funding through other government departments such as
DEFRA, DFID and DCMS orif this is not possibleby
focusing some of the existing Global Opportunity Fund resources
on the territories, for which the UK Government has undisputed
12 October 2007
10 Report is available from Back
Report is available from Back
Anguillan Economist, Dr Aidan Harrigan, speaking in a personal
capacity, expressed his concern about over-development and its
potential impact on the social and environmental capital of the
island in his address at the annual Walter G Hodge Memorial Anguilla
Day lecture on June 5th, 2007 ( as there are
10 major tourism developments awaiting approval. He warned if
Anguilla, "over-develops to the point that the physical and
social capacity of the island to handle the level of development
is inadequate, it would create a host of problems and cause the
island to lose the very essence that made it attractive in the
first place." Back
The cost of Hurricane Ivan to the Cayman Islands is estimated
at 1 billion pounds. Back
The Government of Anguilla has still to approve the designation
of Sombrero island which was proposed in 2005. On Bermuda, Coopers
Island is proposed as a national park but the process of designation
is still to be completed. Back
On TCI, Protected Areas have been degazetted to allow for built
development. Back
An airport is currently proposed for St Helena. Under local legislation
there is no requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment
though the UK Government has agreed to follow good practice. Of
serious concern are the associated developments that could arise
because of the airport. A strategic environment assessment on
the land development control plan is urgently required to ensure
the cumulative impacts of development are avoided. Back
For example the recent stranding of an oilrig off the coast of
Tristan and the storm that has damaged the last couple of wild
bastard gumwoods on St Helena. In these situations, the territories
are forced to rely heavily on the FCO which does not always appear
to treat these matters as a priority. Back
Review of Environment Charters report is available on the UKOTCF
website Back
For example, research undertaken by RSPB has shown the endemic
Tristan Albatross population on Gough is being decimated by the
House Mouse and is heading for extinction. Back
The Costing Biodiversity Conservation Priorities in the UK Overseas
Territories report is available on the RSPB website Back
The RSPB costing study has identified big projects across the
Territories including the eradication of mice from Gough (minimum
of £2 million pounds) and conservation of the critically
endangered Blue Iguana on the Cayman Islands (£3 million
pounds). Back
For example St Helena. There are 49 endemic plants, several of
which are represented by only a few individuals in the wild and
are at risk of imminent extinction. The St Helena Olive went extinct
in 2002. The bastard gumwood could also suffer the same fate because
there has been no significant increase in resources for biodiversity
conservation since 2002. Back