Submission from Mr Cyril Leo, Member of
the Ascension Island Advisory Group
With reference to the Foreign Affairs Committee's
press notice on the 5 July 2007, with details on a new enquiry
relating to the Overseas Territories, please can I submit the
following evidence for the Committee's consideration.
I have been employed on Ascension since July
1968. I am married with three children; our three sons, recruited
on Ascension, serve in the British Armed Forces. One of our sons
has already served twice in Iraq; he is due to return there for
further duty. One of our children has been informed that he must
prepare for duty in Afghanistan. Each time our sons return home
to Ascension they are required to pay an entry fee. This ridiculous
policy is just one indication of the FCO's overpowering stand
towards the people of Ascension; the Administrator reinforces
the policy by declaring that "no-one can be seen as belonging
to the island". Human rights and freedoms, and real development
for progress on Ascension, is constantly opposed by the FCO; there
is an obsessive determination to block off all avenues that FCO
officials suspect could ultimately lead to any form of permanent
settlement on Ascension. This FCO approach simply ignores the
fundamental needs and wishes of the taxpayers of Ascension, and
seriously undermines the UK Government's 1999 White Paper, Britain
and the Overseas Territories, in which it states:
"The people of the Overseas Territories
must exercise the greatest possible control over their own lives.
We are proud that our Overseas Territories are beacons of democracy.
We applaud their achievements, and want them to have the autonomy
they need to continue to flourish."
I am currently employed on Ascension as a transmitter
technician with VT Communications. Over many years I was a member
of the Administrator's Forum. On 16 November 2005 I was democratically
elected to serve on the Island Council.
As the peoples' elected representatives strived
for democratic principles and meaningful progress and development
on Ascension, the FCO consistently opposed their efforts in the
name of Her Majesty's Government. The endless exploitation and
manipulation of elected members forced a mass resignation from
councillors, and democracy on Ascension, still in its weakest
stage, was dismantled. The Island Council was dissolved on 2 April
2007. The disturbing political climate and uncertainty that had
been created by the FCO made it very difficult for members of
the electorate to be willing to stand for new elections. This
despondent response from the residents of Ascension to consistent
FCO dominance in local affairs is understandable, and it will
remain so unless there is a willingness by the FCO to stop imposing
unnecessary restrictions and limitations within policies that
affects the people of Ascension. As the UK Government prides itself
on democratic principles by advocating liberty and freedoms for
humanity from high world stages, it should also ensure that the
FCO makes an honourable commitment to the development of democracy
and freedoms for progress for the residents of Ascension Island.
On 4 May 2007 I was invited by the Governor
to serve on the Ascension Island Advisory Group. In serving on
the AIAG, albeit an undemocratic process with many limitations,
I believe it allows me to continue questioning and focusing attention
on some of the issues that concerns the taxpayers of Ascension.
My prime concern is that the new Governor, without further delay,
should set a date for new elections and permit the taxpayers'
to have democratically elected representation. Our incomes are
taxed, and there is no justification for taxation without representation
on Ascension.
The UK Government is against the development
of right of abode and property ownership on Ascension because
of contingent liability concerns that could impact the British
taxpayer. In keeping with the 1999 White PaperPartnership
for Progress and ProsperityBritain and the Overseas Territories,
I would appreciate if the Foreign Affairs Committee recommend
that the UK Government ensures that the FCO is constructive in
dealing with the residents of Ascension, allows democracy on Ascension
to resume and mature, and encourages elected representatives to
bring about development for real progress with the aim of lowering,
and eventually removing, the UK Government's contingent liability
19 October 2007