Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Submission from Mr Conrad Glass, Chief Islander, Tristan da Cunha

  An introduction: I'm Conrad Jack Glass, Chief Islander (Head Councillor) of Tristan da Cunha. I've been a Councillor 12 years, the last three as Deputy President. I work as Tristan's police inspector, the only full time officer on the island. I trained in St Helena and the UK and have travelled to Britain several times for courses or leave. I'm a direct descendant of the pioneer Tristan settler, William Glass, so my family has lived on Tristan since 1816. In 2005 I wrote the book Rockhopper Copper about my life and work. It was the first book written by an islander.

  Tristan da Cunha is said by the Guinness Book of Records to be the most remote inhabited island on Earth. Our small British island is 37 miles square, located in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean. It's a dependency of St Helena, 1,300 miles to our north. Tristan was discovered in 1506 by the Portuguese, and served as a place for ships bound for the Far East to check their navigation and to collect fresh water. The British took control in 1816 at the time of Napoleon's exile to St Helena, stationing a garrison on Tristan. The soldiers are long gone, but our speck on the map remains proudly British to this day.

  South Africa is the nearest landmass: 1,500 miles distant, at least six days by ship. We have no airport or air service nor any prospect of one. All supplies and machinery must travel by ship from Cape Town. Our small harbour is our lifeline, too small for ocean going ships, so people and goods must transfer to small boats (or the helicopters of the SA Agulhas during her annual voyage to the meteorological station on Gough Island) to reach the island. There are but nine scheduled visits annually by fishing ships to Tristan. Each brings cargo and 12 passengers. These are the MFV Edinburgh, and the MFV Kelso, belonging to the South African fishing company Ovenstones Agencies (Pty) which has a contract to catch crayfish around Tristan and the uninhabited Nightingale, Inaccessible and Stoltenhoff islands nearby. This is our main source of revenue; the only other is the sale of Tristan postage stamps to collectors.

  Ovenstones operate the only factory on Tristan, employing islanders to process fish which they catch in small boats. The company supplies 24-hour electricity from diesel generators to the village and to United Nations scientific monitoring stations.

  All 269 Tristanians, the 12 expatriates and their families live in Edinburgh of the Seven Seas, the rather grand name of the only settlement on Tristan, located on the largest plateau, five miles long by a mile, facing north. Otherwise the island consists of a peak (6,760 feet high), forbidding cliffs dropping sheer into the Atlantic, gulches and volcanic deposits and boulders. The community includes the Administrator (from the UK), the Factory Manager and the Doctor (South Africa), the Church of England Minister (UK) and a UN employee. The Anglicans are the most numerous, co-existing happily with the thriving Catholic community. The local lifestyle resembles that of homesteaders, or crofters. Each family has their own sheep, cattle and poultry. Fish is in abundance around Tristan and is an important part of peoples' diet. The families have their own allotments, which they call The Patches (sited three miles from Edinburgh, along the one metalled road, upon which Tristan's only timetabled bus service operates). On these allotments they grow vegetables, principally potatoes. There are very few fruit trees on the island, although the climate is moderate: its extremes make cultivation difficult. Most people work for the Tristan Government, except on days when weather and sea conditions permit fishing. Then, half the work force is allowed to process the catch at the factory. To learn more about our way of life, visit our website which is run in conjunction with the Tristan da Cunha Association, an organisation for people interested in the island.


  Tristan's economy, its policies, ethics and its welfare, are issues which must be addressed if the island is to achieve good governance and move forward. I will list them in order of what I feel are the most important. The recently appointed Administrator, David Morley, is doing his best to get results, but needs the support of London and the community to succeed. He has been handed an administrative post when the economy is in decline, with an inexperienced local management in charge of a disillusioned workforce. At the same time, the community faces increasing health problems. My view is this is the legacy of previous administrations which have made premature decisions and sometimes given incorrect information to councillors and heads of departments. In turn, this has dissipated the island economy and disillusioned its workforce. While the leaders of the community soon realised what was happening and made numerous requests for these trends to be reversed, the administrators seemed unable to be able to do so. I feel strongly that such situations could be avoided with open and transparent communication between Tristanians, the Administrator and London.

  One way forward would be for Tristan to nominate someone to represent them in the UK as already happens with the Falkland Islands and St Helena. While the St Helenan representative in London is also supposed to look after Tristan's interests, the reality is that person is far too busy with St Helena business. This leads to a continuation of the age-old fact that the majority of resources go to St Helena, leaving Tristan with the leftovers.

  Tristanians are very loyal to the Crown and proud to be British, but often they feel like the ugly duckling—neglected, out in the cold and having to fend for themselves. It has to be said that all feel that David Morley is doing a sterling job here. He has achieved more in the few weeks since his arrival than previous administrators have done in their three year tenures!

  So we must achieve good governance and a stable economy to improve the morale, the ethics and the welfare of our community through open and transparent communication and between the FCO, the Tristan Government, the Administrator and the Chief Islander. The Island Council needs to see and be able to respond to all political correspondence between London and Tristan.


1.   Education

  This is vitally important for present and future generations of Tristanians.

    (a)  We need a teacher from the UK to bring our rather rudimentary education up to British standards and to give local teachers in-service training. This last took place in 1991. More than half of the teachers will be retiring in the next five years, two are our most senior teachers and there is no one to replace them. The school needs new computers so it can offer computer-training classes to pupils and the community.

    (b)  We need management training for heads of government departments and the workforce engaged in electrical, mechanical, information technology, fisheries, agriculture, business, nursing, accountancy and clerical duties. To have on-island training from those qualified in farming, civil engineering, and labour management would be a great asset, as it would in other areas. Some islanders ought to be able to go abroad for specialist skill training.

2.   Medical Department

  The hospital must upgrade its building and facilities.

    (a)  The present labour ward needs converting into a properly equipped emergency room. The hospital interior needs refurbishing to enable the dental suite to be swapped with the theatre complex, a new dispensary with extra shelving to be created and a computer acquired to manage the stock. There should be an additional ward for use as a labour ward near the theatre complex.

    (b)  Equipment: the hospital needs a patient monitor (ECG, NIBP, SpO2 Respirations), a theatre light, theatre (operating) table, resuscitation table/gurney, operating light (for the emergency room), ultrasound scanner, gastroscope, ECG monitor/defibrillator, sigmoidoscope. UV Filter for hospital water supply, Paqa lab test kit.

    All this equipment is essential to the doctor in such a remote community. It means the difference between life and death.

3.   Supermarket

  There is only one shop for the sale of foodstuffs, clothing and hardware and our current building is very outdated, with inadequate storage facilities. It does not meet UK standards, being constructed of asbestos over a steel frame. There is a constant (losing) battle to exclude rats. For environmental and health and safety reasons, we urgently need a new supermarket.

    (a)  Requirements: proper cold storage for meats and fruit, new computers for stock and cash flow systems, computers, adequate and safe shelving, facilities for hygienically cutting cheeses and other foodstuffs and the means to upgrade personal facilities for employees. The warehouse must be upgraded to meet current UK hygiene standards.

  I realise of course that these essential improvements will cost money and resources, something Tristan simply does not have at present. The community will be grateful for support with these proposals and help in implementing them and devising a business plan to enable them this to happen.

  I hope the Committee will give its kind consideration to the contents of this document and look forward to a response in due course.

30 October 2007

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