Submission from Mr Larry Marshall Sr,
Bermudians Against the Draft (BAD)
1. I am writing on behalf of the anti-conscription
movement in the island of Bermuda in general and specifically
on behalf of the organization which I head known as Bermudians
Against the Draft (BAD).
2. Our group was formed in January 2006,
as a result of 42 years of abuse perpetuated upon young men unfortunate
enough to be randomly selected. In the past individuals have fought
against this system but only on an individual basis. However,
prior to our emergence there has never been a collective effort
to dismantle the present oppressive system and bring complete
freedom to our country. That in a nutshell is our mandate. To
abolish conscription in our country as soon as possible.
3. To get a better understanding of what
we face it is first necessary to deal with the origins of conscription
in Bermuda. In 1965 the then predominantly white government of
the day enacted legislation which in essence took away the right
to freedom of young men "called up" in the draft. Needless
to say this is blatant gender discrimination.
4. The fact that this was a time when young
black men were viewed as threatening and potentially dangerous
helps to explain why the 1965 Defense Act came about. When the
turbulence of the early 60's precipitated by racial injustice
is factored into the equation along with the accompanying belief
that those same young men possessed a genetic predisposition to
violence it becomes apparent that this legal action had absolutely
nothing to do with defense. Rather it had everything to do with
maintaining the status quo and controlling a certain segment of
Bermudian society viewed as so animalistic they could not be entrusted
with freedom. At least not all of them at once.
5. Not surprisingly this racist element
still manifests itself today as attested to by two statistics
which speak for themselves and need no explanation. First there
is a disproportionate number of young black men drafted each and
every year. Secondly, there is a disproportionate number of whites
who serve in the capacity of officer. Furthermore, according to
a newspaper report in our local daily on June 2, 2006, there has
been a history of conflict within the Bermuda Regiment due to
internal racial divisions. That substantiates what has just been
stated along with statistics received from our National Statistic
6. Yet despite this deplorable past what
is even more deplorable is that their system is allowed to continue
under a predominately black government in 2007. It would appear
that they too subscribe to the very same philosophy of the previous
government which further explains why young blacks continue to
be marginalized and ignored. It would also appear that they are
more concerned with maintaining power than doing what's right
as far as conscription is concerned irrespective of how many are
victimized in the process.
7. How sad when one considers just how oppressive
this system actually is and how many thousands of Bermudians have
been adversely affected to one degree or another. At BAD headquarters
we are constantly inundated with calls from both parents of young
men and young men alike who have suffered abuse at the hands of
sadistic goons who delight in inflicting pain, physical and emotional,
upon their fellow human beings.
8. This abuse includes incessant profanity
and vulgar language and also extends to physical beatings. More
then one person has told of an environment in which they feared
they might be sexually assaulted. This coupled with the routine
practice of incarcerating young men in their underwear is a recipe
for disaster. For the record these same young men are not even
allowed to use the bathroom at night while in boot-camp. This
has resulted in many urinating in cans, bottles, plastic bags
or even out the windows as they seek to relieve themselves. Mr
Andrew McKinley, one of your MP's alluded to this in the early
part of 2007. Several members of our coalition who have served
time at Warwick Camp confirmed this and also described the bathroom
facilities as absolutely filthy. As terrible as all of this is
what takes it down to the level of 21st century slavery is the
extremely low pay conscripts receive. A measly $2.25 per hour
in one of the richest countries in the world. This same government
has spent an exorbitant amount of money on football and cricket.
9. How your committee might ask, could the
aforementioned be allowed in any civilized society. First of all
because whenever society allows an individuals basic right to
freedom to be violated abuse of all sorts is inevitable. Our current
system of conscription is testament to that. Secondly because
that law of necessity authorizes those in power to exert force
when necessary, and it will always be necessary due to an innate
mechanism which automatically causes mankind to rebel under such
circumstances. As a consequence any law authorizing conscription
includes a variety of penalties the most severe being incarceration.
10. As a further consequence this has resulted
in over 40 young men being incarcerated at our local prison for
three to six months since 2000. All were black. That is a significant
percentage considering the overall number of conscripts. And to
add insult to injury they still must complete their military duty
upon release. Failure to do so means another term of incarceration
which means that, technically speaking, one could do a life sentence
in Bermuda simply for being a conscientious objector. Indeed this
is a most antiquated and draconian law.
11. Yet as far as incarceration is concerned
it is not by any means limited to Westgate Prison. An innumerable
amount of young victims have been jailed in the Bermuda Regiment's
cells aptly described as "third world" by one of your
compatriots. The sentences vary from one or two days to the maximum
under law which is 58 days. A military officer determines the
length of stay. During this stay they actually have less rights
than a prisoner who has been convicted of a crime in a court of
law. Leg shackles and handcuffs are used on a regular basis in
an effort to humiliate these detainees. Mr McKinlay's interest
arose after he became enraged having seen a photograph of eight
young men being treated so inhumanly in 2003. Amazing not one
local politician even blinked an eye.
12. This still continues which is why BAD
has challenged this most corrupt system through our local courts.
More specifically the Supreme Court. On 3 December 2006 we launched
the first of two writ's the both of which have since been consolidated.
13. And to illustrate just how totalitarian
and autocratic this system is, the young men were still hunted
down like criminals even though they were taking the matter to
court. Had they been caught they could have been jailed indefinitely
or at least for the duration of the court case which could possibly
last for years. At one residence an army jeep with six soldiers
accompanied by three police cars arrived to arrest one BAD member
on the writ. As unbelievable as that sequence of events sounds
it is all well documented in articles of our local newspaper the
Royal Gazette. The relevant links are provided at the end of this
14. During that period not one local politician
had the guts to offer any support for the group even though what
transpired could aptly be described, to use the American Supreme
Court Justice Clarence Thomas words, as a modem day, high-tech
lynching. Needless to say we expect no help from these hypocrites
and cowards who publicly endorse and champion conscription while
their own children avoid military duty. To them political expediency
is what matters most.
15. It is for this reason that I, on behalf
of both BAD and every young conscientious objector in this country,
appeal to your committee to act on our behalf in the following
ways if possible:
(i) Conduct a board of inquiry into the innumerable
allegations of abuse which are said to have taken place in our
country at Warwick Camp during the past 42 years due to conscription.
Such a board would provide anonymity for those afraid of reprisals.
(ii) Put pressure on the present government
to end this madness at once seeing they lack the back bone and
conscience to do so by themselves.
16. After all Britain is just as responsible
seeing they inexplicably allowed it to begin in 1965 when it had
been abolished in your country two years prior. Your foreign policy
clearly states that the same rights enjoyed in Britain should
be enjoyed by every citizen in every overseas territory. How then
can you sit idly by and allow such an institution like conscription
with all of its accompanying evils to exists when it has been
abolished in all but two other jurisdictions within the Commonwealth.
How can you sit idly by while young Bermudian men are subjected
to such demeaning and abusive treatment while young Englishmen
are protected under law. Hopefully you cannot and will act on
our behalf in the name of freedom as thousands of young men in
our country cry out for justice in the only place people will
listen. Sadly that is the House of Commons.
17. In closing I would like to thank you
for the opportunity to make this written presentation and will
also request the opportunity to appear before your committee in
London to make an oral presentation as this would allow me to
do justice for our cause.
18. I would also like to state that as a
Bermudian I am embarrassed and ashamed to have to appeal to you
in London for justice due to my own countryman's ignorance, intransigence,
and arrogance concerning this issue.
3 November 2007