Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Email from Richard Sankar


  Until November 4, 2007, I lived on Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, for almost 11 years. In that entire time I worked for Prestigious Properties which is majority owned by the Premier's brother, Washington Misick (former Chief Minister of the Turks & Caicos Islands); the Premier himself being a minority shareholder.

  In the fall of 2002, I applied for permanent residence with the right to work and complied with the requirements; because I was of significant financial benefit to the Misick family, my application for permanent residence was opposed. As a result, I realized that the only way I would ever be able to gain status in the Turks & Caicos Islands was if I did not work for the family. I tendered my resignation in order to allow myself the opportunity to join a more non-partisan business which has resulted in the addition of my name to a list of people that the Immigration Department will not allow back into the country.

  Shortly after the PNP came into power in 2002, the real estate ordinance was amended to allow Prestigious Properties to gain greater monopoly in the real estate industry by making real estate brokers licenses 100% from 51% "belonger" owned. This is a disadvantage to start up businesses in the industry because "belongers" are unable to partner up with financially beneficial "non-belongers" in order to gain entrance into an oligopolistically competitive industry.

  I was born in Trinidad and Tobago and became a Canadian citizen in my 20s. I own several properties in the Turks & Caicos Islands and I am a shareholder in two businesses. The misuse of power by the Misick family and action taken against me is unconscionable considering the contribution I have made to their company and the country. I would like to be removed from the stop list that prevents me entry into the Turks & Caicos Islands and granted permanent residence status in the Turks & Caicos Islands not only for my gain but also to prove to the citizens and expatriates that justice can prevail in the country. I am forced to run a TCI company (from abroad) in which I have invested a large portion of my net worth.


Prestigious Properties Graceway House Office

  In the spring/summer of 2005 (after more than eight years of service to Prestigious Properties), the business I was generating through my various advertising campaigns and referrals from past customers had grown to the point that I needed two personal assistants to support the inquiries and subsequent transactions. There was limited space at the old Prestigious Properties office so I first approached Washington about setting up a branch office but he refused. I subsequently approached Clive Stanbrook to rent space at Graceway House at my expense. Clive was unwilling to rent space to me but choose to discuss my request with Washington and who subsequently agreed to the set up under the following terms:

    —  Prestigious Properties gave me $15,000 for improvements to the space; I spent an additional $5,000 on the improvements.

    —  Prestigious Properties was responsible for the monthly rent and utilities.

    —  I purchased the furniture and equipment and it was understood that this was my property. As with all agents at Prestigious Properties, they are expected to have their own computer equipment. For example, when Ms Laverne Skippings left Prestigious Properties to work for Dellis Cay she was not asked to give her laptop to Prestigious Properties and/or provide an assurance that any files she may have had pertaining to the business were deleted—which is basically what Washington is now asking me to do. For the ease of functioning as a branch office, all files were scanned and e-mailed to head office creating a paperless environment. This may become an issue of intellectual property law because I own the hardware that the files are stored on and unwilling to give an assurance that all files have been deleted.

    —  I paid for my support staff and advertising; there was no benefit given for my increase in expenses in order to make the additional income for my broker.


  Washington's claim that I did not approach him about my move is incorrect because in mid-September 2007 I spoke with the Sales Manager, Rob McLean about my impending resignation and requested a meeting with Washington to discuss and engineer a graceful, mutually beneficial transition. I never got a response from Rob regarding a meeting nor did Washington call me to discuss my move. In an effort to keep the communication open, in mid-October 2007 I called Karen Misick who is a director of Prestigious Properties and discussed my resignation with her and my desire to move to Tropical Paradise Realty.

  In the last two weeks of October (realizing there was no meeting in the horizon to discuss the transition) I decided to add Ron Burton to all of my listings so the transition would appear transparent to clients in case Washington decided to terminate me from Prestigious Properties and cancel my Filogix account (this is the Multiple Listing System used by the Turks and Caicos Real Estate Association). There were two clients that I did not get to before the meeting on November 2, 2007—Wymara and Turquoise Ridge.

  At 5.30 pm 1 November 2007 after a long day on the road with clients, I received the attached disciplinary letter from Washington demanding I meet at 10 am the next day with the directors of Prestigious Properties. The tone of his letter caused me to believe this was not going to be an easy transition and that I may even be persecuted by Washington. I was concerned that once I tendered my resignation Washington would lock me out of the Prestigious Properties Graceway House office and seize the contents which cost me in excess of $30,000. In an effort to circumnavigate that event, I moved my furniture and equipment into storage on the evening of 1 November 2007 and prepared myself for what would come next.

  At the meeting on 2 November 2007 I was allowed to have two witnesses. I choose to bring Ron Burton and Peter Crawford-Smith. I read my letter of resignation and thanked Washington for the opportunity to work with him for almost 11 years. He said that he would be lying if he did not say that I had made a significant contribution to the company but that he would do whatever he could to prevent me from obtaining status to work in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

  Later that day I received a call from Rob McLean requesting my work permit—there would be no two week notice period. Prestigious Properties then terminated my Filogix account and because I was the only agent named on the Wymara listings and co-named with Imelda Burke (whose Filogix account was also terminated) on the Turquoise Ridge listings, those listings were cancelled automatically by the system. The action taken by Prestigious Properties resulted in those listings being cancelled on the system—there was some subsequent confusion as to how the listing were cancelled and I called Rob McLean and explained that it was a result of their action. If I had chosen not to add Ron Burton to the other listings, an action which with certainty proves that I did my best not to take existing business away from Prestigious Properties, all the listings would have been cancelled. A good example of this occurred recently when Birdie Selver left Remax Elite to start her own firm—her listings with Remax were all cancelled by the system and she took them over with her.

  I have complied to the best of my knowledge with my Employment Contract and Multiple Listing Agreements. What Washington wants back is my knowledge and expertise which cannot be controlled and most certainly will not be contracted back to him in the future. Mr Washington Misick has misused his relationship with his brother, the Premier, Michael Misick (who is also 20% shareholder of Prestigious Properties) and influence with civil servants of the Turks & Caicos Government to prevent me entrance into the Turks & Caicos Islands by illegally adding me to a stop fly list.

13 December 2007

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