Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Submission from Ray Carbery, President Turks & Caicos Islands Olympic Committee (Steering)


  The Commonwealth games allow all Commonwealth countries to participate and are somewhat sanctioned by the IOC. All NOC's within the Commonwealth have a cross over role with the IOC ... eg the Chair of the Commonwealth Games, Mr. Michael Fennell is also President of the Jamaican Olympic Committee and an IOC Member.

  Commonwealth games committee's receive limited funding from the Commonwealth Games Committee ... whereas ... NOC's receive sufficient amounts of financial support from the IOC. hence the imbalance between Territories recognized and those "like us" sitting on the outside looking in. The Commonwealth are not the supreme organ of sport ... that title is held by the IOC through the Olympic Games of which our Premier pointed out so eloquently to Mr Mackinlay.

  We bring all of this to your attention as we feel the that our quest is reviewed in the correct context as this is a complicated issue which requires in-depth knowledge on all issues. In closing I will be in London in March sometime and should you require further information on our quest ... I would be more than happy to oblige and meet. In the mean time the FCO continue to sit back and do nothing to resolve this debacle they state time and time again we have to wait for Gibraltar's case to conclude before they will even contemplate doing anything ... which is not correct. We have nothing in common with Gibraltar's legal arguments in Swiss Federal Court ... Sovereign Land issues do not come into play with the TCI! You will note for the records that I have cc our Secretary General Ms Alice Malcolm and our Legal Advisor Mr Paul Keeble. Thank you on behalf of the TCI youth.

  Discrimination against people has no place in the world ... or ... sport including the Olympic Games.

12 January 2008

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