Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Further Email from Richard Sankar

  Please be advised that as of 10 January 2008 I was removed from the list that prevents me from entering the Turks & Caicos Islands—see attached letter[247] from the newly appointed Director of Immigration, Alonso Malcolm; his predecessor, Desmond Wilson issued the letter adding me to the list in the first place. I don't know if your office had any influence in affecting the change in my illegally imposed immigration status but I would like to extend my gratitude nontheless.

  My next obstacle is to get my application for Permanent Residence a fair review. It is being blocked by Washington Misick (former Chief Minister and brother of our Premier, Michael Misick). I have called the Governor's office in Grand Turk to request a meeting to discuss the situation and awaiting a response from his secretary. I shall report back with any response I receive from the Governor's office to update my file.

15 January 2008

247   Not printed. Back

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