Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Submission from Mr Don Mitchell CBE QC, Anguilla


  I have just read with interest your website which indicates that the deadline for making written submissions to the FAC has been extended to 31 January. I am taking the opportunity of that extension to enclose a copy of the Report of the Constitutional and Electoral Reform Commission for the use of the members of the FAC.[249]

  The Report was presented to His Excellency the Governor and members of the Anguilla government on 31 August 2006. In the view of the members of the Commission, the Report, particularly the section headed "Recommendations", contains the views and opinions of the majority of Anguillians who made representations to the Commission. The section headed, "Introduction" will tell the members of your Committee everything they need to know about the Anguillian perspective on our history.

  In the event that your members have already seen a copy of this Report, please accept my apologies for encumbering you with another copy of this document.

  With best wishes for a successful conclusion of your Committee's work.

23 January 2008

249   Not printed. Back

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