Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Further submission from Ray Carbery, President, Turks & Caicos Islands Olympic Committee (Steering)

  Dear Mr. Chairman and fellow Committee Members, please note the recent email response to questions (see below) which we presented to Ms Meg Munn MP ... who is the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office of which the Caribbean Territories fall under her jurisdiction.

  As you know from our previous correspondences about our ongoing complaints about how we are being snubbed by FCO Officials (in London) related to our Territories repeated request for answers|.so here is a classic example of get lost attitude and don't bother me in "BOLD LETTERS"!!!! This is totally unacceptable, unprofessional and given her high profile position damn right rude. The Turks & Caicos Islands people do not need this sort attitude we have enough on our plate in getting answers from the very people (FCO) who represent us|..and our rights world wide.

  The very heart of the problem are in those words and her lackadaisical attitude towards the TCI and its people ... what a shame! I intend to bring this to attention of the Premier of the TCI.

  "Your email is for the Foreign & Commonwealth Office; however it has reached the office of Meg Munn, the Member of Parliament for Sheffield Heeley.

  Your email will not be forwarded nor any action taken with it. It has been deleted and any further emails sent to this email address will automatically be deleted.

  Please re-send your email to the following address:"

  "Dear Ms. Munn, We are not sure if you are aware of the current situation with the Turks & Caicos Islands Olympic Committee's ongoing challenges to seek recognition with the IOC for the TCI? Over the past six years our quest has been stalled by the BOA by voting against the TCI in critical vote back in 1996 whereby we are now precluded from being part of the Olympic Family like our Sister Territories; Bermuda, Cayman and the BVI. We will not bore you with the in-depth details because our case history with the FCO is well documented. The FCO have over these six years has taken a rather lackadaisical approach in helping our cause|.they refuse not to get involved even though they are responsible for this whole mess|by allowing a charity to vote on constitutional matters that directly violated our rights. Again you can read the file and get a clearer picture of what we are talking about.

  Our email to you today as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for our Region is to receive some positive feed back to our ongoing questions which never seem to get answered. You will note the email sent Ms Kate Blacker ... who is the desk officer for the TCI and the region in general. The current stance by the FCO is that you want us to sit back and wait for the Gibraltar case which is in Swiss Federal Court against the IOC to be heard and verdict made|.in our opinion that is purely another stalling tactic on your part. We will address that issue at a later date ... but you will note below a list of questions which we are waiting for a reply from the FCO. Seeing that this falls under your jurisdiction we would appreciate hearing from you on this subject as Ms. Blacker has taken the attitude of not even acknowledging our email. Thank you on behalf of the youth of the TCI.

Discrimination against people has no place in the world or sport ... including the Olympic Games

1 February 2008

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