Box 2: Implementation of MMC and MTAS: Timeline of key events in 2007
22 January - MTAS computer system opens for Specialty Training applications.
9 February - High Court rules that DH guidance on HSMP applicants is legal; British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) launches appeal; DH decides not to enforce guidance in 2007 because of ongoing appeal.
5 March - The interview panel for ST3 level General Surgery in the West Midlands decides not to proceed with interviews due to "serious procedural flaw" with short-listing; DH announces "Douglas Review" review of ongoing ST selection process.
17 March - Junior doctors demonstrate in London and Glasgow about the MTAS system
31 March - Alan Crockard, head of MMC, resigns, blaming lack of leadership of and confidence in MMC and MTAS; National Clinical Advisor Shelley Heard also resigns.
4 April - The Douglas Review announces changes to the selection process: at least one interview is guaranteed for each candidate in an extended first round.
24 April - Sir John Tooke asked to lead independent inquiry into implementation of MMC and MTAS.
26 April - MTAS website is suspended following two separate security breaches which make some candidates details publicly available; the system is subsequently abandoned.
20 May - James Johnson, chairman of the BMA, resigns, following criticism of the organisation's failure to adequately represent junior doctors' interests.
23 May - RemedyUK's legal challenge is rejected at the High Court; however, the judgement describes MTAS as a flawed system and acknowledges the "disastrous consequences" of MTAS.
8 June - Revised plans for Round 2 of recruitment are announced; applicants are guaranteed employment in existing posts until the end of October 2007.
22 June - Round 1 selection is completed, more than 2 months behind schedule.
12 July - The final report of the Douglas Review is published, describing ST selection as "the biggest crisis within the medical profession in a generation".
1 August - Those accepted into run-through and FTSTA posts in Round 1, and those in GP training posts, begin their new programmes.