Select Committee on Health Third Report


Thursday 15 November 2007  
Sir Liam Donaldson KB, Chief Medical Officer, Professor Martin Marshall, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Ms Clare Chapman, Director General of Workforce, and Mr Nic Greenfield, Deputy Director of Workforce, Department of Health

Thursday 6 December 2007
Professor Sir John Tooke, Dean of Peninsula Medical School, Head of the Tooke Inquiry, and Sir Jonathan Michael, Deputy Managing Director, BT Healthcare, Member of the Tooke Inquiry Panel
Dr Richard Marks, Head of Legal Team, and Mr Matthew Jameson Evans, Press Co-ordinator, RemedyUK, and Professor Steve O'Rahilly, University of Cambridge, member of Fidelio

Thursday 13 December 2007
Professor Alan Crockard, Former National Director, MMC (England), and Professor Shelley Heard, Former National Clinical Advisor to MMC
Dr Jo Hilborne, Former chair, Junior Doctors Committee, British Medical Association, Dr Ian Wilson, BMA Consultants Committee and MMC Programme Board member, British Medical Association, and Dr Ramesh Mehta, President, British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin
Mr Mark Johnston, Managing Director, Methods Consulting

Thursday 17 January 2008
Professor Dame Carol Black, Chair, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, Mr Bernard Ribeiro, President, Royal College of Surgeons, and Dr Bill Reith, Chair of Postgraduate Training Board, Royal College of General Practitioners
Professor Elisabeth Paice, Dean Director, London Deanery, and Chair, Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans, Professor David Sowden, Dean, East Midlands Healthcare Workforce Deanery and Senior Responsible Officer for MMC, Department of Health (from January 2008), and Professor Sarah Thomas, Dean, South Yorkshire and South Humber Postgraduate Deanery

Thursday 24 January 2008
Professor Peter Rubin, Chair, Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board, Professor Neil Douglas, Head, MTAS Review Group, and Professor Sir Nick Wright, Warden, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Ms Anne Rainsberry, Director of Workforce, NHS London, Dr Moira Livingston, Strategic Head of Workforce and Deputy Medical Director, NHS North East, and Ms Sian Thomas, Deputy Director, NHS Employers

Monday 18 February 2008
Ms Lorraine Rogerson, Director of Policy, and Head of Profession at the Border and Immigration Agency, Home Office, and Ms Judith Macgregor, Director for Migration, Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP, Secretary of State for Health, Mr Hugh Taylor, Permanent Secretary, Sir Liam Donaldson KB, Chief Medical Officer, and Ms Clare Chapman, Director General of Workforce, Department of Health

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