Select Committee on Health Third Report

List of further written evidence

The following written submissions were received after the publication of Modernising Medical Careers: Written evidence, HC 25-II, Session 2007-08. They are reproduced with the Oral evidence in Volume III of this Report.

1  Department of Health (MMC 01A)

2  Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board (MMC 27A)

3  British Medical Association (MMC 35A)

4  NHS Employers (MMC 45A)

5  Work Psychology Partnership (MMC 52)

6  Dr Graham Winyard (MMC 53)

7  Dr Jack Dummer (MMC 54)

8  British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) (MMC 55)

9  Professor Dame Carol Black (MMC 56)

10  Professor Dame Carol Black (MMC 56A)

11  Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans (COPMeD) (MMC 57)

12  Methods Consulting (MMC 58)

13  Foreign & Commonwealth Office (MMC 59)

14  Home Office (MMC 60)

15  Professor Sir John Tooke (MMC 61)

16  NHS Education for Scotland (MMC 62)

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