Select Committee on Health Written Evidence

Memorandum from Professor Maria Goddard (FTM 08)

  I am writing to follow-up the issue described below by Professor Alan Maynard.

  In trying to undertake independent evaluation of the impact of FTs, we encountered some problems in the availability of data from FTs. In the past, all NHS trusts have been required to submit financial returns to the Dept of Health in a common format (known as TFRs—Trust Financial Returns) and these are available in the public domain. However, as part of the freedoms given to FTs they are no longer required to submit this data. As we were trying to compare the financial performance of non FTs and FTs, this was problematic so we contacted Monitor to ask whether the returns they collect from FTs would contain the appropriate information. Although there was only partial matching of the data, Monitor said that some of their returns would contain information we were seeking but that they were unable to let us have this data because it was confidential. Their suggestion was that we seek permission from every FT in order that the data could be released. As you may appreciate, that is rather time consuming and not conducive to the conduct of independent evaluation. Ultimately we were able to get the Foundation Trust Network to assist us in getting permission but it was made clear that if we wished to update the analysis with more recent financial data we would be required to approach each FT directly.

  It has also become apparent that the increasing mis-match between the format and nature of the data provided by the FTs and non-FTs makes proper comparisons impossible. In addition, I understand that CIPFA has cut down the data series they have usefully produced on Trusts over many years.

  Our own rich series of data on NHS Trusts which we have assembled in the Centre for Health Economics over many years (covering input, output and process variables), which has facilitated a range of useful research projects, has also fallen down because of the lack of FT data held in the public domain. As more Trusts become FTs, less and less information will be available for research purposes. As FTs remain public sector organisations spending public funds, it is worrying that independent scrutiny of some fundamental issues is made difficult, or even impossible, by rules that seem to protect them as commercial concerns.

  I hope this is helpful.

Professor Maria Goddard

Assistant Director

Centre for Health Economics

University of York

September 2008

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