Select Committee on Treasury Fifth Report



The period from Friday 14 September   2007 to Monday 17 September saw the first run on the retail deposits of a United Kingdom bank since Victorian times. We analyse the causes and consequences of the run on Northern Rock, and the lessons to be learnt from it. We emphasise the advantages of legislative change on a cross-party basis and make proposals for such change, and for reforms of the Tripartite arrangements, on that basis.

Northern Rock and its regulation

The directors of Northern Rock were the principal authors of the difficulties that the company has faced since August 2007. The directors pursued a reckless business model which was excessively reliant on wholesale funding. The Financial Services Authority systematically failed in its regulatory duty to ensure that Northern Rock would not pose a systemic risk.

Handling the support operation and stopping the run

The Chancellor of the Exchequer was right to view Northern Rock as posing a systemic risk to the financial system and to authorise the Bank of England's support facility. However, the Tripartite authorities did not prepare adequately for that support operation. Those authorities and Northern Rock ought to have strained every sinew to finalise the operation and announce it within hours rather than days of the decision to proceed with the operation. The Tripartite authorities at deputies level failed to plan in advance for the announcement of the Government guarantee on Northern Rock deposits that proved necessary to stop the run.

Dealing with failing banks

We recommend a series of measures for handling 'failing' banks in an orderly manner and in a way that insulates taxpayers and small depositors from the risk of banks failing. We recommend that a relevant authority be given power to acquire information relating to individual financial institutions and to take action in relation to an institution in specified circumstances. We also propose a special resolution regime for failing banks to enable smooth administration of such a bank to be combined with arrangements to ensure that insured deposits are safe and accessible.

Depositor protection

A deposit protection scheme must be simple and transparent. The "co-insurance" model of deposit protection—whereby small depositors stand to lose some of their money in the event of a bank closing—is discredited. Ensuring the speedy release of funds under any scheme is of critical importance, and we propose measures to provide for this. We recommend the establishment of a Deposit Protection Fund to be funded by participating institutions.

Lessons learned

There was a significant failure of the Tripartite arrangements in September 2007, and lessons must be learned from that failure. The financial system in the United Kingdom would not be well-served by a dismantling of the Tripartite arrangements. However, the current arrangements lack a clear leadership structure or a strategy for effective communication with the public.


A single authority ought to be given the new powers for handling failing banks, together with responsibility for the Deposit Protection Fund. There is a need for 'creative tension' within the regulatory system, and so these powers and responsibilities should not be granted to the Financial Services Authority. We propose the creation of a new post of Deputy Governor of the Bank of England and Head of Financial Stability. We set out how this new post and the accompanying Office will relate to the existing responsibilities of the Bank of England and to the other Tripartite authorities.

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