| The future of air transport: progress report. Cm 6977 (14.12.2006) |
| Care Matters: Time for Change. Cm 7137 (21.06.2007) |
| Prospects for the European Union in 2007: the German Presidency, January to June 2007. Cm 7024 (31.01.2007) |
| Cabinet Office Departmental Report 2007. Cm 7108 (17.05.2007) |
| Community, opportunity, prosperity. Department for Communities and Local Government annual report 2007. Cm 7094 (17.05.2007) |
| Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs Departmental Report 2007. Cm 7103 (17.05.2007) |
| Department for Constitutional Affairs Departmental Report 2006-07. Cm 7097 (08.05.2007) |
| Department for Culture Media and Sport Departmental Report 2007. Cm 7104 (17.05.2007) |
| Department for Education and Skills Departmental Report 2007. Cm 7092 (17.05.2007) |
| Department for Work and Pensions Departmental Report 2007. Cm 7105 (16.05.2007) |
| Dept of Health Departmental Report 2007. Cm 7093 (17.05.2007) |
| Dept of Transport Departmental Report 2007. Cm 7095 (17.05.2007) |
| Deputy Prime Minister Departmental Report 2007. Cm 7102 (17.05.2007) |
| Foreign and Commonwealth Office Departmental Report 2006-07. (Includes a DVD "FCO Leadership Conference 2007"). Cm 7099 (09.05.2007) |
| Government Actuary's Departmental Report Spring 2007. Cm 7115 (17.05.2007) |
| Home Office Departmental Report 2007. Cm 7096 (17.05.2007) |
| Law Officers' Dept: Departmental Report 2007. Cm 7114 (17.05.2007) |
| National Savings and Investments Departmental Report 2007. Cm 7116 (17.05.2007) |
| Northern Ireland Office Departmental Report 2007. Cm 7111 (17.05.2007) |
| Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) Departmental Report 2006-07. Cm 7117 (15.05.2007) |
| Scotland Office and Office of the Advocate General for Scotland Departmental Report 2007. Cm 7109 (10.05.2007) |
| Legal aid reform: the way ahead. Cm 6993 (28.11.2006) |
Section D - Part 2
Subject Index to Green Papers and Consultation Documents
The following is a list of Green Papers (a term used to cover all consultation documents, discussion papers, and other items which set out proposals which are at a formative or uncomplicated stage and are issued to solicit comment) received by the House of Commons Information Office in the 2006-07 Session. The non-appearance of an item in this list cannot be taken as evidence that such a title does not exist. Most items are published or 'made available' by individual Government departments or agencies, from whom copies should be sought. (Some also appear in the Chadwyck Healey Catalogue of British Official Publications not published by TSO). The few that are TSO published items have a Command Paper number or other reference attached. Details of the consultation period and issuing office address may be found in the edition of the Weekly Information Bulletin next following the date of receipt.
BERR | Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform | ITC LCD | Independent Television Commission Lord Chancellor's Department |
Cm | Command Paper | MAFF | Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food |
DCA | Department of Constitutional Affairs | MOJ | Ministry of Justice |
DCMS | Department of Culture, Media & Sport | NIO | Northern Ireland Office |
DCLA | Department for Communities & Local Government | ODPM | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister |
DEFRA | Department of Food & Rural Affairs | OFGAS | Office of Gas Supply |
DES | Department for Education & Skills | OFTEL | Office of Telecommunications |
DH | Department of Health | OFWAT | Office of Water Services |
DTI | Department of Trade & Industry | ONS | Office for National Statistics |
DWP | Department of Work & Pensions | PO | Patents office |
FSA | Financial Services Authority | RDC | Rural Development Commission |
HC | House of Commons Paper | TSO | The Stationery Office |
HMT | Her Majesty's Treasury | SO | Scottish Office |
HO | Home Office |
AGENCY WORKERS - Measures to protect Vulnerable Agency Workers. DTI. [20.2.07]
ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR - Strengthening powers to tackle anti-social behaviour: Consultation paper. HO [16.11.06]
BANKS - Banking Reform - Protecting Depositors. HMT. [15.10.07]
BUSINESS - Simplifying Business Support: A Consultation. DTI [3.7.07]
CAUTIONS - Revised Code of Practice for Conditional Cautions. HO. [8.3.07]
CHILDREN & ASYLUM - Planning Better Outcomes and Support for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children. HO. [5.3.07]
COMPANIES ACT - Implementation of the Companies Act 2006. DTI. [2.3.07]
CONSUMERS - Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Bill: Measures to Strengthen and Streamline Consumer Advocacy. BERR. [9.7.07]
COUNTER-TERRORISM - Possible Measures for Inclusion in a Future Counter Terrorism Bill. HO. [25.7.07]
DATA RETENTION - The initial transposition of Directive 2006/24/EC on the retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or of public communications services or of public communications networks and amending Directive 2002/58/EC.
HO. [29.3.07]
ENERGY - Energy Billing and Metering: Changing Consumer Behaviour. BERR. [22.8.07]
ENTERPRISE - A consultation on a draft Statutory Instrument enabling disclosure of information for civil proceedings under the Enterprise Act 2002. DTI. [18.12.06]
EU COMPANY LAW - Directive 2006/43/EC on Statutory Audits of Annual and Consolidated Accounts; Directive 2006/46/EC on Company Reporting and Directive 2005/56/EC on Cross-Border Mergers of Limited Liability Companies
DTI. [5.3.07]
GOVERNANCE OF BRITAIN - MOJ. Cm 7170 [July 2007]
IMMIGRATION - Rebuilding confidence in our immigration system: An independent and transparent assessment of immigration. HO. [18.12.07]
INDUSTRIAL INJURIES - Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Scheme. DTI. [20.2.07]
MINIMUM WAGE - National Minimum Wage and Voluntary Workers. DTI. [19.6.07]
MINIMUM WAGE - National Minimum Wage and Employment Agency Standards Enforcement. DTI. [20.6.07]
PATENTS - Patents Rules: Modernisation and Consolidation. PO. [13.3.07]
PATENTS - Proposed changes to the Patents Rules. PO. [21.11.06]
PATERNITY - Additional Paternity Leave and Pay Administration Consultation. DTI. [20.6.07]
PENSIONS - Review of Pensions Institutions. DWP. [5.3.07]
PENSIONS - Approaches to the Calculation of Pensions Transfer Values. DWP. [16.7.07]
PENSIONS - Register of Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Provision of Information) regulations 2007. DTI. [30.1.07]
POST-16 EDUCATION - Raising Expectations: Staying in Education and Training Post 16. DES. [22.3.07]
REPRESENTATIVES - Workplace Representatives: a review of their facilities and facility time. DTI. [18.12.06]
SENTENCING - Making Sentencing Clearer: Consultation and Report of a Review by the Home Secretary, Lord Chancellor and Attorney General. HO. [16.11.06]
SUCCESS AT WORK - Success at Work: Increasing the holiday entitlement. A Further Consultation. DTI. [16.1.07]
SUCCESS AT WORK - Success at Work: resolving disputes in the workplace. DTI [22.3.07]
TRADE UNION LAW - ECHR Judgement in ASLEF V UK Case: Implications for Trade Union Law. DTI. [20.6.07]
WEAPONS - Banning Offensive Weapons. HO. [5.3.07]
Section D - Part 3
Miscellaneous Papers
A collection of miscellaneous papers that were laid before the House:
Review of the implementation of EU legislation by Lord Davidson QC, Final Report, ISBN: 011 840484
Investigation into the Home Office's regulation of animal experimentation, First Report of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman HC 144
What price privacy now? Information Commissioner's Office HC 36
Review of the Electoral Commission by the Committee on Standards in Public Life Cm 7006
Standing orders of the House of Commons 2007 HC 105
Boundary Commission for England, Fifth Periodical Report, Cm 7032,
Review Body on Senior Salaries, Twenty-Ninth Report, 2007, Cm 7030
The Definition of Terrorism, A Report by Lord Carlile of Berriew Q.C., Cm 7052
Budget 2007: building Britain's long-term future prosperity and fairness for families economic and fiscal strategy report and financial statement and budget report March 2007, (Red Book) HC 342
The Parliamentary Ombudsman: withstanding the test of time, 4th Report, Session 2006-07 HC 421
The Governance of Britain:
- The Government's Draft Legislative Programme, Cm 7175
- Judicial Appointments, Cm 7210,
- War powers and treaties: limiting Executive powers, Cm 7239
- Managing Protest around Parliament, Cm 7235
House of Commons Commission (Twenty-Ninth Report) Financial Year 2006-07, HC 708
Section D - Part 4
Regulatory Impact Assessments
Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIAs) are prepared and published by the Government for all primary legislation introduced into and secondary legislation laid before Parliament. In the case of most Government Bills, a RIA forms part of the Explanatory Memoranda to the Bill: in other cases, a separate document is issued. RIAs are an assessment for the business sector of the costs involved in complying with the legislation. The Stationery Office publishes a six monthly list of RIAs as a Command Paper. The publication of this paper is noted in the White Papers section of the Digest.
Section D - Part 5
House of Commons Information Office Factsheets
Procedure series
| Legislation series |
| Parliamentary Questions
| L1
| The Parliamentary Stages of a Government Bill |
| Departmental Select Committees
| L2
| Private Members' Bills Procedure |
| Early Day Motions
| L3
| The Success of Private Members' Bills |
| Sittings of the House
| L4
| Private Bills |
| Budgets and Financial Documents
| L5
| Hybrid Bills |
| Financial Procedure
| L6
| Standing Committees |
| Public Petitions
| L7
| Statutory Instruments and Deregulation Orders |
| Scottish and Welsh Business
| L8
| Northern Ireland Legislation |
| Divisions
Guillotine and Timetabling Motions
| L9
| Order Confirmation Bills and Special Procedure Orders |
| The Chiltern Hundreds
| L10
| Church of England Measures |
| House of Commons Papers
| L11
| European Communities Legislation |
| Command Papers
| L12
| Tracing Acts of Parliament |
| Treaties
| | |
| Deposited Papers
| General series |
| The Vote Bundle
| G2
| A Selective Booklist on the House of Commons |
| The Weekly Information Bulletin
| G3
| A Brief Chronology of the House of Commons |
| | G4
| The Glorious Revolution |
Members/Elections Series
| G5
| Broadcasting Proceedings of the House |
| You and your MP
| G6
| Disciplinary and Penal Powers of the House |
| The Speaker
| G7
| Some Traditions and Customs of the House |
| The Father of the House
| G8
| The Gunpowder Plot |
| Women in the House of Commons
| G9
| The Portcullis |
| Members' Pay, Pensions and Allowances
| G10
| House of Commons Green |
| Ministerial Salaries
| G11
| The Palace of Westminster |
| Parliamentary Elections
| G12
| Restoration of the Palace of Westminster |
| By-election results: 1979-83
| G13
| The Norman Shaw Buildings |
| General Election results, 9 June 1983
| G14
| Parliament Street Buildings |
| By-election results: 1983-87
| G15
| The House of Commons Service |
| General Election results, 11 June 1987
| G16
| The Clerk of the House |
| By-election results: 1987-92
| G17
| The Official Report, House of Commons |
| General Election results, 9 April 1992
| G18
| The House of Commons Library Department |
| By-election results: 1992-97
| G19
| The House of Commons Refreshment Department |
| General Election results, 1 May 1997
| G20
| House of Commons Post Office |
| By-election results: 1997-2001
| G21
| The Outlawries Bill |
| | | |
| | | |