House of Commons
Session 2007 - 08
Publications on the internet
Weekly Information Bulletin
Weekly Information Bulletin: 7th June 2008

Select Committees

A complete list of Select Committee membership and a Factsheet (P2) on the work of Select Committees is available on request from the House of Commons Information Office. The list and Factsheet are also on the Parliament website at:

An index to the Select Committee home pages together with links to further pages containing information about their work and publications is on the Parliament website at:


Select Committee Meetings
2 - 6 June 2008

Monday 2 June

Children, Schools and Families Subject: Looked-after children Witnesses: The Foyer Federation, National Leaving Care Advisory Service, and Professor Mike Stein, University of York

International Development Subject: Co-ordination for Aid Effectiveness Witnesses: Shahid Malik MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for International Development

Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills Subject: Office for Fair Access Witnesses: Professor Sir Martin Harris, Director of Fair Access to Higher Education

Public Accounts Subject: Efficient grant making in the Culture, Media and Sport sector Witnesses: Nicholas Holgate, Chief Operating Officer, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Jennie Price, Chief Executive, Sport England, Dr Simon Thurley, Chief Executive, English Heritage, Alan Davey, Chief Executive, Arts Council, Peter Wanless, Chief Executive, The Lottery Fund

Communities and Local Government Subject: Provision of Public Toilets Witnesses: Help the Aged and The Changing Places Consortium; The National Organisation of Residents Associations, The British Resorts and Destinations Association, and The Inconvenience Committee of Blue Badge Guides

Tuesday 3 June

Defence Subject: ISTAR Witnesses: Thales UK and Northrop Grumman

Business and Enterprise Subject: Energy Prices Witnesses: Energy Intensive Users Group, Chemical Industries Association, and Major Energy Users Council; Drax Power, International Power, and British Energy

Welsh Affairs Subject: The provision of cross-border public services for Wales Witnesses: Ben Bradshaw MP, Minister of State, Department of Health

Environmental Audit Subject: Greener homes for the future? An environmental analysis of the Government's house-building plans Witnesses: Phil Woolas MP, Minister for the Environment, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and Rt Hon Caroline Flint MP, Minister for Housing, Department for Communities and Local Government

Justice Subject: (i) Consultation Sentencing Guideline: Theft and Burglary (non-dwelling) (ii) Constitutional and Legal Issues Witnesses: (i) Nacro, Federation of Small Businesses and Victim Support (ii) Michael Wills MP, Minister of State and Bridget Prentice MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Ministry of Justice

Home Affairs Subject: Policing in the 21st Century Witnesses: Local Government Association and Cambridgeshire Constabulary; Tesco, Association of Convenience Stores, and British Beer and Pub Association; Devon and Cornwall Constabulary

Joint Committees

Draft Constitutional Renewal Bill Subject: Draft Constitutional Renewal Bill Witnesses: Gareth Crossman, Director of Policy, Liberty, and Mike Schwarz, Partner, Bindmans, Baroness Mallalieu QC, President, Countryside Alliance and Milan Rai

Draft Marine Bill Subject: Draft Marine Bill Witnesses: Local Government Association, Association of Sea Fisheries Committees, and the Environment Agency; Natural England and Countryside Council for Wales; Marine and Fisheries Agency and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee

Wednesday 4 June

Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills Subject: Sub-Committee on after Leitch: Implementing skills and training policies Witnesses: Professor Lorna Unwin, University of London, Mick Fletcher, Education Consultant, Professor Alison Fuller, University of Southampton, and Professor Alison Wolf, King's College, London; Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, Engineering Employers Federation, Federation of Small Businesses, and Graham Schuhmacher, Head of Learning Services, Rolls Royce Plc

Children, Schools and Families Subject: National Curriculum Witnesses: Civitas, Futurelab, Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, and Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts

Environmental Audit Subject: Carbon Capture and Storage and Kingsnorth power station Witnesses: Bob Taylor, Managing Director (Generation) E.ON UK; Malcolm Wicks MP, Minister for Energy, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform

European Scrutiny Subject: (i) Ageing well in the information society (ii) Scrutiny of European Documents Witnesses: (i) Baroness Vadera, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform

Treasury Subject: Budget Measures and Low-Income Households Witnesses: Rt Hon Alistair Darling MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer

Public Accounts Subject: Reducing passenger delays by better management of incidents Witnesses: Dr Mike Mitchell and Dr Gary Backler, Department for Transport, Iain Coucher, Network Rail, Dr Bill Emery, Office of Rail Regulation, and David Franks, Association of Train Operating Companies

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Subject: Draft Marine Bill - Coastal Access Provisions Witnesses: Natural England Joint Committee

Draft Constitutional Renewal Bill Subject: Draft Constitutional Renewal Bill Witnesses: Baroness Usha Prashar, Chairman,Professor Dame Hazel Genn, Comissioner and Jonathan Sumption, Comissioner Judicial Appointments Commission; Chris Allison, Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Metropolitan Police, Dean Ingledew, Director of Community Protection, Westminster City Council and Kit Malthouse, Deputy Mayor for Policing, Greater London

Thursday 5 June

Health Subject: Health Inequalities Witnesses: Dr Hamish Meldrum, Chair of Council, BMA, Professor Martin Roland, Director, National Primary Care Research and Development Centre, and Dr Julian Tudor Hart, Hon Clinical Research Fellow, University of Wales Swansea Medical School; Professor James Nazroo, University of Manchester, Age Concern, and Men's Health forum

International Development Subject: The humanitarian and development situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories Witnesses: Rt Hon Tony Blair, Middle East Quartet Representative

Business and Enterprise Subject: Energy Prices Witnesses: Fuel Poverty Advisory Group, National Right to Fuel Campaign, and National Energy Action Joint Committee

Draft Marine Bill Subject: Draft Marine Bill Witnesses: British Ports Association and Associated British Ports; British Marine Aggregate Producers Association; Chamber of Shipping

Friday 6 June


[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice]

All public select committee meetings are webcast Select committees marked with * will be taken by BBC Parliament Recorded information about forthcoming select and standing committee meetings over the next two sitting days is available on:[Tel 020 7219 2033]. Please note: The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded, and the place altered without notice and Committees which sit at short notice may not be included in this list.

Forthcoming Select Committee Meetings
9 - 13 June 2008

Monday 9 June

Children, Schools and Families*
Subject: Child Poverty
Witnesses: Rt Hon Ed Balls MP, Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, Rt Hon Beverley Hughes MP, Minister for Children, Young People and Families, Rt Hon James Purnell MP, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP, Minister for Employment and Welfare Reform, and Angela Eagle MP, Exchequer Secretary, HM Treasury


The Wilson Room, Portcullis House

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs*
Subject: Draft Marine Bill: Coastal Access Provisions
Witnesses: Country Land and Business Association and National Farmers' Union; National Trust and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (at 5.30 p.m.)

4:30pm The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House
Public Accounts
Subject: Shared services in the Department for Transport and its agencies
Witnesses: Robert Devereux, Permanent Secretary, and Barbara Moorhouse, Director General, Corporate Resources Group, Department for Transport

4:30pm Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster
Communities and Local Government
Subject: Provision of Public Toilets
Witnesses: British Toilet Association; Baroness Andrews OBE, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Communities and Local Government (at 5.20 p.m.)

4:50pm The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

Tuesday 10 June

Business and Enterprise*
Subject: Post Office Closure Programme
Witnesses: Alan Cook CBE, Managing Director, and Paula Vennells, Network Director, Post Office Ltd, and Howard Webber, Chief Executive, Postwatch


Committee Room 8, Palace of Westminster

Culture, Media and Sport
Subject: Draft Cultural Property (Armed Conflicts) Bill
Witnesses: Professor Peter Stone and Dr Roger O'Keefe; Brigadier Gordon Messenger DSO OBE, Ministry of Defence (at 10.55 a.m.); British Art Market Federation (at 11.20 a.m.); British Red Cross, UK National Commission of UNESCO and English Heritage (at 11.45 a.m.)

10:30am The Grimond Room, Portcullis House
Home Affairs
Subject: Policing in the 21st Century
Witnesses: Airwave Solutions, Research in Motion, and G4S Justice Services; Bedfordshire Police and the British Transport Police (at 11.30 a.m.); Police Federation (at 12 noon)

10:30am The Wilson Room, Portcullis House
Subject: Draft Constitutional Renewal Bill
Witnesses: Roger Smith, Director, JUSTICE, and Professor Jeffrey Jowell QC; Rt Hon Baroness Scotland of Asthal QC, Attorney General, and Jonathan Jones, Director General, Attorney General's Office (at 5.15 p.m.)
4:15pm The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

Joint Committee

Draft Constitutional Renewal Bill*
Subject Draft Constitutional Renewal Bill Witnesses: Jonathan Baume, General Secretary, First Division Association, and Charles Cochrane, Director of Policy, Public and Commercial Services Union; Sir Christopher Kelly KCB, Chair, Committee on Standards in Public Life, and Sir Christopher Foster, Chairman, and Sir Richard Mottram GCB, Better Government Initiative (at 2.30 p.m.)


Committee Room 4A, Palace of Westminster

Wednesday 11 June

Children, Schools and Families
Subject: National Curriculum
Witnesses: ATL, NAHT, NASUWT and NUT; Northern Ireland Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment, and the Federation of Small Businesses (at 10.45 a.m.)

9:30am The Wilson Room, Portcullis House
Scottish Affairs
Subject: Commission on Scottish Devolution
Witnesses: Sir Kenneth Calman KCB, Chair, Jim Gallagher, Secretary, and David Middleton, Head of Secretariat, Commission on Scottish Devolution

10:00am Committee Room 16, Palace of Westminster
Foreign Affairs*
Subject: Developments in the European Union
Witnesses: Rt Hon David Miliband MP, Secretary of State, Ananda Guha and Paul Williams, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

2:30pm The Grimond Room, Portcullis House
Subject: Draft Marine Navigation Bill
Witnesses: Local Government Association, UK Major Ports Group and British Ports Association; Chamber of Shipping and Royal Yachting Association (at 3.30 p.m.)

2:45pm Committee Room 6, Palace of Westminster
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Subject: Draft Marine Bill: Coastal Access Provisions
Witnesses: The Ramblers' Association; Devon County Council, Norfolk County Council and Countryside Access Partnership Board (Cumbria County Council & Cumbria Local Access Forum) (at 4.00 p.m.)

3:00pm The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House
Public Accounts
Subject: HM Revenue and Customs: Tackling the hidden economy
Witnesses: Dave Hartnett CB, Acting Chairman, Mike Norgrove, Director, Central Compliance, and Naomi Ferguson, Director, Local Compliance, HM Revenue and Customs
3:30pm Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster

Joint Committees

Draft Marine Bill
Subject: Draft Marine Bill
Witnesses: National Federation Fishermen's Organisation, Seafish Industry Authority and Scottish Fisherman's Federation; National Federation of Sea Anglers and Sea Anglers Conservation Network (at 10.30 a.m.); Fisheries and Angling Conservation Trust (at 11.15 a.m.)


The Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House

Draft Constitutional Renewal Bill*
Subject: Draft Constitutional Renewal Bill
Witnesses: Professor Peter Hennessy, Queen Mary, University of London, Lord Wilson of Dinton GCB, and Lord Turnbull of Enfield KCB; Dr Malcolm Jack, Clerk of the House of Commons, Mr Michael Pownall, Clerk of the Parliaments, Lt General Sir Michael Willcocks KCB, Black Rod, and Jill Pay, Serjeant at Arms (at 5.00 p.m.)

4:15pm Committee Room 2A/3A, Palace of Westminster

Thursday 12 June

Public Administration
Subject: Charities and Public Benefit
Witnesses: Board of Deputies of British Jews, British Humanist Association, Evangelical Alliance, and Lawyers' Christian Fellowship


The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House

Welsh Affairs
Subject: The Provision of cross-border public services for Wales
Witnesses: Rt Hon Rhodri Morgan AM, First Minister, Welsh Assembly Government

11:00am Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster

Joint Committee

Draft Marine Bill
Subject: Draft Marine Bill
Witnesses: Derek Twigg MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence; British Marine Federation, British Sub Aqua Club and Royal Yachting Association (at 11.00 a.m.); Country Land and Business Association and The Ramblers Association (at 11.45 a.m.)


Committee Room 2A/3A, Palace of Westminster

Friday 13 June


[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice]

All public select committee meetings are webcast Select committees marked with * will be taken by BBC Parliament Recorded information about forthcoming select and standing committee meetings over the next two sitting days is available on:[Tel 020 7219 2033]. Please note: The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded, and the place altered without notice and Committees which sit at short notice may not be included in this list.

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Prepared 7 June 2008