Information and statistics relating to Public Bills.
For Bills to confirm Provisional Orders and Bills to confirm Orders
under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936 see
Chapter 4 relating to Private Bills and Private Business.
A General Summary
Number of Bills which received the Royal Assent:
| |
started in the Commons
| 23 |
| 20 |
Private Members'
| 3 |
brought from the Lords
| 10 |
| 10 |
Private Members'
| 0 |
TOTAL: | 33
Number of Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent:
| |
Type of Bills
| |
started in the Commons
| 89 |
| 4 |
Private Members'
| 85 |
brought from the Lords
| 9 |
| 0 |
Private Members'
| 9 |
TOTAL: | 98
Progress of Bills
| |
introduced into, but not passed by, the Commons
| 84 |
passed by the Commons but not by the Lords
| 2 |
introduced in the Commons but proceedings suspended to next Session
| 3 |
passed by the Lords but not taken up by the Commons
| 3 |
passed by the Lords but not passed by the Commons
| 6 |
passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to
| 0 |
TOTAL: | 98
Total number of Bills started in the Commons or brought from the Lords
| 131 |
B Bills which received
the Royal Assent
* denotes a Government Bill
denotes a Bill which received precedence
in Government time
# denotes a Bill passed under the Parliament
Acts 1911 and 1949
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
Building Societies (Funding) and Mutual Societies
(Transfers) (changed from Financial Mutuals Arrangements)
* Concessionary Bus Travel [Lords][60][119]
* Consolidated Fund [15]
* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) [78]
* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No.2) [141]
* Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress [Lords]
* Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide
* Digital Switchover (Disclosure of Information) [3][112]
* Finance [86][120]
* Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) [Lords] [129]
* Further Education and Training [Lords] [75][125][153]
* Greater London Authority [11][158]
* Income Tax [14][48]
* International Tribunals (Sierra Leone) [Lords] [110]
* Investment Exchanges and Clearing Houses [4]
* Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) [10][100]
* Legal Services [Lords] [108][135][164]
* Local Government and Public Involvement in Health [16][77][167]
* Mental Health [Lords] [76][107][139]
* Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) [7]
* Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) (No. 2) [84]
* Offender Management [9][50][147]
* Parliament (Joint Departments) [Lords] [94]
* Pensions [12][56][146][152]
* Planning-gain Supplement (Preparations) [37]
* Rating (Empty Properties) [102]
* Serious Crime [Lords] [103][140][169]
* Statistics and Registration Service [8][51][134][144]
Sustainable Communities [17][115]
* Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement [Lords]
* UK Borders [53][82][168]
Vehicle Registration Marks [26]
* Welfare Reform [1][13][89]
C Bills which did
not receive the Royal Assent
1. Bills which were passed by both Houses but
Amendments not agreed to
2. Bills which were passed by the Commons but
not by the Lords
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
* Fraud (Trials Without a Jury) [6]
Freedom of Information (Amendment) [39][62]
3. Bills introduced in the Commons but Proceedings
suspended to next Session
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
* Child Maintenance and Other Payments
* Criminal Justice and Immigration [130]
* Crossrail [2][163]
4. Bills which received a Second Reading
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
| Stage at which progress ended
Crown Employment (Nationality) [38]
| adjourned debate on Consideration, dropped
Off-Road Vehicles (Registration) [21]
| Committed to a Public Bill Committee, withdrawn
| |
5. Bills which did not receive a Second Reading
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
| Stage at which progress ended
Access to Inland Waterways [52]
| dropped |
Age-related Macular Degeneration [45]
| dropped |
Animals Act (Amendment) [132]
| dropped |
Bilingual Juries (Wales) [46]
| dropped |
Carers (Identification and Support) [92]
| dropped |
Citizens' Convention [136]
| dropped |
Climate Change (Effects) [54]
| withdrawn |
Cluster Munitions (Prohibition) [Lords] [68]
| dropped |
Cluster Munitions (Prohibition of Development and Acquisition) [42]
| dropped |
Constitutional Reform [114]
| dropped |
Corruption [Lords] [126]
| dropped |
Criminal Law (Amendment) (Protection of Property) [28]
| dropped |
Cystic Fibrosis (Exemption from Prescription Charges) [30]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Disabled Children (Family Support) [20]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, withdrawn
Disabled Persons (Independent Living) [Lords] [97]
| dropped |
Drugs (Reclassification and Roadside Testing) [93]
| dropped |
Elected Representatives (Prohibition of Deception) [162]
| dropped |
Electric Shock Training Devices [33]
| negatived on Second Reading
Employment Retention [79]
| dropped |
Energy Markets (Carbon Reduction and Warm Homes) [131]
| dropped |
Energy Saving (Daylight) [18]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Fixed Term Parliaments [157]
| dropped |
Freedom of Information (Amendment) (No.2) [121]
| dropped |
Government Spending (Website) [Lords] [81]
| dropped |
Health and Safety (Offences) [58]
| dropped |
Historic Counties, Towns and Villages (Traffic Signs and Mapping) [55]
| dropped |
House of Commons (Participation) [22]
| dropped |
Housing Association (Rights and Representation of Residents) [35]
| dropped |
Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning of Public Authority) [43]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Infrastructure Audit (Housing Development) [36]
| dropped |
Land Use (Gardens Protection etc.) [19]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Local Planning Authorities (Energy and Energy Efficiency) [25]
| dropped |
Members of Parliament (Employment Disqualification) [105]
| dropped |
Off-Road Vehicles (Registration) [21]
| withdrawn |
Pedlars (Street Trading Regulation) [64]
| dropped |
Pensions (Unclaimed Assets) [74]
| dropped |
Polling Stations (Regulation) [27]
| dropped |
Post-16 Education and Training [31]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Protection of Adults in Care (Prevention of Harm and Exploitation) [123]
| Order lapsed |
Provision of Palliative Care [40]
| dropped |
Retail Packaging Recycling [71]
| dropped |
Rural Tranquillity [73]
| dropped |
Safeguarding Runaway and Missing Children [47]
| withdrawn |
Streetscape and Highways Design [29]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) [87]
| dropped |
Temporary and Agency Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) [24]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Termination of Pregnancy [41]
| dropped |
Trade Union Rights and Freedoms [32]
| dropped |
Victims of Overseas Terrorism [Lords] [124]
| dropped |
Waging War (Parliament's Role and Responsibility) [34]
| dropped |
TOTAL: 50 |
6. Bills presented, or brought from the Lords,
but not printed
Title of Bill |
Stage at which progress ended
Access to Contraceptive Services [57]
| Order lapsed |
Access to Pension Protection Fund Benefits [161]
| Order lapsed |
Alcohol (Harm Reduction) [142]
| Order lapsed |
Armed Forces (Federation) [117]
| Order lapsed |
Bicycles (Children's Safety Helmets) [160]
| Order lapsed |
Catholics (Prevention of Discrimination) [63]
| Order lapsed |
Childcare Provision (Wales) [91]
| withdrawn |
Copyright (Miscellaneous Provisions) [104]
| Order lapsed |
Copyright Term for Performers and Producers [101]
| Order lapsed |
Council Housing (Direct Investment) [127]
| Order lapsed |
Criminal Damage (Graffiti) [150]
| Order lapsed |
Dance Teachers (Qualifications and Regulations) [67]
| withdrawn |
Disability Benefits (Single Assessment) [128]
| Order lapsed |
Employment Assistance (Wales) [88]
| dropped |
European Union (Information etc.) [Lords][147]
| Order lapsed |
Flexible Working [85] |
Order lapsed |
Gangmasters (Licensing) Act 2004 (Amendment) [122]
| Order lapsed |
Grandparents (Rights of Access) [166]
| Order lapsed |
Houses in Multiple Occupation [109]
| Order lapsed |
Intergovernmental Contracts (Provision of Information) [49]
| Order lapsed |
Light Bulb (Regulation) [69]
| Order lapsed |
Media (Transparency and Disclosure) [111]
| Order lapsed |
Microgeneration and Local Energy [155]
| Order lapsed |
Milk (Pricing) [151] |
Order lapsed |
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Impact on Carers) [59]
| Order lapsed |
Packaging (Reduction) [165]
| Order lapsed |
Palliative Care [Lords]
| Prorogation |
Palliative Care (No. 2) [138]
| Order lapsed |
Parliamentary Constituencies (Amendment) [Lords]
| Prorogation |
Piped Music etc (Hospitals) [Lords]
| Prorogation |
Planning (Consultation) [90]
| Order lapsed |
Ports (Regulation) [154]
| Order lapsed |
Pre-Nuptial Agreements [137]
| Order lapsed |
Private Parking (Regulation) [72]
| Order lapsed |
Proof of Age Scheme (Purchase of Restricted Goods) [143]
| Order lapsed |
Protection of Listed Vehicles [44]
| Order lapsed |
Scottish Parliament Elections [106]
| Order lapsed |
Speed Limits (Amendment) [66]
| Order lapsed |
Town and Country Planning Acts (Amendment) [99]
| Order lapsed |
Wild Birds (Protection)
| Order lapsed |
Young Offenders (Provision of Speech Therapy) [98]
| Order lapsed |
D House's consideration of the
several stages of Public Bills
Title of Bill and Bill No. at each printing
| Date of 1st reading
| Date of 2nd reading
| Committed to |
Date reported from committee
| Date(s) considered
| Date of 3rd reading
| Date(s) Lords Amendments considered
| Date Royal Assent given
| Notes |
A Access to Inland Waterways [52]
| 24 Jan 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
C Age-Related Macular Degeneration [45]
| 16 Jan 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
A Animals Act (Amendment) [132]
| 27 June 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
A Bilingual Juries (Wales) [46]
| 16 Jan 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
B Building Societies (Funding) and Mutual Societies (Transfers) (changed from Financial Mutuals Arrangements) [23][95][159]
| 13 Dec 2006
| 23 Mar 2007
| PBC |
25 April 2007
| 27 April 2007
| 27 April 2007
| 19 Oct 2007
| 23 Oct 2007
A Carers (Identification and Support) [92]
| 24 April 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
* Child Maintenance and Other Payments [118][156]
| 5 June 2007
| 4 July 2007
| PBC |
16 Oct 2007
| |
| |
| reported from the Public Bill Committee; proceedings suspended to next Session
C Citizens' Convention [136]
| 26 June 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
A Climate Change (Effects) [54]
| 30 Jan 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | withdrawn
D Cluster Munitions (Prohibition) [Lords] [68]
| 27 Feb 2007
| dropped
C Cluster Munitions (Prohibition of Development and Acquisition) [42]
| 19 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
* Concessionary Bus Travel [Lords] [119]
| 6 Feb 2007
| 14 May 2007
| PBC |
5 June 2007
| 28 June 2007
| 28 June 2007
| 19 July 2007
* Consolidated Fund [15]
| 7 Dec 2006
| 11 Dec 2006
| 11 Dec 2006
| 19 Dec 2006
* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) [78]
| 12 Mar 2007
| 13 Mar 2007
| 13 Mar 2007
| 20 Mar 2007
| received Royal Assent as the Appropriation Act 2007
* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No.2) [141]
| 9 July 2007
| 10 July 2007
| 10 July 2007
| 19 July 2007
| received Royal Assent as the Appropriation (No.2) Act 2007
C Constitutional Reform [114]
| 23 May 2007
| dropped
* Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress [Lords] [61][96]
| 7 Feb 2007
| 19 Mar 2007
| PBC |
24 April 2007
| 5 July 2007
| 5 July 2007
| 19 July 2007
* E Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide [5][70][113][133][145][148]
| 16 Nov 2006
| 16 Nov 2006
| 4 Dec 2006
| 4 Dec 2006
| 16 May 2007
5 June 2007
28 June 2007
11 July 2007
18 July 2007
| 26 July 2007
| carry-over period extended by 7 days 18 July 2007
D Corruption [Lords] [126]
| 15 June 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
* Criminal Justice and Immigration [130]
| 26 June 2007
| 8 Oct 2007
| PBC |
25 Oct 2007
| reported from the Public Bill Committee as so far amended; proceedings suspended to next Session
B Criminal Law (Amendment) (Protection of Property) [28]
| 13 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
* E Crossrail [2][163]
| 16 Nov 2006
| 16 Nov 2006
| Select Committee
| 18 Oct 2007
| Reported from the Select Committee; proceedings suspended to next Session
C Crown Employment (Nationality) [38]
| 18 Dec 2006
| 29 June 2007
| PBC |
18 July 2007
| |
| | adjourned debate on Consideration, dropped
B Cystic Fibrosis (Exemption from Prescription Charges) [30]
| 13 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| | adjourned debate on Second reading, dropped
* Digital Switchover (Disclosure of Information) [3][112]
| 16 Nov 2006
| 18 Dec 2006
| PBC |
16 Jan 2007
| 29 Jan 2007
| 29 Jan 2007
| 14 June 2007
| 18 June 2007
B Disabled Children (Family Support) [20]
| 13 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, withdrawn
D Disabled Persons (Independent Living) [Lords] [97]
| 24 April 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
A Drugs (Reclassification and Roadside Testing) [93]
| 25 April 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
c Elected Representatives (Prohibition of Deception) [162]
| 17 Oct 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
B Electric Shock Training Devices [33]
| 13 Dec 2006
| Negatived on Second Reading
A Employment Retention [79]
| 13 Mar 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
A Energy Markets (Carbon Reduction and Warm Homes) [131]
| 26 June 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
B Energy Saving (Daylight) [18]
| 13 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
* Finance [86][120] |
27 Mar 2007
| 23 April 2007
| 1 May 2007
7 June 2007
| 25 June 2007
26 June 2007
| 26 June 2007
| 19 July 2007
C Fixed Term Parliaments [157]
| 10 Oct 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
* Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) [Lords] [129]
| 21 June 2007
| 10 July 2007
| PBC |
17 July 2007
| 23 July 2007
| 23 July 2007
| 26 July 2007
* Fraud (Trials Without a Jury) [6]
| 16 Nov 2006
| 29 Nov 2006
| PBC |
12 Dec 2006
| 25 Jan 2007
| 25 Jan 2007
| |
| Prorogation
C Freedom of Information (Amendment) [39][62]
| 18 Dec 2006
| 19 Jan 2007
| PBC |
7 Feb 2007 |
18 May 2007
| 18 May 2007
| Prorogation
A Freedom of Information (Amendment)(No.2) [121]
| 12 June 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
* Further Education and Training [Lords] [75][125][153]
| 7 Mar 2007
| 21 May 2007
| PBC |
14 June 2007
| 12 July 2007
| 12 July 2007
| 11 Oct 2007
| 23 Oct 2007
D Government Spending (Website) [Lords] [81]
| 13 Mar 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
* Greater London Authority [11][158]
| 28 Nov 2006
| 12 Dec 2006
| PBC |
23 Jan 2007
| 27 Feb 2007
| 27 Feb 2007
| 11 Oct 2007
| 23 Oct 2007
C Health and Safety (Offences) [58]
| 7 Feb 2007
| |
| |
| |
| dropped
A Historic Counties, Towns and Villages (Traffic Signs and Mapping) [55]
| 31 Jan 2007
| |
| |
| |
| dropped
B House of Commons (Participation) [22]
| 13 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| dropped
B Housing Association (Rights and Representation of Residents) [35]
| 13 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| dropped
A Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning of Public Authority) [43]
| 9 Jan 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
* Income Tax [14][48] |
7 Dec 2006
| 17 Jan 2007 (2R Committee)
22 Jan 2007
| Joint Committee
| 24 Jan 2007
20 Feb 2007
| 20 Feb 2007
| 20 Mar 2007
B Infrastructure Audit (Housing Development) [36]
| 13 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
* International Tribunals (Sierra Leone) [Lords] [110]
| 22 May 2007
| 13 June 2007
| CWH |
13 June 2007
| 13 June 2007
| 18 June 2007
* Investment Exchanges and Clearing Houses [4]
| 16 Nov 2006
| 28 Nov 2006
| CWH |
28 Nov 2006
| 28 Nov 2006
| 19 Dec 2006
* Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) [10][100]
| 27 Nov 2006
| 13 Dec 2006
| PBC |
18 Jan 2007
| 6 Feb 2007
| 6 Feb 2007
| 10 May 2007
| 24 May 2007
B Land Use (Gardens Protection etc.) [19]
| 13 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| | adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
* Legal Services [Lords] [108][135][164]
| 16 May 2007
| 4 June 2007
| PBC |
26 June 2007
| 15 Oct 2007
| 15 Oct 2007
| 24 Oct 2007
| 30 Oct 2007
* Local Government and Public Involvement in Health [16][77][167]
| 12 Dec 2006
| 22 Jan 2007
| PBC |
8 Mar 2007 |
17 May 2007
22 May 2007
| 22 May 2007
| 24 Oct 2007
| 30 Oct 2007
B Local Planning Authorities (Energy and Energy Efficiency) [25]
| 13 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
A Members of Parliament (Employment Disqualification) [105]
| 16 May 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
* Mental Health [Lords] [76][107][139]
| 7 Mar 2007
| 16 April 2007
| PBC |
15 May 2007
| 18 June 2007
19 June 2007
| 19 June 2007
| 4 July 2007
| 19 July 2007
* Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) [7]
| 16 Nov 2006
| 21 Nov 2006
| CWH |
21 Nov 2006
| 21 Nov 2006
| 22 Nov 2006
* Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) (No. 2) [84]
| 27 Mar 2007
| 27 Mar 2007
| CWH |
27 Mar 2007
| 27 Mar 2007
| 27 Mar 2007
*Offender Management [9][50][147]
| 22 Nov 2006
| 11 Dec 2006
| PBC |
23 Jan 2007
| 28 Feb 2007
| 28 Feb 2007
| 18 July 2007
| 26 July 2007
B Off-Road Vehicles (Registration) [21]
| 13 Dec 2006
| 2 March 2007
| PBC |
withdrawn |
* Parliament (Joint Departments) [Lords] [94]
| 24 April 2007
| 7 June 2007 (2R Committee)
19 June 2007
| CWH |
17 July 2007
| 17 July 2007
| 19 July 2007
A Pedlars (Street Trading Regulation) [64]
| 21 Feb 2007
| dropped
* Pensions [12][56][146][152]
| 28 Nov 2006
| 16 Jan 2007
| PBC |
8 Feb 2007 |
18 April 2007
| 18 April 2007
| 17 July 2007
25 July 2007
| 26 July 2007
C Pensions (Unclaimed Assets) [74]
| 7 Mar 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
* Planning-gain Supplement (Preparations) [37]
| 12 Dec 2006
| 15 Jan 2007
| PBC |
30 Jan 2007
| 20 Feb 2007
| 20 Feb 2007
| 20 Mar 2007
B Polling Stations (Regulation) [27]
| 13 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
B Post-16 Education and Training [31]
| 13 Dec 2006
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
C Protection of Adults in Care (Prevention of Harm and Exploitation) [123]
| 13 June 2007
| Order lapsed
C Provision of Palliative Care [40]
| 18 Dec 2006
| dropped
* Rating (Empty Properties) [102]
| 10 May 2007
| 7 June 2007
| CWH |
14 June 2007
| 14 June 2007
| 19 July 2007
C Retail Packaging Recycling [71]
| 6 Mar 2007
| dropped
A Rural Tranquillity [73]
| 7 Mar 2007
| dropped
A Safeguarding Runaway and Missing Children [47]
| 17 Jan 2007
| withdrawn
* Serious Crime [Lords] [103][140][169]
| 10 May 2007
| 12 June 2007
| PBC |
10 July 2007
| 22 Oct 2007
| 22 Oct 2007
| 30 Oct 2007
* Statistics and Registration Service [8][51][134][144]
| 21 Nov 2006
| 8 Jan 2007
| PBC |
25 Jan 2007
| 13 March 2007
| 13 March 2007
| 2 July 2007
18 July 2007
| 26 July 2007
B Streetscape and Highways Design [29]
| 13 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
B Sustainable Communities [17][115]
| 13 Dec 2006
| 19 Jan 2007
| PBC |
23 May 2007
| 15 June 2007
| 15 June 2007
| 23 October 2007
C Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) [87]
| 28 Mar 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
B Temporary and Agency Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) [24]
| 13 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| | adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
C Termination of Pregnancy [41]
| 18 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
B Trade Union Rights and Freedoms [32]
| 13 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
* Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement [Lords] [65]
| 21 Feb 2007
| 5 Mar 2007
| PBC |
27 Mar 2007
| 27 June 2007
| 27 June 2007
| 19 July 2007
* UK Borders [53][82][168]
| 25 Jan 2007
| 5 Feb 2007
| PBC |
20 Mar 2007
| 9 May 2007
| 9 May 2007
| 29 Oct 2007
| 30 Oct 2007
B Vehicle Registration Marks [26]
| 13 Dec 2006
| 23 Mar 2007
| PBC |
18 April 2007
| 20 April 2007
| 20 April 2007
| 19 July 2007
D Victims of Overseas Terrorism [Lords] [124]
| 13 June 2007
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
B Waging War (Parliament's Role and Responsibility) [34]
| 13 Dec 2006
| |
| |
| |
| | dropped
* E Welfare Reform [1][13][89]
| 16 Nov 2006
| 16 Nov 2006
| PBC |
30 Nov 2006
| 9 Jan 2007
| 9 Jan 2007
| 2 May 2007
| 3 May 2007
* denotes a Government Bill
A denotes a Bill brought
in under Standing Order No. 23(1) ('ten minute rule bills')
B denotes a Bill brought
in under Standing Order No. 14(6) ('ballot bills')
C denotes a Private
Members' Bill introduced under Standing Order No. 57
D denotes a Private
Members' Bill originating in the House of Lords
E denotes a bill carried
over from the previous Session, in accordance with Standing Order
No. 80A (Carry-over of Bills)
This table lists those bills which were printed.
For bills not printed, see table 5.C.6. above.
E Consideration of
Bills in Committee of the whole House
Title of Bill
| Date on which considered
Investment Exchanges and Clearing Houses [4]
| 28 Nov 2006
Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) [7]
| 21 Nov 2006
Income Tax [14][48]
| 20 Feb 2007
Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) (No. 2) [84]
| 27 Mar 2007
Finance [86][120]
| 30 April 2007, 1 May 2007
International Tribunals (Sierra Leone) [Lords] [110]
| 13 June 2007
Rating (Empty Properties) [102]
| 14 June 2007
Parliament (Joint Departments) [Lords] [94]
| 17 July 2007
F Consideration of Bills in General
Total number of Bills: 30
Total number of sittings: 186
The numbers given in brackets after each Member's name indicate
respectively the number of meetings of the Committee in respect
of the Bill which that Member attended and the number to which
that Member was summoned.
1. Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill
Committed: 4th July 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 16th October 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 12
Chairmen: David Taylor and Mr Christopher Chope
Members and attendance: Danny Alexander (6/12), Mr Tim
Boswell (11/12), Mr Michael Clapham (7/12), Mr Wayne David (11/12),
Mrs Nadine Dorries (8/12), Natascha Engel (11/12), Nia Griffith
(12/12), Mr Mark Harper (12/12), Stephen Hesford (12/12), Mr Stewart
Jackson (9/12), Mrs Siân C. James (11/12), Sarah McCarthy-Fry
(11/12), Mrs Anne McGuire (12/12), Albert Owen (12/12), John Penrose
(8/12), Mr James Plaskitt (12/12), Paul Rowen (10/12), Andrew
Selous (12/12), Mr Don Touhig (8/12), Dr Desmond Turner (11/12),
Mr Mike Weir (12/12)
1. Concessionary Bus Travel Bill [Lords]
Committed: 14th May 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 5th June 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairman: Hugh Bayley
Members and attendance: Mr Bob Blizzard (2/2), Mr David
Clelland (2/2), Philip Davies (2/2), Stephen Hammond (2/2), Mr
John Leech (2/2), Tom Levitt (2/2), Shona McIsaac (2/2), Gillian
Merron (2/2), Laura Moffatt (2/2), Andrew Rosindell (2/2), Paul
Rowen (2/2), Mr Frank Roy (2/2), Mr Lee Scott (2/2), Anne
Snelgrove (2/2), Bob Spink (2/2), Dr Phyllis Starkey (1/2), Lynda
Waltho (2/2)
1. Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Bill [Lords]
Committed: 19th March 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 24th April 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 6
Chairmen: Mr Martin Caton and Mr Mike Weir
Members and attendance: Lyn Brown (5/6), Lorely Burt (6/6),
Mr Tom Clarke (6/6), Mrs Ann Cryer (6/6), Mr James Duddridge (3/6),
Mr Tobias Ellwood (5/6), Mr Jim Fitzpatrick (6/6), Mr David Gauke
(5/6), Mrs Sharon Hodgson (6/6), Susan Kramer (5/6), Steve McCabe
(6/6), Mr Ian McCartney (4/6), Mr Stephen Pound (6/6), Mr Mark
Prisk (6/6), Mr Neil Turner (6/6), Mr Ben Wallace (6/6), Mr Tom
Watson (4/6)
1. Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill
Committed: 8th October 2007
| Reported (as so far amended): 25th October 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairmen: Sir Nicholas Winterton and Mr Edward O'Hara
Members and attendance: Mr David Burrowes (8/8), Mr Vernon
Coaker (8/8), Harry Cohen (7/8), Maria Eagle (8/8), Mr Edward
Garnier (8/8), Mr David Hanson (8/8), Mr David Heath (8/8), Mr
Philip Hollobone (7/8), David Howarth (8/8), Mr Nick Hurd (8/8),
Ms Sally Keeble (7/8), Mr Sadiq Khan (8/8), Alun Michael (7/8),
Mr Virendra Sharma (4/8), Mr Charles Walker (7/8), Lynda Waltho
(6/8), Phil Wilson (8/8)
1. Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill
Committed: 29th June 2007
| Reported (without Amendment): 18th July 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairman: Mrs Joan Humble
Members and attendance: John Austin (2/2), Norman Baker
(2/2), Mr Henry Bellingham (2/2), Mr Peter Bone (1/2), Annette
Brooke (0/2), Ms Karen Buck (2/2), Mr Christopher Chope (2/2),
Philip Davies (2/2), Mr Andrew Dismore (2/2), Mr Sadiq Khan (2/2),
Mr Greg Knight (2/2), Mr Andrew Love (2/2), Shona McIsaac (2/2),
Gillian Merron (2/2), Andrew Miller (2/2), Mr Andy Slaughter (2/2)
1. Digital Switchover (Disclosure of Information) Bill
Committed: 18th December 2006
| Reported (without Amendment): 16th January 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairman: Derek Conway
Members and attendance: Mr Russell Brown (2/2), Barbara
Follett (2/2), Mr Don Foster (2/2), Nia Griffith (2/2), Mr John
Grogan (2/2), Paul Holmes (2/2), Huw Irranca-Davies (2/2), Mr
Sadiq Khan (2/2), Mr Mark Lancaster (2/2), Mr Jamie Reed (2/2),
John Robertson (2/2), Mr Robert Syms (2/2), Mark Tami (2/2), Mr
Edward Vaizey (2/2), Mr Rob Wilson (1/2), Mr Shaun Woodward (2/2),
Jeremy Wright (2/2)
1. Finance Bill (except Clauses Nos. 1, 3, 7, 8, 12, 20, 21, 25, 67 and 81 to 84, Schedules Nos. 1, 18, 22 and 23, and new Clauses relating to microgeneration)
Committed: 23rd April 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 7th June 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 14
Chairmen: Mr Roger Gale and Mr Eric Illsley
Members and attendance: Adam Afriye (14/14), Ed Balls (12/14),
Mr Colin Breed (5/14), Kevin Brennan (14/14), Lyn Brown (13/14),
Dr Vincent Cable (2/14), Mr Jim Cunningham (14/14), Mr Wayne David
(9/14), James Duddridge (10/14), Mr Philip Dunne (11/14), Natascha
Engel (11/14), Mr David Evennett (13/14), Mr Robert Flello (10/14),
Mr Mark Francois (11/14), Mr David Gauke (12/14), Julia Goldsworthy
(11/14), Mr Paul Goodman (14/14), John Healey (13/14), John Hemming
(5/14), Stephen Hesford (12/14), Mr Mark Hoban (12/14), Stewart
Hosie (10/14), Ms Diana R. Johnson (13/14), Ms Sally Keeble (9/14),
Ian Lucas (12/14), Sarah McCarthy-Fry (14/14), Mr Jim McGovern
(13/14), Rob Marris (12/14), Mr Brooks Newmark (12/14), Mr Andy
Reed (13/14), Mr Stephen Timms (10/14), Kitty Ussher (11/13),
Mrs Theresa Villiers (13/14), Mr Iain Wright (13/14)
1. Financial Mutuals Arrangements Bill
(changed to Building Societies (Funding) and Mutual Societies (Transfers) Bill)
Committed: 23rd March 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 25th April 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr David Taylor
Members and attendance: Mr Adrian Bailey (1/1), Ed Balls
(1/1), Mr Colin Breed (0/1), Sir John Butterfill (1/1), Dr Vincent
Cable (1/1), Mr Christopher Chope (0/1), Mr David Curry (1/1),
James Duddridge (0/1), Mrs Louise Ellman (0/1), Meg Hillier (1/1),
David Lepper (1/1), Mr Andrew Love (0/1), Sarah McCarthy-Fry (1/1),
Kerry McCarthy (0/1), Mr Andy Reed (0/1), Mrs Linda Riordan (0/1),
Sir Nicholas Winterton (1/1)
1. Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Bill
Committed: 11th July 2007
| Reported (without Amendment): 17th July 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr Jim Hood
Members and attendance: Mr Crispin Blunt (1/1), Lorely
Burt (1/1), Mrs Ann Cryer (1/1), Philip Davies (1/1), Mr Dominic
Grieve (1/1), Mr Mark Hendrick (1/1), Lynne Jones (1/1), Mr Sadiq
Khan (1/1), Martin Linton (1/1), Chris McCafferty (1/1), Mr Khalid
Mahmood (1/1), Mr Humfrey Malins (1/1), Laura Moffatt (1/1), Bridget
Prentice (1/1), Sir Malcolm Rifkind (0/1), Jo Swinson (1/1), Lynda
Waltho (0/1)
1. Fraud (Trials without a Jury) Bill
Committed: 29th November 2006
| Reported (without Amendment): 12th December 2006
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairman: John Bercow
Members and attendance: Mr Crispin Blunt (2/2), Mr Alan
Campbell (2/2), Mr Jim Cunningham (2/2), Mr Dominic Grieve (2/2),
Mr David Heath (2/2), Stephen Hesford (2/2), Mr Douglas Hogg (2/2),
Simon Hughes (2/2), Ms Diana R. Johnson (2/2), Mr Fraser Kemp
(2/2), Kerry McCarthy (2/2), Robert Neill (2/2), Mr Mike O'Brien
(2/2), Mr Andrew Pelling (2/2), Mr Jamie Reed (2/2), Joan Ryan
(2/2), Mr Iain Wright (2/2)
1. Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill
Committed: 19th January 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 7th February 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr Martin Caton
Members and attendance: Mr James Arbuthnot (1/1), Mr Tim
Boswell (1/1), Mr Nicholas Brown (1/1), Mr Tom Clarke (1/1), Jim
Dowd (1/1), Mr Mike Hall (1/1), Nick Harvey (1/1), Mr George Howarth
(1/1), Mr Kevan Jones (1/1), Mr Fraser Kemp (1/1), Mr Greg Knight
(1/1), Martin Linton (1/1), Peter Luff (1/1), David Maclean (1/1),
Bridget Prentice (1/1), David Simpson (1/1), Mr John Spellar (1/1),
Mr John Whittingdale (1/1)
1. Further Education and Training Bill [Lords]
Committed: 21st May 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 14th June 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4
Chairman: Mr Peter Atkinson
Members and attendance: Nick Ainger (4/4), Mr David Anderson
(4/4), Gordon Banks (4/4), Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods (4/4), Mr
Tim Boswell (2/4), Mr Ian Cawsey (4/4), Mrs Ann Cryer (4/4), Mr
John Hayes (4/4), Phil Hope (4/4), Mr Austin Mitchell (4/4), Greg
Mulholland (4/4), Bill Rammell (4/4), Ms Angela C. Smith (Sheffield,
Hillsborough) (4/4), Sarah Teather (4/4), Angela Watkinson
(4/4), Mr Rob Wilson (4/4), Jeremy Wright (4/4)
1. Greater London Authority Bill
Committed: 12th December 2006
| Reported (without Amendment): 23rd January 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 9
Chairmen: Mr Edward O'Hara and Ann Winterton
Members and attendance: Norman Baker (5/9), Tom Brake (8/9),
Ms Karen Buck (9/9), Ms Dawn Butler (8/9), Yvette Cooper (9/9),
Michael Fabricant (9/9), Jim Fitzpatrick (9/9), Michael Gove (9/9),
Mr Greg Hands (9/9), Martin Linton (9/9), Siobhain McDonagh (9/9),
Robert Neill (9/9), Mr Andrew Pelling (9/9), Stephen Pound (7/9),
Jonathan Shaw (9/9), Mr Andy Slaughter (9/9), Ms Angela C. Smith
(Sheffield, Hillsborough) (9/9)
1. Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Bill
Committed: 13th December 2006
| Reported (without Amendment): 18th January 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4
Chairmen: Sir Nicholas Winterton and Janet Anderson
Members and attendance: Mr Adrian Bailey (4/4), Mr Peter
Bone (4/4), Rosie Cooper (2/4), Mark Durkan (3/4), Natascha Engel
(2/4), Mr Michael Foster (Worcester) (4/4), Paul Goggins
(4/4), Mr Stephen Hepburn (2/4), Lady Hermon (4/4), Meg Hillier
(4/4), Mr Stewart Jackson (3/4), Mr Mark Lancaster (2/4), Dr William
McCrea (1/4), Dan Norris (4/4), Lembit Öpik (3/4), Dr Nick
Palmer (4/4), Bridget Prentice (4/4), Mr Alan Reid (4/4), Mr Laurence
Robertson (4/4), Chris Ruane (2/4), Lynda Waltho (4/4), Sammy
Wilson (4/4), David Wright (4/4)
1. Legal Services Bill [Lords]
Committed: 4th June 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 26th June 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 10
Chairmen: Sir Nicholas Winterton and Frank Cook
Members and attendance: Mr Adrian Bailey (10/10), Mr Henry
Bellingham (10/10), Mr David Burrowes (10/10), Mr Jonathan Djanogly
(9/10), Mr Tobias Ellwood (8/10), Mr Robert Flello (10/10), Mr
Michael Foster (Worcester) (10/10), Helen Goodman (10/10),
John Hemming (7/10), Stephen Hesford (10/10), Simon Hughes (10/10),
Mr Kevan Jones (7/10), Mr David Kidney (9/10), Kerry McCarthy
(10/10), John Mann (10/10), Robert Neill (10/10), Bridget Prentice
1. Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill
Committed: 22nd January 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 8th March 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 18
Chairmen: Mr Joe Benton, Mr Christopher Chope and Mr Edward O'Hara
Members and attendance: Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods (13/18),
Tom Brake (12/18), Lyn Brown (18/18), Mr David Burrowes (16/18),
Alistair Burt (16/18), Mr Philip Dunne (11/18), Michael Fabricant
(17/18), Andrew Gwynne (18/18), Patrick Hall (18/18), Tom Levitt
(18/18), Robert Neill (17/18), Dr John Pugh (12/18), Alison Seabeck
(15/18), Jonathan Shaw (18/18), Angela E. Smith (Basildon)
(17/18), Sir Peter Soulsby (16/18), Andrew Stunell (16/18), Mr
Robert Syms (17/18), Mr Neil Turner (14/18), Lynda Waltho (15/18),
Mr Phil Woolas (18/18)
1. Mental Health Bill [Lords]
Committed: 16th April 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 15th May 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 12
Chairmen: Frank Cook, Ann Winterton and Miss Anne Begg
Members and attendance: Mr Tim Boswell (12/12), Angela
Browning (11/12), Chris Bryant (10/12), Ann Coffey (12/12), James
Duddridge (12/12), Dr Ian Gibson (12/12), Sandra Gidley (10/12),
Andrew Gwynne (12/12), Meg Hillier (12/12), Dr Brian Iddon (12/12),
Mr David Kidney (11/12), Tim Loughton (12/12), Kerry McCarthy
(12/12), Mrs Madeleine Moon (12/12), Dr Doug Naysmith (12/12),
Dr John Pugh (12/12), Andrew Rosindell (12/12), Mr Charles Walker
(12/12), Claire Ward (12/12), Hywel Williams (11/12), Ms Rosie
Winterton (12/12)
1. Offender Management Bill
Committed: 11th December 2006
| Reported (with Amendments): 23rd January 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 7
Chairmen: Hugh Bayley and Mr Peter Atkinson
Members and attendance: Mr Crispin Blunt (7/7), James Brokenshire
(6/7), Mr Alan Campbell (7/7), Mr Vernon Coaker (6/7), Mr Robert
Flello (7/7), Mr Edward Garnier (5/7), Mr Neil Gerrard (7/7),
Andrew Gwynne (7/7), Mark Hunter (7/7), Mr Nick Hurd (6/7), Ms
Diana R. Johnson (7/7), Mr David Kidney (7/7), Ian Lucas (6/7),
Kerry McCarthy (7/7), David Maclean (5/7), Mr Gerry Sutcliffe
(7/7), Mark Williams (7/7)
1. Off-Road Vehicles (Registration) Bill
Committed: 2nd March 2007
| Committee discharged: 11th July 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairmen: Mr Greg Pope and Mr David Wilshire
Members and attendance: Mr Alistair Carmichael (1/2), Jim
Dobbin (2/2), Clive Efford (2/2), Mr Mark Field (1/2), Jim Fitzpatrick
(1/2), Mr Robert Goodwill (1/2), Mr Lindsay Hoyle (1/2), Mr Nick
Hurd (1/2), Barbara Keeley (2/2), Mr Peter Kilfoyle (2/2), Dr
Stephen Ladyman (1/2), Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger (0/2), Mr Owen
Paterson (1/2), Paul Rowen (0/2), Mr Lee Scott (2/2), Mr Andy
Slaughter (1/2), Ian Stewart (0/2), Graham Stringer (1/2)
1. Pensions Bill
Committed: 16th January 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 8th February 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 12
Chairmen: Mr Roger Gale and David Taylor
Members and attendance: Mr Adrian Bailey (12/12), Gordon
Banks (12/12), Mr Russell Brown (12/12), Lorely Burt (7/12), Mary
Creagh (11/12), Mr John Heppell (12/12), Meg Hillier (10/12),
Ms Sally Keeble (11/12), Mr Mark Lancaster (12/12), Mr David Laws
(12/12), John Penrose (12/12), Mr James Plaskitt (12/12), Mark
Pritchard (6/12), James Purnell (12/12), Andrew Selous (12/12),
Ms Angela C. Smith (Sheffield, Hillsborough) (10/12), Mr
Nigel Waterson (12/12)
1. Planning-gain Supplement (Preparations) Bill
Committed: 15th January 2007
| Reported (without Amendment): 30th January 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairman: Mr Jim Hood
Members and attendance: Mr Ian Austin (2/2), Mr Colin Breed
(2/2), Kevin Brennan (2/2), Mr Simon Burns (2/2), Dr Vincent Cable
(1/2), Michael Connarty (2/2), Mrs Nadine Dorries (1/2), Mr Mark
Francois (2/2), Mr Greg Hands (2/2), John Healey (2/2), Ms Diana
R. Johnson (2/2), Ian Lucas (2/2), Sarah McCarthy-Fry (1/2), Anne
Main (2/2), Chris Ruane (2/2), Joan Walley (2/2), David Wright
1. Serious Crime Bill [Lords]
Committed: 5th February 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 20th March 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 9
Chairmen: John Bercow and Mr Joe Benton
Members and attendance: Mr Crispin Blunt (8/9), James Brokenshire
(5/5), Mr Jeremy Browne (9/9), Mr Alan Campbell (9/9), Mr Vernon
Coaker (9/9), Mr Geoffrey Cox (4/9), Maria Eagle (5/5), Andrew
Gwynne (7/9), Nick Herbert (4/4), Mr Douglas Hogg (9/9), Ian Lucas
(5/9), Siobhain McDonagh (3/4), Margaret Moran (8/9), Kali Mountford
(8/9), Mr Jamie Reed (9/9), Dan Rogerson (5/9), Chris Ruane (5/5),
Mr Gerry Sutcliffe (3/4), Lynda Waltho (5/5), Mr Iain Wright (4/4),
Jeremy Wright (6/9)
1. Statistics and Registration Service Bill
Committed: 8th January 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 25th January 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairmen: Sir John Butterfill and Mr Bill Olner
Members and attendance: Ms Celia Barlow (8/8), Dr Roberta
Blackman-Woods (8/8), Kevin Brennan (8/8), Dr Vincent Cable (4/8),
Jim Dobbin (8/8), Mr Brian H. Donohoe (7/8), Mr David Evennett
(8/8), Mr Michael Fallon (8/8), Mr David Gauke (8/8), Julia Goldsworthy
(4/8), John Healey (8/8), Mr Mark Hoban (7/8), Stewart Hosie (6/8),
Dr Brian Iddon (8/8), Sarah McCarthy-Fry (7/8), Fiona Mactaggart
(7/8), Rob Marris (8/8), Alun Michael (8/8), Mr Brooks Newmark
(6/8), Mr Andy Reed (7/8), Mrs Theresa Villiers (8/8)
1. Sustainable Communities Bill
Committed: 19th January 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 23rd May 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 11
Chairmen: Mr Edward O'Hara, John Bercow and John Cummings
Members and attendance: Mr Richard Benyon (6/11), Lyn Brown
(9/11), Mr Douglas Carswell (7/11), Jeremy Corbyn (8/11), Jim
Cousins (5/11), Frank Dobson (4/11), Mr David Drew (11/11), Clive
Efford (8/11), Julia Goldsworthy (11/11), Nia Griffith (6/11),
Mr Philip Hollobone (10/11), Mr Lindsay Hoyle (4/11), Mr Nick
Hurd (11/11), Mr Oliver Letwin (7/11), Dan Rogerson (8/11), Mr
Phil Woolas (8/11)
1. Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Bill [Lords]
Committed: 5th March 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 27th March 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 7
Chairmen: John Bercow and Mrs Joan Humble
Members and attendance: Vera Baird (7/7), Mr Henry Bellingham
(7/7), Mr Richard Benyon (4/7), James Brokenshire (4/7), Mr David
Drew (7/7), Mr Tobias Ellwood (5/7), Mr Robert Flello (7/7), Mr
Michael Foster (Worcester) (7/7), Simon Hughes (7/7), Mr
David Kidney (5/7), Sarah McCarthy-Fry (5/7), Judy Mallaber (7/7),
Dr Doug Naysmith (7/7), Mr Brooks Newmark (7/7), Anne Snelgrove
(7/7), Emily Thornberry (5/7), Jenny Willott (7/7)
1. UK Borders Bill
Committed: 5th February 2007
| Reported (with Amendments): 20th March 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 14
Chairmen: Mr Eric Illsley and Mr David Amess
Members and attendance: Mr Crispin Blunt (14/14), Mr Liam
Byrne (14/14), Mr Alan Campbell (14/14), Mr James Clappison (14/14),
David T. C. Davies (Monmouth) (11/14), Damian Green (14/14),
John Hemming (8/14), Mrs Sharon Hodgson (14/14), Mr Stewart Jackson
(14/14), Kerry McCarthy (14/14), Chris Mole (12/14), Mr Jamie
Reed (9/14), Paul Rowen (11/14), Joan Ryan (14/14), Kitty Ussher
(11/14), David Wright (13/14), Mr Iain Wright (14/14)
1. Vehicle Registration Marks Bill
Committed: 23rd March 2007
| Reported (without Amendment): 18th April 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Derek Conway
Members and attendance: Mr Russell Brown (1/1), Mary Creagh
(1/1), Mr Philip Dunne (1/1), Linda Gilroy (0/1), Dr Brian Iddon
(0/1), Mr Greg Knight (1/1), Dr Stephen Ladyman (1/1), Mr Jim
McGovern (1/1), Richard Ottaway (1/1), Mr Owen Paterson (1/1),
John Robertson (0/1), Andrew Rosindell (0/1), Paul Rowen (0/1),
Jim Sheridan (1/1), Mr Andy Slaughter (1/1), Sir Robert Smith
(1/1), Derek Wyatt (0/1)
1. Welfare Reform Bill (Clauses 34 to 69 and Schedules 5 to 8)
Committed (pursuant to Standing Order No. 80A and Order of 24th July 2006): 16th November 2006
Reported (with Amendments): 30th November 2006
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 3
Chairmen: Mr Jim Hood and Mr David Amess
Members and attendance: Adam Afriyie (3/3), Mr Douglas
Alexander (3/3), Gordon Banks (3/3), Mr Tim Boswell (2/3), Mr
Russell Brown (3/3), Mr Wayne David (3/3), Natascha Engel (3/3),
Mr John Heppell (3/3), Mr Jeremy Hunt (3/3), Mr David Laws (0/3),
Mrs Anne McGuire (3/3), Kali Mountford (3/3), Mr Jim Murphy (3/3),
John Penrose (3/3), John Robertson (3/3), Mr David Ruffley (3/3),
Alison Seabeck (3/3)
1. Income Tax Bill
Referred (pursuant to Standing Order No. 60 ): 13th December 2006
Reported: 17th January 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr David Wilshire
Members and attendance:
Kevin Brennan (1/1), Mr Nicholas Brown (1/1), Dr Vincent Cable
(1/1), Mr Philip Dunne (1/1), Mr David Evennett (1/1), Mr Mark
Field (1/1), Paul Flynn (1/1), Mr Mark Francois (1/1), John Healey
(1/1), John Hemming (1/1), Alan Keen (0/1), Sarah McCarthy-Fry
(1/1), Kali Mountford (1/1), Mr George Mudie (1/1), Robert Neill
(1/1), Mark Tami (1/1), Mr Tom Watson (0/1)
2. Parliament (Joint Departments) Bill [Lords]
Referred (pursuant to Standing Order No. 90 ): 9th May 2007
Reported: 7th June 2007
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr Mike Weir |
Members and attendance:
Mr Bob Ainsworth (1/1), Mr Simon Burns (1/1), Mr Brian H. Donohoe
(1/1), Mr Frank Doran (1/1), Mr Neil Gerrard (1/1), Nick Harvey
(1/1), Simon Hughes (0/1), Helen Jones (1/1), Mr Kevan Jones (1/1),
Mr Sadiq Khan (1/1), Mr Greg Knight (0/1), David Lepper (1/1),
Andrew Mackinlay (0/1), Mr Andrew Robathan (1/1), Paddy Tipping
(1/1), Mr Andrew Tyrie (0/1), Mr Shailesh Vara (1/1)