Sessional Returns 2006-07 Contents



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The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.

It had 6 Commons Members and held 34 meetings.

Dismore, Mr Andrew (Chairman)

Carswell, Mr Douglas

Creagh, Mary (discharged 22.1.07)

Griffith, Nia

Harris, Dr Evan

Shepherd, Mr Richard

Tami, Mark (added 22.1.07)

Overall Attendance:

Number of Members added:

Number of Members discharged:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended








57.8 %



16.7 %


Clerk of the Committee: Nick Walker (until 15.4.07), Deputy Principal Clerk (SC Band 1); Dr Mark Egan (from 16.4.07), Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Legal Adviser: Murray Hunt, (joint appointment with the House of Lords) (SC Band 2)
Inquiry Manager: Judy Goodall (until 15.4.07), (Band A2)
Committee Specialists: Ms Angela Patrick (from 4.12.06), (Band B1); Joanne Sawyer (from 19.2.07), (Band B1)
Committee Assistants: Miss Jackie Recardo, Higher Executive Officer (Band B2); James Clarke (until 7.5.07), Senior Office Clerk (Band D1) (from 1.2.07 until 31.3.07), Chief Office Clerk (Band C) (from 1.4.07); Robert Long (from 8.5.07 until 30.9.07), Senior Office Clerk (Band D1) (until 31.7.07), Chief Office Clerk (Band C) (from 1.8.07)
Secretary: Suzanne Moezzi, Grade 2 (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: Jacqueline Baker (from 1.10.07), (Band D1)

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Frances Butler, Dr Heaven Crawley, Professor Phil Fennell, Professor Geoff Gilbert, Professor Francesca Klug, Colm O'Cinneide, Dr Tomoya Obokata, Camilla Parker, Professor Linda Ward and Sue Willman.

Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Other Ministers5
Member of the House of Lords 1
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:   
Department for Constitutional Affairs 1
Department of Health 7
Home Office7
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:   
Asylum and Immigration Tribunal 3
Children's Commissioner for England 2
Crown Prosecution Service 1
HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for England and Wales 1
Appearances by other witnesses 59

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
13-16.3.07Copenhagen, Denmark and Malmo, Sweden Dismore2 Inquiry into The Human Rights of Older Persons in Healthcare £4,754.64

A Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
10-12.12.06Strasbourg, France and Geneva, SwitzerlandA   1 Inquiry into Human Rights Issues £1,455.62

A Lords Members took part in this visit.

UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
24.1.07Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre, Bedfordshire Dismore, Griffith2 Inquiry into The Treatment of Asylum Seekers £180
22.5.07Barnet Primary Care Trust, London Dismore2A Inquiry into The Human Rights of Older Persons in Healthcare £176.84
17.10.07Lewisham College and Keyring, London Dismore1A Inquiry into The Human Rights of Adults with Learning Disabilities £105.75
24.10.07Home Farm Trust, Evesham Dismore1A Inquiry into The Human Rights of Adults with Learning Disabilities £157.20

A Includes 1 specialist adviser

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
First Report: The Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism 24722.1.07 38£10.00 Awaited
Second Report: Legislative Scrutiny: First Progress Report 26330.1.07 111£15.50 Not applicable
Third Report: Legislative Scrutiny: Second Progress Report 2872.2.07 72£14.50 Cm 7068, published 4.4.07
Fourth Report: Legislative Scrutiny: Mental Health Bill 2884.2.07 86£14.50 Not applicable
Fifth Report: Legislative Scrutiny: Third Progress Report 30312.2.07 78£14.50 Not applicable
Sixth Report: Legislative Scrutiny: Sexual Orientation Regulations 35028.2.07 27£8.00 Not applicable
Seventh Report: Deaths in Custody: Further Developments 3647.3.07 62£13.50 Not applicable
Eighth Report: Counter-terrorism Policy and Human Rights: Draft Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (Continuance in force of sections 1 to 9) Order 2007 3654.3.07 28£8.50 Received 1.5.07: published as Fourteenth Report, Session 2006-07
Ninth Report: The Meaning of Public Authority under the Human Rights Act 41028.3.07 123£15.50 Awaited
Tenth Report: The Treatment of Asylum Seekers 60-I30.3.07 126£15.50 Received 14.6.07: published as Seventeenth Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: The Treatment of Asylum Seekers 60-II30.3.07 491£35.00 Not applicable
Eleventh Report: Legislative Scrutiny: Fourth Progress Report 42430.3.07 36£10.00 Not applicable
Twelfth Report: Legislative Scrutiny: Fifth Progress Report 49025.4.07 26£8.00 Not applicable
Thirteenth Report: Legislative Scrutiny: Sixth Progress Report 53821.5.07 40£10.50 Not applicable
Fourteenth Report: Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of this Session: Counter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights: Draft Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (Continuance in force of sections 1 to 9 order 2007) 53921.5.07 12£5.00 Not applicable
Fifteenth Report: Legislative Scrutiny: Seventh Progress Report 55530.5.07 52£12.00 Not applicable
Sixteenth Report: Monitoring the Government's Response to Court Judgments Finding Breaches of Human Rights 72828.6.07 150£17.50 Not applicable
Seventeenth Report: Government Response to the Committee's Tenth Report of this Session: The Treatment of Asylum Seekers 7905.7.07 46£11.00 Not applicable
Eighteenth Report: The Human Rights of Older People in Healthcare 378-I14.8.07 105£15.50 Received 22.10.07
Oral and Written Evidence: The Human Rights of Older People in Healthcare 378-II14.8.07 240£21.50 Not applicable
Nineteenth Report: Counter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights: 28 days, intercept and post-charge questioning 39430.7.07 158£17.50 Cm 7215, published 20.9.07
Twentieth Report: Highly Skilled Migrants: Changes to the Immigration Rules 9939.8.07 28£8.50 Awaited
Twenty-First Report: Human Trafficking: Update 105618.10.07 22£6.50 Awaited
Oral and Written Evidence: Human Rights Policy 556-i10.10.07 16£5.50 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Human Rights of Adults with Learning Disabilities 659-i25.6.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Human Rights of Adults with Learning Disabilities 659-ii9.7.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Human Rights of Adults with Learning Disabilities 659-iii22.10.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Counter-terrorism policy and human rights 994-i20.9.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Use of Restraint in Secure Training Centres 1057-i10.10.07      Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06

Home Department Response to the Committee's Twenty-Sixth Report: Human Trafficking, published as Cm 6996 (19.12.06).

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at

22.1.07One, on the appointment of Frances Butler as Specialist Adviser on the older persons in healthcare inquiry


The following Reports were debated in Westminster Hall:

Twenty-Fourth Report, Session 2005-06, Counter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights: Prosecution and Pre-Charge Detention, HC 1576, 7.12.06

Twenty-Sixth Report, Session 2005-06, Human Trafficking, HC 1127, 24.5.07

The following Reports were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to debates in the House:

Sixteenth Report, Session 2005-06, Proposal for a Draft Marriage Act 1949 (Remedial) Order 2006, HC 1022, Approval Motion for the Draft Marriage Act 1949 (Remedial) Order 2006, 25.1.07

Second Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: First Progress Report, HC 263, Remaining Stages of the Fraud (Trials without a Jury) Bill, 25.1.07

Thirty-Second Report, Session 2005-06, The Human Rights Act: the DCA and Home Office Reviews, HC 1716, Adjournment debate on Human Rights: values, rights and responsibilities, 19.2.07

Third Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: Second Progress Report, HC 287, Remaining Stages of the Offender Management Bill, 28.2.07

Second Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: First Progress Report, HC 263 and Fifth Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: Third Progress Report, HC 303, Second Reading of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Bill, 5.3.07

Second Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: First Progress Report, HC 263, Second Reading of the Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Bill [Lords], 19.3.07

Fourth Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: Mental Health Bill, HC 288, Second Reading of the Mental Health Bill [Lords], 16.4.07

Fifth Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: Third Progress Report, HC 303, Lords Amendments, Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Bill, 10.5.07

Third Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: Second Progress Report, HC 287, Second Reading of the Concessionary Bus Travel Bill, 14.5.07

Second Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: First Progress Report, HC 263, Lords Amendments to the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Bill, 16.5.07

Eleventh Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: Fourth Progress Report, HC 424 and Thirteenth Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: Sixth Progress Report, HC 538, Report Stage of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill, 22.5.07

Third Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: Second Progress Report, HC 287, Second Reading of the Legal Services Bill [Lords], 4.6.07

Fourth Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: Mental Health Bill, HC 288 and Fifteenth Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: Seventh Progress Report, HC 555, Second Reading of the Mental Health Bill [Lords], 12.6.07

Ninth Report, Session 2006-07, The Meaning of Public Authority under the Human Rights Act, HC 410, Second Reading of the Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning of Public Authority) Bill, 15.6.07

Fourth Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: Mental Health Bill, HC 288, Consideration of the Mental Health Bill [Lords], 18.6.07

Twelfth Report, Session 2006-07, Legislative Scrutiny: Fifth Progress Report, HC 490, Consideration of the Serious Crime Bill [Lords], 22.10.07

Oral Evidence

Oral Evidence was taken at 20 of the Committee's 34 meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly in private.
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Counter-terrorism policy and human rights 4
Human Rights Policy 1
The Human Rights of Adults with Learning Disabilities 3
The Human Rights of Older People in Healthcare 5
The Treatment of Asylum Seekers 6
The Use of Restraint in Secure Training Centres 1

19  International Development

For website access click on

The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.

It had 11 Members and held 37 meetings. These included 5 "Quadripartite" meetings held concurrently with the Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade and Industry Committees (abbreviated to 'QCM' in the attendance table below) and 1 concurrent meeting with the Communities and Local Government Committee (abbreviated to 'CLGCM' in the attendance table below).

Bruce, Malcolm (Chairman)

Barrett, John (discharged 16.4.07)

Battle, John

Bayley, Hugh

Bercow, John

Burden, Richard

Davies, Mr Quentin

Duddridge, James

McKechin, Ann

Ruddock, Joan

Singh, Mr Marsha

Smith, Sir Robert (added 16.4.07)

Overall Attendance:

Number of Members added:

Number of Members discharged:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended

36 (including 4 QCM and 1 CLGCM)

12 (including 2 QCM and 1 CLGCM)

22 (including 1 CLGCM)


21 (including 2 QCM)

29 (including 4 QCM)

15 (including 1 CLGCM)

27 (including 1 QCM)

31 (including 1 CLGCM)




59.5 %A



9.1 %

A Not including concurrent meetings.


Clerk of the Committee: Mrs Carol Oxborough, Deputy Principal Clerk (SC Band 1)
Second Clerk: Matthew Hedges, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Specialists: Dr Anna Dickson, (Band B1); Chloe Challender, (Band B1)
Media Officer: Alex Paterson, (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Katie Phelan (until 15.4.07), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2); Ian Hook (from 16.4.07), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2)
Secretary: Jenny Steele, Grade 2 (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: Louise Glen (until 31.12.06), (shared) (Band D1); James Bowman (from 5.3.07), (shared) (Band D1)

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Dr Sibylle Bauer*, Belinda Calaguas, Dr Paul Cornish*, Dr Andrew Cotton, Professor Wendy Graham, Regina Keith, Ms Joanna Kidd* and Simon Maxwell.

*Specialist Adviser to the Defence, Foreign Affairs, International Development and Trade and Industry Committees in their joint inquiry into Strategic Export Controls.

Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Cabinet Ministers3
Other Ministers8
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:   
Department for International Development 18
Other departments, comprising:   
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 5
Executive Agencies, comprising:   
HM Revenue and Customs 2
Revenue and Customs Prosecution Office 2
Appearances by other witnesses 77

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
1-8.2.07Ethiopia Bruce, Barrett, Battle, Bayley, Bercow, Burden, Davies, Duddridge, McKechin, Ruddock, Singh 2Inquiry into Water and Sanitation £32,840.43
13-19.3.07Cape Town, South Africa Bayley, Davies1 Seventh Annual Conference of the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank £7,144.01
18-19.3.07Berlin, GermanyA Bruce1 Conference of the Chairpersons of the Committees on Economic Cooperation and Development £2,098.36
8-18.5.07Vietnam and Thailand Bruce, Battle, Bayley, Bercow, Burden, McKechin, Singh 2Inquiries into Vietnam: DFID's Country Programme and DFID Assistance to Burmese Internally Displaced People and Refugees on the Thai Burma border £39,867.29
13-14.6.07Sweden A Bruce, Burden1 Invitation by Swedish Parliament £2,785.80
7-8.10.07Lisbon, PortugalA Bruce1 Chairmen of Foreign Affairs and Development Committees Conference £2,483.00

(estimated outturn)

24-30.10.07Afghanistan Bruce, Bayley, Burden, Duddridge, McKechin, Singh, Smith 2Development Assistance in Insecure Environments: Afghanistan £35,000

(estimated outturn)

A Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
22-23.1.07Brussels, Belgium Bruce, Bayley, Burden, Davies, Duddridge, McKechin, Ruddock, Singh 4Inquiry into EU Development and Trade Policy: an update £6,073.25

UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
28.6.07Edinburgh and East Kilbride, Scotland Bruce, Battle, Bayley, Duddridge, McKechin, Smith 2To visit MSP, NGOs and DFID Headquarters £4,220.53

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
First Report: Department for International Development Departmental Report 2006 7130.11.06 78£14.50 Received 26.2.07: published as Third Special Report, Session 2006-07
Second Report: HIV/AIDS: Marginalised groups and emerging epidemics 46-I1.12.06 21£6.00 Received 26.2.07: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: HIV/AIDS: Marginalised groups and emerging epidemics 46-II19.12.06 68£3.50 Not applicable
Third Report: Work of the Committee in 2005-06 22824.1.07 28£8.50 Not applicable
Fourth Report: Development Assistance and the Occupied Palestinian Territories 114-I31.1.07 72£72.00 Received 29.3.07: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: Development Assistance and the Occupied Palestinian Territories 114-II31.1.07 208£20.50 Not applicable
Fifth Report: EU Development and Trade Policies: An update 27114.3.07 40£11.00 Received 12.6.07: published as Sixth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Sixth Report: Sanitation and Water 12625.4.07 79£14.50 Received 10.7.07: published as Seventh Special Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: Sanitation and Water 126-II26.4.07 346£25.50 Not applicable
Seventh Report: Fair Trade and Development 356-I14.6.07 47£12.00 Received 18.10.07: published as Eighth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: Fair Trade and Development 356-II14.6.07 193£22.00 Not applicable
Eighth Report: Department for International Development's Programme in Vietnam 73224.7.07 68£13.50 Received 18.10.07: published as Ninth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Ninth Report: Prospects for Sustainable Peace in Uganda 85324.7.07 70£14.50 Received 18.10.07: published as Tenth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Tenth Report: DFID Assistance to Burmese Internally Displaced People and Refugees on the Thai-Burma Border 645-I25.7.07 58£11.50 Received 23.10.07: published as Eleventh Special Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: DFID Assistance to Burmese Internally Displaced People and Refugees on the Thai-Burma Border 645-II25.7.07 155£16.50 Not applicable
Eleventh Report: Strategic Export Controls: 2007 ReviewA 1177.8.07 323£25.00 Awaited
First Special Report: Conflict and Development: Peacebuilding and Post-conflict Reconstruction: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2005-06 17219.12.06 18£0.00 Not applicable

A First Joint Report with the Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade and Industry Committees

TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
Second Special Report: Humanitarian response to natural disasters: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2005-06 22922.1.07 16£6.00 Not applicable
Third Special Report: DFID Departmental Report: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2006-07 32826.2.07 11£4.50 Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: HIV/AIDS: Marginalised groups and emerging epidemics: Government Response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2006-07 32926.2.07 7£4.50 Not applicable
Fifth Special Report: Development Assistance and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2006-07 43029.3.07 15£6.00 Not applicable
Sixth Special Report: EU Development and Trade Policies: An update: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2006-07 62212.6.07 6£4.50 Not applicable
Seventh Special Report: Sanitation and Water: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2006-07 85410.7.07 19£6.00 Not applicable
Eighth Special Report: Fair Trade and Development: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2006-07 104718.10.07 10£4.50 Not applicable
Ninth Special Report: DFID's Programme in Vietnam: Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2006-07 106218.10.07 10£4.50 Not applicable
Tenth Special Report: Prospects for sustainable peace in Uganda: Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report of Session 2006-07 106318.10.07 5£3.00 Not applicable
Eleventh Special Report: Responses to the Committee's Tenth Report of Session 2006-07, DFID Assistance to Burmese IDPs and Refugees on the Thai-Burma Border 107023.10.07 19£6.00 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: The Autumn Meetings of the World Bank and the IMF 1622B20.12.06 95£14.50 Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: DFID Annual Report 2007 936-i23.7.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Maternal Health 1075-i22.10.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Cross-departmental Working on Development and Trade 1076-i22.10.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Cross-departmental Working on Development and Trade 1076-ii23.10.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Development Assistance in Insecure Environments: Afghanistan 1097-i26.10.07      Not applicable

B HC No. refers to Session 2005-06

TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Maternal Health   11.10.07      Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Development Assistance in Insecure Environments: Afghanistan   11.10.07      Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Cross-departmental Working on Development and Trade   11.10.07      Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06

Reply to the Committee's Sixth Report: Conflict and Development: Peacebuilding and Post-conflict Reconstruction, received 19.12.06 and published as the Committee's First Special Report, Session 2006-07.

Reply to the Committee's Seventh Report: Humanitarian Response to Natural Disasters, received 22.1.07 and published as the Committee's Second Special Report, Session 2006-07.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at




The following Reports were debated in Westminster Hall:

Fifth Report, Session 2005-06, Strategic Export Controls: Annual Report for 2004, Quarterly Reports for 2005, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny, HC 873, 22.2.07

Sixth Report, Session 2005-06, Conflict and Development: Peacebuilding and Post-conflict Reconstruction, HC 923-I, 22.3.07

Fourth Report, Session 2006-07, Development Assistance and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, HC 114-I, 5.7.07

Oral Evidence

Oral Evidence was taken at 26 of the Committee's 37 meetings.[5] On 2 occasions evidence was taken partly or wholly in private.
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Cross-departmental Working on Development and Trade 2
Development Assistance and the Occupied Palestinian Territories A 2

A The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 2005-06; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2005-06))

InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Development Assistance in Insecure Environments: Afghanistan 1
DFID Assistance to Burmese Internally Displaced People and Refugees on the Thai-Burma Border 3
DFID Departmental Report 2007 1
EU Development and Trade Policies: An update 1
Fair Trade and Development 4
HIV/AIDS: Marginalised groups and emerging epidemics 1
Maternal Health1
Prospects for sustainable peace in Uganda 1
Sanitation and Water 5
Strategic Export Controls: 2007 ReviewB 3
Vietnam: DFID's Country Programme 2

B Jointly with the Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade and Industry Committees

20  Liaison

For website access click on

The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.

It had 31 Members and held 11 meetings.

Williams, Mr Alan (Chairman)

Arbuthnot, Mr James

Barron, Mr Kevin

Beith, Mr Alan

Bell, Sir Stuart

Bruce, Malcolm

Connarty, Michael

Cormack, Sir Patrick

Denham, Mr John (discharged 25.7.07)

Dismore, Mr Andrew

Doran, Mr Frank

Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth

Francis, Dr Hywel

Gapes, Mike

Jack, Mr Michael

Knight, Mr Greg

Leigh, Mr Edward

Luff, Peter

McFall, John

McKenna, Rosemary

Maclean, David

Miller, Andrew

Rooney, Mr Terry

Sarwar, Mr Mohammad

Sheerman, Mr Barry

Starkey, Dr Phyllis

Vaz, Keith (added 25.7.07)

Whittingdale, Mr John

Willis, Mr Phil

Wright, Dr Tony

Yeo, Mr Tim

Young, Sir George

Overall Attendance:

Number of Members added:

Number of Members discharged:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended

































56.3 %



3.2 %


Clerk of the Committee: Helen Irwin, Clerk of Committees (SC Band 3)
Second Clerk: Robert Wilson, Principal Clerk of Select Committees (SC Band 2)
Committee Assistant: Catherine Close, Senior Executive Officer (Band B1) (until 21.1.07), Kevin Candy (from 22.1.07), Senior Executive Officer (Band B1)
Secretary: Anwen Rees (until 21.1.07), Chief Office Clerk (Band C), Catherine Close, (from 22.1.07) Grade 2 (Band C)

Specialist Advisers during the Session


Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following category of witness:   
Number of appearances by:   
Prime Minister2

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
First Report: Annual Report for 2005-06 40617.4.07 85£14.50 Received 22.6.07: published as First Special Report, Session 2006-07
First Special Report: Annual Report for 2005-06: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2006-07 92016.7.07 7£4.50 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The Prime Minister - Tuesday 6 February 2007 300-i26.3.07 29£7.00 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The Prime Minister - Monday 18 June 2007 300-ii9.7.07 16£5.50 Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at





Oral Evidence

Oral Evidence was taken at 2 of the Committee's 11 meetings. On no occasion was evidence taken partly or wholly in private.
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Evidence from the Prime Minister 2

20A  Liaison Sub-Committee

For website access click on

The Committee was nominated on 20 October 2005.

It had 9 Members and held 2 meetings.

Williams, Mr Alan (Chairman)

Beith, Mr Alan

Denham, Mr John (discharged 12.7.07)

Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth

Jack, Mr Michael

McFall, John (added 12.7.07)

Sheerman, Mr Barry

Wright, Dr Tony

Young, Sir George

Overall Attendance:

Number of Members added:

Number of Members discharged:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended










62.5 %



11.1 %


Clerk of the Sub-Committee: Helen Irwin, Clerk of Committees (SC Band 3)
Second Clerk: Robert Wilson, Principal Clerk of Select Committees (SC Band 2)
Committee Assistant: Catherine Close, Senior Executive Officer (Band B1) (until 21.1.07), Kevin Candy (from 22.1.07), Senior Executive Officer (Band B1)
Secretary: Anwen Rees (until 21.1.07), Chief Office Clerk (Band C), Catherine Close, (from 22.1.07) Grade 2 (Band C)

Specialist Advisers during the Session




Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Oral and Written Evidence


Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06

Not applicable.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Sub-Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Sub-Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at





Oral Evidence


21  Modernisation of the House of Commons

For website access click on

The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.

It had 15 Members and held 16 meetings.


Harman, Ms Harriet (Chairman from 10.10.07) (added 25.7.07)

Bryant, Chris (added 25.7.07)

Burstow, Mr Paul (discharged 25.10.07)

Butler, Ms Dawn

Coffey, Ann

Davies, Philip (added 12.3.07)

Howarth, Mr George

Hughes, Simon (added 25.10.07)

Knight, Mr Greg

Lazarowicz, Mark

May, Mrs Theresa

Sanders, Mr Adrian

Shepherd, Mr Richard

Soulsby, Sir Peter (added 7.2.07)

Straw, Mr Jack (Chairman until 25.7.07) (discharged 25.7.07)

Stringer, Graham (discharged 7.12.06)

Tipping, Paddy (discharged 25.7.07)

Vaizey, Mr Edward (discharged 12.3.07)

Waltho, Lynda (discharged 7.2.07)

Winterton, Sir Nicholas

Wright, Mr Iain (added 7.12.06)

Overall Attendance:

Number of Members added:

Number of Members discharged:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended






















70.0 %



40.0 %


Clerk of the Committee: Helen Irwin, Clerk of Committees (SC Band 3)
Second Clerk: Gordon Clarke, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Assistant: Ms Susan Morrison, Chief Office Clerk (Band C)
Secretary: Ms Jane Cooper, Grade 2 (Band C)

Specialist Advisers during the Session


Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Members of Parliament 12
Member of the House of Lords 1
Officers of the House of Commons 3
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:   
Hansard Society1
Appearances by other witnesses 5

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
First Report: Revitalising the Chamber: the role of the back bench Member 33720.6.07 204£22.00 Cm 7231, published 18.10.07

Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at

13.6.07Seventeen, on consideration of the draft Report on Revitalising the Chamber: the role of the back bench Member
10.10.07One, on a Motion to appoint a Chairman


The following Report was debated in the House:

First Report, Session 2006-07, Revitalising the Chamber: the role of the back bench Member, HC 337, 25.10.07

Oral Evidence

Oral Evidence was taken at 6 of the Committee's 16 meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly in private.
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Revitalising the Chamber: the role of the back bench Member (incorporating Strengthening the role of the backbencher and making better use of non-legislative time) 6

22  Northern Ireland Affairs

For website access click on

The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.

It had 13 Members and held 28 meetings.

Cormack, Sir Patrick (Chairman)

Anderson, Mr David

Battle, John

Campbell, Mr Gregory

Cooper, Rosie

Fraser, Mr Christopher

Grogan, Mr John

Hepburn, Mr Stephen

Hermon, Lady

McDonnell, Dr Alasdair

Murphy, Mr Denis

Pound, Stephen

Wilson, Sammy

Overall Attendance:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended














69.0 %

0.0 %


Clerk of the Committee: James Rhys (until 31.10.07), Deputy Principal Clerk (SC Band 1)
Inquiry Manager: Judy Goodall (from 16.4.07), (Band A2)
Committee Specialist: Dr Aileen O'Neill (until 28.2.07), (Band B1)
Media Officer: Laura Kibby, (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Paul Derrett (until 22.8.07), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2); Duma Langton (from 1.10.07), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2)
Secretary: Jennifer Kelly (until 30.9.07), Grade 2 (Band C); Rebecca Crew (from 1.10.07), Grade 2 (Band C) / Annabel Goddard (from 1.10.07), Grade 2 (Band C) / Ms Karen Watling (from 1.10.07), Grade 2 (Band C), (shared)
Senior Office Clerk: Jim Lawford, (shared) (Band D1)

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Professor Sir Anthony Bottoms.

Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Cabinet Minister1
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers 4
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:   
Northern Ireland Office 5
Other departments, comprising:   
Home Office1
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:   
Community Relations Council 1
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland 1
Life Sentence Review Commissioners 1
Northern Ireland Tourist Board 3
Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland 2
Probation Board for Northern Ireland 2
Executive Agencies, comprising:   
Northern Ireland Prison Service 2
Appearances by other witnesses 33

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
22-23.1.07Dublin, Republic of Ireland Cormack, Anderson, Fraser, Hepburn, McDonnell, Murphy, Pound 2Inquiry into Tourism in Northern Ireland and its Economic Impact and Benefits £6,291.34
16-17.10.07Dublin, Republic of Ireland Cormack, Anderson, Hepburn, McDonnell, Murphy, Pound 3AInquiry into the Northern Ireland Prison Service £4,111.34 (estimated outturn)

A Includes 1 specialist adviser

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
3-4.12.06Belfast and Bangor Cormack, Anderson, Battle, Campbell, Fraser, Hermon, McDonnell, Murphy, Wilson 4AInquiry into Community Restorative Justice £8,837.63
23-24.4.07Belfast and Limavady Cormack, Anderson, Battle, Cooper, Hepburn, Hermon 4BInquiry into the Northern Ireland Prison Service £3,356.02
10-11.7.07Belfast Cormack, Anderson, Battle, Campbell, Fraser, Hepburn, Hermon, McDonnell, Murphy, Wilson 4BInquiry into the Northern Ireland Prison Service £6,548.81

A Includes a shorthand writer

B Includes 1 specialist adviser

DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
14-16.10.07Belfast Cormack, Anderson, Campbell, Hepburn, Hermon, McDonnell, Murphy, Pound, Wilson 5CInquiry into the Northern Ireland Prison Service £3,333.70

C Includes 1 specialist adviser and 1 shorthand writer

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
First Report: Draft Protocol for Community-based Restorative Justice Schemes 8725.1.07 147£17.50 Received 30.4.07: published as First Special Report, Session 2006-07
Second Report: Work of the Committee in 2006 2947.2.07 47£2.00 Not applicable
Third Report: Tourism in Northern Ireland and its Economic Impact and Benefits 11915.3.07 212£22.00 Received 23.5.07: published as Second Special Report, Session 2006-07
First Special Report: Draft Protocol for Community-based Restorative Justice Schemes: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2006-07 47530.4.07 9£4.50 Not applicable
Second Special Report: Tourism in Northern Ireland and its Economic Impact and Benefits: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2006-07 54523.5.07 12£4.50 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The Assets Recovery Agency 41717.5.07 9£4.00 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Political Developments in Northern Ireland 47615.8.07 18£5.50 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Northern Ireland Prison Service 520-i15.5.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Northern Ireland Prison Service 520-ii22.5.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Northern Ireland Prison Service 520-iii12.6.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Northern Ireland Prison Service 520-iv20.6.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Northern Ireland Prison Service 520-v2.7.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Northern Ireland Prison Service 520-vi12.7.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Northern Ireland Prison Service 520-vii15.10.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Northern Ireland Prison Service 520-viii24.10.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Northern Ireland Prison Service 520-ix30.10.07      Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at




The following Report was debated in Westminster Hall:

Third Report, Session 2005-06, Organised Crime in Northern Ireland, HC 886, 30.11.06

Oral Evidence

Oral Evidence was taken at 19 of the Committee's 28 meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly in private.
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Community Restorative Justice 4
Political Developments in Northern Ireland 1
The Assets Recovery Agency 1
The Northern Ireland Prison Service 9
Tourism in Northern Ireland and its Economic Impact and Benefits 4

23  Procedure

For website access click on

The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.

It had 13 Members and held 10 meetings.

Knight, Mr Greg (Chairman)

Barlow, Ms Celia

Chope, Mr Christopher

Clark, Ms Katy

Gale, Mr Roger (added 11.6.07)

Gauke, Mr David (discharged 11.6.07)

Gwynne, Andrew

Hemming, John

Illsley, Mr Eric

James, Mrs Siân

McKenna, Rosemary

Riordan, Mrs Linda

Smith, Sir Robert

Wilson, Mr Rob

Overall Attendance:

Number of Members added:

Number of Members discharged:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended















55.4 %



7.7 %


Clerk of the Committee: Mark Hutton, Deputy Principal Clerk (SC Band 1)
Second Clerk: Keith Neary, Assistant Clerk (Band A3) (until 30.9.07), Senior Clerk (Band A2) (from 1.10.07)
Committee Assistant: Ms Susan Morrison, Chief Office Clerk (Band C)

Specialist Advisers during the Session


Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Cabinet Minister1
Members of Parliament 6
Officers of the House of Commons 2
Appearance by other witness 1

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
29-30.11.06Berlin, Germany Knight, Barlow, Gwynne, McKenna, Smith 2Inquiry into Public Petitions £6,974.23

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
7.3.07No. 10 Downing Street Knight, Barlow, Chope, Hemming, Smith, Wilson 2Inquiry into Public Petitions Nil

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
First Report: Public Petitions and Early Day Motions 51322.5.07 92£14.50 Cm 7193, published 26.7.07
Second Report: Corrections to the Official Report 5415.6.07 15£6.50 Government Motion to Approve agreed to 19.6.07
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Written Parliamentary Questions   22.10.07      Not applicable
Corrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Written Parliamentary Questions 336-i17.4.07      Not applicable
Corrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Written Parliamentary Questions 366-ii20.4.07      Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at




The following Report was debated in the House:

First Report, Session 2006-07, Public Petitions and Early Day Motions, HC 513, 25.10.07

The following Report was approved in the House:

Second Report, Session 2006-07, Corrections to the Official Report, HC 541, 19.6.07

Oral Evidence

Oral Evidence was taken at 4 of the Committee's 10 meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly in private.
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Early Day MotionsA 1
Public Petitions1
Written Parliamentary Questions 2

A The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 2005-06; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2005-06))

24  Public Accounts

For website access click on

The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.

It had 16 Members and held 53 meetings.

Leigh, Mr Edward (Chairman)

Bacon, Mr Richard

Brooke, Annette

Browning, Angela (added 16.7.07)

Bryant, Chris (added 4.6.07)

Clark, Greg (discharged 16.7.07)

Curry, Mr David

Davidson, Mr Ian

Dunne, Mr Philip

Goodman, Helen (discharged 4.6.07)

Healey, John

Khan, Mr Sadiq (discharged 4.6.07)

Lucas, Ian (added 4.6.07)

McCarthy-Fry, Sarah (discharged 26.3.07)

Mitchell, Mr Austin

Pugh, Dr John

Touhig, Mr Don

Ussher, Kitty (discharged 15.1.07)

Williams, Mr Alan

Wright, Mr Iain (added 15.1.07)

Wyatt, Derek (added 26.3.07)

Overall Attendance:

Number of Members added:

Number of Members discharged:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended






















47.2 %



31.3 %


Clerk of the Committee: Mark Etherton, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Media Officer: Luke Robinson (until 31.3.07), (shared) (Band B1); Alex Paterson (from 1.4.07), (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistants: Christine Randall (until 31.12.06), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2); Philip Jones (from 1.1.07), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2); Ms Emma Sawyer, Chief Office Clerk (Band C)
Secretary: Ms Pam Morris, Grade 2 (Band C); Oliver Denton (until 23.12.06), (temporary); Mrs Anna Browning (from 8.1.07 until 26.7.07), (temporary)

Specialist Advisers during the Session


Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:   
Cabinet Office1
Department of Health 7
Department of Trade and Industry 2
Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1
Department for Communities and Local Government 2
Department for Culture, Media and Sport 1
Department for Education and Skills 3
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 3
Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1
Department for International Development 2
Department for Transport 4
Department for Work and Pensions 3
HM Treasury52
Home Office1
Ministry of Defence 3
Executive Agencies, comprising: 10
Defence Estates1
Disability and Carers Service 1
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency 2
Driving Standards Agency 1
Highways Agency1
Identity and Passport Service 1
Jobcentre Plus1 1
Pension Service1
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising: 80
Assets Recovery Agency 1
Environment Agency 1
Heritage Lottery Fund 1
Higher Education Funding Council for England 1
HM Revenue and Customs 5
Housing Corporation 1
Learning and Skills Council 1
Legal Services Commission 1
National Audit Office 52
Natural England1
Northern Ireland Audit Office 1
Office of Government Commerce 4
Office of Rail Regulation 1
Olympic Delivery Authority 1
Science and Technology Facilities Council 1
Appearances by other witnesses 5

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
21-22.1.07Paris, FranceA Leigh   200th anniversary of French NAO £383.00
20-24.5.07Copenhagen, Denmark and Stockholm, Sweden Leigh, Dunne, Mitchell, Pugh 2Visit overseas audit institutions £6,738.08
11-13.7.07Lisbon, PortugalA Leigh   To discuss matters of EU scrutiny £921.80

A Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
20-21.11.06Brussels, BelgiumA Touhig   Attend Workshop of the EU Committee on Budgetary Control £499.77

A Travel in a representative capacity

UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
29.11.06Rubicon Housing Complex, GreenwichA Leigh1 Inquiry into Low Cost Home Ownership £61.54
6.3.07City of London Academy Leigh, Bacon, Khan, Mitchell, Touhig 2Inquiry into the Academies Programme £96.90
9.5.07Diamond Synchrotron facility, Harwell Leigh, Dunne1 Inquiry into Big Science £381.88
5.6.07Thames Gateway Leigh, Curry, Davidson, Pugh, Touhig, Wyatt 2Inquiry into the Thames Gateway: Laying the Foundations £163.10
19.6.07River Lee, Waltham Forest Leigh, Bacon1 Inquiry into Building and maintaining river and coastal flood defences in England £564.00

A Travel in a representative capacity

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
First Report: Tsunami: Provision of Support for humanitarian assistance 2523.11.06 35£10.00 Cm 7018, published 8.2.07
Second Report: Improving literacy and numeracy in schools (Northern Ireland) 1088.12.06 37£10.00 Cm 7035, published 13.2.07
Third Report: Collections management in the national museums and galleries of Northern Ireland 10913.12.06 30£10.00 Cm 7035, published 13.2.07
Fourth Report: Gas distribution networks: Ofgem's role in their sale, restructuring and future regulation 11011.1.07 39£10.00 Cm 7019, published 8.3.07
Fifth Report: Postcomm and quality mail services 11112.12.06 39£10.00 Cm 7018, published 8.2.07
Sixth Report: Gaining and retaining a job: the Department for Work and Pensions' support for disabled people 11216.1.07 41£11.00 Cm 7019, published 8.3.07
Seventh Report: Department for Work and Pensions: Using leaflets to communicate with the public about services and entitlements 13323.1.07 33£10.00 Cm 7020, published 29.3.07
Eighth Report: Tackling child obesity - first steps 15725.1.07 47£12.00 Cm 7020, published 29.3.07
Ninth Report: The Paddington Health Campus scheme 24430.1.07 51£12.00 Cm 7076, published 26.4.07
Tenth Report: Fines Collection 24531.1.07 32£10.00 Cm 7020, published 29.3.07
Eleventh Report: Supporting Small Business 2626.2.07 31£10.00 Cm 7076, published 26.4.07
Twelfth Report: Excess Votes 2005-06 3461.3.07 13£4.50 Not applicable
Thirteenth Report: Smarter Food Procurement in the Public Sector 3576.3.07 41£11.00 Cm 7077, published 26.4.07
Fourteenth Report: Ministry of Defence: Delivering digital tactical communications through the Bowman CIP Programme 3588.3.07 42£11.00 Cm 7077, published 26.4.07
Fifteenth Report: The termination of the PFI contract for the National Physical Laboratory 35913.3.07 29£11.00 Cm 7077, published 26.4.07
Sixteenth Report: The provision of out-of-hours care in England 36014.3.07 46£11.00 Cm 7077, published 26.4.07
Seventeenth Report: Financial management in the NHS 36120.3.07 52£12.00 Cm 7077, published 26.4.07
Eighteenth Report: DFID: Working with Non-Governmental and other Civil Society Organisations to promote development 6422.3.07 34£10.00 Cm 7077, published 26.4.07
Nineteenth Report: A Foot on the Ladder: Low Cost Home Ownership Assistance 13427.3.07 46£12.00 Cm 7077, published 26.4.07
Twentieth Report: The National Programme for IT in the NHS 36111.4.07 177£20.00 Cm 7152, published 25.7.07
Twenty-First Report: Progress in Combat Identification 4861.5.07 30£8.50 Cm 7151, published 5.7.07
Twenty-Second Report: Tax Credits 4873.5.07 44£10.50 Cm 7151, published 5.7.07
Twenty-Third Report: The office accommodation of Department of Culture, Media and Sport and its sponsored bodies 4888.5.07 71£14.50 Cm 7152, published 25.7.07
Twenty-Fourth Report: Ofwat: Meeting the demand for water 28610.5.07 41£11.00 Cm 7151, published 5.7.07
Twenty-Fifth Report: Update on PFI debt refinancing and the PFI equity market 15815.5.07 71£14.50 Cm 7152, published 25.7.07
Twenty-Sixth Report: Progress in tackling pensioner poverty: encouraging take-up of entitlements 16917.5.07 38£11.00 Cm 7152, published 25.7.07
Twenty-Seventh Report: Delivering successful IT-enabled business change 1135.6.07 39£11.00 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Twenty-Eighth Report: ASPIRE - The re-competition of outsourced IT services 17912.6.07 43£11.00 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Twenty-Ninth Report: Improving the use of temporary nursing staff in NHS acute and foundation trusts 1427.6.07 39£11.00 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Thirtieth Report: The Modernisation of the West Coast Main Line 18914.6.07 47£12.00 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Thirty-First Report: Central government's use of consultants 30919.6.07 44£11.00 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Thirty-Second Report: Right of access to open countryside 9121.6.07 45£10.50 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Thirty-Third Report: Assessing the value for money of 27526.6.07 34£10.00 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Thirty-Fourth Report: Recruitment and retention in the armed forces 433.7.07 36£10.00 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Thirty-Fifth Report: BBC outsourcing: the contract between the BBC and Siemens Business Services 11828.6.07 41£11.00 BBC Trustees' Response, received 12.10.07: published as First Special Report, Session 2006-07
Thirty-Sixth Report: Reserve Forces 72912.7.07 40£11.00 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Thirty-Seventh Report: Child Support Agency: implementation of the child support reforms 8125.7.07 46£11.00 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Thirty-Eighth Report: Sure Start Children's Centres 26117.7.07 41£11.00 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Thirty-Ninth Report: Preparations for the London Olympic and Paralympic Games - risk assessment and management 37710.7.07 48£12.00 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Fortieth Report: Dr Foster Intelligence: a joint venture between the Information Centre and Dr Foster LLP 36818.7.07 40£10.50 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Forty-First Report: Improving procurement in further education colleges in England 4774.10.07 28£8.50 Awaited
Forty-Second Report: The Shareholder Executive and public sector businesses 40920.9.07 38£11.00 Awaited
Forty-Third Report: The restructuring of British Energy 89219.7.07 41£11.00 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Forty-Fourth Report: Tackling anti-social behaviour 24624.7.07 50£12.00 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Forty-Fifth Report: VAT Missing Trader Fraud 25026.7.07 40£11.00 Cm 7216, published 11.10.07
Forty-Sixth Report: Major Projects Report 2006 29511.9.07 45£11.00 Awaited
Forty-Seventh Report: Improving quality and safety - Progress in implementing clinical governance in primary care: Lessons for the new Primary Care Trusts 30213.9.07 36£10.00 Awaited
Forty-Eighth Report: The Efficiency Programme: A second review of progress 34911.10.07 38£11.00 Awaited
Forty-Ninth Report: Introduction of ePassports 36210.10.07 44£11.00 Awaited
Fiftieth Report: Assets Recovery Agency 39112.10.07 49£12.00 Awaited
Fifty-First Report: Legal Aid and mediation for people involved in family breakdown 39616.10.07 41£11.00 Awaited
Fifty-Second Report: The Academies Programme 40218.10.07 44£11.00 Awaited
Fifty-Third Report: Helping newly registered businesses meet their tax obligations 48925.10.07 37£10.00 Awaited
Fifty-Fourth Report: Heritage Lottery Fund 50223.10.07 58£13.50 Awaited
Fifty-Fifth Report: The delays in administering the 2005 Single Payment Scheme in England 8936.9.07 63£13.50 Awaited
Fifty-Sixth Report: Jobcentre Plus: Delivering effective services through personal advisers 3129.10.07 29£8.50 Awaited
Fifty-Seventh Report: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Reducing reliance on landfill 21230.10.07 55£12.00 Awaited
Fifty-Eighth Report: Estimating and monitoring the costs of building roads in England 4268.11.07 42£11.00 Awaited
Fifty-Ninth Report: Pay modernisation: A new contract for NHS Consultants in England 50622.11.07 38£10.00 Awaited
Sixtieth Report: Big Science: Public investment in large scientific facilities 52113.11.07 34£10.00 Awaited
Sixty-First Report: Managing the Defence Estate 53729.11.07 29£10.00 Awaited
Sixty-Second Report: Thames Gateway: Laying the foundations 69315.11.07 39£11.00 Awaited
Sixty-Third Report: HMT: Tendering and benchmarking in PFI 75427.11.07 34£10.00 Awaited
Sixty-Fourth Report: The management of staff sickness in the DfT and its agencies 79120.11.07 41£11.00 Awaited
Sixty-Fifth Report: HMRC: Filing of VAT and Company Tax Returns 5484.12.07 31£10.00 Awaited
Sixty-Sixth Report: The BBC's management of risk 6436.12.07 32£10.00 Awaited
First Special Report: BBC outsourcing: the contract between the BBC and Siemens Business Services: The response of the BBC Trustees to the Committee's Thirty-fifth report of Session 2006-07 106719.10.07 7£4.50 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: National Audit Office Supply Estimate 2007-08 347-i22.6.07 7£4.00 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Northern Ireland Audit Office Supply Estimate 2007-08 348-i22.6.07 1£2.00 Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: DFID: Tackling rural poverty 599-i4.6.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Prescribing costs in primary care 670-i11.6.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Building for the Future: Sustainable Construction and Refurbishment on the Government Estate 740-i18.6.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Building and maintaining river and coastal flood defences in England 813-i27.6.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: HM Revenue & Customs: Tax Credits and PAYE 1061-i10.10.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Improving services and support for people with dementia 1068-i15.10.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Vehicle Excise Duty 1082-i17.10.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Coal Health Compensation Schemes 1094-i22.10.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Helping people from workless households into work 1105-i24.10.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Staying the Course: The Retention of Students in Higher Education 1074-i29.10.07      Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06

Reply to the Committee's Fifty-Eighth Report: Enhancing urban green spaces, published as Cm 6981 (14.12.06).

Reply to the Committee's Fifty-Ninth Report: Improving poorly performing schools, published as Cm 6981 (14.12.06).

Reply to the Committee's Sixty-First Report: Crown Prosecution Service: Effective use of magistrates' courts hearings, published as Cm 6981 (14.12.06).

Reply to the Committee's Sixty-Second Report: The electronic monitoring of offenders, published as Cm 6981 (14.12.06).

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at




The following Reports and Special Report were debated in the House:

Thirty-Fifth Report, Session 2005-06, The refinancing of the Norfolk and Norwich PFI Hospital, HC 694, Forty-Third Report, Session 2005-06, Delivery chain analysis for bus services in England, HC 851, Forty-Fourth Report, Session 2005-06, National Offender Management Service: dealing with increased numbers in custody, HC 788, Forty-Fifth Report, Session 2005-06, Employers' perspectives on improving skills for employment, HC 862, Forty-Sixth Report, Session 2005-06, Governance issues in the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment's former Local Enterprise Development Unit, HC 918, Forty-Seventh Report, Session 2005-06, NHS Local Improvement Finance Trusts, HC 562, Forty-Eighth Report, Session 2005-06, HM Customs and Excise: Standard Report 2004-05, HC 874, Forty-Ninth Report, Session 2005-06, Corporation Tax: companies managed by HM Revenue and Customs' Area Offices, HC 967, Fiftieth Report, Session 2005-06, Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 2005, HC 889, Fifty-First Report, Session 2005-06, A safer place for patients: learning to improve patient safety, HC 831, Fifty-Second Report, Session 2005-06, Reducing brain damage: faster access to better stroke care, HC 911, Fifty-Third Report, Session 2005-06, Department for Work and Pensions: Delivering effective services through contact centres, HC 1034, Fifty-Fourth Report, Session 2005-06, UK Sport: Supporting elite athletes, HC 898, Fifty-Fifth Report, Session 2005-06, Progress in improving government efficiency, HC 978, Fifty-Sixth Report, Session 2005-06, Serving time: prisoner diet and exercise, HC 1063, Fifty-Seventh Report, Session 2005-06, The closure of MG Rover, HC 1003, Fifty-Eighth Report, Session 2005-06, Enhancing urban green spaces, HC 1073, Fifty-Ninth Report, Session 2005-06, Improving poorly performing schools, HC 956, Sixtieth Report, Session 2005-06, Home Office Resource Accounts 2004-05 and follow-up on Returning failed asylum seekers, HC 1079, Sixty-First Report, Session 2005-06, Crown Prosecution Service: Effective use of magistrates' courts hearings, HC 982, Sixty-Second Report, Session 2005-06, The electronic monitoring of offenders, HC 997, Sixty-Third Report, Session 2005-06, Delivering high quality public services for all, HC 1530, First Report, Session 2006-07, Tsunami: Provision of Support for humanitarian assistance, HC 25, Second Report, Session 2006-07, Improving literacy and numeracy in schools (Northern Ireland), HC 108, Third Report, Session 2006-07, Collections management in the national museums and galleries of Northern Ireland, HC 109, Fourth Report, Session 2006-07, Gas distribution networks: Ofgem's role in their sale, restructuring and future regulation, HC 110, Fifth Report, Session 2006-07, Postcomm and quality mail services, HC 111, Sixth Report, Session 2006-07, Gaining and retaining a job: the Department for Work and Pensions' support for disabled people, HC 112, Seventh Report, Session 2006-07, Department for Work and Pensions: Using leaflets to communicate with the public about services and entitlements, HC 133, Eighth Report, Session 2006-07, Tackling child obesity - first steps, HC 157 and Tenth Report, Session 2006-07, Fines Collection, HC 245, 19.4.07

Ninth Report, Session 2006-07, The Paddington Health Campus scheme, HC 244, Eleventh Report, Session 2006-07, Supporting Small Business, HC 262, Thirteenth Report, Session 2006-07, Smarter Food Procurement in the Public Sector, HC 357, Fourteenth Report, Session 2006-07, Ministry of Defence: Delivering digital tactical communications through the Bowman CIP Programme, HC 358, Fifteenth Report, Session 2006-07, The termination of the PFI contract for the National Physical Laboratory, HC 359, Sixteenth Report, Session 2006-07, The provision of out-of-hours care in England, HC 360, Seventeenth Report, Session 2006-07, Financial management in the NHS, HC 361, Eighteenth Report, Session 2006-07, DFID: Working with Non-Governmental and other Civil Society Organisations to promote development, HC 64, Nineteenth Report, Session 2006-07, A Foot on the Ladder: Low Cost Home Ownership Assistance, HC 134, Twentieth Report, Session 2006-07, The National Programme for IT in the NHS, HC 361, Twenty-First Report, Session 2006-07, Progress in Combat Identification, HC 486, Twenty-Second Report, Session 2006-07, Tax Credits, HC 487, Twenty-Third Report, Session 2006-07, The office accommodation of Department of Culture, Media and Sport and its sponsored bodies, HC 488, Twenty-Fourth Report, Session 2006-07, Ofwat: Meeting the demand for water, HC 286, Twenty-Fifth Report, Session 2006-07, Update on PFI debt refinancing and the PFI equity market, HC 158, Twenty-Sixth Report, Session 2006-07, Progress in tackling pensioner poverty: encouraging take-up of entitlements, HC 169, Twenty-Seventh Report, Session 2006-07, Delivering successful IT-enabled business change, HC 113, Twenty-Eighth Report, Session 2006-07, ASPIRE - The re-competition of outsourced IT services, HC 179, Twenty-Ninth Report, Session 2006-07, Improving the use of temporary nursing staff in NHS acute and foundation trusts, HC 142, Thirtieth Report, Session 2006-07, The Modernisation of the West Coast Main Line, HC 189, Thirty-First Report, Session 2006-07, Central government's use of consultants, HC 309, Thirty-Second Report, Session 2006-07, Right of access to open countryside, HC 91, Thirty-Third Report, Session 2006-07, Assessing the value for money of, HC 275, Thirty-Fourth Report, Session 2006-07, Recruitment and retention in the armed forces, HC 43, Thirty-Fifth Report, Session 2006-07, BBC outsourcing: the contract between the BBC and Siemens Business Services, HC 118, Thirty-Sixth Report, Session 2006-07, Reserve Forces, HC 729, Thirty-Seventh Report, Session 2006-07, Child Support Agency: implementation of the child support reforms, HC 812, Thirty-Eighth Report, Session 2006-07, Sure Start Children's Centres, HC 261, Thirty-Ninth Report, Session 2006-07, Preparations for the London Olympic and Paralympic Games - risk assessment and management, HC 377, Fortieth Report, Session 2006-07, Dr Foster Intelligence: a joint venture between the Information Centre and Dr Foster LLP, HC 368, Forty-Third Report, Session 2006-07, The restructuring of British Energy, HC 892, Forty-Fourth Report, Session 2006-07, Tackling anti-social behaviour, HC 246, Forty-Fifth Report, Session 2006-07, VAT Missing Trader Fraud, HC 250 and First Special Report, Session 2006-07, BBC outsourcing: the contract between the BBC and Siemens Business Services: The response of the BBC Trustees to the Committee's Thirty-fifth report of Session 2006-07, HC 1067, 23.10.07

Oral Evidence

Oral Evidence was taken at 52 of the Committee's 53 meetings.[6] On 3 occasions evidence was taken partly or wholly in private.
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
A Foot on the Ladder: Low Cost Home Ownership 1
Assets Recovery Agency 1
BBC outsourcing: The contract between the BBC and Siemens Business Services for the provision of technology services 1
Big Science: Public investment in large scientific facilities 1
Building and maintaining river and coastal flood defences in England 1
Building for the Future: Sustainable Construction and Refurbishment on the Government Estate 1
Central government's use of consultants 1
Coal Health Compensation Schemes 1
Delivering successful IT-enabled business change 1
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Reducing reliance on landfill 1
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: The right of access to open countryside 1
Department for International Development: Working with Non-Governmental and other Civil Society Organisations to promote development 1
Dr Foster Intelligence: a joint venture between the Information Centre and Dr Foster LLP 1
Estimating and monitoring the costs of building roads in England 1
Filing VAT and Company Tax Returns 1
Helping newly registered businesses meet their tax obligations 1
Helping people from workless households into work 1
Heritage Lottery Fund 1
HM Revenue & Customs: ASPIRE - the re-competition of outsourced IT services 1
Identity and Passport Service: Introduction of ePassports 1
Improving procurement in further education colleges in England 1
Improving quality and safety: Progress in implementing clinical governance in primary care: Lessons for the New Primary Care Trusts 1
Improving services and support for people with dementia 1
Improving the PFI tendering process; Benchmarking and market testing the ongoing services component of PFI projects 1
Improving the use of temporary nursing staff in NHS acute and foundation trusts 1
Jobcentre Plus: Delivering effective services through personal advisers 1
Legal Aid and mediation for people involved in family breakdown 1
Managing the defence estate: quality and sustainability 1
Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 2006 1
National Audit Office Supply Estimate 2007-08 1
Northern Ireland Audit Office Supply Estimate 2007-08 1
Ofwat: Meeting the demand for water 1 1
Pay modernisation: A new contract for NHS consultants in England 1
Prescribing costs in primary care 1
Progress in tackling pensioner poverty: encouraging take-up of entitlements 1
Recruitment and retention in the armed forces 1
Staging the London Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012 1
Sure Start Children's Centres 1
Tackling anti-social behaviour 1
Tackling rural poverty in developing countries 1
Tax Credits and PAYE 1
The Academies Programme 1
The BBC's management of risk 1
The delays in administering the 2005 Single Payment Scheme in England 1
The Efficiency Programme: A second review of progress 1
The management of staff sickness in the Department of Transport and its agencies 1
The Modernisation of the West Coast Main Line 1
The National Programme for IT in the NHS 1
The Retention of Students in Higher Education 1
The Shareholder Executive and public sector businesses 1
The Thames Gateway: Laying the Foundations 1
Update on PFI debt refinancing and the PFI equity market 1
VAT Missing Trader Fraud 1
Vehicle Excise Duty 1

25  Public Administration

For website access click on

The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.

It had 11 Members and held 33 meetings.

Wright, Dr Tony (Chairman)

Burrowes, Mr David

Flynn, Paul

Heyes, David

Hopkins, Kelvin

Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian

Morgan, Julie

Prentice, Mr Gordon

Rowen, Paul

Shapps, Grant (discharged 26.2.07)

Walker, Mr Charles (added 26.2.07)

Willott, Jenny

Overall Attendance:

Number of Members added:

Number of Members discharged:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended













66.9 %



9.1 %


Clerk of the Committee: Eve Samson, Deputy Principal Clerk (SC Band 1)
Second Clerk: James Gerard, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Specialist: Lucinda Maer (until 4.6.07), (Band B1)
Media Officer: Jessica Bridges-Palmer, (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Philip Jones (until 31.12.06), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2); Anna Watkins (from 1.1.07 until 30.9.07), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2); Louise Glen (from 1.10.07), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2)
Secretary: Mrs Anna Browning (until 19.12.06), (temporary); Louise Glen (from 1.1.07), Grade 2 (Band C) (until 30.9.07); Anne Woolhouse (from 8.10.07), (temporary)
Senior Office Clerk: Louise Glen, (shared) (Band D1) (until 31.12.06); James Bowman (from 5.3.07), (shared) (Band D1)

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Professor Robert Hazell, Pauline Ngan, Christopher Sallon QC and Barry Winetrobe.

Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Cabinet Minister1
Other Minister1
Members of the House of Commons 3
Members of the House of Lords 5
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:   
Cabinet Office5
Department for Education and Skills 1
Department for Work and Pensions 1
Ministry of Defence 2
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:   
Audit Commission1
Charity Commission 1
Commission for the Compact 1
Committee on Standards in Public Life 1
Crown Prosecution Service 1
HM Revenue and Customs 1
House of Lords Appointments Commission 1
Information Commission 2
Metropolitan Police 1
Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments 1
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman 2
Executive Agencies, comprising:   
Disability and Carers Service 1
Identity and Passport Service 1
Appearances by other witnesses 35

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
29.10-1.11.07Washington DC, USA Wright, Flynn, Heyes, Hopkins, Liddell-Grainger, Morgan, Prentice, Rowen 2Inquiry into Lobbying £32,596.00

(estimated outturn)

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
21.11.06National School for Government, Sunningdale Wright, Flynn, Heyes, Hopkins, Liddell-Grainger, Prentice, Rowen, Willott 3Inquiry into Skills for Government £352.20
16.1.07London - various (Identity and Passport Service, Inner London Crown Court and Clapham Common Jobcentre Plus) Wright, Flynn, Hopkins, Liddell-Grainger, Morgan, Prentice, Rowen, Willott 2AInquiries into Skills for Government and Putting People First Nil
17.7.07Newham Wright, Flynn, Heyes, Hopkins, Morgan, Prentice 1AInquiry into Putting People First £240.00

A Includes 1 specialist adviser

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
First Report: The Work of the Committee in 2005-06 25829.1.07 18£6.00 Not applicable
Second Report: Governing the Future 123-I6.3.07 47£12.00 Cm 7145, published 26.6.07
Oral and Written Evidence: Governing the Future 123-II6.3.07 129£17.50 Not applicable
Third Report: Politics and Administration: Ministers and Civil Servants 122-I26.3.07 53£12.00 Awaited
Oral and Written Evidence: Politics and Administration: Ministers and Civil Servants 122-II26.3.07 132£16.50 Not applicable
Fourth Report: Ethics and Standards: The Regulation of Conduct in Public Life 121-I29.4.07 79£14.50 Awaited
Oral and Written Evidence: Ethics and Standards: The Regulation of Conduct in Public Life 121-II29.4.07 149£16.50 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Ethics and Standards: The Regulation of Conduct in Public Life 121-i26.10.07 12£4.00 Not applicable
Fifth Report: Pensions Bill: Government Undertakings relating to the Financial Assistance Scheme 52311.5.07 27£8.00 Received 10.7.07: published as Eighth Report, Session 2006-07
Sixth Report: The Business Appointment Rules 6512.7.07 20£6.50 Received 10.10.07: published as Third Special Report, Session 2006-07
Seventh Report: Machinery of Government Changes 67215.6.07 23£10.00 Awaited
Eighth Report: The Pensions Bill and the FAS: An Update - Including the Government Response to the Fifth Report of Session 2006-07 92213.7.07 19£6.00 Received 26.7.07: published as Second Special Report, Session 2006-07
Ninth Report: Skills for Government 93-I6.8.07 58£13.50 Awaited
Oral and Written Evidence: Skills for Government 93-II6.8.07 115£14.50 Not applicable
First Special Report: The Governance of Britain 90111.7.07 8£4.50 Not applicable
Second Special Report: The Pensions Bill and the FAS: An Update: Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2006-07 104817.10.07 8£4.50 Not applicable
Third Special Report: The Business Appointment Rules: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2006-07 108724.10.07 5£4.50 Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: The Ministerial Code: the case for independent investigation: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2005-06 108825.10.07 5£4.50 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Government Communications 92-i30.4.07 18£5.50 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The Work of the Cabinet Office 305-i-ii16.7.07 31£8.50 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Public Appointments: Confirmation Hearings 731-i26.10.07 14£4.00 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Centre of Government 958-i26.10.07 19£5.50 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Freedom of Information: Administrative Impact 984-i26.10.07 15£5.50 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Public Services: Putting People First 251-i15.2.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Public Services: Putting People First 251-ii15.5.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Public Services: Putting People First 251-iii-iv11.5.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Public Services: Putting People First 251-v24.5.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Public Services: Putting People First 251-vi10.7.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Public Services: Putting People First 251-vii31.5.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Public Services: Putting People First 251-viii9.7.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: A Debt of Honour 277-i15.2.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Third Sector Commissioning 540-i10.7.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Third Sector Commissioning 540-ii5.7.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Third Sector Commissioning 540-iii3.8.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Third Sector Commissioning 540-vi16.8.07      Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Politics and Administration: Ministers and Civil Servants 660-viA 22.11.06     Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Charities and Public Benefit 904-i13.7.07      Not applicable

A HC No. refers to Session 2005-06

TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Propriety and Honours: Lessons Learned 1049-i18.10.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Propriety and Honours: Lessons Learned 1049-ii23.10.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Propriety and Honours: Lessons Learned 1049-iii25.10.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Work of the Ombudsman 1086-i26.10.07      Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06

Reply to the Committee's Seventh Report: The Ministerial Code: the case for independent investigation, received 25.10.07 and published as the Committee's Fourth Special Report, Session 2006-07.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at

15.3.07One, on publication of letter received from Assistant Commissioner Yates


The following Report was the subject of an Estimates Day debate:

Sixth Report, Session 2005-06, The Ombudsman in Question: The Ombudsman's report on pensions and its constitutional implications, HC 1081, 7.12.06

The following Corrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet was tagged to the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:

Corrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet, Session 2006-07, Third Sector Commissioning, HC 540 i-iv, Third Sector Review, 18.10.07

Oral Evidence

Oral Evidence was taken at 29 of the Committee's 33 meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly in private.
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
A Debt of Honour1
Centre of Government 1
Charities and Public Benefit 1
Ethics and Standards 1
Freedom of Information 1
Government Communications 1
Machinery of Government Changes 1
Propriety and Honours: Lessons Learned 3
Public Appointments: Confirmation Hearings 1
Public Services: Putting People First 8
Skills for Government 3
The Work of the Cabinet Office 2
Third Sector Commissioning 4
Work of the Ombudsman 2006-07 1

26  Regulatory Reform

For website access click on

The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.

It had 14 Members and held 12 meetings.

Miller, Andrew (Chairman)

Banks, Gordon

Burt, Lorely

Gray, Mr James

Hammond, Stephen

Hemming, John

Hodgson, Mrs Sharon

Jackson, Mr Stewart

Naysmith, Dr Doug

Reed, Mr Jamie

Seabeck, Alison

Slaughter, Mr Andy

Smith, Ms Angela C

Steen, Mr Anthony

Overall Attendance:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended















42.3 %

0.0 %


Clerk of the Committee: Mick Hillyard, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Specialist: Stuart Deacon (until 2.9.07), (Band B1)
Secretary/Committee Assistant: Liz Booth, Grade 2 (Band C)

Specialist Advisers during the Session




Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
First Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Game) Order 2007 38415.3.07 33£10.00 Not applicable
Second Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Collaboration etc between Ombudsmen) Order 2007 38315.3.07 25£8.50 Not applicable
Third Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Financial Services and Markets Act 2000) Order 2007 39723.3.07 32£10.00 Not applicable
Fourth Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Deer) (England and Wales) Order 2007 4112.4.07 52£12.00 Not applicable
Fifth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Collaboration etc. between Ombudsmen) Order 2007 6117.6.07 6£4.50 Not applicable
Sixth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Financial Services and Markets Act 2000) Order 2007 67314.6.07 6£3.00 Not applicable
Seventh Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Game) Order 2007 67414.6.07 7£4.50 Not applicable
Eighth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Deer) (England and Wales) Order 2007 94823.7.07 10£4.50 Not applicable
First Special Report: Scrutiny of Regulatory Reform Orders 16015.12.06 24£8.00 Not applicable
Second Special Report: Revised Standing Orders 38514.3.07 23£8.00 Received 15.5.07: published as Third Special Report, Session 2006-07
Third Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Second Special Report of Session 2006-07: Revised Standing Orders 6107.6.07 7£4.50 Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at





Oral Evidence


27  Science and Technology

For website access click on

The Committee was nominated on 19 July 2005.

It had 11 Members and held 42 meetings.

Willis, Mr Phil (Chairman)

Afriyie, Adam

Devine, Mr Jim (discharged 19.2.07)

Dorries, Mrs Nadine (added 2.7.07)

Flello, Mr Robert

Gilroy, Linda (added 19.2.07)

Harris, Dr Evan

Iddon, Dr Brian

Mole, Chris (added 15.1.07)

Moran, Margaret (discharged 27.11.06)

Newmark, Mr Brooks (discharged 2.7.07)

Snelgrove, Anne (discharged 15.1.07)

Spink, Bob

Stringer, Graham (added 27.11.06)

Turner, Dr Desmond

Overall Attendance:

Number of Members added:

Number of Members discharged:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended
















64.9 %



36.4 %


Clerk of the Committee: Dr Lynn Gardner, Deputy Principal Clerk (SC Band 1)
Second Clerk: Celia Blacklock, Assistant Clerk (Band A3) (until 31.5.07), Senior Clerk (Band A2) (from 1.6.07); Edward Waller (from 1.10.07), Assistant Clerk (Band A3)
Committee Specialists: Dr Anne Simpson (until 19.6.07) (Band B1); Sarah Bunn (from 5.2.07 until 8.7.07) (Band B1); Christopher Tyler (from 14.5.07) (Band B1); Joanna Dally (from 1.10.07) (Band B1)
Media Officer: Laura Kibby (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Ana Ferreira, Higher Executive Officer (Band B2)
Secretary: Christine McGrane, Grade 2 (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: Robert Long (until 7.5.07) (shared) (Band D1); Jonathan Wright (from 4.6.07) (shared) (Band D1)

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Professor Dennis Anderson, Professor Roger Brownsword, Professor Malcolm Chiswick, Professor Brian Collins, Professor Adrian Cruise, Professor Michael Gossop, Professor Nicholas Jenkins, Professor Ron Maughan, Professor Lawrence Mee, Professor Allan Templeton and Dr Valerie Wilson.

Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Cabinet Minister1
Other Ministers15
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:   
Council for Science and Technology 2
Department for Education and Skills 1
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 2
Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills 2
Department for Transport 1
Department of Health 4
Department of Trade and Industry 1
Ministry of Defence 1
Office of Science and Innovation 3
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:   
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs 2
Arts and Humanities Research Council 1
Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils 1
Economic and Social Research Council 1
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council 2
Medical Research Council 6
Met Office1
Natural Environment Research Council 7
Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council 2
Royal Society3
Science and Technology Facilities Council 1
UK Hydrographic Office 1
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of non-departmental public bodies:   
Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority 1
Natural England1
The British Council 1
Appearances by other witnesses 94

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
6.3.07Paris, France Willis, Iddon, Mole, Newmark, Spink, Turner 2AInquiry into Space Policy £3,772.43
20-24.5.07Boston and Washington, USA Willis, Gilroy, Iddon, Mole, Spink, Turner 2Inquiry into Investigating the oceans £30,882.73
21-22.6.07Lisbon, Portugal Willis, Mole, Newmark, Turner 2Inquiry into Investigating the oceans £6,497.64
26.7.07Geneva, Switzerland Willis, Iddon, Mole 1Inquiry into Research Council Institutes £568.57

A Includes 1 specialist adviser

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
5.12.06Loughborough University Willis, Afriyie, Harris 2Inquiry into Human enhancement technologies in sport inquiry £514.50
16.1.07National Institute for Medical Research, Mill HillA Willis, Turner   Inquiry into Research Council Institutes £193.88
30.1.07Leicester University and National Space Centre Willis, Afriyie, Mole, Spink, Turner 5BInquiry into Space Policy £1,143.50

A Travel in a representative capacity

B Includes 1 specialist adviser and 1 shorthand writer

DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
20.2.07Stem Cell Laboratory, Kings College, London Willis, Harris, Mole, Spink, Stringer, Turner 3Inquiry into Government proposals for the regulation of hybrid and chimera embryos   
27.3.07Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Willis, Iddon, Mole, Spink, Turner 2Inquiries into Space Policy and Research Council Institutes £496.15
17.4.07Plymouth Marine Laboratory Willis, Gilroy, Iddon, Mole, Turner 2Inquiry into Investigating the oceans £989.90
7.6.07British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge Willis, Iddon, Mole, Stringer, Turner 2Inquiry into Investigating the oceans £375.05
7.6.07Research Councils - CERN, GenevaA Spink   Inquiry into Research Council Institutes £212.46
12.7.07National Oceanographic Centre, Southampton Willis2C Inquiry into Investigating the oceans £329.35

A Travel in a representative capacity

C Includes 1 specialist adviser

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
First Report: Work of the Committee in 2005-06 20224.1.07 32£10.00 Not applicable
Second Report: Human Enhancement Technologies in Sport 6721.2.07 108£20.00 Department for Culture, Media and Sport Response, Cm 7088, published 23.4.07
Third Report: The Cooksey Review 20415.3.07 59£12.00 Received 18.7.07: published as Third Special Report, Session 2006-07
Fourth Report: Research Council Institutes 68-I22.3.07 88£14.50 Received 18.7.07: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: Research Council Institutes 68-II22.3.07 197£20.50 Not applicable
Fifth Report: Government proposals for the regulation of hybrid and chimera embryos 272-I5.4.07 74£14.50 Department of Health Response, Cm 7139, published 18.6.07
Oral and Written Evidence: Government proposals for the regulation of hybrid and chimera embryos 272-II5.4.07 169£18.50 Not applicable
Sixth Report: Office of Science and Innovation: Scrutiny Report 2005 and 2006 2033.4.07 142£17.50 Received 5.6.07: published as Second Special Report, Session 2006-07
Seventh Report: 2007: A Space Policy 66-I17.7.07 157£17.50 Received 26.9.07: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: 2007: A Space Policy 66-II17.7.07 408£34.30 Not applicable
Eighth Report: Chairman of the Medical Research Council: Introductory Hearing 74631.7.07 31£10.00 Received 20.9.07: published as Sixth Special Report, Session 2006-07
Ninth Report: International Policies and Activities of the Research Councils 472-I31.7.07 61£13.50 Received 25.9.07: published as Seventh Special Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: International Policies and Activities of the Research Councils 472-II31.7.07 168£18.50 Not applicable
Tenth Report: Investigating the Oceans 470-I18.10.07 147£17.50 Awaited
Oral and Written Evidence: Investigating the Oceans 470-II18.10.07 274£22.50 Not applicable
Eleventh Report: The Funding of Science and Discovery Centres 903-I22.10.07 48£12.00 Awaited
Oral and Written Evidence: The Funding of Science and Discovery Centres 903-II22.10.07 216£22.00 Not applicable
Twelfth Report: Scientific Developments Relating to the Abortion Act 1967 1045-I31.10.07 88£14.50 Awaited
Oral and Written Evidence: Scientific Developments Relating to the Abortion Act 1967 1045-II31.10.07 253£21.50 Not applicable
Thirteenth Report: The Last ReportA 11087.11.07 66£13.50 Awaited
First Special Report: Scientific Advice, Risk and Evidence Based Policy Making: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2005-06 30727.2.07 31£10.00 Not applicable
Second Special Report: Office of Science and Innovation: Scrutiny Report 2005 and 2006: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2006-07 63519.6.07 13£4.50 Not applicable
Third Special Report: The Cooksey Review: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2006-07 97830.7.07 6£3.00 Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: Research Council Institutes: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2006-07 97930.7.07 25£8.00 Not applicable
Fifth Special Report: 2007: A Space Policy: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2006-07 104223.10.07 23£8.00 Not applicable
Sixth Special Report: Chairman of the Medical Research Council: Introductory Hearing: Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2006-07 104324.10.07 4£3.00 Not applicable

A The Committee's last Report of Session 2006-07, although published in Session 2007-08, was agreed in Session 2006-07.
TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
Seventh Special Report: International Policies and Activities of the Research Councils: Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report of Session 2006-07 104425.10.07 15£6.00 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Drug classification: making a hash of it?: follow-up 65-i20.3.07 27£7.00 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Chief Executive of the Arts and Humanities Research Council: Introductory Hearing 310-i29.3.07 9£4.00 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Chairman of the Natural Environment Research Council: Introductory Hearing 471-i20.6.07 7£4.00 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Improving Research Conduct and Preventing Scientific Fraud 747-i1.10.07 21£5.50 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Science and Innovation Investment Framework 2004-2014: Annual Report 2007B 1079-i19.11.07 14£6.00 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Renewable Energy Technologies   16.7.07      Not applicable

B This Oral Evidence, although published in Session 2007-08, was held in Session 2006-07 (23 October 2007).

Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06

Reply to the Committee's Seventh Report: Scientific Advice, Risk and Evidence Based Policy Making, received 29.1.07 and published as the Committee's First Special Report, Session 2006-07.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at




The following Report was the subject of an Estimates Day debate:

Seventh Report, Session 2005-06, Scientific Advice, Risk and Evidence Based Policy Making, HC 900-I, 9.7.07

The following Report was debated in Westminster Hall:

Fifth Report, Session 2005-06, Drug classification: making a hash of it?, HC 1031, 14.6.07

Oral Evidence

Oral Evidence was taken at 32 of the Committee's 42 meetings.[7] On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly in private.
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Chief Executive of the Arts and Humanities Research Council: Introductory Hearing 1
Cooksey Review1
Drug classification: making a hash of it?: follow-up 1
Funding of Science and Discovery Centres 1
Government proposals for the regulation of hybrid and chimera embryos 3
Human Enhancement Technologies in SportA 2
Improving Research Conduct and Preventing Scientific Fraud 1
International Policies and Activities of the Research Councils 3
Investigating the Oceans 6
Office of Science and Innovation 2007 1
Office of Science and Innovation Scrutiny Report 2006A 1
Research Council InstitutesA 3
Science and Innovation Investment Framework 2004-2014: Annual Report 2007 1
Scientific Developments Relating to the Abortion Act 1967 3
Space Policy7
The role of the Chairman of the Medical Research Council 1

A The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 2005-06; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2005-06))

28  Scottish Affairs

For website access click on

The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.

It had 11 Members and held 16 meetings.

Sarwar, Mr Mohammad (Chairman)

Alexander, Danny

Clark, Ms Katy

Davidson, Mr Ian

Devine, Mr Jim

MacDougall, Mr John

McGovern, Mr Jim

MacNeil, Mr Angus

Mundell, David

Walker, Mr Charles

Wallace, Mr Ben

Overall Attendance:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended












52.8 %

0.0 %


Clerk of the Committee: Mike Clark (until 15.4.07), Senior Clerk (Band A2); Gordon Clarke (from 16.4.07), Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Second Clerk: Sarah Hartwell-Naguib (from 11.6.07), Senior Clerk (Band A2);
Media Officer: Laura Kibby, (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Mrs Diane Nelson (until 5.10.07), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2); Duma Langton (from 1.10.07), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2)
Secretary: Camilla Brace, Grade 2 (Band C)

Specialist Advisers during the Session


Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Cabinet Minister1
Scottish Minister1
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:   
Scotland Office1
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:   
Appearances by other witnesses 26

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
11-12.12.06Inverness Sarwar, Alexander, Davidson, McGovern, MacNeil, Mundell, Walker 4AInquiry into Poverty in Scotland £5,673.70
19-20.2.07Dundee Sarwar, Alexander, Clark, Davidson, McGovern, MacNeil, Mundell, Walker 4AInquiry into Poverty in Scotland £4,648.65
18-19.6.07Glasgow Sarwar, Clark, Davidson, McGovern, MacNeil 4AInquiry into Poverty in Scotland £3,609.11

A Includes a shorthand writer

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
First Report: Work of the Committee in 2006 30822.2.07 14£6.50 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Scotland Office Annual Report 2007 943-i23.10.07 24£7.00 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Poverty in Scotland 168-i17.12.06      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Poverty in Scotland 168-ii22.1.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Poverty in Scotland 168-iii12.2.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Poverty in Scotland 168-iv26.2.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Poverty in Scotland 168-v13.3.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Poverty in Scotland 168-vi20.3.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Poverty in Scotland 168-vii23.3.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Poverty in Scotland 168-viii21.5.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Poverty in Scotland 168-ix21.6.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Poverty in Scotland 168-x28.6.07      Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Spring Supplementary Estimate 2007: Explanatory Memorandum by the Scotland Office 90623.7.07 3£3.00 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Effects of tax increases on the oil industry   10.7.07      Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: The implications of the sale of BP's petrochemical business in Grangemouth: further evidence   17.7.07      Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Poverty in Scotland 168-xi10.7.07      Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at





Oral Evidence

Oral Evidence was taken at 11 of the Committee's 16 meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly in private.
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Poverty in Scotland 10
Scotland Office Annual Report 2007 1

29  Selection

The Committee was nominated on 13 June 2005.

It had 9 Members and held 31 meetings.

McKenna, Rosemary (Chairman)

Ainsworth, Mr Bob (discharged 4.7.07)

Blackman, Liz (added 4.7.07)

Brown, Mr Nicholas (added 4.7.07)

Burns, Mr Simon (added 9.7.07)

Campbell, Mr Alan

Cunningham, Tony

Heppell, Mr John (discharged 4.7.07)

Randall, Mr John (discharged 9.7.07)

Robathan, Mr Andrew

Sanders, Mr Adrian

Young, Sir George

Overall Attendance:

Number of Members added:

Number of Members discharged:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended













79.9 %



33.3 %


Clerk of the Committee: Miss Sîan Jones, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Assistant: Rob Bartram, Chief Office Clerk (Band C)

Specialist Advisers during the Session




Overseas Visits

Not applicable.

Visits to European Institutions

Not applicable.

UK Visits

Not applicable.

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence


Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06


Formal Minutes






Oral Evidence


5   On one occasion, the Committee's meeting comprised two separate oral evidence sessions. Back

6   On one occasion the Committee's meeting comprised three separate oral evidence sessions, and on one occasion the meeting comprised two separate oral evidence sessions. Back

7   On four occasions the Committee's meeting comprised two separate oral evidence sessions. Back

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Prepared 16 January 2008