Sessional Returns 2006-07 Contents



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The Committee was nominated on 19 July 2005.

It had 11 Members and held 30 meetings.

Francis, Dr Hywel (Chairman)

Crabb, Mr Stephen

David, Mr Wayne (added 4.6.07)

Davies, David T. C.

Griffith, Nia

James, Mrs Siân C

Jones, Mr David

Jones, Mr Martyn

Morden, Jessica (discharged 4.6.07)

Owen, Albert

Williams, Hywel

Williams, Mark

Overall Attendance:

Number of Members added:

Number of Members discharged:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended













56.1 %



9.1 %


Clerk of the Committee: Nick Wright, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Specialist: Mr Stephen Boyce (until 1.6.07), (Band B1); Llinos Madeley (from 11.6.07), (Band B1)
Media Officer: Laura Kibby, (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Jane Trew (until 31.12.06), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2); Christine Randall (from 1.1.07), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2)
Secretary: Sarah Colebrook (until 5.3.07), Grade 2 (Band C); Annabel Goddard (from 19.2.07), Grade 2 (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: Jim Lawford, (shared) (Band D1)

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Professor Kevin Morgan, Professor Max Munday, Professor Keith Patchett and Professor Kevin Williams.

Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Cabinet Ministers1
Other Ministers5
Members of Parliament 2
Members of the House of Lords (of whom 1 was also a Minister) 2
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:   
Department for Trade and Industry 3
Department for Work and Pensions 2
Home Office1
Wales Office4
Welsh Assembly Government Ministers 3
Welsh Assembly Government 2
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of, public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:   
Borders and Immigration Agency 1
Commission for Racial Equality Wales 1
Further Education in Wales 1
Gangmasters Licensing Authority 1
Higher Education Wales 1
NHS Wales2
North Wales Police 1
North Wales Probation Service 1
Wrexham Borough County Council 1
Youth Justice Board for England and Wales 1
Appearances by other witnesses 39

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
25-30.3.07Czech Republic and Poland Francis, James, D Jones, M Jones, Owen, H Williams, M Williams 2Inquiry into Globalisation and its impact on Wales £15,260.99
20-26.10.07China Francis, Griffith, D Jones, Owen, H Williams 2Inquiry into Globalisation and its impact on Wales £28,000 (estimated outturn)

Visits to European Institutions
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
12.9.07Strasbourg, FranceA Davies   Council of Europe Seminar £127.73

A Travel in a representative capacity

UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
4.12.06North West England Francis, Griffith, M Jones, H Williams 3AInquiry into Welsh Prisoners in the Prison Estate £330.30
4-6.3.07Swansea and Llanelli Francis, Griffith, James, H Williams, M Williams 3Inquiry into Globalisation and its impact on Wales £2,528.99
14-15.5.07Chirk and Wrexham Francis, James, D Jones, M Jones, M Williams 3Inquiry into Globalisation and its impact on Wales £2,455.25
19.7.07Cardiff   2 Meeting at National Assembly for Wales £450.40
20.9.07Cardiff   1 Meeting at National Assembly for Wales £223.00
25.9.07Cardiff   1 Meeting at National Assembly for Wales £242.00

A Includes a shorthand writer

DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
12.10.07Cardiff   2 Meeting at National Assembly for Wales £379.50

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
First Report: Work of the Committee 2005-06 29126.2.07 16£6.00 Not applicable
Second Report: Legislative Competence Orders in Council 1755.6.07 51£12.00 Received 19.7.07: published as First Special Report, Session 2006-07
Third Report: Welsh Prisoners in the Prison Estate 746.6.07 236£23.00 Cm 7195, published 10.8.07
First Special Report: Legislative Competence Orders in Council: Government Response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2006-07 98630.7.07 5£3.00 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Energy in Wales: follow-up inquiry 22116.1.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Globalisation and its impact on Wales 28130.1.07      Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Energy in Wales: follow-up inquiry 22116.1.07      Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Globalisation and its impact on Wales 28130.1.07      Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at





Oral Evidence

Oral Evidence was taken at 24 of the Committee's 30 meetings.[12] On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly in private.
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Energy in Wales: follow-up inquiry 2
Globalisation and its impact on Wales 17
Legislative Competence Orders in Council 1
Wales Office Annual Report 2007 1
Welsh Prisoners in the Prison Estate 4

38  Work and Pensions

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The Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.

It had 11 Members and held 40 meetings.

Rooney, Mr Terry (Chairman)

Begg, Miss Anne

Cohen, Harry

Engel, Natascha

Foster, Michael Jabez

Greening, Justine (discharged 22.10.07)

Heald, Mr Oliver (added 22.10.07)

Humble, Mrs Joan

Mulholland, Greg

Penrose, John

Pritchard, Mark

Willott, Jenny

Overall Attendance:

Number of Members added:

Number of Members discharged:

Turnover of membership during the Session:

Meetings attended













77.7 %



9.1 %


Clerk of the Committee: Sarah Davies, Deputy Principal Clerk (SC Band 1)
Second Clerk: Rhiannon Hollis (until 15.4.07), Assistant Clerk (Band A3); Emma Graham (from 16.4.07), Assistant Clerk (Band A3)
Committee Specialists: Djuna Thurley (until 1.1.07), (Band B1); Amy Sweeney (from 5.2.07), (Band B1); Hanna Haas (from 26.3.07), (Band B1)
Media Officer: Luke Robinson (until 31.3.07), (shared) (Band B1); Laura Humble (from 1.4.07), (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Ms Louise Whitley, Higher Executive Officer (Band B2)
Secretary: Emily Gregory (from 8.1.07), Grade 2 (Band C); Sarah Verrinder (until 24.11.06), (temporary)

Senior Office Clerk: John Kittle, (shared) (Band D1)

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Professor David Blake, Professor Jonathan Bradshaw, Professor Dan Finn, Professor Jane Millar, Professor Anthony Neuberger, Dr Roy Sainsbury, Professor Gill Scott, Dr Christine Skinner, Professor Paul Spiker and Professor Nick Wikeley.

Oral Evidence was given during this Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Cabinet Ministers2
Other Ministers5
Member of the House of Lords 1
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:   
Department for Work and Pensions 4
Executive Agencies, comprising:   
Child Support Agency 1
Disability and Carers Service 1
Jobcentre Plus2
The Pension Service 2
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:   
Commission for Racial Equality 1
Equal Opportunities Commission 1
Independent Review Service for the Social Fund 1
National Employment Panel 1
Personal Accounts Delivery Authority 1
Trade unions3
Appearances by other witnesses 41

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
1-8.12.06New Zealand Rooney, Begg, Cohen, Foster, Greening, Humble, Mulholland, Willott 3AInquiry into the Government's Employment Strategy £45,033.50
22.2.07Paris, FranceB Begg, Cohen, Foster 3AOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Conference on Migration £1,494.05
3-9.6.07California, USA Rooney, Begg, Cohen, Foster, Greening, Humble, Mulholland, Penrose, Pritchard, Willott 3AInquiry into Benefits Simplification £61,966.69

A Includes 1 facilitator

B Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
9.5.07Newham Rooney, Begg, Cohen, Engel, Foster, Greening, Humble, Mulholland, Penrose, Willott 3AInquiry into Benefits Simplification £747.78
23-24.5.07Leeds and Doncaster Rooney, Begg, Humble, Mulholland, Penrose 5BInquiry into Benefits Simplification £4,735.63

A Includes 1 facilitator

B Includes 1 facilitator and 1 shorthand writer

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2006-07) Date of publication No. of pages Sale priceGovernment reply
First Report: Power to incur expenditure under Section 82 of the Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 1999: new Employment and Support Allowance IT System—Further Report 862.12.06 16£6.00 Not applicable
Second Report: Work of the Committee in 2005-06 21519.1.07 20£6.50 Not applicable
Third Report: The Government's Employment Strategy 63-I21.2.07 108£15.50 Received 25.4.07: published as First Special Report, Session 2006-07
Oral and Written Evidence: The Government's Employment Strategy 63-II21.2.07 341£25.00 Not applicable
Fourth Report: Child Support Reform 219-I15.3.07 99£15.50 Cm 7062, published 15.5.07
Oral and Written Evidence: Child Support Reform 219-II15.3.07 122£14.50 Not applicable
Fifth Report: Personal Accounts 220-I29.3.07 96£15.50 Cm 7122, published 14.6.07
Oral and Written Evidence: Personal Accounts 220-II29.3.07 110£14.50 Not applicable
Sixth Report: The Social Fund 46423.5.07 112£15.50 Received 25.7.07: published as Second Special Report, Session 2006-07
Seventh Report: Benefits Simplification 463-I26.7.07 116£15.50 Received 16.10.07: published as Third Special Report, Session 2006-07
Eighth Report: Full employment and world class skills: responding to the challenges 93930.10.07 39£11.00 Awaited
First Special Report: The Government's Employment Strategy: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2006-07 4921.5.07 21£6.00 Not applicable
Second Special Report: Social Fund: Government response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2006-07 94125.7.07 7£4.50 Not applicable
Third Special Report: Benefits Simplification: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2006-07 105416.10.07 20£6.00 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Jobcentre Plus 218-i3.5.07 36£8.50 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: DWP's Autumn Performance Report 432-i6.7.07 36£8.50 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Departmental Annual Report 2007 940-i25.10.07 28£7.00 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Pension Service 799-i27.6.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The best start in life? Alleviating deprivation, improving social mobility and eradicating child poverty 1023-i30.10.07      Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Personal Accounts 1069-i23.10.07      Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: The best start in life? Alleviating deprivation, improving social mobility and eradicating child poverty 102330.10.07      Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2005-06


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at




The following Report was debated in Westminster Hall:

Third Report, Session 2006-07, The Government's Employment Strategy, HC 63-I 17.5.07

The following Reports were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to debates in the House:

Fourth Report, Session 2005-06, Pension Reform, HC 1068, Pensions Bill: Second Reading, 16.1.07

Fourth Report, Session 2005-06, Pension Reform, HC 1068, Pensions Bill: Remaining Stages, 18.4.07

Fourth Report, Session 2006-07, Child Support Reform, HC 219-I, Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill: Second Reading, 4.7.07

Oral Evidence

Oral Evidence was taken at 23 of the Committee's 40 meetings. On 1 occasion evidence was taken partly or wholly in private.
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Benefits Simplification 5
Child Support Reform 3
Departmental Annual Report 2007 1
DWP's Autumn Performance Report 1
Full employment and world class skills: responding to the challenges 1
Jobcentre Plus1
Pension Service1
Personal Accounts3
The best start in life? Alleviating deprivation, improving social mobility and eradicating child poverty 1
The Government's Employment Strategy 5
The Social Fund1

12   On one occasion the Committee's meeting comprised two separate oral evidence sessions. Back

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Prepared 16 January 2008