10.30 am
Private Business (without debate).
Motion for Unopposed Return (without debate).
Oral Questions to the Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills, including at 11.15 am Topical Questions.
11.30 am
Urgent Questions (if any); Business Question to the Leader of the House; Ministerial Statements, including on Lord Laming’s progress report on the protection of children.
(Note: The House may be asked to consider any Lords Amendments which may be received.)
Public Accounts (Motion) (may continue for up to three hours or until 6.00 pm, whichever is earlier).
Use of the Chamber (United Kingdom Youth Parliament) (no debate after 6.00 pm).
At the end of the sitting
Adjournment Debate: Flooding in Somerset (Mr David Heath) (until 6.30 pm or for half an hour, whichever is later).