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House of Commons
Session 2008 - 09
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Public Bill Committee: 19 March 2009                  



Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, continued


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Schedule  8,  page  183,  leave out lines 39 to 45.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Schedule  8,  page  185,  leave out lines 16 to 31.



Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Schedule  9,  page  190,  line  22,  leave out ‘Secretary of State’ and insert ‘Crown’.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Schedule  9,  page  190,  line  23,  after ‘members”),’ insert ‘one of whom shall be a


member of another regulatory body,’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Schedule  9,  page  190,  line  25,  leave out ‘The Secretary of State may appoint’ and


insert ‘The ordinary members shall elect’.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Schedule  9,  page  190,  line  29,  at end insert—



The chair and chief executive of Ofqual shall be full-time positions.’.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Schedule  9,  page  191,  line  7,  at end insert—



failure to ensure the standard of regulated qualifications is maintained.’.


Public Bill Committee: 19 March 2009                  



Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, continued


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Schedule  9,  page  191,  line  14,  at end insert—



An ordinary member must not have financial or other occupational interests that


might be regarded as constituting a conflict of interest with that of promoting the


objectives of Ofqual.’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Schedule  9,  page  191,  line  17,  leave out sub-paragraph (4) and insert—



The ordinary members, by majority vote, may remove the deputy from office


if they think it appropriate to do so.’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Schedule  9,  page  191,  line  19,  leave out ‘The Secretary of State’ and insert ‘The


ordinary members, by majority vote,’.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Schedule  9,  page  191,  line  23,  at end insert—



failure to ensure the standard of regulated qualifications is maintained.’.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Schedule  9,  page  191,  line  42,  at end insert—



All payments made under this paragraph shall be published annually together


with the contracts of employment and pension arrangements of the Chief


Regulator and the ordinary members.’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Schedule  9,  page  192,  line  2,  leave out ‘the Secretary of State’ and insert ‘Ofqual’.


Public Bill Committee: 19 March 2009                  



Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, continued


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Schedule  9,  page  192,  line  2,  leave out ‘first’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Schedule  9,  page  192,  line  3,  leave out ‘the Secretary of State’ and insert ‘Ofqual’.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Schedule  9,  page  192,  line  3,  at end insert—


‘( )    

The Secretary of State may remove the Chief Executive from office if the


Secretary of State thinks it appropriate to do so.’.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Schedule  9,  page  192,  line  3,  at end insert—


‘( )    

The terms of the conditions of service of the Chief Executive, including all


refunds of expenses incurred by the Chief Executive in carrying out his duties


shall be published annually.’.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Schedule  9,  page  192,  line  4,  leave out subsection (2).


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Schedule  9,  page  192,  line  7,  leave out ‘the Secretary of State’ and insert ‘the


Select Committee for Children, Schools and Families of the House of Commons.’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Schedule  9,  page  192,  leave out line 10 and insert ‘Select Committee for Children,


Schools and Families of the House of Commons.’.


Public Bill Committee: 19 March 2009                  



Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, continued


Jim Knight


Mr Siôn Simon




Parliamentary Star - white    

Schedule  9,  page  192,  line  11,  after first ‘of’ insert ‘other’.


Member’s explanatory statement


This is a technical drafting amendment which clarifies that paragraph 6(5) of Schedule 9 relates


to the conditions of service of members of staff other than the chief executive (whose conditions of


service are already dealt with by paragraph 6(1) to (3)).


Jim Knight


Mr Siôn Simon




Parliamentary Star - white    

Schedule  9,  page  192,  line  13,  leave out paragraph (c).


Member’s explanatory statement


This is a technical drafting amendment. The deleted provision is not needed because remuneration,


allowances and expenses paid to a person are aspects of that person’s conditions of service and


so are already dealt with.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Schedule  9,  page  192,  line  24,  leave out subsection (5).


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Schedule  9,  page  192,  leave out lines 28 to 33.


Jim Knight


Mr Siôn Simon




Parliamentary Star - white    

Schedule  9,  page  194,  line  12,  leave out ‘this or any other’ and insert ‘any’.


Member’s explanatory statement


This technical drafting amendment is needed to achieve consistency in the provisions in the Bill


that refer to the Bill itself in conjunction with other Acts.



Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Clause  125,  page  71,  line  18,  at end insert—



the educational standards and performance objective.’.


Public Bill Committee: 19 March 2009                  



Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, continued


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Clause  125,  page  71,  line  18,  at end insert—



the timeliness objective.’.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Clause  125,  page  71,  line  23,  at end insert—



maintain standards.’.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Clause  125,  page  71,  line  23,  at end insert—



set out a range of comparators with qualifications in other countries


specified by regulation.’.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mrs Maria Miller


Mr John Hayes


Bill Wiggin




Clause  125,  page  71,  line  26,  after ‘achievement’, insert ‘and knowledge’.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Clause  125,  page  71,  line  28,  at end insert—



maintain standards.’.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Clause  125,  page  71,  line  28,  at end insert—



sets out a range of comparators with qualifications in other countries


specified by regulation.’.


Public Bill Committee: 19 March 2009                  



Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, continued


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Clause  125,  page  71,  line  28,  at end insert—



For the purposes of subsections (2)(c) and (3)(c), Ofqual shall publish annually


its methodology for determining whether standards have been maintained over


periods of (a) 20 years, (b) ten years and (c) five years.’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Clause  125,  page  71,  line  28,  at end insert— 



allow for an objective assessment of how educational standards have


changed over time.’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Clause  125,  page  71,  line  28,  at end insert— 



In order to deliver the assessments standard, Ofqual shall undertake, within 18


months of its establishment, a full review of changes in assessment standards


since 1988.’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Clause  125,  page  71,  line  30,  at end insert ‘and in the independence, objectivity and


credibility of Ofqual.’. 


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Clause  125,  page  71,  line  30,  at end insert ‘over time’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Clause  125,  page  71,  line  30,  at end insert ‘and in pursuit of this objective Ofqual


shall carry out each year sample testing of cohorts at Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 in English and


Maths on a basis that will facilitate credible evaluation of changes in levels of


achievement in these subjects over time.’. 


Jim Knight


Mr Siôn Simon




Parliamentary Star - white    

Clause  125,  page  71,  line  32,  leave out ‘different types’ and insert ‘range’.


Member’s explanatory statement


Public Bill Committee: 19 March 2009                  



Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, continued


This technical drafting amendment ensures consistency in the way provisions of Part 7 refer to


“qualifications”. That term is intended to refer to a particular type of qualification, such as a


History GCSE, and not to a particular form of that qualification offered by a specific awarding




Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Parliamentary Star - white    

Clause  125,  page  71,  line  34,  leave out ‘and’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Parliamentary Star - white    

Clause  125,  page  71,  line  36,  at end insert ‘, and



the range of criteria and indicators which underpin any attainment and


achievement tables published by Ofqual.’.


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin




Clause  125,  page  71,  line  37,  after ‘provided’, insert ‘on a timely basis and’.


Jim Knight


Mr Siôn Simon




Parliamentary Star - white    

Clause  125,  page  71,  line  38,  after ‘any’ insert ‘relevant’.


Member’s explanatory statement


See Member’s explanatory statement for amendment 431. This technical drafting amendment is


consequent on that amendment.


Jim Knight


Mr Siôn Simon




Parliamentary Star - white    

Clause  125,  page  72,  line  1,  leave out from ‘a’ to ‘represent’ in line 2 and insert


‘qualification in respect of which the body is recognised under section 129’.


Member’s explanatory statement


This technical drafting amendment ensures consistency in the way in which the provisions of Part


7 refer to specific qualifications which an awarding body is recognised to award or authenticate


under clause 129(1).


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke




Clause  125,  page  72,  line  2,  after ‘money’, insert ‘and that any increases in sums


payable are not above the rate of inflation.’.

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Revised 19 March 2009