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Report Stage Proceedings: 5 May 2009                  



Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, continued


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke


Not called  88


Page  80,  line  5  [Clause  139],  at end insert ‘provided that such a determination does


not include specifying detailed minimum requirements of the curriculum content of each


such specified qualification.’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke


Not called  89


Page  80,  line  29  [Clause  139],  at end add—



Ofqual must publish and lay before Parliament a response to any determination


made by the Secretary of State under subsection (1) within 60 days of that


determination being made.’.



Secretary Ed Balls


Secretary John Denham


Agreed to  26


Page  82,  line  13  [Clause  142],  at end insert—


‘( )    

At any time before the surrender date Ofqual may vary that date by giving further


notice to the recognised body.’.


Secretary Ed Balls


Secretary John Denham


Agreed to  27


Page  82,  line  14  [Clause  142],  after ‘deciding’ insert ‘or varying’.



Secretary Ed Balls


Secretary John Denham


Agreed to  28


Page  86,  line  20  [Clause  152],  after ‘a’ insert ‘form of a’.



Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke


Not called  90


Page  90,  line  32  [Clause  163],  at end insert—


Report Stage Proceedings: 5 May 2009                  



Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, continued



the assessment of changes in educational standards and performance in


England, including any comparative international assessment which


Ofqual considers to be necessary.’.



Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke


Not selected  83


Page  91,  line  37  [Clause  165],  at end insert ‘against those objectives set out in


section 126(1) and how it intends to fulfil these over the following 12 months.’.



Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke


Not selected  84


Page  92,  line  14  [Clause  165],  at end add—



If guidance was provided by the Secretary of State under section 134(7) during


the reporting period the annual report must include a descriptions of such





If any determinations by the Secretary of State under section 139(1) were in place


during the reporting period, the annual report must include a description of that





Each annual report must contain a description of the nature and extent of any


consultation undertaken by Ofqual with statutory consultees during the reporting




Secretary Ed Balls


Secretary John Denham


Agreed to  29


Page  92,  line  22  [Clause  166],  leave out ‘has the same meaning as in’ and insert


‘means a higher education institution within the meaning of’.



Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke


Not called  91


Page  93,  line  23  [Clause  170],  leave out ‘coherence’ and insert ‘choice’.



Report Stage Proceedings: 5 May 2009                  



Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, continued


Secretary Ed Balls


Secretary John Denham


Agreed to  30


Page  94,  line  33  [Clause  172],  leave out ‘or will’ and insert ‘, will be or may


reasonably be expected to’.



Michael Gove


Mr David Willetts


Mr Nick Gibb


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin


Not called  54


Page  100,  line  26  [Clause  187],  at end insert—



a short stay school within the area of the authority;



a Sure Start Children’s Centre within the area of the authority;



a representative of an extended school provider with authority;



general medical practitioners within the area of the authority.’.



Mr Andrew Dismore


Dr Evan Harris


Not called  15


Page  103,  line  43  [Clause  188],  at end insert—



A Children’s Trust Board must have regard to the need to implement the UN


Convention on the Rights of the Child when preparing a children and young


people’s plan.’.



Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke


Not called  67


Page  104,  line  7  [Clause  188],  at end insert—


‘( )    

allocate clear areas of responsibility and accountability for each section


of the plan to relevant persons and bodies;’.



Michael Gove


Mr David Willetts


Mr Nick Gibb


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin


Not selected  55


Page  107  [Clause  189],  leave out lines 1 and 2.


Report Stage Proceedings: 5 May 2009                  



Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, continued


Michael Gove


Mr David Willetts


Mr Nick Gibb


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin


Not selected  56


Page  107  [Clause  189],  leave out lines 8 to 10.



Michael Gove


Mr David Willetts


Mr Nick Gibb


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin


Not selected  57


Page  112,  line  30  [Clause  193],  at end insert—



The regulations made under subsection (2) must promote the maintenance of a


range of different types of providers of services, including those from the private


and voluntary sector.’.



Michael Gove


Mr David Willetts


Mr Nick Gibb


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin


Not selected  58


Page  113,  line  18  [Clause  193],  at end insert—



Regulations made under subsection (4) must specify that consultation about the


determination of the amount of financial assistance must include a requirement


for private, voluntary and independent early years providers outside a maintained


school to be consulted.’.


Michael Gove


Mr David Willetts


Mr Nick Gibb


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin


Not selected  59


Page  113,  line  18  [Clause  193],  at end insert—


‘( )    

The Code of Practice on the provision of free nursery education places for three-


and four-year olds shall cease to apply in a local authority area until that local


authority has introduced a single funding formula for free of charge early years





Report Stage Proceedings: 5 May 2009                  



Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, continued


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke


Not selected  85


Page  114,  line  8  [Clause  195],  at end insert—



Ofsted has endorsed the assessment made under paragraphs (a) and (b).’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke


Not selected  99


Page  114,  line  35  [Clause  197],  at end insert—



The Secretary of State shall issue regulations and guidance as to which of the


powers and duties of a head teacher shall be regarded as “prescribed functions”


for the purposes of subsection (2).’.


Michael Gove


Mr David Willetts


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin


Not selected  64


Page  114,  line  39  [Clause  197],  at end insert—



a decision relating to the disciplining of a pupil, including a decision to


exclude temporarily a pupil.’.


Michael Gove


Mr David Willetts


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin


Not selected  65


Page  114,  line  39  [Clause  197],  at end insert—



a decision to enforce the published rules of the school.’.



Michael Gove


Mr David Willetts


Mr Nick Gibb


Mr John Hayes


Mrs Maria Miller


Bill Wiggin


Not selected  66


Page  115,  line  41  [Clause  198],  at end insert—



that the complaint is not vexatious.’.



Report Stage Proceedings: 5 May 2009                  



Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, continued


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke


Not selected  108


Page  116,  line  4  [Clause  198],  at end insert ‘if it is the public interest to do so’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke


Not called  92


Page  116,  line  6  [Clause  198],  at end add—



Before investigating a complaint to which this Chapter applies, a Local


Commissioner must be satisfied—



that the matter was brought to the notice of the headteacher by or on


behalf of the complainant and that the headteacher was given a


reasonable opportunity to investigate the matter and respond;



that the complaint is not vexatious or malicious, and;



that the matter was brought to the notice of the relevant Local Authority


by or on behalf of the complainant, and that the Local Authority failed to


act within a reasonable time for dealing with such complaints.’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke


Not selected  109


Page  116,  line  14  [Clause  199],  at end insert ‘if it is just, fair and reasonable to do





Secretary Ed Balls


Secretary John Denham


Agreed to  110


Page  129,  line  23  [Clause  221],  leave out subsection (3).


Secretary Ed Balls


Secretary John Denham


Agreed to  42


Page  129,  line  28,  leave out Clause 222.



Secretary Ed Balls


Secretary John Denham


Agreed to  43


Page  130,  line  6  [Clause  223],  leave out from ‘221(2)’ to end of line 8.


Secretary Ed Balls


Secretary John Denham


Agreed to  44


Page  130,  line  14,  leave out Clause 224.


Report Stage Proceedings: 5 May 2009                  



Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, continued


Secretary Ed Balls


Secretary John Denham


Agreed to  45


Page  130,  line  30  [Clause  225],  leave out ‘, section 224(2)(b)’.


Secretary Ed Balls


Secretary John Denham


Agreed to  46


Page  130,  line  38  [Clause  225],  leave out subsection (4).



Secretary Ed Balls


Secretary John Denham


Agreed to  47


Page  131,  line  11  [Clause  225],  leave out subsection (7).


Secretary Ed Balls


Secretary John Denham


Agreed to  48


Page  131,  line  20  [Clause  225],  leave out ‘or vary the reference’ and insert ‘the


reference of the agreement’.



Secretary Ed Balls


Secretary John Denham


Agreed to  49


Page  134,  line  14  [Clause  231],  leave out ‘224(2)(a) or’.



Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke


Not called  94


Page  136,  line  14  [Clause  235],  at end insert—



pornographic material;



any article which a member of staff considers may cause potential or


imminent harm to a pupil, parent, staff member or other person;



items specifically banned by the Governing Body of the school from the


school premises.’.


Mr David Laws


Stephen Williams


Annette Brooke


Not called  104


Page  136,  line  25  [Clause  235],  after ‘control’, insert ‘but does not include school

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