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Section 201

Schedule 28 Index of defined expressions

Expression Provision
Accrual of rights, in relation to an
occupational pension scheme
Section 199(11)
Additional maternity leave Section 200(6) and (7)
Additional maternity leave period Section 200(8)
Age discrimination Section 23(1)

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Expression Provision
Age group Section 5(2)
Armed forces Section 199(1)
Association Section 101(2)
Auxiliary aid 5Section 19(8)
Belief Section 10(2)
Breach of an equality clause or rule Section 199(7)
The Commission Section 199(1)
Commonhold Section 35(7)
Compulsory maternity leave 10Section 200(3)
Contract work Section 38(6)
Contract worker Section 38(7)
Contravention of this Act Section 199(8)
Crown employment Section 78(9)
Detriment 15Section 199(1)
Disability Section 6(1)
Disability discrimination Section 23(2)
Disabled person Section 6(2) and (4)
Discrimination Sections 13 to 18, 20 and 102
Disposal, in relation to premises 20Section 35(3) to (5)
Education Acts Section 199(1)
Employer, in relation to an
occupational pension scheme
Section 199(10)
Employment Section 199(1)
Enactment 25Section 199(1)
Equality clause Section 199(1)
Equality rule Section 199(1)
Firm Section 43(2)
Gender reassignment 30Section 7(1)
Gender reassignment discrimination Section 23(3)
Harassment Section 24(1)

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Expression Provision
Independent educational institution Section 84(7)
LLP Section 43(4)
Man Section 199(1)
Marriage and civil partnership 5Section 8
Marriage and civil partnership
Section 23(4)
Maternity equality clause Section 199(1)
Maternity equality rule Section 199(1)
Maternity leave 10Section 200(2)
Member, in relation to an
occupational pension scheme
Section 199(9)
Member of the executive Section 199(6)
Non-discrimination rule Section 199(1)
Occupation, in relation to premises 15Section 199(5)
Occupational pension scheme Section 199(1)
Offshore work Section 77(3)
Ordinary maternity leave Section 200(4) and (5)
Parent Section 199(1)
Pension credit member 20Section 199(10)
Pensionable service Section 199(10)
Pensioner member Section 199(10)
Personal office Section 46(2)
Physical feature Section 19(7)
Pregnancy and maternity
25Section 23(5)
Premises Section 35(2)
Prescribed Section 199(1)
Profession Section 199(1)
Proposed firm 30section 43(3)
Proposed LLP Section 43(5)
Proprietor, in relation to a school Section 84(4)

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Expression Provision
Protected characteristics Section 4
Protected period, in relation to
Section 17(6)
Provision of a service 5Sections 29 and 199(4)
Public function Sections 29(4) and 144(5)
Public office Sections 47(2) and 49(4)
Pupil Section 84(3)
Race Section 9(1)
Race discrimination 10Section 23(6)
Religion Section 10(1)
Reasonable adjustments, duty to
Section 19
Relevant member of the House of
Commons staff
Section 78(5)
Relevant member of the House of
Lords staff
Section 78(6)
Relevant person, in relation to a
personal or public office
Section 49(6)
Religious or belief-related
20Section 23(7)
Requirement, the first, second or third Section 19
Responsible body, in relation to a
further or higher education institution
Section 86(9)
Responsible body, in relation to a
25Section 80(9)
School Section 84(5) and (6)
Service-provider Section 27(1)
Sex Section 11
Sex discrimination 30Section 23(8)
Sex equality clause Section 199(1)
Sex equality rule Section 199(1)
Sexual orientation Section 12(1)
Sexual orientation discrimination Section 23(9)

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Expression Provision
Student Section 89(3)
Subordinate legislation Section 199(1)
Taxi, for the purposes of Part 3
(services and public functions)
Schedule 2, paragraph 4
Taxi, for the purposes of Chapter 1 of
Part 12 (disabled persons: transport)
Section 166(1)
Tenancy Section 35(6)
Trade Section 199(1)
Transsexual person 10Section 7(2)
Trustees or managers, in relation to an
occupational pension scheme
Section 199(10)
University Section 89(4)
Victimisation Section 25(1)
Vocational training 15Section 53(8)
Woman Section 199(1)

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