House of Commons portcullis
House of Commons
Session 2008 - 09
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament




House of Commons


Notices of Amendments


given on


Wednesday 1 July 2009


For other Amendment(s) see the following page(s) of Supplement to Votes:


903, 1003 and 1053


Consideration of Bill


Finance Bill, As Amended


Anti-avoidance principle


Dr John Pugh


Mr Jeremy Browne




To move the following Clause:—



If, when determining the liability of a person to taxation, duty or similar charge


due under statute in the United Kingdom it shall be established that a step or steps


have been included in a transaction giving rise to that liability or to any claim for


an allowance, deduction or relief, with such steps have been included for the sole,


principal, main or explicit purpose of securing a reduction in that liability to


taxation, duty or similar charge with no other material economic purpose for the


inclusion of such a step being capable of demonstration by the taxpayer then


subject to the sole exception that the step or steps in question are specifically


permitted under the term of any legislation promoted for the specific purpose of


permitting such use, such step or steps shall be ignored when calculating the


resulting liability to taxation, duty or similar charge.



In the interpretation of this provision a construction that would promote the


purpose or object underlying the provision shall be preferred to a construction


that would not promote that purpose or object.’.


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Revised 2 July 2009