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Committee of the whole House: 3 November 2009            



Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill, continued



none of the following may be a member of the committee—



the First Minister or any person designated to exercise


functions of the First Minister;



a Welsh Minister appointed under section 48;



the Counsel General or any person designated to


exercise the functions of the Counsel General;



a Deputy Welsh Minister;



the committee must not be chaired by an Assembly member


who is a member of a political group with an executive role.”.’



Amendment of Exchequer and Audit Departments Act 1866


David Howarth


Mr David Heath




To move the following Clause:—



The Exchequer and Audit Departments Act 1866 is amended as follows.



In section 13(1) after “applies”, insert “, subject to section 15A,”.



In section 14 at the beginning insert “Subject to section 15A”.



In section 15(1) after “applies”, insert “, subject to section 15A,”.



After section 15 insert—



Authorisation by relevant committee of the House of Commons


Notwithstanding any Act of Parliament or Resolution of the House of


Commons, the Auditor and Comptroller-General shall not grant any


credit to the Treasury under this Act unless he is satisfied that a relevant


committee of the House of Commons has examined and approved the


expenditure concerned for the relevant year,”’.



Purpose of Part 7


Kelvin Hopkins




To move the following Clause:—


‘The purpose of the following provisions is to further strengthen Parliamentary


control and supervision of the expenditure of public money, and for promoting


economy, efficiently, effectiveness and probity in the use of such money by


government departments and other authorities and organisations.’.



Committee of the whole House: 3 November 2009            



Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill, continued


Mr Francis Maude


Mr Dominic Grieve


Mrs Eleanor Laing


Mr David Gauke




Clause  51,  page  24,  line  45,  at end insert—



After subsection 5(2) insert new subsection—



The Treasury shall direct the government department to publish online


resource accounts containing the following information in respect of a


designated body under section (4A)—



total annual expenditure;



headcount including agency and part-time workers;



costs per head of office space;



expenditure on consultants; and



such other relevant information as may from time to time be


required by Resolution of the House of Commons.”’.


Mr Francis Maude


Mr Dominic Grieve


Mrs Eleanor Laing


Mr David Gauke




Parliamentary Star    

Clause  51,  page  24,  line  45,  at end insert—



After subsection 5(2) insert—



The Treasury shall direct the government department to publish online


resource accounts which must contain the names and remuneration of all


employees earning more in the relevant year than the annual salary of the


Prime Minister.”’.


Mr Francis Maude


Mr Dominic Grieve


Mrs Eleanor Laing


Mr David Gauke




Parliamentary Star    

Clause  51,  page  24,  line  45,  at end insert—



After subsection 5(2) insert—



The Treasury shall publish online any existing online information system


used for recording details of all departmental expenditure.”’.



Committee of the whole House: 3 November 2009            



Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill, continued


New Clauses Relating to Part 8


Publicly funded bodies annual report


Mr Francis Maude


Mr Dominic Grieve


Mrs Eleanor Laing




To move the following Clause:—



The Minister for the Civil Service must publish and lay before Parliament an


annual report on publicly funded bodies.



The Minister for the Civil Service may publish separate reports covering publicly


funded bodies that have a relationship with the Scottish Executive or the Welsh


Assembly. Before publishing these separate reports the Minister must consult the


First Minister for Scotland or the First Minister for Wales (as the case may be).



Publicly funded bodies to be included in the annual report are those bodies subject


to the code of conduct for publicly funded bodies.



Such a report must include but is not limited to—



details of last five years of government funding;



details of last five years of expenditure;



details of staff numbers over the last five years;



details of staff costs over the last five years.



The First Minister for Scotland must lay before the Scottish Parliament any report


under subsection (2) that covers publicly funded bodies that have a relationship


with the Scottish Parliament.



The First Minister for Wales must lay before the National Assembly for Wales


any report under subsection (2) that covers publicly funded bodies that have a


relationship with the National Assembly for Wales.’.



Transparency of government expenditure


Mr Francis Maude


Mr Dominic Grieve


Mrs Eleanor Laing


Mr David Gauke




To move the following Clause:—



The Minister for the Civil Service must publish and lay before Parliament a report


on central government expenditure.



The Minister for the Civil Service may publish separate reports detailing central


government expenditure in Scotland and Wales. Before publishing these separate


reports the Minister must consult the First Minister for Scotland or the First


Minister for Wales (as the case may be).



Such a report must include but is not limited to—



the salaries of the 35,000 most senior civil servants;



detailed organograms, job descriptions and staff numbers for all central


government departments, agencies and publicly funded bodies;


Committee of the whole House: 3 November 2009            



Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill, continued



every item of central government expenditure over £25,000;



government tender documents for contracts worth over £10,000.



The information contained in such a report must also be concurrently published


in a publicly accessable format on the internet.



The First Minister for Scotland must lay before the Scottish Parliament any report


under subsection (2) that covers publicly funded bodies that have a relationship


with the Scottish Parliament.



The First Minister for Wales must lay before the National Assembly for Wales


any report under subsection (2) that covers publicly funded bodies that serve the


National Assembly for Wales.’.



Government financial information


Mr Francis Maude


Mr Dominic Grieve


Mrs Eleanor Laing


Mr David Gauke




To move the following Clause:—



The Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 is amended as follows.



After subsection 5(2), insert new subsection—



The Treasury shall direct the government department to publish online


resource accounts containing the following information in respect of that





total annual expenditure;



headcount including agency and part-time workers;



costs per head of office space;



expenditure on consultants; and



such other relevant information as may from time to time be


required by Resolution of the House of Commons.”’.



Government spending website


Mr Francis Maude


Mr Dominic Grieve


Mrs Eleanor Laing


Mr David Gauke




To move the following Clause:—



The Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 is amended as follows.



After section 11 insert—

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Revised 3 November 2009