(1) Can vacate at any time. Note:
Table arranged by date of break in lease or lease expiry date (whichever is sooner).
Mr. Willis:
To ask the Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills how many staff employed by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) he expects will become employed by (a) local authorities, (b) the Young Peoples Learning Agency, (c) the Skills Funding Agency and (d) the National Apprenticeship Service in 2010; and whether all current LSC staff will be offered alternative employment [246252]
Mr. Simon:
We have identified that there will be some 3,300 full-time equivalents in 2010, which is in line with existing LSC staffing levels.
We expect to transfer around 1,000 posts to local authorities. This will be supported by the Young Peoples Learning Agency (YPLA), a non-departmental public body which will have approximately 500 posts in total, with around 200 at the national office and 300 in the regions. The YPLA will support local authorities in their new role in the commissioning process and delivery of good outcomes for young people.
The Skills Funding Agency (SFA) will be an agency of DIUS and will have approximately 1,800 posts, including the 400 posts in the National Apprenticeship Service.
We are committed to retaining the expertise of LSC staff in the new arrangements. DCSF and DIUS officials are working with the LSC and wider further education sector to finalise the details of these plans and processes over the coming months.
Mr. Willis:
To ask the Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills whether staff currently employed by the Learning and Skills Council will continue to be covered by the Civil Service Pension Scheme if they become employed by (a) local authorities, (b) the Young Peoples Learning Agency, (c) the Skills Funding Agency and (d) the National Apprenticeships Service in 2010. [246272]