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12 Jan 2009 : Column 413Wcontinued
Community Libraries
Community Recycling and Economic Development
Fair Share
Family Learning
Green Spaces and Sustainable Communities
Groundwork UK
Growing Community Assets
Healthy Living Centres
Heroes Return
Home Front Recall
Improving Community Buildings
International Grants
Investing in Communities
Legacy Trust
Live and Learn
Living Landmarks
Millennium Awards
Millennium Commission
Millennium Projects
Millennium Trust
National Lottery
National Lottery Good Cause Distributors
Natural England
New Opportunities for PE and Sport
New Opportunities Fund
Olympics (in relation to National Lottery Good Causes)
Olympics (only in connection with BIG)
Parks for People
Peoples Millions
Peoples £50 Million Contest
Peoples £50 Million Lottery Giveaway
Playful Ideas
Reaching Communities
Research Grants
Safe and Well
School Sports Co-ordinators
The Big Lottery Fund
Their Past Your Future
Transforming Waste
Transforming your Space
UK School Games
Veterans Reunited
War Veterans
Young Peoples Fund
English Heritage has reported that a single list of key words was used during the last three years. It is set out in the list:
Blue Plaques
Builds At Risk
Chiswick House and Gardens Trust
Conservation Areas
Cutty Sark
Development (of Old Buildings)
English Heritage
Farm Buildings
Hadrians Wall
Heritage Counts
Heritage Lottery Fund
Kenilworth Castle
Listed Buildings
Lord Sandy Bruce Lockhart
National Trust
Osborne House
Simon Thurley
World Heritage Sites
English Heritage has also reported that it monitors the names of relevant Ministers and the list is updated as appropriate. Monitored names from 2006 to 1 January 2009 are listed as follows.
Andy Burnham
Caroline Flint
Hazel Blears
Margaret Hodge
Tessa Jowell
James Purnell
Hillary Benn
Ruth Kelly
Barbara Follett
Heritage Lottery Fund has reported key words used in each of the last three years. They are set out as follows.
Heritage Lottery Fund
National Heritage Memorial Fund
Heritage Lottery Fund
National Heritage Memorial Fund
Heritage Lottery Fund National
Heritage Memorial Fund
Portrait of a Nation
Mr. Ellwood: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what plans his Department has to give local authorities powers in relation to the siting of betting shops. [245144]
Mr. Sutcliffe [holding answer 18 December 2008]: Following public concern about the clustering of betting shops in certain areas and the potential risks this might pose for vulnerable people, the Government outlined plans for DCMS to look into the scope and extent of this issue in Fair Rules for Strong Communities which was published on 2 December 2008. DCMS will work with DCLG to investigate the issues and ensure that the licensing and planning systems are thoroughly examined.
Under the Gambling Act 2005, licensing authorities have the power to reject premises licence applications or to attach conditions to licences to reflect local circumstances. They can also review licences to ensure that premises are adhering to their licence conditions and other provisions of the Act, including the three licensing objectives. In addition, betting shops require relevant planning permission from their local authority.
Mr. Hunt: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport how much the Big Lottery Fund has spent on recruitment agency services in each year since its inception; and which companies provided these services. [242396]
Barbara Follett:
The Big Lottery Fund has advised that the following table sets out their expenditure on the services of recruitment agencies. It does not include the
costs of advertising on behalf of the Big Lottery Fund or the costs of temporary staff provided by agencies.
All costs are UK-wide and for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales recruitment reflecting the Big Lottery Funds devolved funding arrangements. Figures are shown for the four financial years following inception on 1 June 2004.
The Big Lottery Fund has used the services of the following recruitment agencies over this four-year periodBadenoch and Clark, Barbara Wren and Associates Ltd., Broadcasting Support Services, Brook Street (UK) Ltd., Bruce Murray Resources Ltd., Capita Business Services, Charity Action Recruitment, Charity People, Concilium Finance Ltd., Contract Connections Ltd., Covent Garden Bureau, Crystal UK Ltd., Eden Brown, Recruitment Ltd., Edward Selden, Evolution Recruitment Solution, Forrest Recruitment Ltd., Gray and Associates, Harvey Nash, Hay Group Management Ltd., Hays, Hr Staffsearch, Hudson Global Resources Ltd., Huntress Search Ltd., International Resources Group, Katie Bard, Kelly Services, Key Personnel, Law Absolute, Ludisa Recruitment Ltd., Lynda Jacobs Recruitment, Media Contracts, Media Recruitment London, Mediacontacts Recruitment, Michael Page International, Morgan Hunt Public Sector Ltd., Nicholas Andrews and Temps Fin, Nigel Lynn Associates, Now Recruitment Ltd., Office Angels Ltd., Opus Personnel Ltd., Permits2work Ltd., Pertemps Investments Ltd., Peter Lockyer Advertising, Positive Action in Housing, Positive Recruitment Solutions, Prospectus Ltd., PSD Group, Purcon Ltd., RBS Commercial-Coby, Reed Agency Services Ltd., Resolve, Robert Walters, Roc Recruitment Ltd., Royal Bank Invoice Finance and Saxton Bampfylde Hever plc., Search Total Recruitment, Select, Spring Personnel Ltd., Spring Technology Staffing, Stopgap Group, The Synergy Group, VMA Group Search and Selection and Zarak Group Ltd.
Mr. Redwood: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport how many journeys (a) he and his predecessors and (b) his officials made by aeroplane in the course of their duties in each of the last five years. [246673]
Andy Burnham: This information could be provided only at disproportionate cost. Travel by Ministers and civil servants is undertaken in accordance with the Ministerial Code and the Civil Service Management Code respectively.
Mr. Vara: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what percentage of contractors and suppliers to (a) his Department and (b) its agencies has reported compliance with the Governments security standards following publication of the report, Data Handling Procedures in Government, and the accompanying document, Cross-departmental Actions: Mandatory Minimum Action, on 25 June 2008. [245320]
Mr. Sutcliffe: My Department has adopted the OGC guidelines as set out in the Procurement Policy Note, Information note 13/0826 November 2008. All suppliers have been informed of the changes. We have not separately asked for confirmation of compliance.
Mr. Vara: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport how many contracts (a) his Department and (b) its agencies have which allow contractors to store personal data of UK citizens overseas; for which contracts this applies; in which countries the data for each contract are held; and how many people have their data stored overseas in the case of each such contract. [245341]
Mr. Sutcliffe: My Department has no such contracts.
Mr. Vara: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport when his Department appointed a senior information risk owner in accordance with the report, Data Handling Procedures in Government and the accompanying document Cross-departmental Actions: Mandatory Minimum Action; and what grade the person holds within the Department. [245358]
Mr. Sutcliffe: My Department is currently replacing its senior information risk owner following the departure of the previous incumbent who was Director-General level and who took over the role following the publication of the Data Handling report.
Mr. Vara: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what percentage of the IT systems in (a) his Department and (b) its agencies is fully accredited to the Government's security standards. [245383]
Mr. Sutcliffe [holding answer 5 January 200 9 ]: All my Department's IT systems are fully and independently accredited.
Philip Davies:
To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what information his
Department holds on the (a) sex, (b) ethnicity, (c) age, (d) disability, (e) sexual orientation and (f) religion or belief of its staff; and what assessment he has made of his Department's performance against its targets relating to diversity in its workforce. [246024]
Mr. Sutcliffe: The Department holds information on its Workforce database for all seven equality strands: gender, gender id, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation and religion and belief. As part of the Cross Government 10-point plan for gender, ethnicity and disability, all departments were set targets at Senior Civil Service level. As a Department we also track data across all other grades to check progress. At SCS level we met all of our targets for 2008. For the tracking grades, we made good progress on gender and ethnicity but fell short of our targets for disability. As part of the new Cross Government Strategy, Promoting Equality, Valuing Diversity we have again set challenging targets for the next three years which we will review regularly.
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