Afriyie, Adam
Ainsworth, rh Mr. Bob
Alexander, rh Mr. Douglas
Allen, Mr. Graham
Anderson, Mr. David
Atkins, Charlotte
Austin, Mr. Ian
Bailey, Mr. Adrian
Baird, Vera
Balls, rh Ed
Banks, Gordon
Barker, Gregory
Barlow, Ms Celia
Baron, Mr. John
Battle, rh John
Bayley, Hugh
Beckett, rh Margaret
Bell, Sir Stuart
Bercow, John
Berry, Roger
Blackman, Liz
Blackman-Woods, Dr. Roberta
Blears, rh Hazel
Blunkett, rh Mr. David
Bradshaw, Mr. Ben
Brazier, Mr. Julian
Brennan, Kevin
Brokenshire, James
Brown, rh Mr. Gordon
Brown, Lyn
Brown, rh Mr. Nicholas
Brown, Mr. Russell
Browne, rh Des
Bryant, Chris
Buck, Ms Karen
Burnham, rh Andy
Burns, Mr. Simon
Burt, Alistair
Butler, Ms Dawn
Byrne, rh Mr. Liam
Caborn, rh Mr. Richard
Cameron, rh Mr. David
Campbell, Mr. Alan
Cawsey, Mr. Ian
Clapham, Mr. Michael
Clark, Greg
Clark, Paul
Clarke, rh Mr. Tom
Coaker, Mr. Vernon
Coffey, Ann
Cohen, Harry
Cooper, Rosie
Cooper, rh Yvette
Cousins, Jim
Crabb, Mr. Stephen
Creagh, Mary
Cruddas, Jon
Cryer, Mrs. Ann
Cummings, John
Cunningham, Mr. Jim
Cunningham, Tony
Darling, rh Mr. Alistair
David, Mr. Wayne
Davidson, Mr. Ian
Davies, Mr. Dai
Davies, Mr. Quentin
Dean, Mrs. Janet
Denham, rh Mr. John
Dobson, rh Frank
Dodds, Mr. Nigel
Donohoe, Mr. Brian H.
Doran, Mr. Frank
Drew, Mr. David
Duddridge, James
Duncan, Alan
Eagle, Angela
Eagle, Maria
Efford, Clive
Ellman, Mrs. Louise
Ellwood, Mr. Tobias
Ennis, Jeff
Fabricant, Michael
Featherstone, Lynne
Field, rh Mr. Frank
Field, Mr. Mark
Fitzpatrick, Jim
Flello, Mr. Robert
Flint, rh Caroline
Follett, Barbara
Foster, Mr. Michael (Worcester)
Foster, Michael Jabez (Hastings and Rye)
Francois, Mr. Mark
Gardiner, Barry
George, rh Mr. Bruce
Gibson, Dr. Ian
Goggins, Paul
Goodman, Helen
Gove, Michael
Greening, Justine
Grieve, Mr. Dominic
Griffith, Nia
Grogan, Mr. John
Gwynne, Andrew
Hall, Mr. Mike
Hall, Patrick
Hamilton, Mr. David
Hammond, Mr. Philip
Hammond, Stephen
Hanson, rh Mr. David
Harman, rh Ms Harriet
Hayes, Mr. John
Healey, rh John
Hendrick, Mr. Mark
Hendry, Charles
Heppell, Mr. John
Herbert, Nick
Hermon, Lady
Hesford, Stephen
Hewitt, rh Ms Patricia
Hill, rh Keith
Hoban, Mr. Mark
Hodge, rh Margaret
Hodgson, Mrs. Sharon
Hoey, Kate
Hollobone, Mr. Philip
Hoon, rh Mr. Geoffrey
Hope, Phil
Howarth, David
Howells, rh Dr. Kim
Hughes, rh Beverley
Humble, Mrs. Joan
Hurd, Mr. Nick
Ingram, rh Mr. Adam
Irranca-Davies, Huw
Jenkins, Mr. Brian
Johnson, rh Alan
Johnson, Ms Diana R.
Jones, Helen
Jones, Mr. Kevan
Jowell, rh Tessa
Joyce, Mr. Eric
Kawczynski, Daniel
Keeble, Ms Sally
Keeley, Barbara
Keen, Alan
Keen, Ann
Kelly, rh Ruth
Kennedy, rh Jane
Khan, Mr. Sadiq
Kidney, Mr. David
Kirkbride, Miss Julie
Knight, rh Jim
Kumar, Dr. Ashok
Ladyman, Dr. Stephen
Laing, Mrs. Eleanor
Lammy, rh Mr. David
Lancaster, Mr. Mark
Lazarowicz, Mark
Leigh, Mr. Edward
Letwin, rh Mr. Oliver
Levitt, Tom
Lewis, Dr. Julian
Linton, Martin
Lloyd, Tony
Love, Mr. Andrew
Lucas, Ian
Mackay, rh Mr. Andrew
Mackinlay, Andrew
Malik, Mr. Shahid
Mallaber, Judy
Mann, John
Marris, Rob
Marsden, Mr. Gordon
May, rh Mrs. Theresa
McAvoy, rh Mr. Thomas
McCarthy, Kerry
McCarthy-Fry, Sarah
McDonagh, Siobhain
McFadden, rh Mr. Pat
McFall, rh John
McIsaac, Shona
McKechin, Ann
McLoughlin, rh Mr. Patrick
McNulty, rh Mr. Tony
Meacher, rh Mr. Michael
Merron, Gillian
Michael, rh Alun
Miliband, rh David
Miliband, rh Edward
Miller, Andrew
Milton, Anne
Moffatt, Laura
Mole, Chris
Morden, Jessica
Morgan, Julie
Morley, rh Mr. Elliot
Murphy, rh Mr. Jim
Murphy, rh Mr. Paul
Naysmith, Dr. Doug
Norris, Dan
O'Brien, Mr. Mike
Olner, Mr. Bill
Osborne, Mr. George
Owen, Albert
Paterson, Mr. Owen
Pearson, Ian
Penning, Mike
Plaskitt, Mr. James
Pound, Stephen
Pugh, Dr. John
Purchase, Mr. Ken
Purnell, rh James
Rammell, Bill
Randall, Mr. John
Reed, Mr. Andy
Reed, Mr. Jamie
Robathan, Mr. Andrew
Robertson, Hugh
Robinson, Mr. Geoffrey
Rosindell, Andrew
Roy, Mr. Frank
Roy, Lindsay
Ruddock, Joan
Ryan, rh Joan
Salter, Martin
Scott, Mr. Lee
Seabeck, Alison
Selous, Andrew
Shaw, Jonathan
Simon, Mr. Siôn
Singh, Mr. Marsha
Skinner, Mr. Dennis
Slaughter, Mr. Andy
Smith, rh Mr. Andrew
Smith, Angela E. (Basildon)
Smith, rh Jacqui
Snelgrove, Anne
Soulsby, Sir Peter
Spellar, rh Mr. John
Spink, Bob
Starkey, Dr. Phyllis
Stewart, Ian
Stoate, Dr. Howard
Straw, rh Mr. Jack
Sutcliffe, Mr. Gerry
Swayne, Mr. Desmond
Tami, Mark
Taylor, Ms Dari
Taylor, David
Thomas, Mr. Gareth
Thornberry, Emily
Timms, rh Mr. Stephen
Touhig, rh Mr. Don
Trickett, Jon
Truswell, Mr. Paul
Turner, Mr. Neil
Twigg, Derek
Ussher, Kitty
Vara, Mr. Shailesh
Walley, Joan
Ward, Claire
Wareing, Mr. Robert N.
Watkinson, Angela
Watson, Mr. Tom
Watts, Mr. Dave
Whitehead, Dr. Alan
Wicks, rh Malcolm
Wiggin, Bill
Willetts, Mr. David
Wilson, Phil
Wilson, Mr. Rob
Wilson, Sammy
Winterton, rh Ms Rosie
Woodward, rh Mr. Shaun
Woolas, Mr. Phil
Wright, Mr. Anthony
Wright, David
Wright, Mr. Iain
Wright, Jeremy
Wyatt, Derek
Tellers for the Ayes:
Steve McCabe and
Mr. Bob Blizzard NOES
Ainger, Nick
Alexander, Danny
Anderson, Janet
Arbuthnot, rh Mr. James
Bacon, Mr. Richard
Barrett, John
Beith, rh Sir Alan
Betts, Mr. Clive
Bone, Mr. Peter
Bottomley, Peter
Breed, Mr. Colin
Brooke, Annette
Browne, Mr. Jeremy
Bruce, rh Malcolm
Burstow, Mr. Paul
Burt, Lorely
Cable, Dr. Vincent
Cairns, David
Campbell, rh Sir Menzies
Carmichael, Mr. Alistair
Challen, Colin
Chope, Mr. Christopher
Clarke, rh Mr. Charles
Clegg, rh Mr. Nick
Clelland, Mr. David
Cook, Frank
Cormack, Sir Patrick
Curry, rh Mr. David
Davey, Mr. Edward
Dowd, Jim
Fallon, Mr. Michael
Farrelly, Paul
Farron, Tim
Foster, Mr. Don
Gidley, Sandra
Goldsworthy, Julia
Gummer, rh Mr. John
Hancock, Mr. Mike
Harris, Dr. Evan
Harvey, Nick
Havard, Mr. Dai
Heath, Mr. David
Hogg, rh Mr. Douglas
Holmes, Paul
Horwood, Martin
Hosie, Stewart
Howard, rh Mr. Michael
Hughes, Simon
Huhne, Chris
Hunter, Mark
Jenkin, Mr. Bernard
Kramer, Susan
Lait, Mrs. Jacqui
Lamb, Norman
Laws, Mr. David
Leech, Mr. John
Lepper, David
Luff, Peter
Mactaggart, Fiona
Main, Anne
Mason, John
McGovern, Mr. Jim
Moore, Mr. Michael
Mulholland, Greg
Munn, Meg
Oaten, Mr. Mark
Öpik, Lembit
Ottaway, Richard
Pelling, Mr. Andrew
Prentice, Mr. Gordon
Price, Adam
Reid, Mr. Alan
Robertson, Angus
Rowen, Paul
Russell, Bob
Sanders, Mr. Adrian
Shepherd, Mr. Richard
Smith, Sir Robert
Steen, Mr. Anthony
Stunell, Andrew
Syms, Mr. Robert
Tapsell, Sir Peter
Taylor, Mr. Ian
Taylor, Matthew
Taylor, Dr. Richard
Teather, Sarah
Tipping, Paddy
Turner, Mr. Andrew
Webb, Steve
Weir, Mr. Mike
Widdecombe, rh Miss Ann
Williams, rh Mr. Alan
Williams, Mark
Williams, Stephen
Willis, Mr. Phil
Winterton, Ann
Winterton, Sir Nicholas
Wishart, Pete
Wood, Mike
Young, rh Sir George
Tellers for the Noes:
Richard Younger-Ross and
Mr. Andrew Dismore Question accordingly agreed to. 30 Apr 2009 : Column 1137
30 Apr 2009 : Column 1138
30 Apr 2009 : Column 1139
Motion made, and Question put,
That, in respect of any claim for payment made by an hon. Member after 1 July 2009 in relation to any allowance or expenditure for which documentary evidence is required, such evidence shall be required regardless of the sum concerned. ( Chris Bryant. )
Abbott, Ms Diane
Afriyie, Adam
Ainger, Nick
Ainsworth, rh Mr. Bob
Alexander, Danny
Alexander, rh Mr. Douglas
Allen, Mr. Graham
Anderson, Mr. David
Anderson, Janet
Atkins, Charlotte
Austin, Mr. Ian
Bacon, Mr. Richard
Bailey, Mr. Adrian
Baird, Vera
Balls, rh Ed
Banks, Gordon
Barker, Gregory
Barlow, Ms Celia
Baron, Mr. John
Barrett, John
Battle, rh John
Bayley, Hugh
Beckett, rh Margaret
Beith, rh Sir Alan
Bell, Sir Stuart
Benton, Mr. Joe
Bercow, John
Berry, Roger
Blackman, Liz
Blackman-Woods, Dr. Roberta
Blears, rh Hazel
Blunt, Mr. Crispin
Bradshaw, Mr. Ben
Brake, Tom
Brazier, Mr. Julian
Breed, Mr. Colin
Brennan, Kevin
Brokenshire, James
Brooke, Annette
Brown, rh Mr. Gordon
Brown, Lyn
Brown, rh Mr. Nicholas
Brown, Mr. Russell
Browne, rh Des
Browne, Mr. Jeremy
Bruce, rh Malcolm
Bryant, Chris
Buck, Ms Karen
Burnham, rh Andy
Burns, Mr. Simon
Burstow, Mr. Paul
Burt, Alistair
Burt, Lorely
Butler, Ms Dawn
Byrne, rh Mr. Liam
Cable, Dr. Vincent
Caborn, rh Mr. Richard
Cameron, rh Mr. David
Campbell, Mr. Alan
Campbell, rh Sir Menzies
Carmichael, Mr. Alistair
Cawsey, Mr. Ian
Clapham, Mr. Michael
Clark, Greg
Clark, Paul
Clarke, rh Mr. Tom
Clegg, rh Mr. Nick
Coaker, Mr. Vernon
Coffey, Ann
Cohen, Harry
Cook, Frank
Cooper, Rosie
Cooper, rh Yvette
Cousins, Jim
Crabb, Mr. Stephen
Creagh, Mary
Cruddas, Jon
Cryer, Mrs. Ann
Cummings, John
Cunningham, Mr. Jim
Cunningham, Tony
Darling, rh Mr. Alistair
Davey, Mr. Edward
David, Mr. Wayne
Davidson, Mr. Ian
Davies, Mr. Dai
Davies, Mr. Quentin
Dean, Mrs. Janet
Denham, rh Mr. John
Dobson, rh Frank
Dodds, Mr. Nigel
Donohoe, Mr. Brian H.
Doran, Mr. Frank
Dowd, Jim
Drew, Mr. David
Duddridge, James
Duncan, Alan
Eagle, Angela
Eagle, Maria
Efford, Clive
Ellman, Mrs. Louise
Ennis, Jeff
Fabricant, Michael
Farrelly, Paul
Farron, Tim
Featherstone, Lynne
Field, Mr. Mark
Fitzpatrick, Jim
Flello, Mr. Robert
Flint, rh Caroline
Follett, Barbara
Foster, Mr. Don
Foster, Mr. Michael (Worcester)
Francois, Mr. Mark
Gardiner, Barry
George, rh Mr. Bruce
Gerrard, Mr. Neil
Gibson, Dr. Ian
Gidley, Sandra
Gilroy, Linda
Goggins, Paul
Goldsworthy, Julia
Goodman, Helen
Gove, Michael
Greening, Justine
Grieve, Mr. Dominic
Griffith, Nia
Grogan, Mr. John
Gwynne, Andrew
Hall, Mr. Mike
Hall, Patrick
Hamilton, Mr. David
Hammond, Stephen
Hancock, Mr. Mike
Hanson, rh Mr. David
Harman, rh Ms Harriet
Harris, Dr. Evan
Harvey, Nick
Hayes, Mr. John
Healey, rh John
Heath, Mr. David
Hendrick, Mr. Mark
Hendry, Charles
Heppell, Mr. John
Herbert, Nick
Hermon, Lady
Hesford, Stephen
Hill, rh Keith
Hodge, rh Margaret
Hodgson, Mrs. Sharon
Hollobone, Mr. Philip
Holmes, Paul
Hoon, rh Mr. Geoffrey
Hope, Phil
Horwood, Martin
Hosie, Stewart
Howarth, David
Howells, rh Dr. Kim
Hughes, rh Beverley
Hughes, Simon
Huhne, Chris
Humble, Mrs. Joan
Hunter, Mark
Hurd, Mr. Nick
Ingram, rh Mr. Adam
Irranca-Davies, Huw
Jenkins, Mr. Brian
Johnson, rh Alan
Johnson, Ms Diana R.
Jones, Helen
Jones, Mr. Kevan
Jowell, rh Tessa
Joyce, Mr. Eric
Kawczynski, Daniel
Keeble, Ms Sally
Keeley, Barbara
Keen, Alan
Keen, Ann
Kelly, rh Ruth
Kennedy, rh Jane
Khan, Mr. Sadiq
Kidney, Mr. David
Knight, rh Jim
Kramer, Susan
Kumar, Dr. Ashok
Ladyman, Dr. Stephen
Laing, Mrs. Eleanor
Lamb, Norman
Lammy, rh Mr. David
Lancaster, Mr. Mark
Laws, Mr. David
Lazarowicz, Mark
Leech, Mr. John
Leigh, Mr. Edward
Lepper, David
Letwin, rh Mr. Oliver
Levitt, Tom
Lidington, Mr. David
Linton, Martin
Lloyd, Tony
Lucas, Ian
Mackay, rh Mr. Andrew
Mackinlay, Andrew
Mactaggart, Fiona
Main, Anne
Malik, Mr. Shahid
Mallaber, Judy
Mann, John
Marris, Rob
Marsden, Mr. Gordon
Mason, John
May, rh Mrs. Theresa
McAvoy, rh Mr. Thomas
McCarthy, Kerry
McCarthy-Fry, Sarah
McDonagh, Siobhain
McFadden, rh Mr. Pat
McFall, rh John
McIsaac, Shona
McKechin, Ann
McLoughlin, rh Mr. Patrick
McNulty, rh Mr. Tony
Meacher, rh Mr. Michael
Merron, Gillian
Michael, rh Alun
Miliband, rh David
Miliband, rh Edward
Miller, Andrew
Milton, Anne
Moffatt, Laura
Mole, Chris
Moore, Mr. Michael
Morden, Jessica
Morgan, Julie
Morley, rh Mr. Elliot
Mulholland, Greg
Murphy, rh Mr. Jim
Murphy, rh Mr. Paul
Naysmith, Dr. Doug
Norris, Dan
O'Brien, Mr. Mike
Oaten, Mr. Mark
Olner, Mr. Bill
Osborne, Mr. George
Ottaway, Richard
Owen, Albert
Paterson, Mr. Owen
Pearson, Ian
Pelling, Mr. Andrew
Penning, Mike
Plaskitt, Mr. James
Pound, Stephen
Price, Adam
Pritchard, Mark
Pugh, Dr. John
Purchase, Mr. Ken
Purnell, rh James
Rammell, Bill
Randall, Mr. John
Reed, Mr. Andy
Reed, Mr. Jamie
Reid, Mr. Alan
Robathan, Mr. Andrew
Robertson, Angus
Robertson, Hugh
Robinson, Mr. Geoffrey
Rosindell, Andrew
Rowen, Paul
Roy, Mr. Frank
Roy, Lindsay
Ruddock, Joan
Russell, Bob
Ryan, rh Joan
Salter, Martin
Sanders, Mr. Adrian
Sarwar, Mr. Mohammad
Scott, Mr. Lee
Selous, Andrew
Shaw, Jonathan
Simon, Mr. Siôn
Singh, Mr. Marsha
Skinner, Mr. Dennis
Slaughter, Mr. Andy
Smith, rh Mr. Andrew
Smith, Angela E. (Basildon)
Smith, rh Jacqui
Smith, John
Smith, Sir Robert
Snelgrove, Anne
Soulsby, Sir Peter
Spellar, rh Mr. John
Spink, Bob
Starkey, Dr. Phyllis
Stewart, Ian
Stoate, Dr. Howard
Straw, rh Mr. Jack
Stunell, Andrew
Sutcliffe, Mr. Gerry
Swayne, Mr. Desmond
Swinson, Jo
Tami, Mark
Taylor, Ms Dari
Taylor, David
Taylor, Matthew
Teather, Sarah
Thomas, Mr. Gareth
Thornberry, Emily
Timms, rh Mr. Stephen
Tipping, Paddy
Touhig, rh Mr. Don
Trickett, Jon
Truswell, Mr. Paul
Turner, Mr. Neil
Twigg, Derek
Ussher, Kitty
Vara, Mr. Shailesh
Vaz, rh Keith
Walley, Joan
Ward, Claire
Wareing, Mr. Robert N.
Watkinson, Angela
Watson, Mr. Tom
Watts, Mr. Dave
Webb, Steve
Weir, Mr. Mike
Whitehead, Dr. Alan
Wicks, rh Malcolm
Wiggin, Bill
Willetts, Mr. David
Williams, rh Mr. Alan
Williams, Mark
Williams, Stephen
Willis, Mr. Phil
Wilson, Phil
Wilson, Mr. Rob
Wilson, Sammy
Winnick, Mr. David
Winterton, rh Ms Rosie
Wishart, Pete
Woodward, rh Mr. Shaun
Woolas, Mr. Phil
Wright, Mr. Anthony
Wright, David
Wright, Mr. Iain
Wright, Jeremy
Wright, Dr. Tony
Wyatt, Derek
Younger-Ross, Richard
Tellers for the Ayes:
Mr. Bob Blizzard and
Steve McCabe NOES
Arbuthnot, rh Mr. James
Clelland, Mr. David
Cormack, Sir Patrick
Curry, rh Mr. David
Dismore, Mr. Andrew
Gummer, rh Mr. John
Havard, Mr. Dai
Howard, rh Mr. Michael
Kirkbride, Miss Julie
McGovern, Mr. Jim
Öpik, Lembit
Prentice, Mr. Gordon
Sheerman, Mr. Barry
Simpson, Alan
Steen, Mr. Anthony
Tapsell, Sir Peter
Taylor, Mr. Ian
Taylor, Dr. Richard
Winterton, Ann
Winterton, Sir Nicholas
Wood, Mike
Young, rh Sir George
Tellers for the Noes:
Mr. Christopher Chope and
Mr. Andrew Turner
Question accordingly agreed to.
Members Estimate committee (amendment of the Green Book)
That Standing Order No. 152D (House of Commons Members Estimate Committee) shall be amended in line 10 by inserting after House the words and the Guide to Members Allowances known as the Green Book. ( Chris Bryant .)
Business without Debate
delegated legislation
That the Motion in the name of Mr Pat McFadden relating to Financial Assistance to Industry shall be treated as if it related to an instrument subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 118 (Delegated Legislation Committees) in respect of which notice has been given that the instrument be approved. (Ms Diana R. Johnson.)
Sri Lanka
6.2 pm
Tom Brake (Carshalton and Wallington) (LD):
It is my pleasure this evening to present to the House a petition on behalf of my constituents and others on Sri Lanka. It may interest hon. Members to know that, a few weeks ago, I held a meeting with around 600 or 700 Tamils in my constituency, who were clearly concerned and alarmed about the situation there. It is therefore my pleasure to present their petition.
30 Apr 2009 : Column 1143
Following is the full text of the petition:
[The Petition of members of the British Tamil community, and others,
Declares that the loss of life, denial of human rights, and restricted access of the United Nations and other relief agencies in Sri Lanka are unacceptable; and further declares that tens of thousands of Tamil civilians have been displaced by military action and face an uncertain future.
The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons calls upon Her Majesty's Government to take all necessary steps to secure a ceasefire, allow unfettered access for UN and NGO relief, human rights agencies and the media, and make clear to the Sri Lankan Government that a lasting peace can only come through political dialogue and respect for human rights.
And the Petitioners remain, etc.]
Schools (Isle of Wight)
6.3 pm
Mr. Andrew Turner (Isle of Wight) (Con):
The petition of 2,058 signatures is by the villagers, parents and children of the Chale school and village community on the Isle of Wight.
The petition states:
To the House of Commons.
The Petition of Chale School and Village Community Association and supporters,
Declares that Chale Church of England Primary School must be retained within the village; further declares that this small rural school provides the perfect environment for local children to develop their full potential academically, together with social skills for future life within the community of the village; notes that the closure of the village school would necessitate children as young as four years old travelling up to 16 miles a day on an additional school bus; further notes that this would preclude parents from having daily interaction with teaching staff and settling their children into school each day, and that this would also impact upon childrens opportunities to partake in after school activities; believes that the financial implications of providing this transport would eradicate any potential savings from the school closure; and further believes that closing the school would rip the heart out of the community, and undermine village life, causing young families to move away in order to live near a primary school.
The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urges the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families to direct the Isle of Wight Council to abandon any plans to close Chale School.