Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen

Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers


Written Answers for 02 June 2009

International Development

Departmental Public Expenditure
Developing Countries: HIV Infection
Developing Countries: Young People
Overseas Aid: Nutrition
Overseas Aid: Water
Sri Lanka: Overseas Aid

Northern Ireland

Police Service of Northern Ireland: Pay
Robbery: Firearms

Leader of the House

Members: Allowances

House of Commons Commission

Members: Allowances


Economic and Monetary Union

Culture, Media and Sport

Advertising: Internet
Arts: Apprentices
Employment Tribunals Service
Olympic Games 2012
Pay Television
Pay Television: Sports
Royal Parks Agency: Security


Bourbon Dolphin
Departmental Air Travel
Departmental Conditions of Employment
Departmental Dismissal
Departmental Hotels
Departmental Marketing
Departmental Official Gifts
Departmental Pay
Departmental Research
Departmental Travel
Economic and Monetary Union


Antisocial Behaviour: Fixed Penalties
Bail Accommodation and Support Service
Data Protection: Local Government
Human Rights: Costs
Isle of Man: Electricity Generation
Magistrates Courts: Costs
Prison Service: Pay
Prisoners Release: Northern Ireland
Prisons: Coltishall
Probation: North Yorkshire
Probation: Rural Areas
Probation: Staffordshire
Probation: Wales
Youth Custody
Youth Justice: Costs

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Angling: Licensing
British Waterways Board: Finance
Cabinet: Glasgow
Departmental Correspondence
Departmental Dismissal
Departmental Public Expenditure
Departmental Reviews
Departmental Stationery
Environment Agency: Vacancies
Fisheries: Quotas
Flood Control
Floods: Gardens
Floods: Property Development
Inland Waterways: Olympic Games 2012
Sewers: Private Sector
Water Charges
Water: Maps

Women and Equality

Departmental Visits Abroad

Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform

Advertising: Competition
Business: Regulation
EU Internal Trade
Exports: White Phosphorus
Manufacturing Industries: Motor Vehicles
Motor Vehicles: Manufacturing Industries
Small Businesses
Small Businesses: Bank Services
Visteon: Enfield
Western Sahara: Overseas Trade

Home Department

Antisocial Behaviour: Fixed Penalties
Armed Forces: Foreigners
Asylum: Iraq
Borders: Enforcement
Demonstrations: Kingsnorth
DNA: Databases
Domestic Violence: Departmental Co-ordination
Employment Tribunals Service
European Network for the Protection of Public Figures
Extradition: USA
Female Genital Mutilation
Foreign Workers: Health Services
House of Commons: Right of Search
Human Trafficking
Identity Cards
Illegal Immigrants
Immigration: Children
Independent Police Complaints Commission: Manpower
Members: Correspondence
Olympic Games 2012: Security
Police Community Support Officers: Costs
Police: Complaints
Police: Databases
Police: G20
Police: Retirement
Police: Stun Guns
Schengen Agreement
Smuggling: Heathrow Airport
Terrorism: Internet

Innovation, Universities and Skills

Departmental Security
Higher Education: Finance
Natural Environment Research Council: Shipping

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Afghanistan and Iraq
Afghanistan: Politics and Government
Arms Control: Nuclear Weapons
Caribbean: Prisons
Departmental Official Cars
Departmental Pay
Economic Situation
Egypt: Prisoners
EU-Israel Association Committee
Gurkhas: Immigration
Iran: Baha’i Faith
Sir Jeremy Greenstock
Middle East: Armed Conflict
Somalia: Piracy
Sri Lanka: Armed Conflict
Sri Lanka: United Nations
Sudan: Overseas Aid
Syria: Human Rights
Turks and Caicos Islands: Constitutions
UK Trade and Investment: Recruitment
United Arab Emirates: Torture
Western Sahara: Politics and Government
Written Questions: Government Responses

Work and Pensions

Departmental Assets
Departmental Dismissal
Employment Schemes: Lone Parents
Funeral Payments
Jobcentre Plus
Jobseeker’s Allowance
Social Rented Housing
Social Security Benefits: Payments
Vocational Training
Workers' Memorial Day


Alzheimer’s Disease
Cancer: Health Services
Dementia: Drugs
Departmental Security
Diabetes: North East
Domestic Accidents: Children
Economic and Monetary Union
General Practitioners: ICT
Headaches and Migraine
Health Professions: Working Hours
Health Services: Disabled
Heart Diseases
Immediate Care
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
NHS Redress Scheme
NHS: Conditions of Employment
NHS: Pay
NHS: Working Hours
Palliative Care
Patients: Suicide
Prescriptions: ICT
Social Services: Train to Gain Programme


Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations


Balance of Payments: EU Action
Bank Notes: Forgery
Banks: Iceland
Capital Gains Tax
Departmental Marketing
Economic and Monetary Union
EU Budget
EU Institutions: Fraud
Income Tax
Income Tax: Tax Rates and Bands
Lenders' Panel
Members: Correspondence
Pensions: Private Sector
Personal Savings
Personal Savings: Interest Rates
Repossession Orders
Revenue and Customs: Manpower
Tax Allowances: Personal Pensions
Tax Yields: Business
Taxation: Construction
Taxation: Sports
VAT: Hospices
VAT: Retail Trade
Welfare Tax Credits: Essex
Welfare Tax Credits: Overpayments
Welfare Tax Credits: South West
Housing: Low Incomes

Duchy of Lancaster

Civil Servants
Civil Servants: Codes of Practice
Civil Servants: Vacancies
Civil Service: Recruitment
Departmental ICT
Departmental Mobile Phones
Departmental Pay
Departmental Work Experience
Director of Digital Engagement
Emergency Services: Floods
Flood Control
Government Departments: Disclosure of Information
Government Departments: Email
Government Departments: Internet
Ministerial Policy Advisers

Children, Schools and Families

Building Schools for the Future
Building Schools for the Future Programme: Standards
Child Care: Qualifications
Child Minding: Manpower
Children in Care
Children in Care: Per Capita Costs
Children: Abuse
Children: Protection
Children: Social Services
Education Maintenance Allowance
Education: Finance
Health Education: Sex
Middlegate Children’s Home
National Safeguarding Delivery Unit
Schools: Admissions
Schools: Buildings
Schools: Complaints
Schools: Standards
Secure Children’s Homes
Sixth Form Education: Finance
Social Services: Children
Social Workers: Manpower
Sure Start: Rotherham
Sure Start: Warrington
Teachers: Pensions
Teachers: Plymouth
Teachers: Vetting

Communities and Local Government

Regional Spatial Strategies
Retail Park: Kirkby
Home Information Packs
Business Rates
Building Regulations: Water Efficiency and Scald Prevention
Unitary Local Government: Devon
Community-based Enterprises
Traveller Sites
Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002
Community Infrastructure Levy
Council Housing: Brighton and Hove
Derelict Land
Empty Property
Green Belt: North West
Green Belt: South East
Housing: City of Westminster
Housing: Floods
Housing: Low Incomes
Housing: Rural Areas
Housing: Standards
Local Development Frameworks
Local Government: Camden
Local Government: Influenza
Planning Permission
Property Development
Regional Planning and Development: Finance
Rented Housing
Repossession Orders: North West
Right to Buy Scheme
Social Rented Housing
Social Rented Housing: Greater London
Social Rented Housing: Rents
Travelling People: Caravan Sites

This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
2 June 2009


Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.

International Development [2 June 2009]

Departmental Public Expenditure [2 June 2009]

Mr. Andrew Mitchell:

Mr. Michael Foster:

Developing Countries: HIV Infection [2 June 2009]

Julie Morgan:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Developing Countries: Young People [2 June 2009]

Mr. Russell Brown:

Column: 290W

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Overseas Aid: Nutrition [2 June 2009]

John Barrett:

Mr. Michael Foster:

John Barrett:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

John Barrett:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

John Barrett:

Column: 291W

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Overseas Aid: Water [2 June 2009]

Mr. Don Foster:

Mr. Michael Foster:

Sri Lanka: Overseas Aid [2 June 2009]

John Barrett:

Mr. Michael Foster:

Northern Ireland [2 June 2009]

AccessNI [2 June 2009]

Lady Hermon:

Paul Goggins:

Police Service of Northern Ireland: Pay [2 June 2009]

Daniel Kawczynski:

Paul Goggins:

Robbery: Firearms [2 June 2009]

Lady Hermon:

Column: 292W

Paul Goggins:

Leader of the House [2 June 2009]

Members: Allowances [2 June 2009]

Mr. Dai Davies:

Chris Bryant:

House of Commons Commission [2 June 2009]

Members: Allowances [2 June 2009]

John Mann:

Nick Harvey:

Scotland [2 June 2009]

Economic and Monetary Union [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Ann McKechin:

Culture, Media and Sport [2 June 2009]

Advertising: Internet [2 June 2009]

Peter Luff:

Barbara Follett:

Column: 293W

Arts: Apprentices [2 June 2009]

Mr. Don Foster:

Andy Burnham:

Employment Tribunals Service [2 June 2009]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Olympic Games 2012 [2 June 2009]

Hugh Robertson:

Mr. Sutcliffe

Pay Television [2 June 2009]

Mr. Evans:

Column: 294W

Andy Burnham

Pay Television: Sports [2 June 2009]

Mr. Evans:

Andy Burnham

Royal Parks Agency: Security [2 June 2009]

Danny Alexander:

Barbara Follett:

Transport [2 June 2009]

Bourbon Dolphin [2 June 2009]

Mr. MacNeil:

Jim Fitzpatrick:

c2c [2 June 2009]

Bob Spink:

Paul Clark:

Bob Spink:

Column: 295W

Paul Clark:

Departmental Air Travel [2 June 2009]

Mrs. Villiers:

Mr. Hoon:

Departmental Conditions of Employment [2 June 2009]

Mr. Leech:

Mr. Hoon:

Departmental Dismissal [2 June 2009]

Chris Huhne:

Mr. Hoon:

Departmental Hotels [2 June 2009]

Mrs. Villiers:

Column: 296W

Mr. Hoon:

Departmental Marketing [2 June 2009]

Ann Coffey:

Mr. Hoon:

Departmental Official Gifts [2 June 2009]

Mr. Greg Knight:

Mr. Hoon:

Departmental Pay [2 June 2009]

Mr. Leech:

Mr. Hoon:

Departmental Research [2 June 2009]

Mrs. Villiers:

Mr. Hoon:

Column: 297W

Column: 298W

Departmental Travel [2 June 2009]

Mrs. Villiers:

Mr. Hoon:

Economic and Monetary Union [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Hoon:

Justice [2 June 2009]

Antisocial Behaviour: Fixed Penalties [2 June 2009]

Miss McIntosh:

Mr. Straw:

Column: 299W

Column: 300W

Column: 301W

Column: 302W

Column: 303W

Column: 304W

Column: 305W

Column: 306W

Column: 307W

Column: 308W

Column: 309W

Column: 310W

Column: 311W

Column: 312W

Bail Accommodation and Support Service [2 June 2009]

Mr. Gordon Prentice:

Mr. Hanson:

Data Protection: Local Government [2 June 2009]

Tim Loughton:

Mr. Wills:

Column: 313W

Human Rights: Costs [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Wills:

Isle of Man: Electricity Generation [2 June 2009]

Andrew Rosindell:

Mr. Wills:

Andrew Rosindell:

Mr. Wills:

Magistrates Courts: Costs [2 June 2009]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Straw:

Column: 314W

Prison Service: Pay [2 June 2009]

Mr. Burrowes:

Mr. Hanson:

Prisoners Release: Northern Ireland [2 June 2009]

Lady Hermon:

Mr. Hanson:

Prisons: Coltishall [2 June 2009]

Mr. Garnier:

Column: 315W

Mr. Straw:

Mr. Garnier:

Mr. Straw:

Mr. Garnier:

Mr. Straw:

Probation: North Yorkshire [2 June 2009]

Hugh Bayley:

Mr. Hanson:

Hugh Bayley:

Mr. Hanson:

Hugh Bayley:

Mr. Hanson:

Hugh Bayley:

Mr. Hanson:

Column: 317W

Probation: Rural Areas [2 June 2009]

Hugh Bayley:

Mr. Hanson:

Probation: Staffordshire [2 June 2009]

Michael Fabricant:

Mr. Hanson:

Michael Fabricant:

Mr. Hanson:

Column: 318W

Probation: Wales [2 June 2009]

Mr. Caton:

Mr. Hanson:

Mr. Caton:

Mr. Hanson:

Mr. Caton:

Mr. Hanson:

Column: 319W

Mr. Caton:

Mr. Hanson:

Column: 320W

Youth Custody [2 June 2009]

Ms Keeble:

Beverley Hughes:

Column: 321W

Column: 322W

Youth Justice: Costs [2 June 2009]

Grant Shapps:

Bridget Prentice:

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [2 June 2009]

Angling: Licensing [2 June 2009]

Mr. Benyon:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

British Waterways Board: Finance [2 June 2009]

Charlotte Atkins:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Charlotte Atkins:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Cabinet: Glasgow [2 June 2009]

Mr. MacNeil:

Column: 323W

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Mr. MacNeil:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Departmental Correspondence [2 June 2009]

Bob Spink:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Departmental Dismissal [2 June 2009]

Chris Huhne:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Column: 324W

Departmental Public Expenditure [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hoban:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Grant Shapps:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Departmental Reviews [2 June 2009]

Mr. Vara:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Column: 325W

Departmental Stationery [2 June 2009]

Sarah Teather:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Column: 326W

Environment Agency: Vacancies [2 June 2009]

Miss McIntosh:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Column: 327W

Column: 328W

Column: 329W

Column: 330W

Column: 331W

Column: 332W

Fisheries [2 June 2009]

Mr. Benyon:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Fisheries: Quotas [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Flood Control [2 June 2009]

Miss McIntosh:

Column: 333W

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Miss McIntosh:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Miss McIntosh:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Miss McIntosh:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Column: 334W

Miss McIntosh:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Miss McIntosh:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Column: 335W

Miss McIntosh:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Floods: Gardens [2 June 2009]

Miss McIntosh:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Floods: Property Development [2 June 2009]

Bob Spink:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Bob Spink:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Inland Waterways: Olympic Games 2012 [2 June 2009]

Mr. Laxton:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Column: 336W

Sewers: Private Sector [2 June 2009]

Bob Spink:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Water Charges [2 June 2009]

Sarah Teather:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Water: Maps [2 June 2009]

Miss McIntosh:

Column: 337W

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Women and Equality [2 June 2009]

Departmental Visits Abroad [2 June 2009]

David Simpson:

Maria Eagle:

Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform [2 June 2009]

Advertising: Competition [2 June 2009]

Peter Luff:

Barbara Follett:

Column: 338W

Business: Regulation [2 June 2009]

Mr. Binley:

Ian Pearson:

Mr. Binley:

Ian Pearson:

EU Internal Trade [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Thomas:

Column: 339W

Exports: White Phosphorus [2 June 2009]

Sir Menzies Campbell:

Ian Pearson

Sir Menzies Campbell:

Ian Pearson:

Column: 340W

Manufacturing Industries: Motor Vehicles [2 June 2009]

Anne Main:

Ian Pearson:

Motor Vehicles: Manufacturing Industries [2 June 2009]

Janet Anderson:

Ian Pearson:

Mr. Frank Field:

Ian Pearson

Column: 341W

Small Businesses [2 June 2009]

Mr. Jim Cunningham:

Ian Pearson

Small Businesses: Bank Services [2 June 2009]

Miss McIntosh:

Ian Pearson:

Visteon: Enfield [2 June 2009]

Mr. Burrowes:

Column: 342W

Ian Pearson:

Western Sahara: Overseas Trade [2 June 2009]

Joan Walley:

Mr. Thomas:

Home Department [2 June 2009]

Antisocial Behaviour: Fixed Penalties [2 June 2009]

Miss McIntosh:

Mr. Straw:

Column: 343W

Column: 344W

Column: 345W

Column: 346W

Column: 347W

Column: 348W

Column: 349W

Column: 350W

Column: 351W

Column: 352W

Column: 353W

Column: 354W

Column: 355W

Column: 356W

Column: 357W

Column: 358W

Armed Forces: Foreigners [2 June 2009]

Lady Hermon:

Mr. Woolas:

Asylum: Iraq [2 June 2009]

Damian Green:

Mr. Woolas:

Borders: Enforcement [2 June 2009]

Chris Huhne:

Jacqui Smith:

Demonstrations: Kingsnorth [2 June 2009]

David Howarth:

Mr. Coaker:

Column: 359W

DNA: Databases [2 June 2009]

James Brokenshire:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Jenny Willott:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Column: 360W

Domestic Violence: Departmental Co-ordination [2 June 2009]

Mr. Drew:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Employment Tribunals Service [2 June 2009]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Woolas

Column: 361W

European Network for the Protection of Public Figures [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Coaker:

Europol [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Coaker:

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Coaker:

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Column: 362W

Extradition: USA [2 June 2009]

David Howarth:

Mr. Coaker:

Female Genital Mutilation [2 June 2009]

Sarah Teather:

Mr. Woolas:

Foreign Workers: Health Services [2 June 2009]

Mr. Drew:

Mr. Woolas:

Column: 363W

House of Commons: Right of Search [2 June 2009]

Mr. Cash:

Mr. Coaker:

Human Trafficking [2 June 2009]

Damian Green:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Identity Cards [2 June 2009]

Dr. Kumar:

Column: 364W

Mr. Woolas:

Illegal Immigrants [2 June 2009]

Andrew Selous:

Mr. Woolas

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Woolas:

Column: 365W

Immigration [2 June 2009]

Anne Main:

Mr. Woolas:

Mr. Bone:

Mr. Woolas

Immigration: Children [2 June 2009]

Mr. Fabian Hamilton:

Mr. Woolas:

Independent Police Complaints Commission: Manpower [2 June 2009]

Mr. Amess:

Column: 366W

Mr. Coaker:

Members: Correspondence [2 June 2009]

Sir Gerald Kaufman:

Jacqui Smith:

Olympic Games 2012: Security [2 June 2009]

Patrick Mercer:

Mr. Coaker:

Police Community Support Officers: Costs [2 June 2009]

Dr. Pugh:

Mr. Coaker:

Column: 367W

Police: Complaints [2 June 2009]

Mr. Drew:

Mr. Coaker

Police: Databases [2 June 2009]

Miss McIntosh:

Mr. Coaker:

Police: G20 [2 June 2009]

David Howarth:

Mr. Coaker:

Police: Retirement [2 June 2009]

Mr. Gordon Prentice:

Mr. Coaker:

Column: 368W

Police: Stun Guns [2 June 2009]

Tom Brake:

Mr. Coaker:

Schengen Agreement [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Coaker:

Smuggling: Heathrow Airport [2 June 2009]

Mr. Gordon Prentice:

Mr. Woolas:

Terrorism [2 June 2009]

Patrick Mercer:

Mr. Coaker:

Column: 369W

Terrorism: Internet [2 June 2009]

Patrick Mercer:

Mr. Coaker:

Patrick Mercer:

Mr. Coaker:

Vetting [2 June 2009]

Dr. Ladyman:

Mr. Coaker:

Column: 370W

Innovation, Universities and Skills [2 June 2009]

Departmental Security [2 June 2009]

Danny Alexander:

Mr. Lammy:

Column: 371W

Higher Education: Finance [2 June 2009]

Mr. Willetts:

Mr. Lammy:

Column: 372W

Natural Environment Research Council: Shipping [2 June 2009]

Mr. Anthony Wright:

Mr. Lammy:

Foreign and Commonwealth Office [2 June 2009]

Afghanistan and Iraq [2 June 2009]

Mr. Holloway:

Bill Rammell

Column: 373W

Column: 374W

Daniel Kawczynski:

Gillian Merron:

Afghanistan: Politics and Government [2 June 2009]

Dr. Kumar:

Bill Rammell:

Column: 375W

Arms Control: Nuclear Weapons [2 June 2009]

Joan Walley:

Bill Rammell:

Caribbean: Prisons [2 June 2009]

Andrew Rosindell:

Gillian Merron:

Departmental Official Cars [2 June 2009]

Mr. Greg Knight:

Column: 376W

Gillian Merron:

Departmental Pay [2 June 2009]

Mr. Philip Hammond:

Gillian Merron:

Economic Situation [2 June 2009]

Mr. Keith Simpson:

Gillian Merron:

Egypt: Prisoners [2 June 2009]

Andrew Gwynne:

Bill Rammell:

Column: 377W

Andrew Gwynne:

Bill Rammell:

Andrew Gwynne:

Bill Rammell:

EU-Israel Association Committee [2 June 2009]

Andrew Gwynne:

Bill Rammell:

Andrew Gwynne:

Column: 378W

Bill Rammell:

Gurkhas: Immigration [2 June 2009]

Mr. Duncan Smith:

Bill Rammell:

Hezbollah [2 June 2009]

Dr. Ladyman:

Bill Rammell:

Mr. Dismore:

Bill Rammell:

Iran: Baha’i Faith [2 June 2009]

Mr. Bone:

Bill Rammell

Column: 379W

Sir Jeremy Greenstock [2 June 2009]

Mr. Gordon Prentice:

Bill Rammell:

Middle East: Armed Conflict [2 June 2009]

Norman Baker:

Bill Rammell

Mr. Amess:

Bill Rammell:

Somalia: Piracy [2 June 2009]

Jo Swinson:

Column: 380W

Caroline Flint

Sri Lanka: Armed Conflict [2 June 2009]

Joan Ryan:

Bill Rammell:

Tom Brake:

Bill Rammell:

Daniel Kawczynski:

Bill Rammell:

Column: 381W

John Barrett:

Bill Rammell

Sri Lanka: United Nations [2 June 2009]

Mr. Keith Simpson:

Bill Rammell:

Column: 382W

Sudan: Overseas Aid [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hague:

David Miliband:

Syria: Human Rights [2 June 2009]

Mr. Allen:

Bill Rammell:

Turks and Caicos Islands: Constitutions [2 June 2009]

Andrew Rosindell:

Gillian Merron:

Column: 383W

UK Trade and Investment: Recruitment [2 June 2009]

Daniel Kawczynski:

Gillian Merron:

United Arab Emirates: Torture [2 June 2009]

Jo Swinson:

Bill Rammell:

Western Sahara: Politics and Government [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hancock:

Bill Rammell:

Column: 384W

Written Questions: Government Responses [2 June 2009]

Mr. Moore:

Gillian Merron:

Work and Pensions [2 June 2009]

Departmental Assets [2 June 2009]

Bob Spink:

Jonathan Shaw:

Departmental Dismissal [2 June 2009]

Chris Huhne:

Jonathan Shaw:

Column: 385W

Employment Schemes: Lone Parents [2 June 2009]

Mrs. May:

Kitty Ussher

Mrs. May:

Kitty Ussher

Funeral Payments [2 June 2009]

Kate Hoey:

Kitty Ussher:

Jobcentre Plus [2 June 2009]

Mr. Amess:

Column: 386W

Mr. McNulty:

Column: 387W

Jobseeker’s Allowance [2 June 2009]

Mrs. May:

Mr. McNulty:

Column: 388W

Mrs. May:

Mr. McNulty:

Social Rented Housing [2 June 2009]

Mr. Burstow:

Kitty Ussher:

Column: 389W

Social Security Benefits: Payments [2 June 2009]

Steve Webb:

Column: 390W

Mr. McNulty:

Steve Webb:

Mr. McNulty:

Vocational Training [2 June 2009]

Mrs. May:

Mr. McNulty:

Workers' Memorial Day [2 June 2009]

Mr. Heald:

Jonathan Shaw:

Health [2 June 2009]

Alzheimer’s Disease [2 June 2009]

Mr. Pelling:

Column: 391W

Phil Hope:

Cancer: Health Services [2 June 2009]

Sir Menzies Campbell:

Ann Keen:

Dementia [2 June 2009]

Mr. Swire:

Column: 392W

Phil Hope:

Dementia: Drugs [2 June 2009]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Phil Hope:

Departmental Security [2 June 2009]

Danny Alexander:

Mr. Bradshaw:

Diabetes: North East [2 June 2009]

John Cummings:

Column: 393W

Ann Keen:

Domestic Accidents: Children [2 June 2009]

Annette Brooke:

Ann Keen:

Economic and Monetary Union [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Dawn Primarolo:

Epilepsy [2 June 2009]

Mr. Truswell:

Ann Keen:

John Battle:

Ann Keen:

Column: 394W

General Practitioners: ICT [2 June 2009]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Mr. Bradshaw:

Column: 395W

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Mr. Bradshaw:

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Mr. Bradshaw:

Headaches and Migraine [2 June 2009]

Julie Morgan:

Ann Keen:

Column: 396W

Julie Morgan:

Dawn Primarolo:

Health Professions: Working Hours [2 June 2009]

Mr. Sanders:

Ann Keen:

Column: 397W

Health Services: Disabled [2 June 2009]

Mr. Tom Clarke:

Phil Hope:

Heart Diseases [2 June 2009]

Kerry McCarthy:

Ann Keen:

Kerry McCarthy:

Dawn Primarolo:

Column: 398W

Immediate Care [2 June 2009]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Ann Keen:

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence [2 June 2009]

John Battle:

Dawn Primarolo:

Column: 399W

John Battle:

Dawn Primarolo:

NHS Redress Scheme [2 June 2009]

Mark Simmonds:

Ann Keen:

NHS: Conditions of Employment [2 June 2009]

Joan Walley:

Phil Hope:

Column: 400W

Joan Walley:

Phil Hope:

Joan Walley:

Phil Hope:

NHS: Pay [2 June 2009]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Column: 401W

Ann Keen:

NHS: Working Hours [2 June 2009]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Ann Keen:

Palliative Care [2 June 2009]

John Battle:

Ann Keen:

Anne Milton:

Phil Hope:

Column: 402W

Patients: Suicide [2 June 2009]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Phil Hope:

Prescriptions: ICT [2 June 2009]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Phil Hope:

Column: 403W

Social Services: Train to Gain Programme [2 June 2009]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Phil Hope:

Weather [2 June 2009]

Mr. Greg Knight:

Dawn Primarolo:

Column: 404W

Defence [2 June 2009]

Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations [2 June 2009]

Mr. Amess:

Mr. Bob Ainsworth:

Column: 405W

Column: 406W

Column: 407W

Column: 408W

Treasury [2 June 2009]

Balance of Payments: EU Action [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Ian Pearson:

Bank Notes: Forgery [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Ian Pearson:

Column: 409W

Banks: Iceland [2 June 2009]

Bill Wiggin:

Ian Pearson:

Bill Wiggin:

Ian Pearson:

Bill Wiggin:

Ian Pearson:

Bill Wiggin:

Ian Pearson:

Column: 410W

Bill Wiggin:

Ian Pearson:

Bill Wiggin:

Ian Pearson:

Capital Gains Tax [2 June 2009]

Mr. Duncan Smith:

Mr. Timms:

Debts [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hague:

Column: 411W

Ian Pearson:

Departmental Marketing [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Ian Pearson:

Economic and Monetary Union [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Ian Pearson:

Mr. Hayes:

Ian Pearson:

EU Budget [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Ian Pearson:

Mr. Hayes:

Column: 412W

Ian Pearson:

Mr. Austin Mitchell:

Ian Pearson:

EU Institutions: Fraud [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Ian Pearson:

Income Tax [2 June 2009]

Mr. Gauke:

Mr. Timms:

Column: 413W

Income Tax: Tax Rates and Bands [2 June 2009]

Mr. David Anderson:

Mr. Timms:

Lenders' Panel [2 June 2009]

Grant Shapps:

Ian Pearson:

Members: Correspondence [2 June 2009]

Mr. Salmond:

Ian Pearson:

Mr. Hands:

Ian Pearson:

Column: 414W

Mr. Swayne:

Ian Pearson:

Mr. Burns:

Ian Pearson:

Mr. Burns:

Ian Pearson:

Pensions: Private Sector [2 June 2009]

Mr. Jim Cunningham:

Ian Pearson:

Personal Savings [2 June 2009]

Mr. Amess:

Ian Pearson:

Column: 415W

Personal Savings: Interest Rates [2 June 2009]

Mr. Amess:

Ian Pearson:

Repossession Orders [2 June 2009]

Mr. Amess:

Ian Pearson:

Column: 416W

Revenue and Customs: Manpower [2 June 2009]

John McDonnell:

Mr. Timms:

John McDonnell:

Mr. Timms

Tax Allowances: Personal Pensions [2 June 2009]

Mr. Gregory Campbell:

Mr. Timms:

Column: 417W

Tax Yields: Business [2 June 2009]

Matthew Taylor:

Mr. Timms:

Matthew Taylor:

Mr. Timms:

Taxation [2 June 2009]

Mr. Gauke:

Mr. Timms:

Mr. Amess:

Mr. Timms:

Column: 418W

Taxation: Construction [2 June 2009]

Mr. Drew:

Mr. Timms:

Taxation: Sports [2 June 2009]

Mr. Andy Reed:

Mr. Timms:

Column: 419W

VAT: Hospices [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hoyle:

Mr. Timms:

VAT: Retail Trade [2 June 2009]

Mr. Sanders:

Mr. Timms:

Welfare Tax Credits: Essex [2 June 2009]

Bob Spink:

Mr. Timms:

Column: 420W

Welfare Tax Credits: Overpayments [2 June 2009]

Steve Webb:

Mr. Timms:

Welfare Tax Credits: South West [2 June 2009]

Mr. Sanders:

Mr. Timms:

Column: 421W

Housing: Low Incomes [2 June 2009]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Column: 422W

Duchy of Lancaster [2 June 2009]

Civil Servants [2 June 2009]

Mr. Maude:

Mr. Watson:

Mr. Maude:

Mr. Watson:

Civil Servants: Codes of Practice [2 June 2009]

Mr. Maude:

Mr. Watson:

Civil Servants: Vacancies [2 June 2009]

Mr. Maude:

Mr. Watson:

Column: 423W

Civil Service: Recruitment [2 June 2009]

Mr. Dai Davies:

Mr. Watson:

Departmental ICT [2 June 2009]

Jenny Willott:

Mr. Watson:

John Thurso:

Mr. Watson:

Departmental Mobile Phones [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hoban:

Column: 424W

Kevin Brennan:

Departmental Pay [2 June 2009]

Mr. Philip Hammond:

Mr. Watson:

Departmental Work Experience [2 June 2009]

Bob Spink:

Mr. Watson:

Director of Digital Engagement [2 June 2009]

Mr. Maude:

Column: 425W

Mr. Watson:

Emergency Services: Floods [2 June 2009]

Miss McIntosh:

Mr. Watson:

Flood Control [2 June 2009]

Miss McIntosh:

Mr. Watson:

Column: 426W

Miss McIntosh:

Mr. Watson:

Government Departments: Disclosure of Information [2 June 2009]

Mr. Maude:

Mr. Watson:

Government Departments: Email [2 June 2009]

Mr. Maude:

Mr. Watson:

Government Departments: Internet [2 June 2009]

Mr. Tyrie:

Column: 427W

Mr. Watson:

Ministerial Policy Advisers [2 June 2009]

Mr. Maude:

Mr. Watson:

Mr. Maude:

Mr. Watson:

Mr. Maude:

Mr. Watson:

Column: 428W

Children, Schools and Families [2 June 2009]

Building Schools for the Future [2 June 2009]

Dr. Kumar:

Jim Knight:

Building Schools for the Future Programme: Standards [2 June 2009]

Gregory Barker:

Jim Knight:

Column: 429W

Child Care: Qualifications [2 June 2009]

Annette Brooke:

Beverley Hughes:

Child Minding: Manpower [2 June 2009]

Annette Brooke:

Beverley Hughes:

Column: 430W

Children in Care [2 June 2009]

Mr. Vara:

Beverley Hughes:

Mr. Laws:

Beverley Hughes:

Mr. Laws:

Beverley Hughes:

Column: 431W

Children in Care: Per Capita Costs [2 June 2009]

Tim Loughton:

Beverley Hughes:

Children: Abuse [2 June 2009]

Tim Loughton:

Beverley Hughes:

Column: 432W

Children: Protection [2 June 2009]

Tim Loughton:

Beverley Hughes

Column: 433W

Column: 434W

Column: 435W

Tim Loughton:

Beverley Hughes:

Column: 436W

Tim Loughton:

Beverley Hughes:

Tim Loughton:

Beverley Hughes:

Tim Loughton:

Beverley Hughes:

Mr. Illsley:

Beverley Hughes:

Column: 437W

Children: Social Services [2 June 2009]

Tim Loughton:

Beverley Hughes:

Education Maintenance Allowance [2 June 2009]

Bob Spink:

Jim Knight:

Education: Finance [2 June 2009]

Mr. Laws:

Jim Knight:

Column: 438W

Health Education: Sex [2 June 2009]

Mr. Amess:

Beverley Hughes:

Middlegate Children’s Home [2 June 2009]

Mr. Garnier:

Beverley Hughes:

Column: 439W

National Safeguarding Delivery Unit [2 June 2009]

Tim Loughton:

Beverley Hughes:

Tim Loughton:

Beverley Hughes:

Column: 440W

Pupils [2 June 2009]

Mr. Frank Field:

Jim Knight

Schools: Admissions [2 June 2009]

Mr. Laws:

Jim Knight:

Schools: Buildings [2 June 2009]

Keith Vaz:

Column: 441W

Jim Knight:

Schools: Complaints [2 June 2009]

Bob Spink:

Column: 442W

Jim Knight:

Schools: Standards [2 June 2009]

Tim Loughton:

Jim Knight:

Secure Children’s Homes [2 June 2009]

Mr. Garnier:

Beverley Hughes:

Column: 443W

Sixth Form Education: Finance [2 June 2009]

Mr. Burstow:

Jim Knight

Social Services: Children [2 June 2009]

Mr. Newmark:

Beverley Hughes:

Column: 444W

Mr. Bellingham:

Beverley Hughes:

Tim Loughton:

Beverley Hughes:

Column: 445W

Social Workers: Manpower [2 June 2009]

Tim Loughton:

Beverley Hughes:

Sure Start: Rotherham [2 June 2009]

Mr. MacShane:

Beverley Hughes:

Column: 446W

Sure Start: Warrington [2 June 2009]

Helen Southworth:

Beverley Hughes:

Teachers: Pensions [2 June 2009]

Steve Webb:

Jim Knight:

Teachers: Plymouth [2 June 2009]

Linda Gilroy:

Jim Knight:

Column: 447W

Teachers: Vetting [2 June 2009]

Mr. Laws:

Beverley Hughes:

Communities and Local Government [2 June 2009]

Regional Spatial Strategies [2 June 2009]

Michael Fabricant:

Margaret Beckett:

Richard Ottaway:

Margaret Beckett:

Column: 448W

Andrew Selous:

Margaret Beckett:

Retail Park: Kirkby [2 June 2009]

Rosie Cooper:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Home Information Packs [2 June 2009]

Angela Watkinson:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Business Rates [2 June 2009]

Mrs. Lait:

John Healey:

Column: 449W

Building Regulations: Water Efficiency and Scald Prevention [2 June 2009]

Mary Creagh:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Unitary Local Government: Devon [2 June 2009]

Mr. Swire:

John Healey:

Community-based Enterprises [2 June 2009]

Tom Levitt:

Mr. Martlew:

John Healey:

Column: 450W

Traveller Sites [2 June 2009]

Julie Morgan:

Mr. Khan:

John Healey:

Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 [2 June 2009]

Robert Neill:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Column: 451W

Community Infrastructure Levy [2 June 2009]

Robert Neill:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Robert Neill:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Robert Neill:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Council Housing: Brighton and Hove [2 June 2009]

Grant Shapps:

Column: 452W

Mr. Iain Wright:

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Grant Shapps:

Column: 453W

Mr. Iain Wright:

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Derelict Land [2 June 2009]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Empty Property [2 June 2009]

Robert Neill:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Green Belt: North West [2 June 2009]

Andrew Gwynne:

Column: 454W

Mr. Iain Wright:

Green Belt: South East [2 June 2009]

Robert Neill:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Homelessness [2 June 2009]

Grant Shapps:

Column: 455W

Mr. Iain Wright:

Column: 456W

Housing: City of Westminster [2 June 2009]

Ms Buck:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Column: 457W

Housing: Floods [2 June 2009]

Miss McIntosh:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Housing: Low Incomes [2 June 2009]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Column: 458W

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Mr. Sanders:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Column: 459W

Grant Shapps:

Column: 460W

Mr. Iain Wright:

Andrew Stunell:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Mr. Plaskitt:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Sarah Teather:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Housing: Rural Areas [2 June 2009]

Dan Rogerson:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Column: 461W

Dan Rogerson:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Dan Rogerson:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Column: 462W

Housing: Standards [2 June 2009]

Ms Buck:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Local Development Frameworks [2 June 2009]

Andrew George:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Local Government: Camden [2 June 2009]

Glenda Jackson:

Column: 463W

Mr. Iain Wright:

Local Government: Influenza [2 June 2009]

Robert Neill:

Column: 464W

Dawn Primarolo:

Planning Permission [2 June 2009]

Keith Vaz:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Property Development [2 June 2009]

Robert Neill:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Column: 465W

Regional Planning and Development: Finance [2 June 2009]

Andrew Stunell:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Column: 466W

Rented Housing [2 June 2009]

Robert Neill:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Sarah Teather:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Repossession Orders: North West [2 June 2009]

Andrew Gwynne:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Column: 467W

Right to Buy Scheme [2 June 2009]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Column: 468W

Social Rented Housing [2 June 2009]

Mr. Hoban:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Robert Neill:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Social Rented Housing: Greater London [2 June 2009]

Sarah Teather:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Column: 469W

Column: 470W

Column: 471W

Column: 472W

Column: 473W

Column: 474W

Social Rented Housing: Rents [2 June 2009]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Column: 475W

Sarah Teather:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Travelling People: Caravan Sites [2 June 2009]

Robert Neill:

Column: 476W

Mr. Iain Wright:

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