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13 July 2009 : Column 8Wcontinued
Mr. Blunt: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many laptop computers belonging to (a) his Department and (b) its agencies have been lost or stolen in the last five years. [281092]
Dan Norris: The following figures show the reported number of thefts/losses of laptops from 2005. The recent increases should be seen against the background of a significant increase in the numbers of laptops in use; for example, the numbers of IBM laptops issued across the DEFRA network under the enabling contract has increased more than six fold from some 1,200 in 2005 to over 7,500 in 2009, as we have gradually replaced desktops with encrypted laptops to reduce environmental impacts and make it easier for staff to work remotely.
Core DEFRA | Animal Health | Natural England | Veterinary Laboratories Agency | Laptops | |
Prior to 2008-09 figures were only recorded as a total covering DEFRA and the agencies together.
Grant Shapps: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to which (a) magazines, (b) journals and (c) newspapers his Department subscribes; and what the cost of such subscriptions has been in each of the last three years. [280764]
Dan Norris: For the last three years DEFRA's expenditure on magazines, journals and newspapers subscriptions through its library service is tabled as follows:
£ | |
To list all the publication subscriptions through the library service would incur disproportionate cost.
DEFRA press office separately subscribes to the following magazines, journals and newspapers:
Daily Express
Daily Mail
Daily Star
Daily Telegraph
Evening Standard
Mail on Sunday
News of the World
Radio Times
Sunday Business Magazine
Sunday Express
Sunday Mirror
Sunday People
Sunday Telegraph
Sunday Times
TV Times
Agbiotech Reporter
Angler's Mail
Angling Times
Cage and Aviary Birds
Dog World-Ashford
Ends Report
Environmental Standards Certification Kit and Environmental News
European Venture Capital Journal
Farmers Weekly-Haywards Heath
Field-Haywards Heath
Fishing News
Grower and Special Supplement Editions
Horse and Hound
Horticulture Week
Local Government Chronicle and LGC Finance
Local Government News
Marketing Week-London
National Geographic
Nature: UK Edition
New Civil Engineer
New Scientist-UK Edition
Press Gazette-The Weekly for All Journalists
PRWeek-UK Edition
Regeneration and Renewal
Research Fortnight
Science: International Edition-AAAS
Shooting Sports
Trends in Biotechnology
Waste Management
Western Morning News.
DEFRA's expenditure on these newspapers, magazines and periodicals is set out in the following table:
£ | |
DEFRA does not hold figures for 2006 press office expenditure on newspapers, magazines and periodicals.
There are no central records of subscriptions held by business units or individuals who have subscribed directly rather than via the library service or by the press office. These figures could be compiled only at disproportionate cost.
All figures exclude spend on newspapers, magazines and periodicals by DEFRA local offices and the Department's Executive agencies. These figures could be compiled only at disproportionate cost.
Mr. Paice: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what companies provided (a) goods and (b) services to his Department in 2008-09. [278989]
Dan Norris: I will place in the Library of the House the names of each organisation that supplied goods, services and works to the core-Department in 2008-09 based on the purchase order data held in the core-Department's financial database.
Sarah Teather: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many employees of his Department have been posted to work in offices of hon. Members of each political party in each of the last five years. [284972]
Dan Norris: Civil servants are required to act in accordance with the requirements of the Civil Service Code.
Civil servants may shadow MPs as part of a programme run by the Industry and Parliament Trust. Details on numbers of civil servants from this Department that have had such an attachment cannot be obtained within disproportionate cost limits.
Mrs. Spelman: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what research (a) his Department and (b) the Waste and Resources Action Programme has commissioned on household waste prevention in the last 12 months. [285349]
Dan Norris: DEFRA is completing a major review study to help distil the evidence emerging from research work completed by the Department and other organisations on waste prevention. The work has been undertaken by the contractors Brook Lyndhurst, in association with the Social Marketing Practice and the Resource Recovery Forum. The project team has been working with DEFRA staff to consolidate findings from the Waste and Resources Evidence Programme, the Environmental Behaviours Unit and other parts of DEFRA, together with work undertaken by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), the Environment Agency and other relevant published work.
Specific waste prevention research work commissioned by WRAP over the past 12 months includes:
Home composting diversion modelling at household and district levels;
Reuse: studies of drivers, activities, arisings and potential in the UK;
Evaluation of waste reduction advisers;
Review of life cycle assessments of reusable packaging;
Development of guidance on food waste reduction champions model.
Mr. Stewart Jackson: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what guidance (a) his Department and (b) the Waste and Resources Action Programme has issued on the use of wheelie bins for the collection of household waste. [284289]
Dan Norris: Neither DEFRA nor WRAP has issued any specific guidance on the use of wheelie bins for collection of household waste.
Each local authority decides the size, type and number of bins needed to handle the average amount of waste generated between collections in households in their area.
Among the many conclusions and recommendations made by the Communities and Local Government (CLG) Select Committee report on Waste Collection in July 2007, was the endorsement of the Government's policy of leaving local authorities to make arrangements for waste collection, based on local resources and needs.
Mr. Stewart Jackson:
To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what funding (a) his Department and (b) the Environment Agency has allocated to the (i) Capital Standards project and
(ii) London Environment Directors' Network in the last five years; and for what projects such funding was allocated. [284136]
Dan Norris: In October 2005 the Environment Agency made a payment of £3,000 to the Capital Standards project. The membership has enabled the Environment Agency to be more engaged with local authorities on fly-tipping and antisocial behaviour.
The Environment Agency have found no record of having made a payment to the London Environment Directors' Network.
Mrs. Laing: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many requests for communications data were made by the Environment Agency to communication service providers (CSPs) under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 in (a) 2000, (b) 2001, (c) 2002, (d) 2003, (e) 2004, (f) 2005, (g) 2006, (h) 2007 and (i) 2008; and how many of these requests resulted in the requested communications data being disclosed by the relevant CSP. [284865]
Jim Fitzpatrick: The Environment Agency was granted powers under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) for Communications Data in 2004 and therefore no prior data to this exists.
Under RIPA legislation, only authorised requests are sent to the CSP and, once authorised, the CSP has a legal responsibility to comply with the request, if the data exists. Environment Agency records show that in all cases the CSP has responded to the request.
The Environment Agency made the following number of requests to CSPs between 2004 and 2008:
Number of applications to CSPs: | |
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