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14 Oct 2009 : Column 953W—continued

In addition, on an actuarial basis, the scheme has future liabilities estimated at £352.4 million in respect of service related injuries already sustained but unclaimed at 31 March 2009 and the future value of the Guaranteed Income Payments.

Armoured Fighting Vehicles

Mr. Gerald Howarth: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many (a) Ridgeback vehicles were operational in and (b) Ridgeback qualified drivers were in theatre on (i) 30 June, (ii) 31 July and (iii) 31 August 2009. [291568]

Bill Rammell: I am withholding the information as its disclosure would, or would be likely to prejudice the capability, effectiveness or security of the armed forces.

Defence Medical Services

Sir Menzies Campbell: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what assessment has been made of the extent to which armed forces (a) medical personnel and (b) medical personnel in pinch point trades are in breach of the single service harmony guidelines. [291725]

Mr. Kevan Jones: There are no medical pinch point trades in the naval service. Other naval medical trades and RAF medical pinch point trades in breach of harmony guidelines are given in the table.

The Army, being the last service to transfer to the Joint Personnel Administration System, does not yet have sufficient data to provide meaningful statistics,
14 Oct 2009 : Column 954W
although units in theatre are actively monitoring and managing the level of separated service for individual personnel. A complete period of data should become available in the new year.

Royal Navy medical trades with harmony breaches Percentage of current population breaching harmony

QARNNS Ratings


Medical Assistants (General Service)


Medical Assistants (Royal Marine)


RAF Medical Pinch Point

Medical Branch (all RAF doctors)


Medical Nursing Officer


Defence Science and Technology Laboratory: Finance

Mr. Wallace: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what proportion of his Department's research budget has been allocated to the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory in each year from 2009-10 to 2012-13. [291960]

Mr. Quentin Davies: The Department currently plans to place contracts with the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) to the value of £204 million in 2009-10 out of a total research budget of £471 million. Contracts beyond 2009-10 have not yet been finalised.

Departmental Databases

Jenny Willott: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what categories of personal information on members of the public will be held on each of his Department's and its agency's databases expected to become operational in the next five years; what estimate he has made of the likely number of individuals' details each such database will hold when fully operational; and if he will make a statement. [286495]

Mr. Kevan Jones: Ministry of Defence officials are currently collating and validating the data needed to answer these questions. I will write to the hon. Member before the summer recess.

Substantive answer from Kevan Jones to Jenny Willott:

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14 Oct 2009 : Column 960W
Name and purpose of database Categories of personal information held on members of the public Year in which database became operational(and year from which specific categories of information were collected - if different)

Joint Personnel Administration

The following information is held as Emergency Contact information:

April 2006 for RAF personnel, November 2006 for Royal Navy personnel, The data was extracted from each service's legacy system which had in turn developed paper files from the 1960s onwards.

Military Personnel HR

Title, First name, Middle name, Surname Post-nominal, Email address, Relationship, Relationship start date Whether Emergency Contact, is legal Next of Kin, Whether Primary Contact, Main postal address, Contact telephone, number(s) (home, work, mobile etc)

Warrantor 2

Information provided by vetting subjects(1) as part of the Security Questionnaire:


Warrantor is the Defence Vetting Agency's (DVA) vetting database, it is used to process and store the results of security vetting applications received.

Name, Address, Date of birth Current occupation, Previous occupations and addresses, Financial information, Details of family members etc - Credit reference check, criminal record check, medical information and Security Service check as required for the level of vetting application

Defence Vetting Agency E-form

As Warrantor 2 - The database stores Security Questionnaire information electronically for a limited number of Security Check/Counter Terrorist Check National Security Vetting applications


Defence Vetting Agency Warrantor 2 Support Services Database

Names and addresses of Referees and Subjects


Queries Warrantor to list names and addresses of Referees and Subjects to produce address labels for sending out Vetting Information leaflets and covering letters

Defence Vetting Agency

Names and dates of birth of vetting subjects


File Tracker

Keeps a record of all paper files held by the DVA

Defence Vetting Agency Feedback database

Names, addresses, contact details


Holds records of all formal complaints, correspondence and feedback received by the DVA.

Defence Vetting Agency VMA database

Name, contact details, Doctor's Information, Medical details


Keeps a record of cases that have been referred to the Vetting Medical Adviser and the outcome

Defence Vetting Agency EA(D)S Criminal records Bureau databases (3)

Information provided by the vetting subject as part of the Application Form: name, date of birth, details of position for which Disclosure is being requested, Address of initiating Unit. Disclosure level, stage dates and invoice details, result indicator and employment decision


Holds details about the progress of disclosure records for CRB applications.


Name, Address, telephone number, mobile number e-mail address


Details of complaints concerning Low Flying activity in the UK

LoCMIS- Low flying Complaints Management Information System

Name, Address, telephone number, mobile number, e-mail address

Database created - 2003 Information stored from 2005

Details of complaints concerning Low Flying activity in the UK

RAF Police Taskings and Breach Database

Name, Address, telephone number, mobile number, e-mail address


Details of complaints that have been referred to the Defence Flying Complaints Investigation Team

Unified Force Information (UNIFI)

UNIFI is the MDPGA (MOD Police and Guarding Agency) crime recording and intelligence database.

Names, addresses etc and intelligence

November 2007

MDPGA (Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency) Command and Control

Names and addresses of members of public.

May 2004

A system to record police incidents and police action

MDPGA (Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency) HOLMES 2 (Home Office Large Major Enquiry System)

The following information is recorded or. victims of crime and witnesses: First Names, Maiden Name, Alias/Nicknames, Occupation, Employer, Title, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Gender, Ethnicity, Description, Nationality, Height, Source of Information i.e., from statement form

November 2000


Names and addresses of complainants and witnesses.

January 1991

Centurion processes information relating to the misconduct of police officers and complaints from members of the public

E-Visitor Pro X

Names, addresses of visitors to (MDPGA) Wethersfield

May 2004

Management of administration and production of visitor day passes to Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency site.

Computerised Admin

Names, addresses etc of potential MDP recruits.

April 2006

System for Assessment of Police Recruits (CASA).

Access to Information Toolkit (AIT)

First and surname, profession, address (email and postal), phone and fax numbers, request details, whether vexatious or not, details of the handling of the request (when received, when sent etc). Copy of correspondence received and sent (therefore could include handwriting, signature). All fields are optional except name (though could be believable pseudonym) and either written or email contact address

January 2005

Tracking, logging and storing the final answers for all Freedom of Information requests received centrally by MOD

FOI Master Request List

Name of requestor, then full then full details of the request status


Annual database of all FOI requests received. Drawn from AIT

SMS (Squadron Management System)

Addresses, Contact Details, Commendations/Awards, DEA Qualifications, Medical (Information on allergies or conditions that would affect Cadet activities or Camps and is accessible only by the OC Sqn and the staff assigned by the OC as per paper records). Promotions, Posting, Flying Logs, Shooting Logs


Management and administration of Air Cadet Organisation (AGO) Squadrons and cadet activities


Name, contact Phone and e-mail


Database supporting document collaboration system used to distribute Air Cadet Organisation publications and forms.


Names, Ranks, DOB, Ethnicity Religion, Marital Status, Address, Contact Numbers, Next of Kin, Medical, Doctor, Schools, Dietary, Qualifications, Awards, Driving Licence, CRB, Course/Event Attendance, Remuneration

2007 (All Categories)

(Cadet Force Management for Sea Cadet Corps /Army Cadet Force /Combined Cadet Force)


Addresses, Contact Details, Promotions, Postings, Courses, Commendations/Awards, Bank Records, Remuneration Records, Travel Claims,


Air Cadet Organisation Pay and Personnel System


Contact details for nominees of death benefits. Contact and bank account details where widow/children's pensions are in payment due to death in service of member, plus dates of birth where children are under 18 and details for guardians where there are no surviving parents


Details of married members of the PCSPS (Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme)

Human Resources Management System (HRMS)

Employees: Next of Kin contact details, Emergency contact details

2002 (staged creation of records, process completed by March 2004).

Unsuccessful External Applicants for MOD

Although always possible to record details for external applicants, process not widely adopted until mid-2005.

Vacancies: Contact details, National Insurance Number*, Date of Birth*, Ethnic Group*, National Identity*, Disability*, Gender*, Sexual Orientation*, Personal Accomplishments (qualifications, licences, memberships etc) and contact details for referees/former employers (* Where provided)

Civilian Harmonised Integrated Pay System (CHIPS)

Dates of birth for dependent children in cases where certain allowances have been claimed by staff working overseas.


Subject Access Requests and Information Database (SID)

Contact details for individuals who have sought information from People, Pay and Pensions Agency under the Freedom of Information Act or Data Protection Act.


Central Health Records Library - Cqube

Name, Date of Birth


Index of medical records that were microfilmed or scanned


Limited and authorised contact details as supplied by journalists and charities are retained on NIGEL for use in distributing press releases, identifying contacts for business purposes.


Press database


Name, Address, DOB, National Insurance number


On-line Recruiting Database


Name, Address, DOB, National Insurance number, NOK, Bank Details


Recruiting Database operating within MOD network

ORMISII Officer Selection Database

Name, Address, DOB, National Insurance number


TAFMIS-T Training Database

Name, Address, DOB, National Insurance number, Course Information


Parliamentary Toolkit:

Name Address Summary of the issue


1. For recording and processing correspondence from MPs written on behalf of constituents

2. For recording and processing letters from the public addressed to Ministers.

(1 )Vetting Subjects are those for whom National Security Vetting inquiries have taken place. These are primarily MOD and other public service civilians, members of the armed forces and workers in the Defence industry. Further information is available at

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