Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen

Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers


Written Answers for 15 October 2009

Church Commissioners

Church of England: Finance
Departmental Land
Departmental Property

Leader of the House

Written Answers

Electoral Commission Committee

Political Parties and Elections Bill


Crossrail Line: Finance
Invalid Vehicles: Accidents
Railways: Electrification
Railways: Netherlands
Roads: Accidents

Northern Ireland

Departmental Advertising
Departmental Manpower

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Agriculture: Subsidies
Animals: Exports
Farming Link
Farms: Inspections
Milk: Overseas Trade
Nitrates: EU Law
Ragwort: Weed Control


Employment and Support Allowance: Tribunals
Employment Tribunals Service
Employment Tribunals Service: Compensation
National Offender Management Service: Manpower
Parole Board
Parole Board: Labour Turnover
Parole Board: Manpower
Parole Board: Official Hospitality
Parole Board: Sick Leave
Prisoners: European Convention on Human Rights
Written Questions: Government Responses
Youth Custody: Per Capita Costs


Armed Forces: Social Security Benefits
Iraq and Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations
Military Aircraft: Helicopters
Territorial Army: Training

Work and Pensions

Child Maintenance: Bassetlaw
Children: Maintenance
Departmental Internet
Electronic Government
Jobcentre Plus
Jobcentre Plus: Manpower
LinkAge Plus: Gloucestershire
Members: Correspondence
State Retirement Pensions: Males

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

British Overseas Territories: Renewable Energy
Egypt: Borders
Gilad Shalit
Middle East: Armed Conflict
USA: United Nations Fact Finding Mission

Prime Minister

Members: Surveillance


Banks: Government Assistance
Business Interests
Child Tax Credit
EU Emissions Trading Scheme
Excise Duties: Fuels
Income Tax

Culture, Media and Sport

Cricket: Sport England
Departmental Buildings
Departmental Procurement
Departmental Rail Travel
Departmental Travel
Digital Broadcasting
Digital Broadcasting: Licensing
Horserace Totalisator Board
Sport England: Internet
Sports: Young People

Women and Equality

Members: Correspondence

Cabinet Office

Death: Pregnancy
Departmental Manpower
Lobbying: Publications
Members: Correspondence
Ministerial Policy Advisers
Non-Departmental Public Bodies: Official Gifts

House of Commons Commission


Energy and Climate Change

Climate Change
Coal: Industrial Health and Safety
Energy Supply: Meters

Business, Innovation and Skills

Charlie Whelan
Further Education: Finance
Grocery Trade
Higher and Further Education: Buildings
Internet: Disabled
Learning and Skills Improvement Service: Finance
Members: Correspondence
Network Design and Procurement Group
Public Houses: Satellite Broadcasting
Train to Gain Programme: Skills for Life Programme
Union Modernisation Fund

Home Department

Accreditation Service for International Colleges
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse
Animal Experiments: Scotland
Antisocial Behaviour
Antisocial Behaviour Orders
Departmental Training
Entry Clearances: Pakistan
Forensic Science Service
Hooliganism: Football
Identity Cards: Finance
Immigrants: Young Offender Institutions
Offensive Weapons: Crime
Offensive Weapons: Crime Prevention
Police: Finance
Police: Football
Racial Hatred: Football
Road Traffic Offences: M4
Students: Immigration
Stun Guns: Children
UK Border Agency: Manpower

Communities and Local Government

Audit Commission: Pay
Building Regulations: Energy
Council Housing
Council Tax: Appeals
Departmental Freedom of Information
Departmental Furniture
Empty Property
Housing: Carbon Monoxide
Housing: Finance
Housing: Standards
Housing: Valuation
Land Use: South East
Looking After Our Town Centres
National Housing and Planning Advice Unit
Non-Domestic Rates
Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act
Positive Futures Programme
Public Land Initiative
Regional Government: Finance
Shops: Empty Property
Social Rented Housing
Social Rented Housing: Construction
Social Rented Housing: Finance

International Development

Afghanistan: Lapis Lazuli
Departmental Information Officers
Departmental Travel
Overseas Aid


Arthritis: General Practitioners
E.coli: Godstone Farm
Health Visitors
Hospitals: Parking
Maternity Services
Maternity Services: Finance
Midwives: Finance
Midwives: Manpower
Midwives: Training
Midwives: Vacancies
NHS: Crimes of Violence
NHS: Foreign Workers
NHS: Pensions
Obstetrics: Gynaecology
Social Services
Social Services: Nutrition
St. Thomas' Hospital

Children, Schools and Families

Children: Day Care
Departmental Information and Communications Technology
Departmental Procurement
Departmental Public Expenditure
Members: Correspondence
Primary Education
Pupils: Discipline
Pupils: Teachers
Schools: Broadband
Schools: Sports
Secondary Education: Per Capita Costs
Teachers: Pensions

This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
15 October 2009


Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.

Column: 995W

Written Answers to Questions [15 October 2009]

Church Commissioners [15 October 2009]

Bishops [15 October 2009]

Mark Pritchard:

Sir Stuart Bell:

Church of England: Finance [15 October 2009]

Mr. Drew:

Sir Stuart Bell:

Column: 996W

Mr. Gibb:

Sir Stuart Bell:

Column: 997W

Departmental Land [15 October 2009]

Mr. Gibb:

Sir Stuart Bell:

Departmental Property [15 October 2009]

Mr. Gibb:

Sir Stuart Bell:

David Maclean:

Sir Stuart Bell:

Column: 998W

Leader of the House [15 October 2009]

Written Answers [15 October 2009]

Mr. Burns:

Barbara Keeley:

Electoral Commission Committee [15 October 2009]

Political Parties and Elections Bill [15 October 2009]

Mr. Gordon Prentice:

Mr. Streeter:

Transport [15 October 2009]

Crossrail Line: Finance [15 October 2009]

Norman Baker:

Column: 999W

Mr. Khan:

Invalid Vehicles: Accidents [15 October 2009]

Jeff Ennis:

Paul Clark:

Railways: Electrification [15 October 2009]

Norman Baker:

Chris Mole:

Column: 1000W

Railways: Netherlands [15 October 2009]

Norman Baker:

Chris Mole:

Roads: Accidents [15 October 2009]

Mr. Burns:

Paul Clark:

Northern Ireland [15 October 2009]

Departmental Advertising [15 October 2009]

Dr. Cable:

Paul Goggins:

Column: 1001W

Column: 1002W

Departmental Manpower [15 October 2009]

John Mann:

Paul Goggins:

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [15 October 2009]

Agriculture: Subsidies [15 October 2009]

Tim Farron:

Column: 1003W

Jim Fitzpatrick:

Tim Farron:

Jim Fitzpatrick:

Animals: Exports [15 October 2009]

Tim Farron:

Jim Fitzpatrick:

Column: 1004W

Farming Link [15 October 2009]

Nick Herbert:

Jim Fitzpatrick:

Farms: Inspections [15 October 2009]

Tim Farron:

Jim Fitzpatrick:

Column: 1005W

Column: 1006W

Fisheries [15 October 2009]

Norman Baker:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Column: 1007W

Milk: Overseas Trade [15 October 2009]

Tim Farron:

Column: 1008W

Jim Fitzpatrick:

Nitrates: EU Law [15 October 2009]

Miss McIntosh:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Ragwort: Weed Control [15 October 2009]

Mr. Soames:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Justice [15 October 2009]

Cybercrime [15 October 2009]

James Brokenshire:

Column: 1009W

Claire Ward:

Employment and Support Allowance: Tribunals [15 October 2009]

Alistair Burt:

Bridget Prentice:

Column: 1010W

Employment Tribunals Service [15 October 2009]

Mr. Todd:

Bridget Prentice:

Mr. Todd:

Bridget Prentice:

Employment Tribunals Service: Compensation [15 October 2009]

Chris McCafferty:

Bridget Prentice:

Injunctions [15 October 2009]

Paul Farrelly:

Bridget Prentice:

Column: 1011W

National Offender Management Service: Manpower [15 October 2009]

Mr. Garnier:

Maria Eagle:

Parole Board [15 October 2009]

Chris Huhne:

Bridget Prentice:

Column: 1012W

Chris Huhne:

Bridget Prentice:

Chris Huhne:

Bridget Prentice:

Column: 1013W

Chris Huhne:

Bridget Prentice:

Chris Huhne:

Bridget Prentice:

Chris Huhne:

Bridget Prentice:

Column: 1014W

Chris Huhne:

Bridget Prentice:

Chris Huhne:

Bridget Prentice:

Chris Huhne:

Column: 1015W

Bridget Prentice:

Chris Huhne:

Bridget Prentice:

Column: 1016W

Parole Board: Labour Turnover [15 October 2009]

Chris Huhne:

Bridget Prentice:

Chris Huhne:

Bridget Prentice:

Parole Board: Manpower [15 October 2009]

Chris Huhne:

Bridget Prentice:

Column: 1017W

Column: 1018W

Parole Board: Official Hospitality [15 October 2009]

Chris Huhne:

Bridget Prentice:

Parole Board: Sick Leave [15 October 2009]

Chris Huhne:

Bridget Prentice:

Prisoners: European Convention on Human Rights [15 October 2009]

John Robertson:

Maria Eagle:

Written Questions: Government Responses [15 October 2009]

Miss McIntosh:

Bridget Prentice:

Youth Custody: Per Capita Costs [15 October 2009]

Mr. Burrowes:

Maria Eagle:

Defence [15 October 2009]

Armed Forces: Social Security Benefits [15 October 2009]

Mark Pritchard:

Column: 1019W

Helen Goodman:

Iraq and Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations [15 October 2009]

Dr. Fox:

Bill Rammell:

Column: 1020W

Military Aircraft: Helicopters [15 October 2009]

Mr. Hancock:

Bill Rammell:

Territorial Army: Training [15 October 2009]

Mr. Lancaster:

Column: 1021W

Bill Rammell:

Work and Pensions [15 October 2009]

Child Maintenance: Bassetlaw [15 October 2009]

John Mann:

Helen Goodman:

Children: Maintenance [15 October 2009]

John Mann:

Column: 1022W

Helen Goodman:

Departmental Internet [15 October 2009]

Mr. Watson:

Jim Knight:

Electronic Government [15 October 2009]

Justine Greening:

Jim Knight:

Column: 1023W

Justine Greening:

Jim Knight:

Jobcentre Plus [15 October 2009]

Mrs. May:

Jim Knight

Mrs. May:

Column: 1024W

Jim Knight

Jobcentre Plus: Manpower [15 October 2009]

Mr. Harper:

Column: 1025W

Jim Knight

LinkAge Plus: Gloucestershire [15 October 2009]

Mr. Drew:

Angela Eagle:

Column: 1026W

Members: Correspondence [15 October 2009]

Mr. Winnick:

Jonathan Shaw:

State Retirement Pensions: Males [15 October 2009]

Mr. Jenkins:

Angela Eagle:

Foreign and Commonwealth Office [15 October 2009]

British Overseas Territories: Renewable Energy [15 October 2009]

Andrew Rosindell:

Chris Bryant:

Column: 1027W

Egypt: Borders [15 October 2009]

Mr. Amess:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Gilad Shalit [15 October 2009]

Mr. Amess:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Middle East: Armed Conflict [15 October 2009]

Bob Spink:

Mr. Ivan Lewis

Column: 1028W

USA: United Nations Fact Finding Mission [15 October 2009]

Bob Spink:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Prime Minister [15 October 2009]

Members: Surveillance [15 October 2009]

Mr. Hurd:

The Prime Minister:

Treasury [15 October 2009]

Banks: Government Assistance [15 October 2009]

Mr. Meacher:

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

Business Interests [15 October 2009]

David Taylor:

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

Column: 1029W

Child Tax Credit [15 October 2009]

Jim Cousins:

Mr. Timms:

EU Emissions Trading Scheme [15 October 2009]

Charles Hendry:

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

Excise Duties: Fuels [15 October 2009]

Miss McIntosh:

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

Column: 1030W

Income Tax [15 October 2009]

Mr. Fallon:

Mr. Timms:

Culture, Media and Sport [15 October 2009]

Charities [15 October 2009]

Bob Spink:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Column: 1031W

Cricket: Sport England [15 October 2009]

Mr. Bone:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Column: 1032W

Departmental Buildings [15 October 2009]

Chris Grayling:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Departmental Procurement [15 October 2009]

Mr. Prisk:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Column: 1033W

Departmental Rail Travel [15 October 2009]

Mr. Burstow:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Departmental Travel [15 October 2009]

Justine Greening:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Column: 1034W

Digital Broadcasting [15 October 2009]

Mr. Hunt:

Mr. Simon:

Digital Broadcasting: Licensing [15 October 2009]

Mr. Hunt:

Column: 1035W

Mr. Simon:

Horserace Totalisator Board [15 October 2009]

Mr. Spring:

Mr. Laurence Robertson:

Column: 1036W

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Sport England: Internet [15 October 2009]

Mr. Bone:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Sports: Young People [15 October 2009]

Mr. Don Foster:

Mr. Sutcliffe

Column: 1037W

Women and Equality [15 October 2009]

Members: Correspondence [15 October 2009]

Sir John Stanley:

Michael Jabez Foster:

Cabinet Office [15 October 2009]

Death: Pregnancy [15 October 2009]

Mr. Amess:

Ann Keen:

Column: 1038W

Departmental Manpower [15 October 2009]

John Mann:

Angela E. Smith:

Lobbying: Publications [15 October 2009]

Mr. Gordon Prentice:

Angela E. Smith:

Members: Correspondence [15 October 2009]

Norman Lamb:

Column: 1039W

Tessa Jowell:

Ministerial Policy Advisers [15 October 2009]

Mr. Tyrie:

Angela E. Smith:

Non-Departmental Public Bodies: Official Gifts [15 October 2009]

Mr. Hayes:

Tessa Jowell:

House of Commons Commission [15 October 2009]

Speaker [15 October 2009]

Kate Hoey:

Column: 1040W

Nick Harvey:

Energy and Climate Change [15 October 2009]

Climate Change [15 October 2009]

Mr. Weir:

Joan Ruddock:

Coal: Industrial Health and Safety [15 October 2009]

John Mann:

Mr. Kidney:

Column: 1041W

Column: 1042W

Column: 1043W

Column: 1044W

John Mann:

Mr. Kidney:

Column: 1045W

Column: 1046W

Energy Supply: Meters [15 October 2009]

Charles Hendry:

Mr. Kidney:

Column: 1047W

Business, Innovation and Skills [15 October 2009]

Charlie Whelan [15 October 2009]

Mr. Djanogly:

Mr. McFadden:

Further Education: Finance [15 October 2009]

Mr. Burstow:

Kevin Brennan:

Grocery Trade [15 October 2009]

Peter Luff:

Kevin Brennan:

Higher and Further Education: Buildings [15 October 2009]

Mr. Evennett:

Column: 1048W

Mr. Lammy:

Internet: Disabled [15 October 2009]

Mr. Hunt:

Mr. Timms:

Learning and Skills Improvement Service: Finance [15 October 2009]

Mr. Laws:

Kevin Brennan:

Members: Correspondence [15 October 2009]

John Penrose:

Column: 1049W

Mr. McFadden:

Network Design and Procurement Group [15 October 2009]

Mr. Hunt:

Mr. Timms:

Public Houses: Satellite Broadcasting [15 October 2009]

Mr. Laurence Robertson:

Kevin Brennan:

Train to Gain Programme: Skills for Life Programme [15 October 2009]

Jim Cousins:

Kevin Brennan:

Column: 1050W

Union Modernisation Fund [15 October 2009]

Mr. Hurd:

Mr. McFadden:

Home Department [15 October 2009]

Accreditation Service for International Colleges [15 October 2009]

Margaret Moran:

Mr. Woolas:

Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [15 October 2009]

Justine Greening:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Column: 1051W

Column: 1052W

Justine Greening:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Animal Experiments: Scotland [15 October 2009]

Ms Katy Clark:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Ms Katy Clark:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Ms Katy Clark:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Antisocial Behaviour [15 October 2009]

John Austin:

Mr. Alan Campbell

Column: 1053W

Antisocial Behaviour Orders [15 October 2009]

John Mann:

Mr. Alan Campbell

Departmental Training [15 October 2009]

John Mason:

Mr. Woolas:

Entry Clearances: Pakistan [15 October 2009]

Fiona Mactaggart:

Column: 1054W

Mr. Woolas:

Firearms [15 October 2009]

Chris Grayling:

Alan Johnson:

Column: 1055W

Column: 1056W

Forensic Science Service [15 October 2009]

Mr. Hoyle:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Hooliganism: Football [15 October 2009]

John Mann:

Column: 1057W

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Identity Cards: Finance [15 October 2009]

Mr. Hurd:

Mr. Woolas:

Immigrants: Young Offender Institutions [15 October 2009]

Jim Cousins:

Mr. Woolas

Column: 1058W

Offensive Weapons: Crime [15 October 2009]

Mr. Jim Cunningham:

Mr. Alan Campbell

Offensive Weapons: Crime Prevention [15 October 2009]

Ms Buck:

Mr. Alan Campbell

Column: 1059W

Police: Finance [15 October 2009]

Justine Greening:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Column: 1060W

Justine Greening:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Column: 1061W

Police: Football [15 October 2009]

Mark Williams:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Racial Hatred: Football [15 October 2009]

John Mann:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Road Traffic Offences: M4 [15 October 2009]

Mr. Goodwill:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Column: 1062W

Mr. Goodwill:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Scotland [15 October 2009]

Stewart Hosie:

Mr. Woolas:

Students: Immigration [15 October 2009]

Margaret Moran:

Mr. Woolas:

Column: 1063W

Stun Guns: Children [15 October 2009]

Natascha Engel:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

UK Border Agency: Manpower [15 October 2009]

Mr. Oaten:

Mr. Woolas

Column: 1064W

Communities and Local Government [15 October 2009]

Allotments [15 October 2009]

Mrs. Spelman:

Barbara Follett:

Mrs. Spelman:

Barbara Follett:

Audit Commission: Pay [15 October 2009]

David Taylor:

Barbara Follett:

Building Regulations: Energy [15 October 2009]

Norman Baker:

Mr. Malik:

Column: 1065W

Council Housing [15 October 2009]

Simon Hughes:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Council Tax: Appeals [15 October 2009]

Mrs. Spelman:

Barbara Follett:

Councillors [15 October 2009]

Mrs. Spelman:

Barbara Follett:

Departmental Freedom of Information [15 October 2009]

Mrs. Spelman:

Barbara Follett:

Column: 1066W

Departmental Furniture [15 October 2009]

Mrs. Spelman:

Barbara Follett:

Mrs. Spelman:

Barbara Follett:

Empty Property [15 October 2009]

Mrs. Spelman:

Barbara Follett:

Column: 1067W

SpaceFlex [15 October 2009]

Mrs. Spelman:

Barbara Follett:

Housing: Carbon Monoxide [15 October 2009]

Tom Levitt:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Housing: Finance [15 October 2009]

Mr. Oaten:

Mr. Ian Austin

Housing: Standards [15 October 2009]

Grant Shapps:

Column: 1068W

Mr. Ian Austin:

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Housing: Valuation [15 October 2009]

Mrs. Maria Miller:

Column: 1069W

Justine Greening:

Mr. Djanogly:

Barbara Follett:

Land Use: South East [15 October 2009]

Fiona Mactaggart:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Looking After Our Town Centres [15 October 2009]

Mrs. Spelman:

Barbara Follett:

Column: 1070W

National Housing and Planning Advice Unit [15 October 2009]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Non-Domestic Rates [15 October 2009]

Mrs. Spelman:

Barbara Follett:

Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act [15 October 2009]

Mrs. Spelman:

Column: 1071W

Mr. Ian Austin:

Positive Futures Programme [15 October 2009]

Justine Greening:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Justine Greening:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Column: 1072W

Public Land Initiative [15 October 2009]

Mr. Neil Turner:

John Healey:

Radicalism [15 October 2009]

Mr. Paul Goodman:

Column: 1073W

Mr. Malik:

Regional Government: Finance [15 October 2009]

Mrs. Spelman:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Shops: Empty Property [15 October 2009]

Mrs. Spelman:

Barbara Follett:

Column: 1074W

Column: 1075W

Social Rented Housing [15 October 2009]

Simon Hughes:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Simon Hughes:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Simon Hughes:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Column: 1076W

Social Rented Housing: Construction [15 October 2009]

Mr. Meacher:

Mr. Ian Austin

Column: 1077W

Social Rented Housing: Finance [15 October 2009]

Mr. Hepburn:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Column: 1078W

International Development [15 October 2009]

Afghanistan: Lapis Lazuli [15 October 2009]

Harry Cohen:

Mr. Michael Foster:

Departmental Information Officers [15 October 2009]

Andrew Rosindell:

Mr. Michael Foster:

Departmental Travel [15 October 2009]

Justine Greening:

Mr. Douglas Alexander:

Column: 1079W

Overseas Aid [15 October 2009]

Mr. Crabb:

Mr. Michael Foster:

Mr. Crabb:

Mr. Michael Foster:

Mr. Crabb:

Mr. Thomas:

Mr. Crabb:

Mr. Michael Foster:

Column: 1080W

Margaret Moran:

Mr. Michael Foster:

Security [15 October 2009]

David T.C. Davies:

Mr. Michael Foster:

Health [15 October 2009]

Arthritis: General Practitioners [15 October 2009]

Mr. Allen:

Ann Keen:

Column: 1081W

Mr. Allen:

Ann Keen:

Column: 1082W

E.coli [15 October 2009]

Mr. Peter Ainsworth:

Gillian Merron:

E.coli: Godstone Farm [15 October 2009]

Mr. Peter Ainsworth:

Gillian Merron:

Health Visitors [15 October 2009]

Norman Lamb:

Column: 1083W

Ann Keen:

Hospitals: Parking [15 October 2009]

Mr. Burns:

Mr. Mike O'Brien:

Maternity Services [15 October 2009]

Norman Lamb:

Ann Keen:

Norman Lamb:

Ann Keen:

Norman Lamb:

Column: 1084W

Ann Keen:

Norman Lamb:

Ann Keen:

Maternity Services: Finance [15 October 2009]

Norman Lamb:

Ann Keen:

Midwives [15 October 2009]

Norman Lamb:

Column: 1085W

Ann Keen:

Midwives: Finance [15 October 2009]

Norman Lamb:

Ann Keen:

Column: 1086W

Midwives: Manpower [15 October 2009]

Norman Lamb:

Ann Keen:

Midwives: Training [15 October 2009]

Norman Lamb:

Ann Keen:

Norman Lamb:

Ann Keen:

Column: 1087W

Norman Lamb:

Column: 1088W

Ann Keen:

Harry Cohen:

Ann Keen:

Midwives: Vacancies [15 October 2009]

Norman Lamb:

Ann Keen:

NHS: Crimes of Violence [15 October 2009]

Andrew Stunell:

Column: 1089W

Ann Keen:

NHS: Foreign Workers [15 October 2009]

Mr. Sarwar:

Ann Keen:

NHS: Pensions [15 October 2009]

Steve Webb:

Ann Keen:

Column: 1090W

Obstetrics: Gynaecology [15 October 2009]

Norman Lamb:

Ann Keen:

Paediatrics [15 October 2009]

Norman Lamb:

Ann Keen:

Column: 1091W

Column: 1092W

Social Services [15 October 2009]

Mr. Lansley:

Phil Hope:

Social Services: Nutrition [15 October 2009]

Mr. Burstow:

Phil Hope:

St. Thomas' Hospital [15 October 2009]

Kate Hoey:

Ann Keen:

Children, Schools and Families [15 October 2009]

Charities [15 October 2009]

Bob Spink:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Children: Day Care [15 October 2009]

Andrew Stunell:

Dawn Primarolo:

Departmental Information and Communications Technology [15 October 2009]

Justine Greening:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Column: 1093W

Departmental Procurement [15 October 2009]

Mr. Prisk:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Column: 1094W

Departmental Public Expenditure [15 October 2009]

Tim Loughton:

Dawn Primarolo:

Members: Correspondence [15 October 2009]

Mr. Blunt:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Primary Education [15 October 2009]

Tim Loughton:

Dawn Primarolo:

Pupils: Discipline [15 October 2009]

Mr. Laws:

Mr. Coaker:

Column: 1095W

Pupils: Teachers [15 October 2009]

Lynne Featherstone:

Mr. Coaker:

Schools: Broadband [15 October 2009]

Mr. Swire:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Schools: Sports [15 October 2009]

Mr. Bone:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Secondary Education: Per Capita Costs [15 October 2009]

Mr. Kemp:

Column: 1096W

Mr. Coaker:

Teachers: Pensions [15 October 2009]

Steve Webb:

Mr. Coaker:

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